Friday, June 02, 2006

Oh Goody

Now we have two of them. Let's hope this one is the brain of the family.


At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...I was just coming to post about this. Lord help us all!

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you missed the big Target face off in the pub, blogger! :)

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

24 years old and spells her name Lynzi???

At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a porn star that name

At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

affair alert post in NSBR!!

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are three of them - there's another one but I can't remember her Pea ID

Another pea to watch is Kevor. She's 6 weeks pregnant and posted about it 57142 times already. She's already worrying about a baby shower and what things she needs to get.

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like scrapbrooker but her sister's name is odd.

That is such a low class, midwest thing to spell name so odd. Why do people do that?

(oooh yeah, all you midwest girls are gonna come out now, huh?)

At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate Scrapbrooker...already feeling like since theis Lynzi chick is going to get on my nerves because she has the same genes as retardo. SICK of Amberjoy too.

At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Hilton Sisters of the NSBR....

At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, she's obviously old if she had to go on a mission. Many LDS women don't go on them because they're married.

And yeah, as a midwesterner, I don't get where you think the names are weird. Brooke and her co are from out west.

At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here we go again...

check out robinjoi's pharmacy thread:


some poor, unwitting pharmacists/techs come on to defend their profession and explain why there might be a wait, only to be called "APES" by qap, which seems to be perfectly acceptable behavior. :-(

if any of those peabitches got fucked up by an incorrect 'script, they'd certainly waste no time a) running to a laywer and b)wringing sympathy and indignation from their board buddies.

At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Changing this up a bit...

Does this woman post about every freaking aspect of her life???

At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She probably spells it Lynzi because that's her name.

Maybe she can help Brooke find her lost Diva cup.

At 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe with the two of them, they can figure out how Brooke got pregnant. Did you see Brooke's thread today about her doctor appt? COME ON!!! Get a freakin' pregnancy book and look this stuff up!!!! Or better yet, just use a little common sense!

At 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lynzi the lezzie

At 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

some poor, unwitting pharmacists/techs come on to defend their profession and explain why there might be a wait, only to be called "APES" by qap, which seems to be perfectly acceptable behavior. :-(

QAP is a Monique in the making. When I picture QAP, I see a 250 lb. brawny woman with a mullet and a unibrow.

At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"QAP is a Monique in the making. When I picture QAP, I see a 250 lb. brawny woman with a mullet and a unibrow."

EW. Just EW!

At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and what on earth has this girl ever done to you? Is she part of the MCB's that you so hate? Has she ever been cruel or nasty to you?

5 posts and you are tearing into her based on the spelling of her name, which may have been given to her at birth and who her sisters are.

You are just as bad as the peas you hate.

At 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the hell are these peas? This is bottom feeding.

Really running out of material here I see.

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's three. Brookie, Tami and now Lynzi.

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
and what on earth has this girl ever done to you? Is she part of the MCB's that you so hate? Has she ever been cruel or nasty to you?

5 posts and you are tearing into her based on the spelling of her name, which may have been given to her at birth and who her sisters are.

You are just as bad as the peas you hate.


That's the sad thing. This blog has become worse than the board. Yes, we have some bullies over there. We have occasional pile-ons. We have drama. But we also have kindness, help, and caring. We have congratulations when someone has something nice happen. We try to help when things go bad for someone. I see none of that here. I see cruelty and loathing. Running people down because of their size or skin color. Now, you have a new low. A brand new pea who's done NOTHING to anyone and you're running her down. For what?

Yep, you've become what you hate. And more so.

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or better yet, just use a little common sense!

- That is asking way too much to expect of 99 out of a 100 peas. You're delusional if you think any of them got a clue. It's never going to happen.


At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the sad thing. This blog has become worse than the board. Yes, we have some bullies over there. We have occasional pile-ons. We have drama. But we also have kindness, help, and caring. We have congratulations when someone has something nice happen. We try to help when things go bad for someone. I see none of that here. I see cruelty and loathing. Running people down because of their size or skin color. Now, you have a new low. A brand new pea who's done NOTHING to anyone and you're running her down. For what?

Yep, you've become what you hate. And more so.

9:54 AM

This is the BEST thing I have read on this thread to date.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"QAP is a Monique in the making. When I picture QAP, I see a 250 lb. brawny woman with a mullet and a unibrow."

This truly made me LOL!!!

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A brand new pea who's done NOTHING to anyone and you're running her down. For what?

- Can't you get it through your thick little skull because it's fun? You got no sense of humor.

new pea who's done NOTHING


- Yeah, not yet. Giver her time.


At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one of the most truthful things I have read on this blog. This blog has become what it originally claimed to hate.There is NO good here. Nothing. Just vile and venomous thoughts. Pure hate and lashing out because posters are so unhappy with themselves. The veil of anonymity shrouds your pathetic lives. And this is what you get. Negativity, 100%. Nothing good in that, nothing at all.

Now go ahead and call me a cunt. Because that's all you've got. That is the extent of your replies.
It's so sad, really. So sad. You all have become the laughing stock, not the other way around.

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow this is really fun.

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A brand new pea who's done NOTHING to anyone and you're running her down. For what? "

Very simular to the hags that went running over to The Pub to gang bang joylove for the Target card thing...and are STILL at it on the NSBR board. Now tell me again the bottom feeders are?
I don't always agree with everything that is posted here but I don't call those I disagree with name either. What I take issue is all of the 2peas prima donnas who come over here to chastise people here for doing EXACTLY what they do over there. Don't like it when it happens to you huh?

