Friday, June 30, 2006

I Wouldn't Say You're A Bad Parent----BUT

I think it is a really poor choice to have your infants ear(s) pierced. Why would any loving mother choose to have a piece of metal driven through their child's ear simply for vanity purposes? Earrings on a baby are unnecessary and is a decision that should be made by the child.

Shame on you mothers who have deliberately inflicted pain on your baby for your own selfish reasons.


At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Oprah says, "When we know better, we do better".

There are many babies, children who had their ears pierced by Moms who thought that they were doing the 'right thing', 'there was no harm'.

I am sure if they could reverse the decision that they made, they would, but alas they cannot.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've stepped out on a very thin branch here.

While I personally have waited until my daughter could choose to have her ears pierced, there are many cultures where infant piercing is the norm. It hurts about the same as a immunization shot and can heal up if the child decides they don't like to wear earrings.

Weird that you'd get all bent over this.

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. It's cruel and unneccessary. Half the moms that do this are probably the ones that shriek and wail against getting their sons circumsized.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm doing really well living with the overwhelming guilt! LOL

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to say that I agree with this. It seems pointless to do that to a baby.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kiss my ass!

I have two dd's and they are now old enough to decide and both say they are glad I did it when they didn't remember the pain!

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haven't gone to the thread yet, but I can totally see this going down a slippery slope--perhaps to a circ debate?

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not have daughters but I would not get an infant's ears pierced because the earrings seem like a choking hazard. And babies don't use pillows so the earring and back will press into her little skull when she's sleeping.

I don't think it's immoral or cruel - just maybe not safe.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As Oprah says, "When we know better, we do better"."

In other words, this is a Walmart Trailer Trash thing to do.

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Piercing a baby's ears is totally ghetto.

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left the decision (to poke holes in my daughters body) to my daughter to make.

I also think it looks really trashy on babies and small children.

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH yes, I see the wonderful blogger who is probably childless is dispersing child rearing advice again, it's gettin BORING!

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you.

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please, every single mother on that board had their ears pierced when they were babies. All of us women wear earrings as adults, so why delay it?

At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

personally I think it is tacky, but I also think it is a cultural thing. I think it is way tackier when I see white parents do it.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"every single mother on that board had their ears pierced when they were babies"

excuse me? are you serious? I don't know anyone who had theirs pierced as a baby. Where are you? alabama?

At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"every single mother on that board had their ears pierced when they were babies"

Count me as another one who waited until I was in my 20's.

For the record, I think it is tacky too.

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my community, it is very VERY common to see this on hispanic babies. In that contest, some of the comments here could be construed to be out-right racist.

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

context. I meant context. oops

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's why I think it's fine when I see it on hispanic children. Totally fine. I don't make any assumptions. Could be doctors for all I know. It's cultural.

but when I see it on white children I just *assume* the mom is young and uneducated.

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

every single mother on that board had their ears pierced when they were babies.

Um, nope. My ears were not pierced when I was an infant because my mother is a white, middle-class, college-educated professional. In her social circle, only po' white trash mothers thought it was "precious" to pierce their infant's ears. The mothers buying used baby clothes at the Junior League rummage sale had babies with earrings. Not my mom's babies nor any of her friends' babies. That's just...ewww.

Country club moms do not have babies with pierced ears. They just don't.

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should wait until your child is old enough to express the desire to have her ears pierced. I was 7 and I think my mom was right to wait until I told her I wanted them pierced.

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

annabella is a ding dong. She doesn't even know how commissions work and she is in the process of buying a house.

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

black ghetto whores get their babies ears pierced. they love their jew-laa-ree. u wear the bling bling all over you as you hop on the public bus to get around.

latina ghetto whores get their daughter's ears pierced so you can tell them apart from the boys. even as babies the latinas have a bush starting better known as the latina moustache.

you never seen an asian baby with pierced ears because asian people have class.

At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally wouldn't get my child's ears pierced as #1 - they should be allowed some say in any purely cosmetic thing like that, #2 - babies can't tell you if the earrings hurt (the back is pushed on too tight, etc.), and #3 - there is a chance, however remote, that the baby could hurt themselves (choke on the earring if it came out, pull on the earring and rip the hole, etc.).

I must also say the anonymous comment implying only poor or trashy people buy their children used clothes is WAAAY off base. I hate seeing all these people in debt up to their eyeballs that insist on buying their children all new clothes - and generally buying them at upper priced stores.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger 2 peas in my ass said...

Anonymous said...
OH yes, I see the wonderful blogger who is probably childless is dispersing child rearing advice again, it's gettin BORING!

6:31 PM

Well how about this--- STOP READING IF IT'S BORING.

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Piercing your baby girls' ears is just plain tacky. There is no excuse. ITA to country club moms DO NOT do this.

Lord, when will some people get a clue?

Let's make our babies sleep on their backs so much they have flat heads, panic if we don't breast feed for 3 1/2 years, remove all that's harmful from the home, then DRAG THEM TO THE LOCAL MALL AND SHOOT POSTS THROUGH THEIR EARS!

