Saturday, April 08, 2006


Here we have a message board with not only owners, but employees. There are no member moderators on the board which is to say there is no student hall monitor to give out demerits and write peas up for doing something they shouldn't be doing. Not to worry though, 2 peas has tattletales.

2 peas has a feature on the message board that allows members to report threads that might be violating the TOU (terms of use). I don't really see anything wrong with being the one who reports a thread. But then there are peas who not only report a post, but they make sure they let the offender publicly know they have been reported. And some take it even a step further. They report the post, reply to the author to say they have reported it and then go to another category of the message board and start their own thread about what they did. That is what you call a tattletale. "Ha ha, Sally was eating the classroom paste again and I went and told on her."

Here is a perfect example of a tattletale from today.


At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops broken link, someone ratted someone out. I can not stand the fucking hall monitors on the site. They hord over waiting on the first mispelled word and the first chance to cry Mommy. Some have no life.

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea threads were getting pulled left and right.
I spend alot of my free time on 2 peas and except for the cruel stuff well frankly this is funny.
By the way someone said they were going to call your employer if you kept it up.
Just a heads up ... I personaly think that is way more cruel then something you can block or just ignore.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Threats, call her place of work. What will that do, is a blog a crime? Get real, this is just a blog. You take a chance when you share your crap on a forum. Do not like this, then do not get hooked in the saga.

Are you shaking, someone is crying over their own spilt milk.

At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just giving a heads up... I wouldn't do something like that and I told the girl who said she was gonna do it that I thought it was silly that's a quote... I'm anon cause I'm too lazy to sign up

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just curious. Are these comments coming from Adults or kids. If I had to guess I would say a kid but the sad part is they are coming from adults. And it just blows my mind that you people can be so childish and hateful. So what someone isn't like you. Does that mean they are a bitch? Just because they do things differently or have different views. So what a person has three kids by three fathers, that does give you the right to call her a slut. Who died and made you all god. I just don't get it. Maybe you should quit judging other peoples lives and start looking at your own. So what Kara posted about her house. If I came from nothing like she stated they have and was getting ready to make a purchase like that.. Than sure I would want to share it with others. Not to rub it in their face, but just to show it can happen with hard work and determination. I am sorry I seem to be going in several different directions. But I just thing it stinks that you guys come here to bash people anonymously, just because they are them. If you don't like them don't read their threads, or converse with them!!


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