Friday, April 21, 2006

I Thought I have Seen It All

I admit it's really cute when Mother's dress their children in matching clothes, especially real young children dressed to match their older sibling. And yes, I even find dogs dressed in little dog clothes kind of cute in a silly way. This , however is just sick. If you have time to make a dress for your child and your dog, then you have too much time. This is the kind of thing they put people in crazy hospitals for. Not to mention the dog is just butt face ugly.


At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have so much money do some good with it. Get some clothes for a kid that needs it. Not the dog.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um yeah dumbass - I MADE the dress - took $4 of fabric.

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I find it hard to believe that this woman has children other than her Princess.

How must her sons feel when every second post is about the cute Princess, her cute clothes, her cute expressions etc

The sons are never mentioned.

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

go figure, Mely can't even use her own name. No wonder her sons "lie" about her to their Dads. She ignores them all the time. The only time they get mentioned is when they happen to be in the same picture as the Princess. Spoiled brat, spoiled mom and now spoiled bitch of a dog.

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!! Its also "pea" material!

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how old is that child? and still with a binky?

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was soooo waiting for her to be mentioned. You and I seem to be on the same page about so many things I knew you wouldn't let me down on this one ;-)

Thank you for this refreshing blog!

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't she comment about not having money to get her kids braces or something since their respective fathers wouldn't pay for it. yet she has money to buy a new gymboree outfit for her daughter everyday. those poor boys. but i'm sure shell reply that she buys them on sale years in advance. so what even 20 pieces of clothes at $10 each is still $200, even if it is a great sale.

At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am speechless! Brilliant you are! I won't bother to repeat what the other posters have said (even though it is worth repeating). I have so much to say on this subject (Mely in general, not just the fugly dog) that it is hard to organize my thoughts to get to print. I will just say I totally agree with the other posters.

I look forward to more Mely blog enteries as I am certain others do as well!!! Thanks for a weeks worth of entertainment.

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what freaking ever - braces are paid for and done with - first retainer has been lost and replaced and paid for. Clothes are paid for. Kids have a damn good life. Circumstances have changed in the last few months and I am very very lucky. My boys are lucky to live a great life.

No I dont buy a new outfit a day. I actually trade items and bows for other items. There's a couple of peas who I buy or barter with for clothes. Yes my daughter has too many - and I recognize that and am dealing with that. I know damn well that I'm bot perfect and I dont pretend to be. I know that I'm not always right and I accept it.

If you have issues you should have the decency to bring them up with me rather than coming to bash me behind my back. It's so easy to be mean when hiding behind anonymous posts.

Oh my daughters nickname has always been sweetpea - which is why I picked out that fabric. I also have a similar dress in a watermelon fabric, apple fabric and sunflower fabric. I just happened to have extra of the pea fabric left over since someone commissioned me to make her daughter a similar set (also nicknamed sweetpea).

I'm a very lucky person and I think it's sad that people begrudge me my happiness. I'm luck to have a great husband, great kids and a great life overall. It's all far from perfect but I am very happy and I am sorry that me posting about the things that make me happy causes you people to have issues.

Please feel free to peamail me any issues you might have with me.


At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just to freaking funny! And Mely, this isn't behind your back, it's right in front of your face...get over yourself!

At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is behind her back when all you scumbags are posting anonymously. Nasty witches. Post your peanames here if you are so brave and bold.

...yeah... I didn't think so.

Love you Mely.

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mely, methinks the lady (used very loosely here) doth protest too much.

At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not hiding... not anonymous... unlike you other little witches.

What has Mely ever done to you? Done her own thing... you don't agree with it - fine.

Do you all feel brave and tough and wonderful now that you've *bashed* her... will you continue to post lovely things on 2Peas???

Mely, you're a doll... you're a Tramp... and we love you girl... don't stress yourself about this shit.

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please-Mely acts like the only kid in her family is her DD. Check out her blog title.
I can only imagine how her boys feel-2nd fiddle to the little girl. She is very cute and obviously well loved, but the boys seem to be chopped liver in comparison.

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My god you are all a pack of bitches..lay the hell of Mely...
she is not two an awesome mother who adores all her kids..

You call her two faced, yet you are all here posting anonymously..pack of fricken cowards..use your damn pea name if she bothers you that much..use your name and tell her..

Mely you know you are MY tramp...
you know I love you....
Ignore the narrow minded jealous people who have nothing better to do with their time..
Love ya tramp!