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That is one of the most truthful things I have read on this blog. This blog has become what it originally claimed to hate.There is NO good here. Nothing. Just vile and venomous thoughts. Pure hate and lashing out because posters are so unhappy with themselves. The veil of anonymity shrouds your pathetic lives. And this is what you get. Negativity, 100%. Nothing good in that, nothing at all."

ITA when you stoop to making fun of a name that someones parent gave them, you really are showing the world what a true bottom feeder is. I don't hang around with bottom feeders. I am not one and I will never be one.

This blog was sort of fun in the past, but the commenters have ruined it, IMHO.

I won't be back. I have better things to do, like getting an enema, root canal or cleaning a grease trap somewhere.

Blogger my leaving isn't about you, it's about the trash you have collected along the way.

I will read what the blogger posts, when I have time, but I will never look at the comments again.

And yes, I know, this will be answered by a bunch of smart ass replies...that I will never see.

At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the blogger may have had some things she needed to vent about. For that reason, this blog might've been a good idea. We all find absurbities on MBs that we see over and over and it's probably fun to finally just write about it!

However, the posts have gotten a bit picky and mean-spirited. At first, I found myself kind of nodding along to many of the blogger's posts. Not anymore.

The comments are beyond mean-spirited. They are foul, porn-filled, and cruel. There's no back and forth discussion...nothing of intelligence. Just foul language and childish rants. I've been on 2peas for years and on MBs for many MORE years. Never have I seen such back-biting, rudeness,cruel taunting, and superiority than I have here in the comments section. As someone said, you've become what you say you hated at 2peas. Only you are worse than 2peas ever was...even on it's worst days. Everything you say you hate about the women at're doing daily. You already have your little cliques here, even.

It's very sad to know that there are women out there with so much hate and vindictiveness towards others. It's also sad to see such childish behaviors out of women and/or men.

It's easy to hide behind the cloak of anonymity and spew hatred and foulness. there's no way any of you can carry that much blackness in your souls for it not to have come out in your postings at 2peas. Perhaps that's why you were not treated the way you felt you should've been. I'm sorry if you were not treated well but there are thousands of women at 2peas. Not all of them are the b*tches you think they are. Most of the women there are just living their lives and posting at a site they like.

I hope some of you will look inside yourselves and see that you've become exactly what you hate.

I don't mind owning my posts.

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And this is what you get. Negativity, 100%. Nothing good in that, nothing at all."

Kinda like the target pile-on, eh??

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of stupid spelling is Lynzi? It took me a minute to realize her name is Lyndsey.

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you actually read the so-called target pile-on? Because it wasn't directed at Joy after about the first three or four posts. It became more of a discussion on stealing versus not stealing, asking versus not asking, right versus wrong...and involved opinions. Anyone who commented on the layout itself said it was clever, cute, and well-done. Believe me, I've been in pile-ons and I've been piled upon and that wasn't a pile-on. It was actually a very good discussion.

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, she's obviously old if she had to go on a mission. Many LDS women don't go on them because they're married.

By old you mean 21? lol LDS and uneducated rednecks are the only ones getting married at 18.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know Joe was Mexican.

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It became more of a discussion on stealing versus not stealing, asking versus not asking, right versus wrong...and involved opinions."

Oh so now we're calling pile ons by the much nice name of 'discussions'? I read the posts in the gallery and on both threads on the MB. You can called what happened by any name you want to but it boils down to the same all picked her apart piece by piece until she caved in and pulled the LO and posted an apopogy. do you feel better about yourselves now? The same thing has and is happening now with others. The 2peas clique sees an opportunity to berate someone and the gnag bang begins. It doesn't stop and it never will. You even come over here and pile on people who you don't even know their names. And then you wonder why some of these comments can't be made on the MB. We do it because it's safer here. We can state opinion and not be publicly tarred and feathered.
So some people don't like Lynzi's name. Can you imagine what would have happend if they has said that on the MB? It would have been a trainwreck from the get go. So we state opinions here and only have to deal with you nosey ass peas who try to police this blog. Face it, you can't stand the fact the you are NOT liked by everyone like you think you are. You are no better than anyone who posts here.
I saw the "Numa' post today and even Cara in Tx made a snarky comment about how the girl looked like she was eplectic! How the hell would she know. What if someone had posted that the girl looked autistic?? Get in line for tickets! Maybe the girl in the video IS eplectic. But at the time I was reading the post, no one had made any comment on what Cara said. Oh no....that would be against the 2peas code of ethics wouldn't it?
So you go ahead and bash us here on the blog and then go back to your double standars on 2peas.

At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was only a matter of time before this crap fizzled. Just like all the other boards that try to spin off of two peas. Two peas rules, everything else is a pathetic little attempt to puff up and act tough.

Thanks for playing.

Crawl back in your holes now. We don't care anymore.

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obviously care or you wouldn't be here reading it. Asswipe!

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bluechiawhatever... you take the cake. Yeah there are some stupid foul posts on here. Trolls just like you get on 2peas. Plus you get your types like KD on here who make no sense. However there are also people who speak very well on here and their message is that they don't like SOME (some being the key word) of the woman on NSBR.

