Friday, April 28, 2006

A Post I Agree With

Good Points


At 7:18 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

yes, I totally agree with that poster ;)


At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed! Sadly I think the answer is as simple as internet friends being some of these peoples only friends.

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know. It's pathetic, as usual. I take nothing seriously on 2pees - and I almost, note the word 'almost' feel sorry for anyone who has to subsitute a computer for a real life friend.

But then again, I came onto 2pees with my guns drawn and do relish in pissing those bitches off. I have never met such a faux bunch of GROWN women in my life.

I would never hang out with anyone who acted like these bitches do in real life. I'd most likely end up in a fist fight with them. No doubt. I wish I could cyber-punch them.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is getting boring. ~snooze~

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is getting boring. ~snooze~

Yet you are still reading and posting to it--what does that say about you asshat?

Maybe next time you could use the "shouldn't you people be playing with your kids instead of sitting on this computer being vile and hateful" line next.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is getting boring. ~snooze~

Yet you are still reading and posting to it--what does that say about you asshat?

Maybe next time you could use the "shouldn't you people be playing with your kids instead of sitting on this computer being vile and hateful" line next.

I am really hoping some of the losers here (like yourself) don't have children.

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are still reading.

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are still reading.


At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing out something positive Mr/Ms Blogger :o)

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god.

Sassafrass is such a total, utter freak.

How can anyone even respond to her?

(sorry, just had to get that out :)

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there Anne Marie!

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"oh my god.

Sassafrass is such a total, utter freak"

It is sad you have so much hatred for one person that you bring them up a thread so not about them. You must really want her to be bashed on this thread or blog. She has been posting like any other pea for months. Maybe you should get some counseling to deal with your deep seeded hatred of someone from a MB?

At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god, and what about girliegirl, what a total dork. do you see why this blog is such a bad idea?

At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont really mind sass. she is harmless.

I really wish you would have done a better review of Sherri_N I have been waiting for someone to see her true colors. I was a bit disappointed in your review. :(

Maybe I should start my own 2peas blog also.........NAAAHHhhh that would give them a heartattack. LOL

At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave Sassafrass alone. She is so nice and she has made some mistakes (who hasn't?) She is a nice person. I don't mind when you pick on those who have a thick skin and have been biotches to others with personal attacks etc..

At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"shouldn't you people be playing with your kids instead of sitting on this computer being vile and hateful"

Or, at the very least, be making some kind of real contribution to the world, instead of sitting on your fat miserable asses obsessed with people on a message board.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 2 Peas board is better than Jerry Springer some days!

I can't believe how these twits scream and whine about how hurtful and evil that awful blogger is. Apparently, the dozens of women they've massacred on that board in the years I've been lurking don't count. THOSE people deserved it, of course.

But don't try to call them on their behavior when they pile on somebody like a pack of rabid wolverines. They would NEVER do that. They are way to kind, and civil to do anything that cruel. Unless she did something to deserve it. Like disagree. Or spell something wrong.

Love Ya Mystery Blogger! You are really getting those bitchy women to show their true colors. The chaos on 2 Peas is at an all time high!

They're so overwhelmed by their own insecurities they didn't even rip apart the poster that said maybe Manda shouldn't have put smut on the world wide web if she didn't want people to see it. Actually holding people responsible for their own decisions is the worst possible thing you can do in that place! God forbid someone point out maybe Manda shouldn't actually DO stupid things - let share them. That would be real heresy.

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sassafras is not nice, but she is short bus retarded.

At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

short bus retarded.


At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sass is many things: Volatile for sure, almost as unstable as Steffie, immature when it comes to dealing with life, selfish when it comes to putting her own needs ahead of family, spouse and innocent outsiders, clueless when it comes to running a business, inappropriate in disciplining her children, the list goes on and on. Yeah, I'd agree she's pretty retarded.

At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unrelated to this post - I just wanted to say I love this blog!!

Let's have more "Meet the Peas"!!

At 1:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have I missed any posts on this blog ripping apart StephStanley? Because I sure would like to see that piece of white trash dissected!

At 1:30 AM, Blogger Fern @ Life on the Balcony said... agree with a post about not taking a message board too seriously and yet you have started a blog about said message board and spend countless hours posting to said blog about said message board. I don't want to repeat myself, but is anyone else loving the irony?

At 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good night everyone!

At 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the saying...

you are with the big dogs now?

something stupid like that.

Well this blog is the bigger dog IMO!

At 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or, at the very least, be making some kind of real contribution to the world, instead of sitting on your fat miserable asses obsessed with people on a message board."
Just because you have a fat ass doesn't mean I do! Mine looks quite nice. Probably why I have friends in real life.

