Friday, July 07, 2006

People On WIC Are Selfish

The WIC thread has gone to 14 pages?

*MSP is just mad because she can't afford to have another child, even if she did get WIC.

*How many times is Oceans4 going to tell us that she didn't take all assistance available to her? If she qualifies for so much assistance, is currently on WIC and sacrifices a lot for her kids, then why the hell is she having another baby?

*"It is in society's interests to have healthy mothers and children. Too bad some of you are so blinded by your own selfishness. " Did you ever think that if some people using WIC weren't so selfish themselves, then there would be no reason for non WIC users to be selfish in their opinions of the system? I am willing to bet that the majority of people who have used WIC are not those people who fall in that category of failed birth control and/or unforeseen financial trouble.

I know people who use WIC. 4 of them use it because they decided that at 13, 15, 16 and 18 that they wanted a child to love them. Even though they were unemployed, lived at home, were all from low income families, didn't have a complete education and didn't have the child's father in the picture. 2 of them went on to have 2 more children before the age of 21 and one of them has had a second at the age of 20.

Another family I know had 2 kids and had been struggling financially for a year and decided that was the time to try for another baby, (this is after the wife had an affair and gave that baby away) even though they were waiting for the car to be repo'd by the bank and filed for bankruptcy.

Yes, of course we want mom and baby to be healthy, but it wouldn't be a concern if many of those mom's weren't so selfish in the first place. Just because you are able to have a baby doesn't mean you should have one. When you TTC knowing you are going to need assistance (and yes, WIC is a form of assistance), knowing you are not in the best financial place right now, knowing you don't have the proper education to get a job that will help you financially then YOU are being selfish and it is abuse of the system.


At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you couldn't say this on the thread because?

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

puleeze - there are far more enticing subjects going on over there to rant on other than this one. Its been ground to a pulp in 14 pages anyway.

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nothing better than this. God.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger 2 peas in my ass said...

Anonymous said...
and you couldn't say this on the thread because?

5:19 PM

Because I rant on my own space.

At 5:57 PM, Blogger 2 peas in my ass said...

Anonymous said...
puleeze - there are far more enticing subjects going on over there to rant on other than this one. Its been ground to a pulp in 14 pages anyway.

5:30 PM

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than this. God.

5:38 PM

No one is forcing you to read my blog. If there is something better to talk about then go somewhere else and talk about it.

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear crickets in here.

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why are you too scared to rant over there? It's actually an interesting discussion. Do you prefer not to participate in discussions and just slam people over here?

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was the initial question even asked? Isn't that a tad personal?

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

after 14 pages there, don't you think what you've said hasn't already been said a hundred times?

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone catch this:

"We went from being on the verge of divorce to coming home and now trying for a baby." - Yuban Coffee

A baby won't save your marriage! Hot sex in Vegas doesn't make your marriage stronger.

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN! If you can't pay your damn bills, then STOP popping out more children. I feel badly for the children.

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of Course Socrates Mom and TinaF were quick to jump on the welfare defense wagon! Why don't these too get a fucking job and quit sucking our tax dollars dry.

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger is too scared to speak up on the forum I see. Your a pussy.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did everyone skip over Sarah or whomever that said they actually PLANNED on keeping it to have the one she is pg with now AND they got medical cards?
Noone jumping on her? I think the obvious has been said but looked over.
If you can't pay for your kid without assistance, don't "plan" on another or "assume" we will pick up the tab. So you work and "pay" for it too? Well then looky here, you are getting something for your tax dollars WE AREN'T!

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah was addressed sometime between pg 4-14 LOL
I think people are dumb. WIC is a government program, no it is not ran through the welfare office but it is a handout and you also have to have more than $$ guidelines but health risks, I am more pissed off about food stamp people than WIC but you know what?
Most WIC people get food stamps too.
Let's talk about that shall we? I wonder how many Peas are leaving out the rest of their assistance? Especially Sarah who gets medical cards? She is SO getting food stamps too..fucking breeder bums.

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am more pissed off about food stamp people than WIC

Amen. And all the welfare bums who get SSI for their kids. Its not the governments fault your kid came from a shallow gene pool. You birthed it, its your responsibility to take care of it. If you can't financially care for your kid, give it up for adoption to someone who can.

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they can't afford to buy their kid's formula or cheese...why the hell do they have a computer with internet service? Couldn't they spend the money on things their family needs. Or get off of 2peas and get a fucking job so you aren't relying on me and the other hardworking people in the world to pay your way. I'm so sick of people thinking that other people owe them something just because. Get over yourself.

At 1:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the welfare bums who get SSI for their kids"

SSI helps the disabled to survive. I don't consider them to be "welfare bums".