Do I think you are one of the witches of 2peas? No, not really however I have seen you stirr some shit up in the past with Maddy or whatever the hell her name was. ALl in all I think you are a pretty nice person. If you are going to side with the likes of Moni, and all those bitches then I have no choice to conclude that you are either BLIND to what they post or you have much cash in the "money bank" for them. That makes your judgement somewhat biased. I believe 100% that you yourself have rolled your little eyes at Scrapbookers posts. How can you not? The girl asks the dumbest questions at times. Assuming that her sister is as dumb as her is not really very fair. Some people have clouded judgement. Nothing I can do about that.

There are a lot of Peas who have NOT been at target here. There is a reason for that. You being one of them, I think you already know the answer to that. I have only seen people say shit about you when you come over and post your well written and very fucking condescending posts tsk tsking everyone. That is the type of thing that pisses people off. We are all adults, nothing you say or I say or anyone says is going to change anyone's mind on who is worse, the blog comments or the 2peas. I will say this, the NSBR bitches have actually been quite reserved on their bitchy comments so I am thinking they might have thought maybe I am looking like a bitch on here.

As for this comment
"It's easy to hide behind the cloak of anonymity and spew hatred and foulness"

Until you post your full real name and address, you are no better than me and any other anon poster. Not that I expect you to, I certainly wouldn't with all the weirdos out there. Surely you see that there is no difference??? It is just a defence that NSBR witches have come up with to defend their horrible, horrible actions on that board. That you have taken it up surprises me.

Respectfully yours,


At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMVO! She goes from being upset over a man to miss twinkle toes???

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Did you actually read the so-called target pile-on? Because it wasn't directed at Joy after about the first three or four posts. It became more of a discussion on stealing versus not stealing, asking versus not asking, right versus wrong...and involved opinions. Anyone who commented on the layout itself said it was clever, cute, and well-done. Believe me, I've been in pile-ons and I've been piled upon and that wasn't a pile-on. It was actually a very good discussion. "

Thanks for the laugh.

And yeah, I read the entire thing -- across multiple boards and threads.

Perhaps you need to have someone else read it out loud to you.

Or maybe you ought to ask Joy if she felt like it was just a "very good discussion".

But, hey, you go ahead and justify it to yourself and your peabitch buddies any which way you want.

Doesn't change the fact that it was yet another bloody, over the top, unwarrented, pile-on.

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *heart* anon 5:15.

Very well said.

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

6:47 PM

Take the caps lock off and relax honey. Everything will be just fine.

At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe how mental all those frumpy house fraus get over a chick taking a few Target gift cards. oh it's stealing! call 911. how many of those fat fucks take more packets of sauce, napkins, or straws from the fast food joints they know they won't need for the meal. Isn't that stealing? Self righteous twats! Stone casting Christian hypocritical cunt bags.

At 7:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i can't believe how mental all those frumpy house fraus get over a chick taking a few Target gift cards. oh it's stealing! call 911. how many of those fat fucks take more packets of sauce, napkins, or straws from the fast food joints they know they won't need for the meal. Isn't that stealing? Self righteous twats! Stone casting Christian hypocritical cunt bags.

6:58 PM

Ahhhhh psycho mouthpiece anon poster has arrived. Haven't we told you to not stop taking your meds little lady? Now go pop a pill STAT.

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ahhhhh psycho mouthpiece anon poster has arrived. Haven't we told you to not stop taking your meds little lady? Now go pop a pill STAT. "

So you don't like his/her delivery.

Perhaps you ought to re-read the target threads.

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were all snatching paint chips and laminate samples last year.

Last month, it was Starbucks crap.

Apparently it makes a huge difference who does the stealing.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just think if poeple are going to get all worked up and self righteous over something it should be over something that actually means something.

Like polluting, or recycling, or driving gas guzzlers.

These things actually mean something to society. Talk about a feeling of entitlement....doesn't even compare to taking a few target cards for scrapbooking.

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Did you actually read the so-called target pile-on? Because it wasn't directed at Joy after about the first three or four posts. It became more of a discussion on stealing versus not stealing...

I call BS.

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh psycho mouthpiece anon poster has arrived. Haven't we told you to not stop taking your meds little lady? Now go pop a pill STAT.

If you're going to insult someone at least come up with some original lines.

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now we have posters trying very very very very hard to sound somewhat intelligent. Doesn't work. You can't fake it.

Read some of Moni's posts. That's intelligence. And Sherrie N. And Seanna. And Tina.

At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Now we have posters trying very very very very hard to sound somewhat intelligent. Doesn't work. You can't fake it.

Read some of Moni's posts. That's intelligence. And Sherrie N. And Seanna. And Tina.

Then what are you doing here??

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing what you fools are up to.

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and who are you?

so first it was weight. and now it's "intelligence"

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now we have posters trying very very very very hard to sound somewhat intelligent. Doesn't work. You can't fake it.

Yawn! A person who has to always go around proclaiming herself intellectually superior is only trying to convince herself. A true intellectual doesn't have to beat her own drum.

You see so many pseudo-intellectuals on Two Peas. They are easy to spot. True intellectuals know they don't have all the answers. Pseudo ones think they know it all.

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Lynne. And no, you're right, I won't post my address. However, if there were dozens of Lynnes or bluechiwawamoms posting here, it might be different. You know who I am from the board. I have no idea which anonymous you are, do I? So, there's a big difference.