Yeah, Earline - let's drive the Chevette to the Mall! Yeee haw!

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to turn the bus here . . .

Amber Joy - your kid wants to change his name to something normal, and not faggy sounding like "Sebby". Are you insane? Why on God's green earth would you call your kid that? Do you know how affected you sound???

Please, for all that's holy - call him Timmy. He'll be happy, and we'll all be happy

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I had my DS penis cut off when he was born.

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that infant ear piercing is a complete trailer trash thing to do. Ick.

And Sebbie IS a gosh awful name. That kid is smart for wanting to change it.

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not every family buying only new clothing is in debt. Some people just have money. New clothes always fit into my parents' budget so they bought them for us.

Stop projecting your own financial situation onto other people.

At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that buying used clothing is not a trashy thing to do.

I"m a country club mom - -and it is very trendy around here to shop at resale clothing. I know that probably seems odd to a lot of you - maybe it's because we're in a very progressive, urban area. We also drive hybrids (shocking!)

I think it is all the people that are only borderline "making it" aka borderline middle class that are almost scared to buy used clothing because they are so worried about being classified as poor or low class.

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha...class wars once again on 2peas...LOL

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you all SUCK!!!! Your a bunch of fucking losers that have nothing better to do than stalk the 2Peas members! Get a life!

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my culture (hispanic) it's considered wrong to not do it. You get it done early so you can care for the holes properly yourself rather than praying your tween will clean them herself.

It's not trashy OR tacky. It's our way of saying "you are a girl!"

At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, I agree with that. THat's what I thought.

I bet hispanics do it regardless of what "class" they are.

However, with is *considered* low class. That is just the common perception.

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Lauren, you are against piercing baby ears too, eh?

At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blogger is Lauren.

It is getting more and more obvious.

At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Refresh my memory -- who did Yuban Coffee used to be??

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet hispanics do it regardless of what "class" they are.

The higher the class you are the better earrings your friends give you for her. We start building our daughters jewelry wardrobe from birth or before. Once her ears are pierced it is tradition to give earrings as a gift. By her Quince she should have all the basics for church, work and dress occasions.

And for those wondering, my daughters slept through the piercing. We had numbing agent put on her ears so there was no pain whatsoever. I would never cause my babies pain intentionally. We have been using traditional numbing agents long before they were ever used in dental offices and emergency rooms.

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is white trash city to pierce the ear of an infant. And then show photos of them crying? Idiot!

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Hispanics pierce their daughters' ears to remind them which babies are girls and which are boys? Why can't they just dress them in pink and blue if they are too damn dumb to figure it out?!

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, no I'm NOT trying to "project my own financial situation onto other people" by saying I'm tired of people complaining they are in debt while they are buying all new clothes for their kids. I was NOT saying that everyone that is in debt is that way due to buying new clothes. Reread my comments before going off on ME!!! My point was a LOT of people that complain all the time about being in debt also talk about buying their kids new clothes all the time. And, BTW, you obviously think my financial situation sucks - well you are WRONG. My hubby and I have 3 vehicles - all are paid off. We have a nice house - it's paid off. We pay off our credit cards in full each month. Yep, we have NO debt. We also have CDs and other savings, as well as retirement plans. And yes, I have ALWAYS bought used clothes for my kids. In fact, I own and operate a resale store and I have tons of customers - from those who are struggling to make ends meet to the ones that are truly rich.

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sebbie is an aweful name.

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I come here for the good stuff and this is what I get!!!!????

I am one who had mine done as a baby, before coming home to be exact!

I am also one who chooses to have my daughter's pierced the very day they receive their 4 month shots.

Their doctor says it is a great age since they are less likely to squirm and they have received tetnus.

I think this topic a dull one to post here...... of course everyone will have an opinion (as they should) but come on there is far better on the board to post about!

P.S. not from Alabama lol actually from the midwest

At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amber Joy - your kid wants to change his name to something normal, and not faggy sounding like "Sebby". Are you insane? Why on God's green earth would you call your kid that? Do you know how affected you sound???

I like the name Sebastian, but HATE the nickname Sebby. If I had a son named Sebastian and felt some need to nickname him, I'd call him Bastian. Then again, I always liked The Neverending Story. ;)

At 3:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What the hell is up with all these single moms always bitching and wanting a fucking medal for doing what they're supposed to do?

Seriously, the vast majority of them were never even married to their baby daddy so they knew going into it that they'd be raising their bastard child on their own.

I'm willing to bet than in more than half the single mom cases the sperm donor didn't want to be a dad and the mom continued with the pregnancy any way. I say, let the man off the hook. You wanted this baby, then don't bitch about having to raise/pay for it.


At 5:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manda needs to shut her stupid mouth. She's an unmarried, childless woman telling others how she's upset that men get so screwed in divorce.

She doesn't have a fucking clue yet she's the expert. Hopefully one day she'll be lucky to experience it first hand. Let's see if she's singing the same tune.

She's a know-it-all who doesn't know shit. Manda, yes men get the short end of the stick like your boyfriend who is sponging off you. He has you trained well.