At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! I think WIC and similar programs are good for people who need it and are responsible! But what bothers me is people who are getting assitance because they can't provide adequately for the children they currently have AND they continue to have more children. It's insane and makes no sense! There's more to being a parent then giving birth and loving them. You MUST be able to provide for them too. If you don't think you can do it, then you should wait until you can. I don't understand why some people think it's their god given right to pro-create whenever the hell they feel like it without any concern as to how they'll provide for their children! Granted it's not my place, or anyone's for that matter to tell someone when to have children, BUT use some common sense. Be responsible! Just because you pay taxes doesn't mean it's the government's job to support your children for you. I pay taxes too, but I also know that as a parent it's my job to take care of my children and provide for them.

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SSI helps the disabled to survive. I don't consider them to be "welfare bums".

You don't know the "disabilities" some of these kids have that earn them a SSI check. Behavior disability, speech development, defiance opposition. Hell, if mom/dad are drunks or druggies, they can pull an SSI check. That's bullshit and takes away from the people who "really" are deserving of help.

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRAVO, Blogger!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oceans4 is the biggest idiot I've ever met in my life. She is baby-making machine with a loser husband. Just a year ago she was wanting to break up with him and now she's having the 3rd kid in 3 years. Yeah, that's a great idea!

Stupid freaking idiot!

At 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

stephanie480 said...
Yep, another trainwreck thread.

ITA with you on this one, Blogger.

You predicted this AFTER the thread got to 14 pages? Fuck! You're a genius Steph!

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You predicted this AFTER the thread got to 14 pages? Fuck! You're a genius Steph!

6:29 AM

It's a good thing you're anon because you're an idiot. A little reading comprehension is in order. Steph was AGREEING that it IS a trainwreck, not predicting that it WILL be. Geez, you must be a younger, less educated pee.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when people get on their computers, with internet service (which means they have to have cable or telephone service too) to talk about all the freebies they are getting from the government.
I also "love" (sarcasm again) bloggers with "welfare buttons" everytime they need something, especially those paying money for their own domains.
There is $100 a month right there for cheese and eggs. HEE HAW!

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

adding that the people that really need the help you won't find on a scrapping board with internet service at home that is for sure. Duh.
When I was a single Mom and got wic I had no tv, cable, telephone etc.. I had to save money for groceries, babysitter, clothes, diapers and gas for my car (that was paid for thank God). You don't have extras when you are in real need, these people have WIC and FS because they want to keep their wants, plain and simple.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

adding that the people that really need the help you won't find on a scrapping board with internet service at home that is for sure. Duh.
When I was a single Mom and got wic I had no tv, cable, telephone etc.. I had to save money for groceries, babysitter, clothes, diapers and gas for my car (that was paid for thank God). You don't have extras when you are in real need, these people have WIC and FS because they want to keep their wants, plain and simple.

At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was on WIC because my husband was killed when my son was 1 yr old and I was on assistance that put me through school, learned a trade and got me where I am today which is fully dependant on MYSELF and that son is now being put through college by me.
This is why the whole issue is a pet peeve of mine. Lived it and used the program as intended not for years and not to have other kids ( I didn't though I married later on).

At 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tired of waiting on the lame ass blogger to come and update? Want to continue to chat with the same people? Want to come play at a real message board? Then come check this out.

Chat here

Made with love for all of of the commentators who make this blog the place to be. This message board is as good or as bad as the people who post on it. It's not about me, it's a place for you. Come and post at a place where your input is appreciated.

At 1:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Military, had WIC for 2 kids. Not sorry in the least. I'm glad it is there for other military families starting out.

At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say what you want about MSP, but at least she's not on welfare and was the first to call those idiots on there behavior. She's doing the responsible thing by not having more kids than she can afford. She's still a bitch, but at least she's a responsible bitch.

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was disgusted to hear that some of the Peas had used WIC. My gripe is that if you can afford a computer, pay for internet access and buy scrapbooking supplies then your ass shouldn't be using WIC. Get your lazy ass out in the world and get a job OR give up your computer, internet and scrapbooking supplies and go and buy your baby milk out of your own pocket instead of the taxpayers. I swear there should be some sort of mental evaluation test for people considering having a child.

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no shit, huh. The worse ones are the ones who are SAHMs on WIC-are you fucking kidding me? Staying home is a luxury, and if you need WIC to be able to stay home, your ass should get a fucking job.

I can't beleive that I'm agreeing with MCB MSP but if you need WIC you don't need to be getting pregnent. If you can't pay for them don't have them.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worse ones are the ones who are SAHMs on WIC-are you fucking kidding me? == Socrates Mom


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