You have no idea who I laugh at or who I don't. Half the time, I don't even look at the name of the posters. And yes, I stirred the pot with Maddy back in the day. But then I went to her blog and realized that she had some major problems...I corresponded with her until her blog was removed. She knows how I feel about her and she knows that I care. She and I are good. I wish her nothing but the best. Since that time, I've never entered into any post that had anything to do with her.

The thing is, there are hundreds of people posting on 2peas at any given time. I can honestly only think of one who I think is truly mean...cold hearted and mean. I try my best to avoid her. Mainly because I feel she has some substance abuse problems. There are several on there who can annoy me...I rarely ever open their posts. For the most part, I like everyone on there. I'm sorry you feel the need to run an entire board full of people down just because you find some of them to be b*tches. I hate to say it but I see way more b*tchiness here than I do there. on a daily basis.

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pseudos on here are priceless.

It always ends up being about fat or money or color because those are the levels they can deal with. Anything past that, water is too deep.

Judging others, what a way to live.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but I see way more b*tchiness here than I do there


It's much worse here.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Judging others, what a way to live. "

Kinda like the TARGET thread, huh?

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hi Moni!

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Target thread was funny.
This blog is uninteresting. See how nobody comes here anymore. Yeah.

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So some people don't like Lynzi's name. Can you imagine what would have happend if they has said that on the MB?
The fact that you would even WANT to mention it means that you are not a nice or well-mannered person. Since when is it OK to tell people that you don't like their names? What kind of place do you live where behavior like that is OK?
It would have been a trainwreck from the get go. So we state opinions here and only have to deal with you nosey ass peas who try to police this blog. Face it, you can't stand the fact the you are NOT liked by everyone like you think you are. You are no better than anyone who posts here.

Nobody is asking you to like them. In fact, I bet that they don't like you and that is why you are here. Here, people don't know what a horse's ass you are. Other there, there are ramifications for being rude just for the sake of it.

Telling someone that you hate their name or it is a stupid way to spell it - yeah, it would have been trainwreck. Why? Because you would deserve to get told off.

You love it here because you get to take potshots at the "popular" girls. You get to tell them that you hate their names, or they are stupid, or whatever other childish insult makes you feel better about your own miserable life.

It must suck to have your crappy life. No one that is happy makes fun of people because of their names. If it is something that we teach are kids not to do, chances are you shouldn't do it either.

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It always ends up being about fat or money or color because those are the levels they can deal with. Anything past that, water is too deep.

Judging others, what a way to live

On two peas it's about showing off your cameras, houses, crocs, and scrapping supplies. Add some shit slinging calling each other names on political threads.

People hate each others guts on there so bad they have to form secret boards to hide out to talk about people on Two Peas.

This blog pales in comparison to the shit that goes on at Two Peas. Obviously the pea bullies can't handle the "comes around" part of what goes around. So they come here to tell us all how we're beneath them. buahahaha

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peas get to disagree with each other. It's not anonymous. They stand behind what they say with their name. Unlike here.

Stop and think for a minute. Who is here? Do a head count. Your numbers are diminishing, it's the same 3 people who say the same stupid stuff.

It really is because you are unpopular or unknown over there. That's what upsets you so much. You don't have the recognition that you think you deserve.

There are some great people over there, posting right now. They get it. You don't.

Your little party over here needs some help.

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must suck to have your crappy life. No one that is happy makes fun of people because of their names. If it is something that we teach are kids not to do, chances are you shouldn't do it either.

No one that is happy feels the need to tell people they have crappy a life. I teach my kids not to judge another person's life and sure wouldn't let them call it crappy. Chances are you shouldn't do it either.

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really is because you are unpopular or unknown over there. That's what upsets you so much. You don't have the recognition that you think you deserve.

Honey, if you take Two Peas or even this blog that seriously, it's time to get out of the house.

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take neither seriously.
It's pure entertainment for me.

The sociology of it all is amusing.

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you just post all your blog bashing in one post, instead of trying to make it look like there are oh-so-many people tsk-tks-ing us.

At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^^ tsk-tsk-ing

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please answer one, simple thing:

How in the world could you possibly know how popular/unpopular any of us are on 2peas?


You keep bringing our "unpopularity" up, like it like it's some sort FACT. Do you have ESP? Are you God?

If you know for certain that I'm unpopular at 2peas, the you must know my

I'm waiting.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very popular. Probably one of the most popular. Ever. I'm so in love with myself.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one that is happy feels the need to tell people they have crappy a life. I teach my kids not to judge another person's life and sure wouldn't let them call it crappy. Chances are you shouldn't do it either.

8:14 PM

You teach your kids not to judge but you think that it's OK to bash someone because of their name or appearance?

You sound like a great parent.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it is OK to bash people's names and appearances on some annonymous, annoying blog on the internet. I guess I think it's OK to act like a loser on a loser's blog, ya know?

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I'll spill a little secret....she's pretty darned popular at 2peas!!

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad is dinner ready yet?

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have posted once.
The other tskers are on their own.

Guess you can't believe people actually do not like you. Oh wait, yes you can. It's how you feel at twopeas. Now you have it here too.

See, it's ironic. It's all turned around on you.

At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not acting like a loser on a loser blog. I don't come here enough to care.

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must suck to have your crappy life. No one that is happy makes fun of people because of their names.

Um actually I think some people make a living doing just this it's called comedy. People who can laugh at themselves and others tend to be very happy.

I think many people with cute type names would even themselves agree that sometimes it's hard to be taken serious with that sort of name. Your name for good or bad makes an impression on others.

