Thursday, August 31, 2006

Who Are You Trying To Fool?

*Notice: I am nearly 2 weeks behind the times so you will just have to deal with old news.

Mowse, you have 4.5 children, are on government assistance, you live in the ghetto, don't work and your DH is an Alabama school teacher. You don't have the money to buy your husband a nice suit to wear let alone fly him home for a few days. Did you move away from home so that your families wouldn't see how poor you are? They have to know you don't have a pot to piss in. I am pretty sure none of them are really expecting any of you to be there.


At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We missed you when the whole Mowse thing came up. She ignores the fact that perhaps her sil planned the wedding for that time so her and her white trash family wouldn't be there to ruin the affair.

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posts. I enjoy your posts so much more than just the blank entries (not that you care) :)

I get annoyed with people who can't afford kids having them, but I have no problem with poor people.

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She ignores the fact that perhaps her sil planned the wedding for that time so her and her white trash family wouldn't be there to ruin the affair.


I have a few trailer-park relatives in my extended family. One of my aunts managed to raise four of the worst children in the world. "Black sheep" doesn't even begin to cover it.

My sister planned her destination wedding specifically so none of these welfare relatives could afford to show up.

It was nice to be at a family function where we didn't have to lock our valuables in the trunk of the car.

At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's a liar. A few weeks ago she said she was going to skip her WIC appointment b/c she was having some weird pregnancy scare and in that thread she's not on Government Assistance. She obviously doesn't keep up with her lies. Dumbass.

At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, she is annoying.

Evidently, the only thing some women are capable of is spitting out kids.

Oh, and bitching about their lot in life.

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but I have no problem with poor people.

Some of your best friends are poor, right?

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my favorite was her bitching that the school was going to make her child drink milk with lunch. Then it came out that she was getting free lunch for her child. Sue the school for making sure your child has at least one healthy well balanced meal per day. That's what I mean about her thinking she is entitled to assistance, yet she shouldn't have to conform to the rules. You don't want your kid to have to drink milk with lunch... send him with one of those frozen PB&J sandwiches the Peas rave about and leave the free lunch to someone who really needs and appreciates it.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Milk is goooood.


Especially with cookies.

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did she want him to drink?

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She wants him to drink water. I have no dog in the whole Mowse fight, but I do think that kids today drink way too much milk. I know several people who have gotten sick from too much milk. Try researching it, cows milk is made for baby cows not humans.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend goes through 10 gallons a week.

I completely agree with you.

Other than on cereal, we don't use much milk.

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care if she doesn't want to give her child milk. What I do find fault with is her complaining about the rules that come with the free lunch. School have gov't guidlines they have to follow to get their funding. They have decided that milk must be consumed. If she doesn't like that rule she should get off of her ass and make the kid a lunch.

With her op she made it seem like they were forcing all of the kids to drink milk. The reality is that it was only the free lunch recipients. I bet if she cancelled her digital cable & internet she could afford to make her kids lunch. Just a thought.

At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have an issue with all the kids and yada yada... my peeve... is that she is too quick to put blame ion others, when it's HER fault for not being responsible.

How dare she get updet at her DH for wanting to go to his sis wedding- after all HE is bringing the damn money in. Perhaps if she worked, they would not have to worry about his work without pay.

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet if she cancelled her digital cable & internet she could afford to make her kids lunch. Just a thought.

I don't get why her DH can't just go alone to the wedding. Sounds like she is harboring resentment from not being able to go to her sister's wedding. She could work it out if she was more flexible, or smart.

At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like she is harboring resentment from not being able to go to her sister's wedding.


At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She ignores the fact that perhaps her sil planned the wedding for that time so her and her white trash family wouldn't be there to ruin the affair.

Could not agree more! There is something about her that grates on my nerves in the worst way. She is constantly bitching about school issues. She needs to home school and just shut the frick up!

The post about her model student, perfect daughter not being able to exist for 5 whole mnutes without air conditioning at school about made me toss my cookies right onto my computer!

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't understand why her kid just couldn't take the milk then give/trade/toss it away??

Easy peasy.

At 7:09 PM, Blogger 2 peas in my ass said...

In the milk thread Mowse said 35,000 was the average income for this area and 60,000 was a lot??? Damn, I didn't know I was so filthy rich. How the hell are you raising nearly 5 kids on less than 60,000 a year? Your kids must have nothing but hand me downs and yard sale toys. How sad. Why don't you or your hubby go get fixed if you can't manage to find BC that works? How selfish of you to make your kids suffer like that.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet if she cancelled her digital cable & internet she could afford to make her kids lunch. Just a thought.