At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't Amanda abused by her father? I'd say that's a pretty good reason for her mom to keep him away.
Didn't you know she's an expert on everything, babies, animals, religion, photography. Makes you wonder how someone so fabulous can't even keep a job.

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other words, this is a Walmart Trailer Trash thing to do.

At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not trashy OR tacky. It's our way of saying "you are a girl!"
Put them in a fucking dress then.


At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The higher the class you are the better earrings your friends give you for her.
Class my ass. Their kids probably have to do without because they're so worried about their class.

Ever heard of a college fund?

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am one who had mine done as a baby, before coming home to be exact!

I am also one who chooses to have my daughter's pierced the very day they receive their 4 month shots.
It doesn't get any trashier than that.

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amber Joy - your kid wants to change his name to something normal, and not faggy sounding like "Sebby". Are you insane? Why on God's green earth would you call your kid that? Do you know how affected you sound???


At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Refresh my memory -- who did Yuban Coffee used to be??


At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking about white trash names. What about *Autumn* who has a son named Jed whose nickname is Bubba? LOL! Now that is a white trash family. I bet her daughters got their ears pierced when they were babies for sure.

I see there is also a LO showing Bubba with his first hunting bow! Classy!

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what did you name your kids? Lets pick apart your name choices.

At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And sitting here talking shit about people just reeks of class.

At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is trashy. It is something that I will allow my daughter to make the decision about.

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And sitting here talking shit about people just reeks of class.


And sitting here reading it, going through the effort to type out a post and the word verification means that you are so high class, eh?

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now KKT is all ove the custody thread, backing up Manda.

Someday, if/when they ever get in a normal relationship and have kids, I hope it they realized how fucking blind and stupid they are this day.

Shut the fuck up about things you have no personal experience with.

At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left the ear piercing decision to my dd's. My oldest was 5 and my youngest was three when they got their ears pierced. My 3 yo only did it because of her big sister but she has never regretted in the 2 years her ears have been pierced.
I one the otherhand had a mother who only pierced my ears because the rooms of ours had gotten her dd's ears pierced. My ears were always infected and my mom never took care of my ears, my grandma always did.

This a not a decision for the mom to make.

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because those STUPID mothers think they will know what their child wants. So, since belly rings are so HIP now, why not pierce your little muffin's gut too?

It's idiotic!

It's altering one's body and one should have a CHOICE if one wants one's effing body altered.

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now KKT is all ove the custody thread, backing up Manda.

Someday, if/when they ever get in a normal relationship and have kids, I hope it they realized how fucking blind and stupid they are this day.

Shut the fuck up about things you have no personal experience with.
No shit. Hopefully another KKT hairflip is just around the corner. People aren't kissing her ass the way they used to.

She had to alert people to her new name. Yes, we know who you are. Do you want a cookie?

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lambs rules! I like him already.

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm smelling a Manda meltdown.

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lambs is an ass. An ass who tells it like it is. RE: Cara being a bitch!

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we know who you are.

And no one really cared that she was back. LOL

At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to know who Lambs is. There aren't a whole lot of men on the board. I don't care enough about Sues to know who her "friends" are. *eyeroll*

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm smelling a Manda meltdown.

Again? Her hairflipping is getting so old. I want to shake her and say, "If the subjects are too close to home, stop posting on the goddamn board and go find something else to do with your life!"

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you guys dislike Manda so much?


At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you guys dislike Manda so much?
Go back and read this blog from the beginning. It's all there.

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have. I've read about the SM stuff. I've read about her being opinionated (as are so many). But I can't understand why those two areas has her singled out for so much ridicule and hatred.


At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KKT needs to shut the fuck up too. How does she know everything that went on between her brother and sister-in-law. How can a woman who has never had an adult relationship with a man understand that it takes two to tango in a relationship?

KKT if you weren't such a scared little girl too afraid to get close to a man, you would learn relationship problems are just that problems two people share. Your brother shares some of the blame for the break down of his marriage.

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people would hate her because of the S&M stuff either. At least she is honest about it, and really, what does it matter to you?

If it wasn't somebody you didn't know, you might even think it was sexy. Unless you are a total prude. Nobody got all over other people's ass when everybody was wanting the 'instructions' emailed to them. Remember that?

She may be opinionated, but then you might as well hate more than half of the board.

Fine if you don't like her, but quite honestly it has gotten to the point where some of the people here are creepy with their fascination with her.

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Piercing babies ears is WHACK.

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think most of the people here hate everyone at peas. Not sure why but they do.

I like Manda. I like KKT. I like babies with pierced ears. I like babies without pierced ears.

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So fleur has got her ass in a twist because there is anther french pron (prolix) on the board! jealous beotch

At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did fleur did get upset? I haven't seen any posts by her lately. How is she jealous? Post the thread and prove it.

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My primary issue with Manda is that she is a self-appointed expert on everything, as well as her delivery often leaves much to be desired. Moreover, she often posts in a way that makes me think she just wants to be everything to everyone.