At 6:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or, at the very least, be making some kind of real contribution to the world, instead of sitting on your fat miserable asses obsessed with people on a message board."
Just because you have a fat ass doesn't mean I do! Mine looks quite nice. Probably why I have friends in real life.

5:05 AM

Sure I bet you are a supermodel. Why don't you try posting a picture and we can all see for ourselves.

At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I just say I hope those of you using "retarded and short bus" have karma bite you in the ass and have a mentally retarded child or a mentally retarded grandchild! Regarding this:

"Sass is many things: Volatile for sure, almost as unstable as Steffie, immature when it comes to dealing with life, selfish when it comes to putting her own needs ahead of family, spouse and innocent outsiders, clueless when it comes to running a business, inappropriate in disciplining her children, the list goes on and on. Yeah, I'd agree she's pretty retarded."

You are nuts. I don't agree with everything Sass says or does but she sure does put her family first. Her kids come first and this seriuosly is WAY off mark. She has an autistic son and three other special needs kids? How many do you have? Have you adopted 3 kids from foster care? How the hell would you know how she runs "her business" she barely speaks of it on the board! I didn't even know she had a business. I haven't seen a "volatile" episode in I don't know how long. You people that come here and just trash and trash are SICK and NEED HELP. You have the nerve to trash everyon else when it is you BITCHES you look violatile!

At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

***Can I just say I hope those of you using "retarded and short bus" have karma bite you in the ass and have a mentally retarded child or a mentally retarded grandchild! ***
I love how people wish bad things on people in the guise of Karma. How do you know karma won't come back and bite YOU on the ass for wishing bad things on people? How are you any better? Hoping people have retarded kids/g-kids is pretty low in itself.
You are no better than the people that have pissed you off. Seriously. NO BETTER.
Fucking hypocrites, make me sick.

At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

***Can I just say I hope those of you using "retarded and short bus" have karma bite you in the ass and have a mentally retarded child or a mentally retarded grandchild! ***
I love how people wish bad things on people in the guise of Karma. How do you know karma won't come back and bite YOU on the ass for wishing bad things on people? How are you any better? Hoping people have retarded kids/g-kids is pretty low in itself.
You are no better than the people that have pissed you off. Seriously. NO BETTER.
Fucking hypocrites, make me sick.

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... agree with a post about not taking a message board too seriously and yet you have started a blog about said message board and spend countless hours posting to said blog about said message board. I don't want to repeat myself, but is anyone else loving the irony?_____

It's like RAAAAAiiiiiNNN on your wedding day!
Jesus Christ Fern. What the fuck are you even doing here? Don't YOU spend countless hours looking down your nose at people at 2 peas? You have to do it here too? PUH LEEZE!

Just like Alanis you don't know irony. NOW isn't THAT ironic? LOL!

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, a group of peas who are telling it like it is instead of sitting on that NSBR kissing each others ass. What a relief to see you all for what you really are. Can't we all just admit we are a bunch of back stabbing bitches who kiss ass to fit in?

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, a group of peas who are telling it like it is instead of sitting on that NSBR kissing each others ass. What a relief to see you all for what you really are. Can't we all just admit we are a bunch of back stabbing bitches who kiss ass to fit in?

spoken like a true NSBR wannabee

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't agree with everything Sass says or does but she sure does put her family first. Her kids come first and this seriuosly is WAY off mark. She has an autistic son and three other special needs kids?


So, which one of these kids did she make stand for 3 hours while posting pictures on 2peas encouraging pealand to make fun of him? Of course, the peas were more than happy to accomodate and pat her on the back telling her what a wonderful job she was doing! I'm glad her kids come first!

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia, you are a genius!!!

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hoping people have retarded kids/g-kids is pretty low in itself"

I think making fun of retarded people and the short bus is the LOWEST of the LOW. Serves them right. Let them have a mentally handicapped child and THEN talk about the short bus. BET YOU THEY DON'T THINK IT'S AN INSULT OR FUNNY THEN!.

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way I really don't believe in Karma I believe in the wrath of god who created those so called short bus people and in HIS he doesn't make JUNK!~

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm a little bird told me someone would come over here and make it all about the liberals LOL cracks me up. yup there's a liberal conspiracy at 2peas. in fact, the conspiracy at 2peas is sooo large that the peas are the ones really controlling the gas hike in order to force people into making the environmental friendly life style choies *they* want. yup, all about the left leaning peas. pull up your big girl panties, undo the wedgie and move on...and for the record, i'm not a liberal or a conservative. i think for myself, thank you very much!

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Can't we all just admit we are a bunch of back stabbing bitches who kiss ass to fit in?"

Nope, I say what I want. If they don't like it, I don't care.

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't agree with everything Sass says or does but she sure does put her family first. Her kids come first and this seriuosly is WAY off mark. She has an autistic son and three other special needs kids? How many do you have? Have you adopted 3 kids from foster care?