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't come here enough to care.

yeah okay.

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


you people miss the point yet again.

I post on 2peas, I get responses, I am not ignored. Doesn't mean I like a lot of what goes on there. It was brought up in the Target pile on. You love drama and you love feeling superior. You even had the nerve to post that you accepted Joy's apology. LMAO
I think she was more apologizing for bringing over the rabid bitches at NSBR then for taking the damn card.

I am now waiting for Manda's apology to the board. She should apologize to us all for subjecting us to that twisted S&M lifestyle she leads. Hey if she wants to meet strangers through the internet for some S&M sex that's fine but I want an apology. How her twisted little fucking life makes her better than Joy is beyond me.

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um actually I think some people make a living doing just this it's called comedy. People who can laugh at themselves and others tend to be very happy.


LOL Good one! I like that. Never thought of it that way.

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not acting like a loser on a loser blog. I don't come here enough to care.

Your theme here reminds me of moni and her "I AM ABOVE YOU" posts.

Shit we could argue this all day. You will never see what a patronizing bunch of bitches "some" of them are and I will never see how this blog is worse.

Swearing is the only difference and I am sure many of the NSBRs have want to let out the dreaded "cunt" here and there.

You know who was the first person to cunt on this blog?

8 one of your fucking people.

How do you like them apples?

At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm not acting like a loser on a loser blog. I don't come here enough to care. "

I hate the blog.

I don't care about the blog.

I never read the blog.

I'm avoiding the blog.

I used to read the blog but I don't now.

The blog turns my stomach and have to post daily to constantly remind everyone of my hatred for it.

I only read the blog to find typos to further prove my theory that posters are intellectually inferior.

I normally wouldn't be caught dead on this blog but feel the need to remind everyone to take their pills and to get some professional help.

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't get why so many are so fixated on some 2peas "popularity" contest....but i'll bite:

my posts are in the 4 figures, so i guess i'm fairly "popular" over there, whatever that means.

i don't post on "hot" threads because...

i've seen, over and over, certain groups gang up and eviscerate the weak, the newbie, or god forbid, the the unwitting person who dares disagree with them. for sport.

i can't begin to count the times i've sat at my computer, completely agast and stunned at their ugly, ugly behavior. their glee at poking the puppy.

each and every time i see it, i want to step in and tell them exactly what i think.

i never have, though. because, you see, they'll turn on me.

that's why i'm on this blog.

here i can say what i think, give my opinion, point out hypocrisy as i see it. in a safe, anonomous environment. and preserve my nice, bland persona over there.

i don't make fun of people's names, children, weight, looks, post porn or glibberish, or swear (much). i find those posts unfortunate.

so while you (the irate 2peas defenders) try and paint EVERYONE here as unhappy, unpopular, unintelligent losers,

you're wrong.

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I'm not wrong.
You really are a loser too.

At 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eloquent, well thought-out response.

At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice how slow this blog is now? Even new posts don't get much response.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck does Paigepea update us on every monthly birthday her ugly baby has?
8 months

last month

another one last month

more pics

maya baking cookies
I couldn't roll my eyes enough at that one.

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Demosthenes you're a bore.

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because Paigepea is a freak. No one gives two shits about your kid Paigepea. NO ONE. One more reason why the NSBR should be we don't have to see Paigepea's kid.

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"so while you (the irate 2peas defenders) try and paint EVERYONE here as unhappy, unpopular, unintelligent losers,

you're wrong."

I liked your post because it was well written and not full of filth. However, the last part really hit me. Because that's what I've seen here. I just wasn't able to get it into words. The blog is painting everyone at 2peas as bitches, idiots, losers, etc. as I've said before, the 2peas community is made up of many, many people. Anytime you have a large community of people, you will have your fair share of "bad apples", so to speak. That doesn't mean the community is bad. Same here. As you said, not everyone who posts here is bad. But, just like at 2peas, this blog community is a large group of people. Which means you'll have your share of bad apples. Like we said, the blog has become what it hates about 2peas. You have no control over what SOME blog readers do. Nor do I (or anyone on 2peas) have any control over what SOME peas do.

I think that's what bothers many of the peas. Just like it seems to bother you.

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the problem, both with 2Peas and this blog, is that the negative people - whether they agree or disagree - get lumped into one group. Then it becomes a "everyone at 2Peas sucks" versus "everyone at this blog sucks" pissing contest.

And honestly, I often wonder if they aren't the same people. But I must say I find it amusing when someone posts here that they hate 2Peas, yet continues to read there, just as I find it amusing when someone posts here that they don't read the blog. If you aren't reading the blog, then how are you even posting? ;)

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because Paigepea is a freak. No one gives two shits about your kid Paigepea. NO ONE. One more reason why the NSBR should be we don't have to see Paigepea's kid.

It's almost like she sees the peas as her family. I have a photoblog where I share pictures of my kids so their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives can visit to see how they're doing. But I don't expect the entire NSBR community at large to share our unbridled joy over Jr's latest poo.

If she hasn't any family to share pictures of Maya with, then I feel very badly for her. How sad that she's got a kid only her mother cares about.

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, in my opinion...Paigepea isn't the only one that shares EVERYTHING about her kid. It's the women like Scrapbrooker and Yvonne that give us every detail about their pregnancy. Or the teenage mom who wants to post about a mucous plug. C'mon ladies, if you would call your girlfriends about every one of these posts...wouldn't they get sick of you too? YES...they would. And maybe that's why they are putting all this crap on the message board because they have run out all their "real" friends.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....or find a maternity board.