You know how there are just some Peas who chap your ass? Manda does that for me. I really can't explain the reasons other than I cringe every time I see her spewing about something about which she has limited knowledge or experience.

I don't give a shit about the S&M stuff. Whatever floats her boat.

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm doing really well living with the overwhelming guilt! LOL

ROFL... I did well with the guilt too! I think it's adorable and it doesn't hurt them for but a second.... I can't believe you are getting bent out of shape over

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone link Amandas sex blog?

At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sassafrass got a new couch. Thank God. I'll come over and help her burn the ugly-ass old one. Jesus God is that thing ugly.

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How can a woman who has never had an adult relationship with a man understand that it takes two to tango in a relationship?"


How can a woman who has never carried a child, never given birth, never nurtured a child 24/7 understand the mother/child bond?

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish people would put Cat/Dog/Ferret/whatever disclaimers in their thread titles.

Pisses me off to open an interesting-sounding thread and it's about their damn pet.

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Manda but I think she likes to be the contrarian on everything.

At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that cunt-zilla Monique is back spewing her hatred. She really must be a vile person.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the blogger is Ashley Nicole. Otherwise, why wouldn't there be at least one post about Burning Feather dressing her 6 yo to look like a whore?

That is ten times worse than piercing ears.

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

POE is one of the stupidest people on planet Earth.

She couldn't come up with an intelligent comment if her life depended on it.

Stupidity like that should hurt.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that the blogger is Ashley Nicole. Otherwise, why wouldn't there be at least one post about Burning Feather dressing her 6 yo to look like a whore?

1. I believe we determined she was 8. Not 6.

2. I like to start them early. After all, momma needs an income.

3. It's Nichole. Get it right next time.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFL... I did well with the guilt too! I think it's adorable and it doesn't hurt them for but a second.... I can't believe you are getting bent out of shape over
The focus is more on how trashy it is. I have no doubt that you recovered from the guilt quickly. You did it for yourself.

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

3. It's Nichole. Get it right next time.
It's hard to keep up since she changed her name after making a complete jackass of herself sticking up for her fat frigid virgin roommate.

At 2:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"cunt-zilla Monique"

Can't. Stop. Laughing!

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh relax, Queen Cuntessa. Everyone did Glamour Shots in the 90's. It was a fun dress-up thing to do. It's not like she was pimping her daughter out every weekend for cash and prizes.

It was a special treat and a fun day with mother and daughter. Get over yourself.

10:59 PM

hmmmm...Jelly Beans trashes everybody except BF and AN. Interesting.

For most mother-daughters, a fun day would be something age appropriate. Not many people find dressing your 8 year old like a little hooker to be fun.

No wonder AN turned out like she did.

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh relax, Queen Cuntessa. Everyone did Glamour Shots in the 90's. It was a fun dress-up thing to do. It's not like she was pimping her daughter out every weekend for cash and prizes.

It was a special treat and a fun day with mother and daughter. Get over yourself.


I disagree. Ten or 12 years old? Maybe. But not 8. Eight is skanky in a really scary kind of way. And it certainly explains a lot about both of those women.

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cunt-zilla Monique

Cuntzilla is the PERFECT term for Monique! Bravo to the anonymous pea who coined the phrase.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. Ten or 12 years old? Maybe. But not 8. Eight is skanky in a really scary kind of way. And it certainly explains a lot about both of those women.
No kidding. BF is the type of mom who wants to be her daughter's best friend.

They were planning on going to Vegas together for AN's 21st birthday. Who goes to Vegas with their mother?? Creepy.

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is over, done, finished, kaput.

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of QAP, why does she have to act like she is the only person in the world to speak for lesbians or gay people? Like her purpose there is to educate people. That drives me nuts.

I like her when the topic doesn't always have to be gay related, but there are so many times when I think, "You want to treated like everybody else, yet are constantly pointing out the differences between you and others." I don't get it.

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, ScrapperJes is having ANOTHER kid:

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, ScrapperJes is having ANOTHER kid:

The kid doesn't want to come out because he doesn't want to see her 24/7 for the next 18 years while she homeschools.

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kid doesn't want to come out because he doesn't want to see her 24/7 for the next 18 years while she homeschools.
LOL. She's going to leave the umbilical cord attached to make it easier.

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty much looks like this blog has bored everyone to death.

That didn't take too long.

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

even the blogger is bored.

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blogger is kaput.

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no shit.
it was fun while it lasted. it got a little cruel for my tastes and i think that ultimately was its demise. there is a limit and even the most unloved and disgusting individuals on here even commented that enough was enough. there is so much hate. it only points out how unhappy the anonymous posters are. it doesn't matter who they are really but it does show that people are very lonely and hateful.

this blog has ruined nsbr. so many great people have left because of it. it'll never be the same. i won't be sad to see this blog die. it's already fizzling.

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it only points out how unhappy the anonymous posters are.
Yet you kept tuning in.

The jackasses have learned a valuable lesson of sharing too much to anonymous people. What's sad is they don't have any real friends to discuss personal issues.