Sass does not put her family first. She needs parenting classes that's for sure. I feel sorry for her kids.

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sass just seems very odd and immature to me. I mean what about that email she sent to the other pea about bumping her posts? what grown woman sends an email with swear words in it right off the bat?

And I feel sorry for her kids. She's constantly complaining about them and about all the horrible things they do.

And good of a mom can you be when you're on the computer all day? and some women are on alllll day.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said... have me totally LOLPIMP...

I actually like this me, someone else saying it like it is!!!

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And I feel sorry for her kids. She's constantly complaining about them and about all the horrible things they do.

And good of a mom can you be when you're on the computer all day? and some women are on alllll day."

I think it's called "venting" I have also seen her post positive comments about her kids. Those just don't get as much attention. She has also said she subs 4 to 5 days a week so I don't know HOW she can be on the computer all day. If you are referring to other people some people have kids at school all day.

Look I really don't care. This blog will carry on with or without me. It's a hatred filled place with ugliness. I just HATE it when people make fun of mentally handicapped kids. I have a mentally handicapped child and a sheltered living place is not far from where I live. I wish everyone were as happy and accepting as the so-called "retarded, short bus" people of this world. I woud be a MUCH better place. Like I said before god does not make junk and these people are human beings but then so are the other people being trashed on here.

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sass does not put her family first. She needs parenting classes that's for sure. I feel sorry for her kids."

I am pretty sure she has had parenting classes beings she adopted through foster care!

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Kathy said...

dont go dissing Sass....

she seems to be nice and just wants to fit in....

i like her

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are getting bored with this blog already. LOL

At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this blog is getting redundant and boring.

At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

most ladies at 2peas are fat lazy azz women that need to get of the computer at watch your damn kids

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also agree, so strange, but I agree with alot that you have said.
I post alot on the peas, but find myself gagging and eye rolling alot also.

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I dont understand it???? why do people get so invested in this message board??

I post here often and read here often...but this isnt real life to people are not my friends...... "

Posts: 6512

6512 posts and this isn't real life for you? Please!!! ROFL!!

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

"6512 posts and this isn't real life for you? Please!!! ROFL!!

nope definitely not real life!!! LOL!! I have a moms group that I am moderator....and I have many friends IN REAL LIFE VIA THAT!! I have a job....part time..I have two daughters and a hubby!

I have been posting on 2peas for 3 years....I dont watch TV....but I do the internet.

you should read then entire post that I posted!

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like this blog. It's a tell-it-like-it-is free for all. And although I would LOVE to know who you are, it really doesn't matter in the scheme of things.
What I do NOT like is for people's real lives to be affected. I think the viciousness here comes more from the anonymous posters than the actual blogger herself/himself/themselves. And I would love to see this blog go on for as long as it can but with the visciousness of anonymous comment posters, I think eventually this thing will go down.
I think it's great that there are a lot of people on here that feel the same way the blogger does. I, in fact, have been nodding my head in agreement or chuckling with amusement at some of entries. But I think it goes too far when people are being triggered to go into "attack mode" for no other reason than to see people hurting or humiliated. Therein lies the problem.

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like this blog. It's a tell-it-like-it-is free for all. And although I would LOVE to know who you are, it really doesn't matter in the scheme of things.
What I do NOT like is for people's real lives to be affected. I think the viciousness here comes more from the anonymous posters than the actual blogger herself/himself/themselves. And I would love to see this blog go on for as long as it can but with the visciousness of anonymous comment posters, I think eventually this thing will go down.
I think it's great that there are a lot of people on here that feel the same way the blogger does. I, in fact, have been nodding my head in agreement or chuckling with amusement at some of entries. But I think it goes too far when people are being triggered to go into "attack mode" for no other reason than to see people hurting or humiliated. Therein lies the problem.
Oh brother. Just stay on 2peas where you can rat out anyone that offends you. If they're so damn sensitive they shouldn't share every part of their private lives. They think they're so damn cool they can't imagine anyone not liking them.

Blogger, don't censor yourself for a bunch of sensitive hags. As you've seen on 2peas, someone is ALWAYS offended. They're just a bunch of controlling bitches that think that everyone should conform to their sheltered beliefs and lifestyles.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Ann Marie?

At 11:56 PM, Blogger Fern @ Life on the Balcony said...

It's like RAAAAAiiiiiNNN on your wedding day!
Jesus Christ Fern. What the fuck are you even doing here? Don't YOU spend countless hours looking down your nose at people at 2 peas? You have to do it here too? PUH LEEZE!

Just like Alanis you don't know irony. NOW isn't THAT ironic? LOL!

Hey, at least I have the guts to do it under my own name.


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