At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you or your hubby go get fixed if you can't manage to find BC that works? How selfish of you to make your kids suffer like that.

She needs all those kids to populate the planet Kolab.

At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she homeschooled, who would provide the free lunch? Sure she could give water to drink, but eventually the kids would get hungry.

Oh and lest we forget, this was a planned pregnancy. Apparently was tracking her cycles and trying to get pregnant. She intentionally brought another mouth into a WIC family.

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did she want him to drink?


I thought she wanted them to have juice instead. More sugar that way and would rot their teeth faster! Don't forget too about her bitching about how hard it was to save money for Disney World! Can't afford to feed her kids but can afford to go to Disney!

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't see the free lunch thread but the kids have to take the milk, main course and 2 veggies/fruits. However, you can't make a kid eat it. They do have to take it technically but give me a break. She really needs a hobby or better yet a J-O-B. Ugh, she is so fucking whiney. Not everything at school is a battle. Homeschool your little cherubs you ungrateful bitch. She seriously needs to calm down - she is pregnant you know.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the milk thread Mowse said 35,000 was the average income for this area and 60,000 was a lot??? Damn, I didn't know I was so filthy rich. How the hell are you raising nearly 5 kids on less than 60,000 a year? Your kids must have nothing but hand me downs and yard sale toys. How sad. Why don't you or your hubby go get fixed if you can't manage to find BC that works? How selfish of you to make your kids suffer like that


Actually, I also live in a part of the country where 60000 a year is a BIG income, but then again, jobs here don't pay that much unless you are teaching college or are a dr. It's just a cost of living difference. We have been able (up until this year w/ some BIG unexpected medical expenses) to support a family of 5 (2 kids and my DH's grandmother who lived w/ us earlier this year until she passed) on 35000 a year. Now, w/ a family of 4, DH is only getting about 25000 (the nature of construction field) and it's not enough...
BUT, that being said, when we realized we could no longer make it on DH's salary (good, but not THAT good) and it was able to be worked out (finding a job where I could pay day care and STILL bring home money-we don't qualify or want govt. help w/ day care cost), I WENT BACK TO WORK. Yes, it bites not being w/ my wonderful kids all the time, but ya know what, it's WONDERFUL to be able to talk to other adults again, to see my son absolutely blossom playing w/ other kids at day care, and not worrying if I have to choose between milk and gas in the car! WIC has it's place, and it's NOT supporting someone who chooses to pop out kids left and right. There is such a thing as birth control...get WORKS...

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:50, you're my kind of people. My mom worked because she had to work. She did her damnest to make sure that we didn't have to go on any sort of assistance - and there were only 2 kids in my family! Why was it good enough for my mom, but not good enough for Mowse? It really pisses me off.

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must have missed it. How many kids does Mowse have? She said 3 were BC babies (I thought BC failures were rare) and then TTC the rest?

She doesn't homeschool because a) she'd have to TEACH b) no free lunches and c) no A/C at home.

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some where in white trash city is a knocked up Ho saying... "Ooowww".

At 9:17 PM, Blogger 2 peas in my ass said...

Poster 8:50- I live in the same city as Mowse. 60,000 is only "BIG" income to the people here who don't want to work and/or do not know how to manage money well due to effed up priorities.

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You missed the part where Mowse said she was "too tired" or something like that to pack lunches when the peas suggested that she have the kid bring his own lunch.

I see that the peas are getting wise to Mowse and her constant school problems. Her A/C thread didn't quite turn out the way she probably thought it would.

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! Thank you for posting this. She drives me fucking NUTS with all her posts!! Jeesus - if you would get off the computer and off your ass and DO something with those kids, they wouldn't have so much pent up fucking agression and be aggravating the teachers at school.

She seriously annoys the shit out of me. She's an ignorant slutt who only knows how to procreate. I bet her DH was HAPPY to have a summer job delivering pizzas to be away from her whiny ass.

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I thought she wanted them to have juice instead. More sugar that way and would rot their teeth faster! Don't forget too about her bitching about how hard it was to save money for Disney World! Can't afford to feed her kids but can afford to go to Disney!"

OMFG!!! We do really well financially, but damn, there is NO way I am planning on any trip to Disney World a.n.y time soon. Hell we make about three times what she makes and I cannot fathom dropping that kind of money on a trip that will be forgotten in a matter of minutes by my darling children. Huh uh, no way. I can think of a lot of other ways to INVEST my money for my future and my kids future. I guess security is more important to me than swirling teacups.