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

even the blogger is bored.
Check out KKT's posts. She provides plenty of great material.

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well long can you make fun of manda, fern, keriwest and monique?? it gets old. Very old.

and the board is not the same. all the happy people are gone because this blog cast such a negative light on everything. blech.

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many great people have left because of this blog?? Who is gone? I haven't even missed anyone.

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take your brat with you, that's one more picture you can take of your udder wedged in your kid's mouth on vacation.

At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the board is not the same. all the happy people are gone because this blog cast such a negative light on everything. blech.

Waaah. Time to get some real friends! Or turn off the computer and go play with your kids. Or pay attention to your husband.

You are WAY too involved in this message board if you get that upset. It is YOUR life that is sad. If you still need an escape from your miserable existance, go to the Art Declassified message board. It's just SO peachy over there. You'll find all of your annoying favourites over there.


At 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take your brat with you, that's one more picture you can take of your udder wedged in your kid's mouth on vacation.

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Waaah. Time to get some real friends! Or turn off the computer and go play with your kids. Or pay attention to your husband."

woah. Time to calm down. I was kidding. This whole thing is just a joke to me. And believe me. I have a life. I'm just sitting here waiting for my husband to finish up so we can go play tennis. You are a dork.

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah. Time to calm down. I was kidding.

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well I *do* think the tone of the board has changed. And it's not as fun. No, don't tell me to get a life, I do have a life. I spend about 30 minutes per day over there, at the most. But I enjoy it. And there are people I like. If you think that is laughable, then fine. I have tons of freinds here in real life, and I'm sure if I knew you, you would not be one of them. My eyes would glaze right over you.

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well long can you make fun of manda, fern, keriwest and monique?? it gets old. Very old.

and the board is not the same. all the happy people are gone because this blog cast such a negative light on everything. blech.

I think the whiner who wrote that is paigepea. She doesn't use caps and she's asking stupid questions on the board right now. And her blissfully ignorant comments are a dead giveaway.

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you've been posting on THIS board for an hour so far.

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well long can you make fun of manda, fern, keriwest and monique?? it gets old. Very old.

I could make fun of Monique for a very long time before I'd get tired of it.

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have tons of freinds here in real life, and I'm sure if I knew you, you would not be one of them.
No shit. You're a whiny dumbass.

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

littlebitsmom needs to get a life.

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happy people are gone? They must not be that great, I haven't noticed anyone missing.

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what peas do you respect? are there any?

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"your udder wedged in your kid's mouth"


At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like and respect Pumpkinpea and her mom, Sockmonkey, Sasha, Cammi, QAP, Robynjoi, Sunshine, Hollee, Mary Mary, Qwendy, Cara, Keri West, Molly... That's all I can think of right now.

I like them because they are intelligent and funny and they contribute more to the board than whining and idiotic questions that could be answered with a visit to Google. They are excellent mothers, but they don't bore the rest of the world every time their precious one drops another load in their diaper.

You need to answer: Which cool peas have left?

At 7:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think mothers who pierce thier babies ears are MORONS!!

At 7:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waaah. Time to get some real friends! Or turn off the computer and go play with your kids. Or pay attention to your husband.

Take your own advice instead of spending time on a blog trying to insult people. You have something better to do, right?

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Damn how much bragging can StephStanley do about her vacation to the redneck rivierra?

At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take your own advice instead of spending time on a blog trying to insult people. You have something better to do, right?
You obviously don't.

Run along. You've been posting for an hour and a half now. You're good for the next three days.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Damn how much bragging can StephStanley do about her vacation to the redneck rivierra?
No kidding.

Her man isn't smiling in any of the pictures. He's too cool to smile. What a badass.

At least she isn't showing bathing suit pictures like Chopped Liver. Thank God.

At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Chopped Liver looked just fine. She's no size 4, but she looked nice...a lot nicer than most of the jealous bitches laughing at her pictures.

Steph's guy isn't smiling because he isn't having a good time, lol.

At 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought StephStanley was on vacation. She just posted about getting fake toenails. That's some fun vacation.

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steph is on vacation. She got her fat ass ugly feet done while on vacation and drunk.

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you're an internet addict when you're peaing while on vacation. Can her family afford to leave the hotel room and go do something?

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you're an internet addict when you're peaing while on vacation.
She's still on vacation!?? Damn!

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So she takes time to get her toes done during her vacation? I find that odd.

But my vacation time is precious to me. I don't want to waste an afternoon in a salon or in my hotel room getting plastic toenails while my husband waits for me. I'd rather spend the afternoon rolling around in the bed with him or swimming or something else vacation-y.

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son got his nipples pierced for his 18th birthday. Do you think maybe I would have been doing him a service by getting them done for him when he was a baby? I could have got him circumsized and nipple pierced both at the same time!

At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have enough time and energy to devote to hating folks who post at a message board, perhaps you are as bad as the people you hate.

Just sayin'

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have enough time and energy to devote to hating folks who post at a message board, perhaps you are as bad as the people you hate.