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now, I post an occasional pic of my grandson on the board. He's cute and I think the world needs to see him! LOL! Yet, I have tons of family and tons of friends who see him all the time and love him dearly. People are proud of their kids. I remember when my first one was born...I wondered why the entire town wasn't up at the hospital to see her because she was absolutely beautiful! It they had had the internet back then, I'm sure I would've posted tons of pics of her!

As for the pregnancy's got to be scary to have a problamatic pregnancy. Luckily, I never had one. But, if I had, I would've been happy to have a place to case my husband or family was just too emotionally involved to listen to me all the time. That happens.

As for Paigepea's pg posts. Isn't this her first baby? Because, most first timers are absolutely in awe of the fact that they're carrying a life. We were probably all the same way. I know I was. I was wearing maternity clothes before I even had a bump. I was probably driving everyone crazy. Luckily, the people around me were indulgent enough to realize that I was proud to be pregnant and were willing to be happy with me. I'm so glad I didn't have anyone saying the things you are saying. Yes, you're anonymous but do you think that makes it hurt less to read your awful remarks?

She's got a new life inside her...a sweet baby. She's thrilled with this and, my gosh, what's more blessed than a baby?

Same with Teen in Oregon. I don't necessarily agree with her decision to become a teen mom but it's her decision to make. No matter what, she's still thrilled with her pregnancy and it's still a blessed baby.

I think there are many other things you can b*tch about on 2peas but I think pregnancies should really be off limits. We're talking about babies here...they don't deserve to have thier mommies dissed like this.

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there are many other things you can b*tch about on 2peas but I think pregnancies should really be off limits. We're talking about babies here...they don't deserve to have thier mommies dissed like this.

how old are you? are you an adult? what fucking adult says mommies. i bet you tell everyone you have to go POTTY when you need to go to the bathroom. get out of the house and interact with some adults lady!

babies don't deserve to have their mommies dissed. why not? Are they going to care when they are shitting in their diapers and sucking on a tit. You've been sniffing too much baby shit and it's rotted out your brain.

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"how old are you? are you an adult? what fucking adult says mommies. i bet you tell everyone you have to go POTTY when you need to go to the bathroom. get out of the house and interact with some adults lady!"

Since I have a grandson, you must realize that I am, at the least, an adult. I also teach preschool so words like mommies come fairly naturally to me...especially when paired with the word babies. They are, after all, mommies, aren't they?

The rest of your post I will just have to consider the "bad apples" part of the blog. You know, much like the peas you detest who jump on someone and try to tear them down?

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I do feel for these peas (Paigepea, Scrapbrooker, and Yvonne)...I feel sorry for the babies that they have or are having. I feel bad for the kids they have and/or the kids they will have in the future. I think that the way they act on the message boards is probably exactly like the way they act in real life. People don't like them on the message board and people don't like them in the real world. I don't care whether they like what I have to say. I just hope that they listen to all the comments about we're sick of them talking so much about themselves. It may be the's not the Scrapbrooker Related Board or the Hey look at Maya Related Board.

At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see karijoy's post? She said that she and her husband just started TTC last month and she's impatient because it didn't happen. Is this pea serious? Hopefully if she does get pregnant, she'll be a little more patient with the kid. I swear, these peas should not be able to reproduce. Oh...if this one gets pregnant, you know there will be at least 10 threads a day about:

"how many times did you pee today?"
"what does an internal ultrasound feel like?"
"did you want to have sex with your husband when you were 8 months pregnant?"
"can you please name my baby because we're incapable of picking names on our own?"
"how do you change a diaper?"
"should I call 911 if my baby has a diaper rash?"

I really wish the NSBR would be banned or that they would have an Idiot Related Board for the above mentioned peas.

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you already realize this, but people aren't really posting those things to get answers.

They just want to chat.

Really simple and nothing wrong with it. That's not really how I post, but I think it's fine.

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there should be a rule that limits peas to one adorable kid/pregnancy/health/infidelity/am i over-reacting/furbabies comment per month.

the occasional post is fine; but the repetitive stuff from the same few posters gets tedious.

save it for your irl friends and family.

or a topic-specific board.

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 2pea board just went poof! wonder how long it will be gone?

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because Paigepea is a freak. No one gives two shits about your kid Paigepea. NO ONE. One more reason why the NSBR should be we don't have to see Paigepea's kid.

It's almost like she sees the peas as her family. I have a photoblog where I share pictures of my kids so their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives can visit to see how they're doing. But I don't expect the entire NSBR community at large to share our unbridled joy over Jr's latest poo.

If she hasn't any family to share pictures of Maya with, then I feel very badly for her. How sad that she's got a kid only her mother cares about.

You're right! I didn't realize that. Paige once posted about how her in-laws don't even acknowledge the baby pics she sends them. She's so depressed that she doesn't live near her mother.

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If find the "name my baby" posts strange.

For one thing, there's tons of baby name books out there.

The only thing I can figure out is that some people lack confidence in their own decision-making capabilities.

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If find the "name my baby" posts strange.

For one thing, there's tons of baby name books out there.

The only thing I can figure out is that some people lack confidence in their own decision-making capabilities.