At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never understood why she just didn't give her kid bottled water, let him take the freaking milk and just dump it. Would of been easier.
Also, if you are gonna have that many kids, you better stick close to home since you will never be able to fly home in an emergency.

At 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I never understood why she just didn't give her kid bottled water, let him take the freaking milk and just dump it. Would of been easier."

She DID give him bottled water, the school was forcing her child to drink the milk. They said if she brought in a note from the doctor, he wouldn't have to drink it, but the co-pay is $20 and she wasn't up for spending the $20 for a note.

At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the milk thread Mowse said 35,000 was the average income for this area and 60,000 was a lot??? Damn, I didn't know I was so filthy rich. How the hell are you raising nearly 5 kids on less than 60,000 a year? Your kids must have nothing but hand me downs and yard sale toys. How sad. Why don't you or your hubby go get fixed if you can't manage to find BC that works? How selfish of you to make your kids suffer like that.


I couldn't have said it better myself.

She and many others like her are complete assholes for dragging kids into their trashy lives.

And then have the fucking nerve to actually complain about how "bad" or "hard" they got it.

The only ones who got it bad or hard are those kids.

Hopefully the kids of these families will grow up knowing it's wrong to keep pushing children out that they can not afford to have.

Fucking sin. For real.

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think one of the most annoying things about Mowse is that she never updates the 865468684322 threads she starts about all this shit.

Example -
mowse: Field trips are $50 each, why so much? Who should I ask?

67 people post: That is a lot, I would call the school.

10 people ask: So did you call the school, have you found out why it cost so much? Are you sure you read the info correctly?

:crickets: :crickets: *chirp* *chirp*


19 people say: If he is in the (free) lunch program, they will make him take the milk but they can't make him drink it. If you're sending bottled water with him, he can still drink that. Just call the school.....

:more crickets:

mowse: OMG! The teacher turned off the A/C in my perfect, most wonderful, model student (can I add deeply unstable?) DD's classroom, she was so hysterical, I called the teacher right away!

ARGH! This she calls the school for, if she calls about the other stuff she would run the risk that they may actually come to an agreement or have a satisfactory answer for her - which would prevent her from wallowing in her pitiful, persecuted existence.

I don't know why people respond to her.

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mowse: Field trips are $50 each, why so much? Who should I ask?

Does she really expect anyone to believe this BS? Come on. What field trip would cost $50.

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think one of the most annoying things about Mowse is that she never updates the 865468684322 threads she starts about all this shit.

Sammel does the same thing. She posts some drama about her kids or one of her many ailments, but rarely comes back to the thread to update or answer any questions.

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does she really expect anyone to believe this BS? Come on. What field trip would cost $50.


My son's next field trip will cost $250. They are going on an overnight trip to California. That's another thing kids in huge families miss out on a lot. Their parents cannot afford to send every kid on the big field trip so none of them ever get to go. Sad.

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mowse drives me fucking batty with all her Poor Me posts, look what the teacher did to my perfect kid, Can you believe a teacher dare say that to my kid, I'm so poor we can't even afford to save for Disney. STFU
Keep your legs together, get a job and stop your fucking whining and maybe your life wouldn't be so miserable.
35,000 might be an average income in her area but is it an average income for families with five kids? and for that matter why strive for average? why not try to give your kids all the advantages that an above average income could provide for them.
My Dh makes quite a bit more than 35K and we only have three kids and sometimes the budget gets a little tight I cannot imagine trying to raise 5 kids on that amount of money. Ramens and mac'n'cheese everynight for dinner with a couple hot dogs thrown in for protein... must be what they live off.

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bet if she cancelled her digital cable & internet she could afford to make her kids lunch. Just a thought.

Totally agree

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's another thing kids in huge families miss out on a lot. Their parents cannot afford to send every kid on the big field trip so none of them ever get to go. Sad.

Not always. I have several kids, and we don't miss out on anything.

I stay home and my husband makes a very good living. We live in a big home.

Mowse was just stupid enough to marry a guy who would deliver pizza.

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those ladies on the dog boner thread need to get laid badly.

At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I was bored today but remembered a thread not too long ago where Mowse went off about entitlement, government assistance, etc. In light of what we know about her life now it is pretty comical reading. I only took the best parts for you here.

OK I'm in a totally hormonal pregnant mood , but being as I am a breastfeeding advocate (trained, no less)...I feel as if I can weigh in here...

There's really no nice way to say this. But this thread shows exactly the entitlement attitude that is so pervasive in this country!