At 5:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mely does plenty of bashing herself. Those who live in glass houses really shouldn't cast stones. Have you ever checked Mely's blog. She loves to trash her message border ladies there (and rest assured Mely belongs to several scrapbook message boards). Only difference between this blog and Mely's is that Mely isn't brave enough to come right out with names. Instead she hides behind innuendos and thinly veiled humor.

As for being an awesome mother, that is yet to be determined. I have read more than once how her boys went without while thier respective fathers were behind in support but the third father (princess's daddy) was providing for her. There is just a problem with that. I suppose it must be trying at times to sort finances and decide who gets what when there are three fathers involved but I would think current husband would love and provide for equally. Deny it sure, we are all prepared but it has been posted about often.

The irony of all of this are you fellow tramps who are going on and on about having nothing better to do. Like I said, those who live in glass houses cast stones.

This blog should be up for an award. Quintessential entertainment. So glad I had crying babies that had me out of bed at this ungodly hour.

At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it highly amusing that you bitches are so wrapped up in Mely's life that you seemingly have none of your own. Let's face it, for anyone to be so concerned or to know the details of another person's life that they only "know" over the internet is pretty damn pathetic. Telling Mely to get over herself already? Hello Pot! I mean, seriously, get off the high horse you rode in on. ALL of her children are loved and for anyone to assume otherwise is just a dumbass.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Sunshine36616 said...

I think that dog is adorable

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mely is a kind and beautiful soul and has always been supportive and generous to me. I can only believe that is in fact how she behaves in real life. She may have differing opinions than I but has always expressed them to me with grace and respect.

It is so sad to me people are taking pot shots at her on a blog. To me it is cowardly and strange that grown women can not interact with each other with more respect than this. The persona that we each have on the internet is a tiny piece of who we really are in real life. It would be good to remember that when engaging each other on here. ~Aimee/Aimmer

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, miss anonymous with the crying forgot to leave your name....oops.

At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The irony of all of this are you fellow tramps who are going on and on about having nothing better to do. Like I said, those who live in glass houses cast stones.
Well whether I have nothing better to do is not the issue here..I do not sit here and bad mouth people and put down their parenting obviously have the most incredibly shallow and depressing life that you get off on attacking the way people parent.who gave you the right to judge??
You want judgement??
I think you are the rudest most obnoxious person, who needs to get a fricken life and back the hell of Mely.

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have several Mely issues. Some have been addressed here. My biggest one is do you think that no one else takes pictures of their children? No one else thinks their children are cute? Why do we need to see you post a picture a day of your child? How pathetic are you that you crave that attention day after day? Look at my cute kid, look at my cute dog. Can I recommend a photography class for you? A zoom lens? Instead of sewing clothes for your fugly dog, why not scrap after you clean that mess of a house? Now there’s a concept! And if the Pug Board finds your behavior so normal, why not become a regular there & stop torturing us?

At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have several Mely issues. Some have been addressed here. My biggest one is do you think that no one else takes pictures of their children? No one else thinks their children are cute? Why do we need to see you post a picture a day of your child? How pathetic are you that you crave that attention day after day? Look at my cute kid, look at my cute dog. Can I recommend a photography class for you? A zoom lens? Instead of sewing clothes for your fugly dog, why not scrap after you clean that mess of a house? Now there’s a concept! And if the Pug Board finds your behavior so normal, why not become a regular there & stop torturing us?

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I loved that dress...both the doggie dress and the kid dress!

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mely I said something not nice here yesterday and I'm sorry. I don't know you and it wasn't my place.

At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dog dress was cute, but the big girl with a pacifier? Did you see Mely's PVM thread with the title "My family is SO UGLY!" Who says that about their own kids?!!!I can't stand her, she's such a bitch!

At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the comments and learned that Mely's kids are by 3 different fathers? lol Damn maybe she needs to keep her legs closed and get her life together. Hopefully this marriage will last for her.

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's Mely's blog address?

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... Awww, poor Mely. So sorry your feelings are hurt. Perhaps you will reflect upon this experience then next time you find the need to bash a 2Ps or LifeMoments lady.

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have one word for Mely: KARMA! It's almost comical to see that she is finally getting a taste of some of the venom she is often spewing about others.

I tell you, finding this link at Two Peas was like the survivors of "Lost" finding out that there were others on the other side of the island JUST like them. I knew you were all out there too, I knew it!