Just sayin'
Yeah, probably.

And you reading it on a regular basis but occasionally handslapping makes you a better person.

Carry on.

At 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the same old argument and accusation.

Who cares who reads or comments on here? IT doesn't matter people.

This blog is getting lamer by the day. It's boring, it's just rehashing the same old stuff. I check it out hoping something new might be going on, but nothing. Not for weeks now. It's dull and it's over.

It's only these petty little fights that get any more posts on these dull threads. And it's the same 4 people arguing back and forth. Like I said, boring.

Back to NSBR where the cool people are. Not the outcasts.

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you have enough time and energy to devote to hating folks who post at a message board, perhaps you are as bad as the people you hate."

Nah. The way I see 2Peas and this blog is - It is more fun than betting on a cat fight, and is better than any of the reality TV out there today. It is just pure entertainment. That is all.

Some of these people deserve this when they just don't get how stupid they are. It is like watching the real world/road rules challenge.

At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NSBR is lame

The blog is lame

Nothing new. No drama. No fights.

Damn people - I need to be entertained so get with it will ya?

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer these questions

Why does it matter if someone is lame?

Why do you let it affect you?

How is this fun for you?

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back to NSBR where the cool people are. Not the outcasts.

Oh, yeah, you're SUPER cool! I wish I were you! Popularity at 2Peas just means everything!

*eyeroll* I cannot believe people take either this blog or 2Peas so seriously.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I cannot believe people take either this blog or 2Peas so seriously."

I agree. For awhile I tried to interact with the popular peas, but then I realized, "What exactly do I gain from being recognized as popular?" It hit me. You don't win a prize, you don't get paid, and it doesn't mean anything in the real world. "Hi I am popular on a message board so I am cool."

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scrapperjen - THE HOMESCHOOLER MOM - is at it again:

She's fucking unbelievable....

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe when she has this other baby she will be too busy sheilding her little ones from the evils of the math, science and reading that she can't post.

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I personally have waited until my daughter could choose to have her ears pierced, there are many cultures where infant piercing is the norm.

Oh yes that's always a good reason. I guess that means it's OK to do female circ. because it's a cultural thing.

At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yeah, probably.

And you reading it on a regular basis but occasionally handslapping makes you a better person.

Carry on."

I'm here pointing out the obvious. I'm not making fun of a persons childs name, calling anyone a slut, making up lies about a persons history or making fun of anyone.

Call it a handslap if you will, but if I make someone reconsider their behavior and save one person hurt feelings then it's worth it.

At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole blog should be about ANNABELLA. She is by far the worst at 2peas. I've never encountered anyone as rude and mean as she is. She's offended by EVERYTHING and has a huge chip on her shoulder. I can't stand her and I bet everyone she comes into contact with in real life hates her too.

At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, probably.

And you reading it on a regular basis but occasionally handslapping makes you a better person.

Carry on."

I'm here pointing out the obvious. I'm not making fun of a persons childs name, calling anyone a slut, making up lies about a persons history or making fun of anyone.

Call it a handslap if you will, but if I make someone reconsider their behavior and save one person hurt feelings then it's worth it.

If you're so altruistic, why post anonymously?

At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you're so altruistic, why post anonymously?"

I'm nice not stupid. And it still beats being mean.

At 1:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like he is a quality orthodox priest... always a good thing in my experience.

Just an FYI ... Married priests are not unheardof, but it does not mean that the church is going to allow for married Roman Catholic priests on a widespread scale any time soon - Sacerdotalis Caelibatus, as Harry Potter would say, is pretty clear on the issue.

HERE she goes again

At 2:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
God Damn how much bragging can StephStanley do about her vacation to the redneck rivierra?

7:08 PM

The hillbilly is back so soon from her vacay @ Motel 6?

Does anyone know if she finally had her clit pierced to match her infamous shirt?

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stand that bitch Mary Mary! I wish she'd get some real friends and stop depending on 2peas for her adult conversation.

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People talk about Manda but I find StephStanley disgusting in every way possible. She is a mother and a teacher. She's totally vile.

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scrapperjess is a complete idiot.

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call it a handslap if you will, but if I make someone reconsider their behavior and save one person hurt feelings then it's worth it.
Nope, you won't make one person reconsider. You think you are wiser than everyone else, and they just need you to show them the light. Just go the fuck away already.

If you're so altruistic, why post anonymously?
So I can be two-faced on 2Peas. It's fun. It's getting a rise out of you. It just makes me want to do it more.

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manda's possible future wedding announcement....

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up about MaryMary. She's a good pea.

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ScrapperJen = Kimberly Dobbs of homeschooling

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Call it a handslap if you will, but if I make someone reconsider their behavior and save one person hurt feelings then it's worth it.
Nope, you won't make one person reconsider. You think you are wiser than everyone else, and they just need you to show them the light. Just go the fuck away already.

If you're so altruistic, why post anonymously?
So I can be two-faced on 2Peas. It's fun. It's getting a rise out of you. It just makes me want to do it more.

