Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Judging Those For Judging You

There was a post today from a mom who has a "special needs" child (which BTW I think is a term that gets waaay over used these days) who was labeling kids at the playground as 'mean'. Apparently her "special needs" child drools and she got drool all over one of the play tunnels and some kids came upon it and made a comment about there being spit everywhere - yeah, someone's spit where you are playing is gross no matter who is comes from. The saw there was drool all over this womans little girl and the kids shouted that they need to get away. All the while the little girl carries on unaware of the issue. Her post title asks why kids are so mean. She receives several response from people commenting about kids being mean.

Okay so explain this to me like I am an 8 year old. Don't you think it is going a bit overboard to not only call these particular children mean, but to make such a wide generalization about kids? As an adult, if you see someone spit on the ground, what is your reaction? I realize there is a difference between spitting on purpose and not having control over drooling but it's all someone's spit and it's gross to other people no matter how you look at it. What are the odds that these 'mean' children knew and or understood that your daughter couldn't help her drool? All they know is the area they are trying to play in has some kids spit all over it. Let's not be so quick to judge them and label them as mean child.

Here is the thread.


At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant stand the woman who post about her special needs kid either get over the retarded fucker because no one else wants to hear about the stupid bastards drooling problem or any of his problems! you're patronizing him all over the net!

At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was extremely rude and uncalled for. >:(

At 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would ya want to call your kid "spcial guy"? You might as well slap a label accross his head that says retard. Why set him apart from the other kids? I am sure he wouldn't appreciate it--well, if he could understand it.

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...I would hate to be you one day standing there in front of your maker...trying to explain why you would discriminate towards someone that can't change who they are. Pretty sad when an adult acts in such a behavior.

At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the "special guy" bullshit gets to me too. I think all my kids are pretty damn "special"! It cracks me up how all these moms refer to their kids as "special" "add" "adhd" or "autisitic" but I never see a mother refer to their kid as my "blind" daughter or my "diabetic" son or whatever. They want them to have all these "special" services but they don't want them to be treated "special" in the class room. Trust me ladies, the other kids in the class room know why that aide is setting there with your kid! Quit giving them excuses and start teaching some coping skills.

At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you fools are special too.

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just curious. Are these comments coming from Adults or kids. If I had to guess I would say a kid but the sad part is they are coming from adults. And it just blows my mind that you people can be so childish and hateful. So what someone isn't like you. Does that mean they are a bitch? Just because they do things differently or have different views. So what a person has three kids by three fathers, that does give you the right to call her a slut. Who died and made you all god. I just don't get it. Maybe you should quit judging other peoples lives and start looking at your own. So what Kara posted about her house. If I came from nothing like she stated they have and was getting ready to make a purchase like that.. Than sure I would want to share it with others. Not to rub it in their face, but just to show it can happen with hard work and determination. I am sorry I seem to be going in several different directions. But I just thing it stinks that you guys come here to bash people anonymously, just because they are them. If you don't like them don't read their threads, or converse with them!!


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