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"did you know" thread on 2 Peas..

sounds like a PVM thread or a hint for someone to back her


At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just curious. Are these comments coming from Adults or kids. If I had to guess I would say a kid but the sad part is they are coming from adults. And it just blows my mind that you people can be so childish and hateful. So what someone isn't like you. Does that mean they are a bitch? Just because they do things differently or have different views. So what a person has three kids by three fathers, that does give you the right to call her a slut. Who died and made you all god. I just don't get it. Maybe you should quit judging other peoples lives and start looking at your own. So what Kara posted about her house. If I came from nothing like she stated they have and was getting ready to make a purchase like that.. Than sure I would want to share it with others. Not to rub it in their face, but just to show it can happen with hard work and determination. I am sorry I seem to be going in several different directions. But I just thing it stinks that you guys come here to bash people anonymously, just because they are them. If you don't like them don't read their threads, or converse with them!!

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Some of you are so mean. If you don't like something or someone-Didn't your mother teach you to not say anything at all? That is what I am teaching my children.

I may not agree with somethings I read on Twopeas or Lifetime Moments but I just close the post and move on to something else. You should try it!

Who cares if she chooses her time to make a dog outfit. The poster of this site spend their free time bashing people and Mely took some of her free time to make the outfit. Everyone makes their own choice on how they spend their free time. Some browes websites, some bash others, some sew, some are couch potatoes, etc.....

And for the record I have never even spoke or emailed Mely. She has no idea who I am. Neither do any of you. I have been a lurker for years.

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really mean towards Mely. While I may agree with some of it, I think some of these comments are over the top.

I do think it is sad that she never talks about her boys. I have often wondered why. And there for quite awhile, I had NO idea she even had more than one child.

I do understand having a little girl and wanting to princess them up, but darn, those boys need attention too :(

All that said, Mely is a nice enough person and making cruel comments to her for the pure purpose of hurting her feelings is very over the top!

At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's Mely's blog address? Anyone?

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, I'd never make my dog a dress, but like others said she can do whatever she pleases.

What I have noticed about Mely is she can make snide comments and passive aggressive statements about others, but can't handle itwhen it is directed to her.

Just a ditto, ditto, ditto to what others have said. I think she is trying to "find" herself. She declares hrself "crunchy"...breastfeeding only, c-sections are "evil", blah, blah, but yet she tries to be a yuppie (namebrand clothes and purses, gas guzzling SUV are just a start). Make up your mind. Also, she declares a housekeeper is bad to have if you are a SAHM at LM, but she claims she wants one at 2Peas. Again make up your mind!!!!

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i believe mely drives a minivan not a gas guzzling suv ;)

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is PA and IL in the house

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you don't like a kid or a dog or a person, just turn the other way and go on, peaple! Grow up and stop acting like a bunch of spoiled and jealous children! I am the mother of 3 teeneagers and not one of them acts as immaturely as this group of women.

I don't know Mely very well. I do know that I have seen her post about doing things with her sons. So what if her life seems consumed by the youngest member of her family? Children at that age require a lot of time and energy and therefore will be the subject which occupies most of a mother's thoughts.

Who among us has never had an issue with finances? And who here will say that a man who gives a woman a child should be free of any financial responsibilities to that child simply because she marries another man? Many of the posts I've seen Mely make about finances deal specifically with deadbeat dads. How hypocritical of every one of you who would berate her for expecting those men to do their duties when you would cry out with equal vehemence if it were your own situation! You have not lived her life or walked a mile in her shoes. You have no idea what choices you would have made had you been in the same situations!

Any one of us could quickly and easily name persons on message boards who grate our nerves. It happens. It's called diversity. When I see a post by someone for whom I have less than warm feelings, I simply leave it be and move on. I don't open it. I don't sit and grind my teeth about what the post says. I'm an adult and I know how to move on without letting ugliness bog me down. If I do that, then I become ugly, too. I'm also adult enough to know that the people I don't care for are human beings and in a dire situation, I would do whatever was necessary to aid the very people I avoid at other times. That's called compassion. I think several of you need to go back to kindergarten and learn what it takes to live in a world with people other than yourselves.

At 3:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tillie, are you a pea? If you aren't, would you consider becoming one? ;)

At 1:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ugliest dog ever. Chair also.

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does she ever NOT decorate that kids hair with gaudy bows and ribbon? She is a child not a doll.


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