10:48 AM "

UM that's not my answer, I posted my answer earlier. I already answered it. I'm usually nice on peas but if I have something to say I usually say it. I don't come here to be mean, don't see the need to. For me it's just the internet, however I do get sad when people who have issues with depression or lonliness get made fun of here.

At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention. Steph Stanley is not a teacher. She is a day care worker. She just uses the teacher label to make herself seem more important than she thinks a day care worker sounds. I wouldn't be surprised if by next year this time she calls herself a friggin professor.

At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MaryMary has more friends on nsbr than any of you anons could hope for. She's liked and is a nice person. That's why you have such a problem with her. She has what you dont.

Steph is a headstart daycare worker. I think they call them "teachers" but she's not. She does not have any education past high school. Her vacation is embarassing to see.

At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steph Stanley is disgusting. She's always fishing for compliments and she is so conceited. She's one of the worst peas, no doubt. Men do not drool over women like her as she says they do. She's the definition of poor white trash.

At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how Steph got nailed on not having permission to post those pictures last night.

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Attention. Steph Stanley is not a teacher. She is a day care worker. She just uses the teacher label to make herself seem more important than she thinks a day care worker sounds. I wouldn't be surprised if by next year this time she calls herself a friggin professor.

12:38 PM "

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Steph teach head start preschool? Talk about a tough job, low pay and no respect from people like you. She works hard and may not have a lot of money, but she seems to use what she has well. If she did have money you all would hate her like you hate Cara and Keri.

I can't see why having her work with children bothers you so much. There is no set guidelines that proclaim that teachers need to be a certain type of person. I have always enjoyed her posts, she seems like she's a fun person who loves kids, and I think that's more important than fitting a certain type of mold. If you are so picky about the type of people who teach your children, perhaps it's best that you homeschool.

And on that note, I'd much rather go on vacation with Steph than ScrapprJes.

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

MaryMary has more friends on nsbr than any of you anons could hope for. She's liked and is a nice person. That's why you have such a problem with her. She has what you dont.

She can keep all those lds cult members! But she's far from nice!

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is that idiot wannapea allowed to post?

At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you're an internet addict when you're peaing while on vacation. Can her family afford to leave the hotel room and go do something?


At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude...she says this is her son. I could have sworn this was a girl...DAMN. Cut his fucking hair.

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have another dude on the board.

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She can keep all those lds cult members! But she's far from nice!

It's totally up to you whether you like Mary Mary or not. I don't really care.

But do you really have to insult millions of people you DON'T know in the process?

Of course you do. You've used the same phrase in a number of comments.

Tired. Your rhetoric is just tired.

At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is nice. She is funny. MaryMary is a wonderful person. Sorry you can't handle that. I'm sure that the fact that she is a caring and good mother chaps your ass as well.

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Steph. Her choices aren't mine, but she seems like a very caring person. She doesn't care what others think of her, lives her life, has fun. Who cares if she had a pedicure during her vacation? Lots of people go to spas on their vacations. Good for her.

She's also a great mom who loves her kids.

Mary Mary is a kind person with a kick ass sense of humor.

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of people go to spas on their vacations.

She didn't go to a spa. She bought Wal-Mart press-on plastic toenails. Ugh.

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Mary Mary alot. I'm glad she's around. She's so much better to talk to than most people there.

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh so what. She went to Walmart and bought the toenail stuff. She probably thought it was really funny. I still love her, she's cool.

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steph is cool.
Mary mary is cool.

And steph totally doesn't post her pictures as a pvm. She just has fun...she doesn't really care what other people think.

At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She can keep all those lds cult members! But she's far from nice!

It's totally up to you whether you like Mary Mary or not. I don't really care.

But do you really have to insult millions of people you DON'T know in the process?

Of course you do. You've used the same phrase in a number of comments.

Tired. Your rhetoric is just tired."

Yeah, the cult thing is just tired. Good, you don't agree. Fine. We get it. Whatever. Find something else to hate and waste that energy on PLEASE.

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And steph totally doesn't post her pictures as a pvm. She just has fun...she doesn't really care what other people think.

3:39 PM "

Steph has a great eye - if I was in her pictures I'd be pissed. Pissed that I didn't get a copy that is.

I love her work.

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Stinky Rose supposed to be a Christian? What a sleeze.

Her post from Art Declassified.
Stinky Rose

Joined: 18 May 2006
Posts: 398
Location: Cowtown
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:03 pm Post subject: I got suspended from eBay FOR REAL!! No judging. :)


Okay, I'll admit it. DH went into his account and pushed a price up a little for me. Well, they caught it and suspended us both!

I feel so dirty!!

I was starting to dislike them anyway

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"If you're so altruistic, why post anonymously?"

I'm nice not stupid. And it still beats being mean.

1:47 AM

So it would be STUPID to reveal your pea name? I think the anons here deserve an appology then from all of those who have been griping endlessly about their anon status.

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll admit it. DH went into his account and pushed a price up a little for me. Well, they caught it and suspended us both!

I feel so dirty!!