Or maybe they have seen enough people with cute but not adult names, creative spellings, and horrible middle name first name accidents that they relize getting the opinion of a few hundred people might stop them from naming thier child some jacked up name that will end up being the butt of the jokes on a MB in 20yrs.

It doesn't mean they are going to use them as a sole source but I'd love to know that the nice name I picked out is the main character in a horror movie I never saw or slang for a woman's crotch in the midwest.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, all I know is that I won't ever name my kid Paige or Maya or Brook(e) because I'm so F****** sick of hearing/seeing those few names on the 2peas site!

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know i never even noticed paige until the blog. she must just post at different times than me. coz now that you mention it she is pretty fucking annoying.

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right! I didn't realize that. Paige once posted about how her in-laws don't even acknowledge the baby pics she sends them. She's so depressed that she doesn't live near her mother.

Goodness. How terribly sad. I have a giant family and they all bug the crap out of me for pictures of my kids, updates on what they're doing, etc.

I hope her inlaws are just not the demonstrative type instead of them just not giving a hoot. But nobody doubts that Maya's momma is devoted to her. That's one good thing.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or maybe they have seen enough people with cute but not adult names, creative spellings, and horrible middle name first name accidents that they relize getting the opinion of a few hundred people might stop them from naming thier child some jacked up name that will end up being the butt of the jokes on a MB in 20yrs.

It doesn't mean they are going to use them as a sole source but I'd love to know that the nice name I picked out is the main character in a horror movie I never saw or slang for a woman's crotch in the midwest.

You're missing the point. The majority of naming threads are not 'what do you think of this name' but are 'please suggest a name because I have no fucking clue.'

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You're missing the point. The majority of naming threads are not 'what do you think of this name' but are 'please suggest a name because I have no fucking clue."

Well, no, that's not what the posts are because the peas generally have enough decorum not to use the F word...generally.

Also, I remember being totally blank when it came to naming my second. Nothing seemed right. I used to ask people all the time "Do you have any ideas?" just hoping someone would say a name that would just be the ONE!

I really think some of you are reaching. If you don't like a certain poster, then don't read their posts. Simple.

If you get this bent out of shape just seeing a name on a message board, you need to take a deep breath, get a glass of wine, and sit for awhile.

At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You're missing the point. The majority of naming threads are not 'what do you think of this name' but are 'please suggest a name because I have no fucking clue.' "

Actually I think it is more like:

"Please come chat with me because I am so bored and lonely"

Let me repeat myself: most people just want to chat and they want som distraction from their day to day crap.

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me repeat myself: most people just want to chat and they want som distraction from their day to day crap.

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Let me repeat myself: most people just want to chat and they want som distraction from their day to day crap.
...aka CHILDREN "

I'm sorry, but that doesn't make any sense.

I'm just stating the obvious: people want to chat, people want distraction. Why else would these MBs be so popular? why else are you here? am I here? That's why criticizing the topics is so silly.

People are bored with their lives. Not all the time. But sometimes.

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if people want to chat...find a chat room...not a damn message board.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why don't you try finding some real friends. like ones that are near you that you can meet and go get coffee with. or you can go scrapbook or something. maybe ask that person a thousand different questions about your stupid pregnancy. or if they have a fucking clue what to name your baby. or if they know if your babby's daddy is your husband. or if they know what a diva cup is. jeepers. get a friend. a real life breathing friend. not a message board that you want to turn into a freaking chat room.

At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"if people want to chat...find a chat room...not a damn message board."

Hey, easy there.

I'm not talking about me. Yes, it's true. I probably spend about 10 minutes a day at 2peas and about 30 minutes a total online.

I was just trying to have a "discussion" about how and why people ask the questions they do.

At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not hating on you. I'm just stating a simple fact. These retard peas need to find a damn chat room. All of them can get in one chat room together and drive each other crazy. They can share big ginormous boob stories by hunzer, rubbing teenage belly pictures by teenmom, or where the fuck is my diva cup by scrapbrooker.

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or maybe they have seen enough people with cute but not adult names, creative spellings, and horrible middle name first name accidents that they relize getting the opinion of a few hundred people might stop them from naming thier child some jacked up name that will end up being the butt of the jokes on a MB in 20yrs.

I hope that's true. Of course, we need to do the math and see if the people end up naming their kid the very thing all of the Peas rally against. Probably not. They just do their own thing, which is perfectly fine. But I love the Jaxon/Jackson lady. I'll bet $100 she names her kid Jaxon even though 90% of thte posters are begging her not to. ;)

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not hating on you. I'm just stating a simple fact. These retard peas need to find a damn chat room. All of them can get in one chat room together and drive each other crazy. They can share big ginormous boob stories by hunzer, rubbing teenage belly pictures by teenmom, or where the fuck is my diva cup by scrapbrooker.


2peas moves almost as fast as a chat room. Besides, it's a free country...they're free to post there and you're free to ignore them. Getting as riled up as you seem to be over posts on an internet MB is a little, uh, weird.

At 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the ladies in the 2peas "chatroom" move this fast in the bedroom! Hardy Har Har

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that you say "I'm not hating on you" and then the rest of your post implies that *you* are the one that needs to find a different MB or a chat room.

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK YOU ASSWIPE. This is my chatroom. Just like you think 2peas is your chatroom. Go stick a Primas bottle up your ass and let that inspire you to fuck with me some more.

