Design Teams
Educate me. What is the big uproar about being on a design team? I have been reading the pub (lots of "tooting" going on over there, you ladies might want to get that checked out)and there is a lot of talk about design teams. Is this like for the scrapers who aren't good enough to be published? Are they the second string in the scrapbook world? Not really good enough for the big time are ya? Really, any shmo can jump on the scrapbook bandwagon and open an online store. Figure how many online scrap stores there are, nearly all which have DT's. Do you really think you are that special to get chosen? Or maybe I have it wrong. Perhaps it is just about the free stuff??? 100 bucks says the published ladies are laughing it up hard while congratulating you for making a lousy DT.
It's all about fame and recognition. The "I'm so much better than you" that permeates this hobby. It's a PVM.
Definitely second string and who the hell surfs the web pages of these design teams anyway? I've never even heard tell of most of the sites. Guess it looks good on your latest CK submission resume.
Oh man, don't even get me started on the "scrapping resume" bullshit.
How pathetic is that?
Anonymous said...
Oh man, don't even get me started on the "scrapping resume" bullshit.
How pathetic is that?
7:45 AM
I'm embarrassed for these women. They include the stupiest shit on their "scrapping resumes". Um HELLO if you are good enough, you'll get asked to submit of win major contests. If you have to put together a resume and "sell yourself" then you aren't that good.
I'll admit...I love the free stuff...
I'm embarrassed for these women.
Me too. One of the reason I don't go to crops and I'm mostly a closet scrapper is because of crap like this.
In every group I've tried to be part of there is one gal who is "published" and her word is like God speaking. it's annoying. Yeah great you love this product or that one I'm don't and the fact you are on a desing team or were last months Scrap-n-Crap magazine doesn't mean squat to me. I thought your layout was ugly.
ITA with anon is another form of a PVM.
Don't be embarrased for us. We're loving the free boxes of free stuff :)
I never thought of it as anything more than being excited about being involved in something.
I've tried out for a few DTs and haven't made friends tell me I am good...maybe they are just trying to make me feel better! :o) If I made a DT or two, I'd be excited too!
I have been on a couple of design teams and I have been turned down for a bunch of them (a couple of the ones that passed over my entries actually came back a couple of months later to ask me to be an "honorary member"...yeah...let me jump on that right quick!). I finally woke up when I realized that a certain scrapper in ATL was snatching up DT's everywhere that I would pop my head up and the common denominator was that her buddy was on all of the DT's she got picked up for. That is when I decided that it was a bunch of crap. I am on my last day of a hellish GDT gig today... I'm happier than a puppy with 2 peters! Even though I got to pick out all of my goodies to work with I will never ever pimp myself out to a store or be forced to work that hard to stay within quota again. What was the name of that one site that had a DT call and the owner had all of these requirements that you had to fullfill 100% by a certain date or you wouldn't be getting your goodie box (yup, you got paid AFTER you produced the layouts, chatted your quota, started the required number of posts and written the appropriate newsletter every month), if you came up even 1 card, layout or post short, you didn't get your package! She was even keeping attendance and you got "vacation days"...if you violated her wacked out attendance policy you were penalized a months worth of goodies.!Is it any wonder that she didn't have a good turn out?
I don't think that anybody is pathetic for being on the DT's, I just think it's pathetic to think that being on 9 DT's will propel you into "stardom"...especially the gits that use their blogs as a DT selling point because they will mention various store goings ons...uh yeah... but if nobody is reading the damned thing what good does that do? There are very few DT's that are worth the time and effort that they demand. I will never be on another DT that requires that the DT keeps the board going. Look at what happened with the Scrapbook Stand... they used to have awesome kits but even back then the damned board was so damned stagnent you couldn't bear to be there!
The way I see it... if you want a design team... have it... but just keep it all in perspective... that box of goodies doesn't mean a whole lot to me if I have to create layouts with atrocious products or spend my scrapping time meeting "quotas".
Those ladies think the DT's is where it's at. Whatever "it" is. I've served on a couple design teams and owned a scrapbook store. It is more "prestigious" to be on a Design Team than to be just published.
I broke into the inner circle this year with a manufacturer and traveled the scrapbook convention circuit...what a complete nightmare that was. No joke. Definately not worth being away from my family...I got burnt out on scrapbooking and the shallowness of the business. I am just now getting back into scrapbooking for myself. It's taken me months and months to "recover".
If you think you want to be on a DT, think don't. Really. Make sure you know who your real friends are.
Peace out.
Wow, Listen to all the jealous types here!!! LOL!
I'm on 2 design teams, I love all the freebies - who wants to spend lots of $$ on scrap supplies if they don't have to?
Oh, & I have over 40 pages published, & more coming up over the next few months.
Sort of dispels that 'second string' theory doesn't it? :) Think you'll find a good percentage of DTers are published.
Wow, Listen to all the jealous types here!!! LOL!
I'm on 2 design teams, I love all the freebies - who wants to spend lots of $$ on scrap supplies if they don't have to?
Oh, & I have over 40 pages published, & more coming up over the next few months.
Sort of dispels that 'second string' theory doesn't it? :) Think you'll find a good percentage of DTers are published.
Who the fuck cares you snooty ass cow! What the fuck are doing on this blog anyway? Go back to the pub and fuck around on one of their blogs and talk about how great you assholes are. All of you probably talk as much shit as anyone else. Your a woman, of course you do!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, take your shitty ass supplies and shove them up your cold pussy! Maybe you'll get off on a pair of scissors, I hope!
Oh forgot to add, What the fuck is Mosh Posh????? Their all getting off on the Pub about making some shitty ass internet store's design team. WHO THE FUCK CARES!
POPPY INK SUCKS TOO! Nothing but a box full of garage sale, half-assed junk!
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