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mary we know it's you posting, no need to sign your name. It's the same rhetoric over and over, you trying to convince us your "religion" isn't a cult, the only arguement you have against it is to talk about other groups of people.

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is that idiot wannapea allowed to post?

She's such an idiot! Can someone take away her internet connection along with skybar and mapchic.

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So it would be STUPID to reveal your pea name? I think the anons here deserve an appology then from all of those who have been griping endlessly about their anon status."

It would be stupid for me to post MY pea name. I come here and say nice things about people. Next thing you know you will be looking for pictures of my husband and talking about how ugly he is, or how stupid the name is I picked for my child or whatever, all because I come and say nice things. I've seen it happen to everyone who posts nice things here under their pea name, I wasn't born yesterday, and frankly I'm not in the mood to have anyone try to call my boss this week. Nice people do not fare well on this blog.

I will continue to bitch about the nasty people who have nothing better to do than to be mean under the name anonymous. That is just ugly and disgusting. I'd love to know who the nasty backstabbing bitches are, just so I know who to put on ignore and watch out for, but that wont happen. Oh well, a girl can dream.

At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll admit it. DH went into his account and pushed a price up a little for me. Well, they caught it and suspended us both!

I feel so dirty!!

But not really a suprise. Tons of people do it. I've had several friends who are "Christian" ask me to do this. I never would but it doesn't suprise me.

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mary we know it's you posting, no need to sign your name. It's the same rhetoric over and over, you trying to convince us your "religion" isn't a cult, the only arguement you have against it is to talk about other groups of people.

Git over your bad self.

I'm not Mary Mary. But thanks for playing.

I'm not trying to convince you, you have long since proven that you have no room in that little head of yours for anything other than bitterness and bile.

I just am getting bored with your taking the opportunity on just about every single post on this blog to somehow bring up your little cult diatribe, no matter how little it relates to the topic.

Of course, nothing anyone says makes any difference to you and your one-note stance. Funny that you think everyone who calls you on it is Mary Mary.

So carry on. I'm sure you will, regardless. Someday, all that hate you spew out into the world will come around and bite you in the ass.

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

High and mighty christians trying to slam LDS as being a cult without acknowledging their own cult status is tired bullshit.

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every religion fits the definition of a cult. And MaryMary rocks. She is funny as hell. I wouldn't care if she were a scientologist or a member of the Church of the Holy Tennis Shoes. That woman is just plain funny.

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Of course, nothing anyone says makes any difference to you and your one-note stance. Funny that you think everyone who calls you on it is Mary Mary."

Haha! Yep this is true. I think there are a few posters on here and somehow this vile person keeps insisting that each one is MaryMary.

Nope, I'm not MaryMary either. Keep trying.

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every religion fits the definition of a cult. And MaryMary rocks. She is funny as hell. I wouldn't care if she were a scientologist or a member of the Church of the Holy Tennis Shoes. That woman is just plain funny.

Wrong on 2 accounts. Every religion does not fit the definition of a cult and Mary Mary is not funny.

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm not MaryMary either. Keep trying.

If you weren't Mary, you'd post under your peaname. Only the vile posters need to be anon, so if you're not you can post your name, if you don't, then it's obvious you're Mary.

At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be stupid for me to post MY pea name. I come here and say nice things about people. Next thing you know you will be looking for pictures of my husband and talking about how ugly he is, or how stupid the name is I picked for my child or whatever, all because I come and say nice things. I've seen it happen to everyone who posts nice things here under their pea name, I wasn't born yesterday, and frankly I'm not in the mood to have anyone try to call my boss this week. Nice people do not fare well on this blog.

Not true at all. Hollee has posted a bunch and the blog never went on the attack her. You must already know your husband is ugly, so you must be scared to hear others say it.

Are you by any chance Karen? I saw her post her wedding pics and wanted to scream "he's gay honey!" I bet he cheated on her with another man.

At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm not MaryMary either. Keep trying.

Her twit relative qwendy? The one who refers to her adoptive baby as baby Q instead of her real name. She's the only mother on the board who doesn't post tons of pics of her newborn, strange.

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you weren't Mary, you'd post under your peaname. Only the vile posters need to be anon, so if you're not you can post your name, if you don't, then it's obvious you're Mary.

Oh wow. Your detective skills are astounding! By your own dumb logic, YOU are either Mary Mary, or "vile."

Smart, smart girl, you are!

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong on 2 accounts. Every religion does not fit the definition of a cult and Mary Mary is not funny.


What's your religion, hun? Post it here and be astounded by how many of the cult criteria it fits.

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand the angst against Mary Mary and LDS. The LDS peas post notes for LDS peas. Where are they trying to convert? I must be missing something.

Unlike some of the born agains, the LDS contingents seem to have a sense of humor.

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Her twit relative qwendy? The one who refers to her adoptive baby as baby Q instead of her real name. She's the only mother on the board who doesn't post tons of pics of her newborn, strange. "

What you call strange, I call smart. Why would anyone put their children's names in a public forum that attracts such idiots that blogs are devoted to a message board?


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