At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK YOU ASSWIPE. This is my chatroom. Just like you think 2peas is your chatroom. Go stick a Primas bottle up your ass and let that inspire you to fuck with me some more. show SO much class.

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...and the person that is pointing out how little the above poster is showed just as much class by repeating what he/she posted. Why don't you choose to ignore stuff like that?

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"like you think 2peas is your chatroom."

Yes, 2peas is my chat room. The only one I go to. But I don't complain about it. I just suggested perhaps that you should find another place. What's wrong with that?

I just can't picture you fitting in with a bunch of middle class housewives. Do you?

At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wow...and the person that is pointing out how little the above poster is showed just as much class by repeating what he/she posted. Why don't you choose to ignore stuff like that?"

Oh that's hilarious. If "ignoring" is so precious, why don't you?

At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

middle class housewives. is that what you are? then no. i would say that i am in a group of higher echelon housewives.

At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"i would say that i am in a group of higher echelon housewives"

I highly doubt that.

It's amazing how many people think they are above the middle class.

The middle class is huge. From secretaries to heart surgeons. OK, I'll give you this, if you have more than $10 million liquid assets, maybe you are above me. Good for you :)

Wait, are you the same person who said "I'm not hating on you?" that's who I was talking to.

But whatever.

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No...I'm not the person that said that. My husband and I don't have $10 million in liquid assets, but he is a Controller for Enterprise Rent A Car. I am not saying that middle class housewives are bad either...I'm just saying that I can hang with people that are at the very top with little problem.

At 12:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well no offense to you, but you are definitely middle class. Not that it matters... :)

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She may be "middle class" to that above definition...but I bet her hubby makes more than yours. And I would be willing to be that she has health insurance!

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

No...I'm not the person that said that. My husband and I don't have $10 million in liquid assets, but he is a Controller for Enterprise Rent A Car. I am not saying that middle class housewives are bad either...I'm just saying that I can hang with people that are at the very top with little problem.

12:17 AM

If that is the case then why are you here? Why are you at peas? Perhaps you should go hang out with your own kind.

At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What??!! are you talking to me?

Yes I said that definition and there is no way her husband makes more.

See, so many of you think you are above middle class, don't you? I live in a very rich town (average price of house well over a million, including the one we bought 3 years ago) and my husband makes a lot of money and both of us even come from money and yet I still consider myself middle class. There is nothing wrong with middle class.

Oh, and we even both have graduate degrees. We're a high socioeconomic status...but still middle class.

I guess everyone has their own definition.

At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that is the case then why are you here? Why are you at peas? Perhaps you should go hang out with your own kind.

Ummm...correct me if I'm wrong...this is NOT 2peas??? Anon 12:32 a.m....this is 2 Peas In My Ass blog.

At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ummm...correct me if I'm wrong...this is NOT 2peas??? Anon 12:32 a.m....this is 2 Peas In My Ass blog. "

OK. That was funny. :)

At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was CLASSIC! I'm laughing so hard that my coke just came up my nose!

Should I call the ER???

At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

If that is the case then why are you here? Why are you at peas? Perhaps you should go hang out with your own kind.

Ummm...correct me if I'm wrong...this is NOT 2peas??? Anon 12:32 a.m....this is 2 Peas In My Ass blog.

12:33 AM "

I'm genuinely curious as to why someone who claims to be from the top rungs of society chooses to slum it at 2peas or here. Just asking. Last I checked people were still allowed to ask questions.

At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking about how much money you have and what class you think you're in is a low-class thing to do.

Marie Antoinette you ain't, sister. You're down here eating cake with the rest of us.

At 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm...correct me if I'm wrong...this is NOT 2peas??? Anon 12:32 a.m....this is 2 Peas In My Ass blog.

I wasn't the one that said I was in the "upper echelon" dumbass. My take was that this person was saying...then why are you hanging out at Isn't that why all of you bitches are over here? You're too chicken shit to say what you really feel?

I bet that one of you is Miss Jen. She's a fucking bitch. I hate you Miss Jen.

At 12:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh, you're reading it so your as big of a loser as we are".
No, completely different. Sure, we read it. Everybody reads it.

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet that one of you is Miss Jen. She's a fucking bitch. I hate you Miss Jen.
I hate her too. What a bible-thumping bitch.

At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too would click "I hate Jen" if there were a place for polls on here!

Okay...let's start a poll:

Type 1 if you like Miss Jen.
Type 2 if you don't.
Type 3 if you wish she would drop off the face of Pea-world.

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Demosthenes you're a bore.

- And extremely fucking snobby.

At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would click #3.

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet that one of you is Miss Jen. She's a fucking bitch. I hate you Miss Jen.
I hate her too. What a bible-thumping bitch.

Not a Jen fan here, but man you two are bitter to be talking like this.

At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate her too. What a bible-thumping bitch.

- How many times do I have to tell you that annemarie is the only bible-thumping fucking skank around here!! You're starting to piss me off...


At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pat! You seem like such a positive person. Welcome to the bitch board! You fit in here real well!

At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a Jen fan here, but man you two are bitter to be talking like this.

Don't you mean "tsk tsk"?

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to hate seeing Miss Jen around the MB...but after the last few weeks...I think she is one of the more "real" peas out there. I'm so sick of people that feel like they can't say what they want to say. At least she has the balls to say what she thinks. So way to go Miss Jen for not backing down on anything you post! I hope more peas start following in your footsteps. That is...if they are agreeing with what I post!

At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.


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