Well, what the heck are you going to do if the formula ISN'T there????

this is what is entitlement. We expect formula. We rely on it. We don't put 100 percent into breastfeeding because our babies' lives don't depend on it. And, THAT I find ... frustrating. I do know many many moms who do everything they possibly can to breastfeed and it still doesn't work. THat I can understand. but I also have a friend who PUMPED for over a year because her child had a severe cleft pallete. I also have a friend who found donor breastmilk for her child. So there are ways. It may not be easy, but there ARE ways.

Mely's right. A lot of my tone DOES come from the fact that I'm stuck in an area that has a whopping 7 percent breastfeeding rate at birth. Imagine that statistic at 6 mos or a year. It's frustrating because I also live in an area with extremely high welfare rates. you do the math. Yeah, it's judgemental, and I'm sorry for that, but I DO see a lot of entitlement issues where I live. So many people who expect a hand out and not a hand up, yk?

ANd i know that's not just a "welfare" thing because there are a lot of people who use welfare for what it is intended.

But when I drive by the projects and see an 06 escalade parked out there and here comments like "why bother getting an education, cause I can just get on welfare" It ticks me off. Cause they are spending MY tax dollars and are just expecting a hand out....

it really does bother me when we expect so much to always be available. we are truly blessed in this country and we have sooo much. but you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and how much won't be available.

I mean what happens to the people who make too much for for WIC but not enough to feed their babies formula? You just never know when you're going to be in that situation. No one expects to be there, but it happens.

There are so many women who just assume the money is going to be there to pay for the formula with their jobs and if they can't then there's always WIC to fall back on. You don't know what the future holds.

Can you believe this hypocritcal bitch? I feel so sorry for her kids.

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG-- you should post that on the latest thread so everyone can see what a hypocrit Mowse is.

A hand-out vs. a hand up... give me a break. Sounds like she's using the system right along with the the people she is complaining about. Instead of a hand up someone should give her a swift kick in the ass and the want-ads.

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We aren't rich but dh makes a modest enough income that I am able to be a stay at home mom. We would like more kids but can't handle more financially (and by that I mean be able to afford GOOD college for all of them, first cars, help when they need it...blah blah blah) so guess what we did... WE DIDN'T HAVE ANYMORE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! I am so sick of people popping out 50 kids then bitching about how expensive everything is.

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in AL and 35,000 is far from the average income...where the hell is she living. The average is at least twice that.

At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, I just have a couple things to say...
I am a teacher (substitute), dh is a truck driver, we both work full time (I work 3-5 days a week), and have 2 children. We qualify for state assistance for insurance for our kids..not medicaid..i actually pay a portion of the rates. We did qualify for WIC when DD was born, and we qualified for reduced lunch last year. Not everyone who receives the assistance abuse it. When dd is in school full time, i will pursue a full time teaching job. Say what you may, call me a WIC whore, whatever, yes, i used the system..but my children were taken care of.

At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the above poster-
You are not abusing the system. Nor should you be ashamed for taking advantage of the programs available to you. Our problem is Mowse TTC when she can't afford to feed the kids she has. There is a difference.

I'm sorry you feel that you have to defend yourself. I'm sure most of the people blasting Mowse would agree.

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When dd is in school full time, i will pursue a full time teaching job. Say what you may, call me a WIC whore, whatever, yes, i used the system..but my children were taken care of.


I think that is ok and no, you are NOT abusing the system...that is the important part. I have no problem w/ people using WIC, Kid Care, stuff like's when I walk into a home where the family is on food stamps, cash assistance, medical card, and stuff like that and I see a big screen tv, computer w/ internet, better furniture than I have and stuff like that I get PO'ed. Before my kids were born, I worked as a social worker and I saw this MORE than one time...and families where mom had a kid in foster care b/c she was deemed unfit (usually b/c the baby was born drug addicted) then kept popping out kids one after another...
I don't mind when people need help, they use it. I don't have ONE problem paying taxes for people like that. Heck, when DH is laid off from construction work, we use's just when people use it and feel there is no problem keeping draining society that it goes over the line...
ok, rant over! have a great day!

At 7:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did get WIC w/ my son. I was undernurished and having a hard pregnancy.I paid my bills in installments,no medicaid.
As a single pregnant Mom WIC did help. I went back to work after my 6 week leave,continued to work & pump.Co worker were rude about it but oh well! I nursed him for 2 years.
I too would love another child but can't affoard one so no deal.

At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see her most recent thread about her house...ha the poster that told her to get her hubby fixed...hehe

I think she should have thought twice about expanding...we have 2 and would love more but our limit is 2 for lots of most importantly...


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