Friday, April 21, 2006

Re: "WWYD...disagreement with friend about our kids behaviors"

I am just going to copy the original post because that is all I want to comment on.

Y'all know that Im the first to admit that my kids are not angels. They are
good kids at heart, but my 6yr old has "issues" that we are working on now. We
are in counseling and addressing those. My 2yr old is a typical headstrong and
stubborn 2yr old who throws his fair share of temper tantrums. My friend has a
7yr old son who is way laid back. Never threw fits when he was 2 and 3. Is very
self sufficient now. Gets up in the morning, gets himself dressed, gets a bowl
of cereal, stays upstairs while she and her dh are getting ready downstairs. The
7yr old really is self sufficient and doesnt rely on his parents as much as my
6yr old relies on me........

7yr old (friends son) came in to use the bathroom. My 6yr old also had to
go. We only have 1 bathroom. They were going to race for the bathroom. Friend
started to tell my 6yr old that its polite to let a guest use the restroom first
and at the same time the 7yr old yelled "GO!" and took off, ran the race, and my
6yr old was mad. My ds hit the 7yr old, 7yr old began to cry, my friend got
angry at my ds. Understandably so. My ds had no right to hit his friend. Im 100%
with her on that. I heard raised voices so I came inside to see what happened.
She had my ds on the couch, he was crying. She wasnt yelling but you could tell
it was taking every ounce of self control not to. She told him that there was no
need for htat, she was very very angry with him, 7yr old isnt going to want to
be friends anymore if thats how my ds is going to act, etc, etc, etc. My ds
cried more and asked why she was being so mean. She said she wasnt but she was
angry and wasnt going to let him get away with that. My ds said something about
how if her ds hadnt done X (some nonsense thing little kids think is important)
then he never would have hit him. Friend told him that was unacceptable and he
might be able to get away wiht that nonsense wiht his mother but it wasnt
working on her and then she told him to cut the crying out because that was old
adn she was tired of that too. That is when I finally got over my shock and
stepped in. I told ds to go to his room and Id be in in a few minutes to say
good night..........

I wasnt saying much to my friend as I was livid with her. Again...I
understand her being upset and my ds shouldnt have hit her son. BUT, I think she
went WAY overboard and crossed a line there. I dont have a problem with someone
kinda getting after my kids if they do something, but in this case, I was there
and feel that I should have been the one to handle it. Regardless, the things
she said and hte way she said them were wrong. Anyway.....she did apologize to
me before she left that night. She said she was tired and worn out and snapped
and shouldnt have and she was very sorry. Said she should have gotten me and let
me handle it. I thanked her for hte apology and said goodnight. Now the more I
think about it the more upset I am. We were IMing earlier tonight and I flat out
asked her what she htought of my kids. I told her to be honest. And she was. She
said they are the most attention intensive kids she has ever met, thats not
necessarily a bad thing, they are exhausting, but they are good kids at heart
and she likes them a lot. What in the world does THAT mean?!?! I think (and Ive
always thought this, its not just in reaction to what she said about MY kids)
that her child can be a bit bratty as well. Its the age, you know? Every 6 or 7
yr old boy can be a raging ball of bratiness from time to time. My son is more
vocal, hers is more sneaky. I have seen her son say mean things to my ds, I have
seen her son hit my ds when he thinks we arent looking, her son told me that my
2yr old is "the devil" because hes so bad, her son has told me on more than one
occasion that Im fat, and we all went out to dinner one eve and her son and my
son were walking to the car holding hands....her ds clawed his nails into my ds'
knuckles and left scratches on the middle 3 knuckles that were there for a
couple weeks. ds is not totally innocent, either. THere have been
times when he is hte instigator too. I think that my friend fails to see that
and has blinders on when it comes to her son. Anyway......I value my friendship
with her and dont want to be hasty and end the whole friendship. However, I am
very hurt and upset at this recent turn of events. Am I over reacting? I know
the yelling incident between her adn my ds was because everyone was just plain
old tired, hot, and cranky. But it still happened. Ds shouldnt have hit her ds,
but she is an adult nd shouldnt have snapped on him the way that she did. What
do I do? We've talked about it already. shes apologized a couple times. I know
that she is deeply sorry. Im deeply hurt and confused by it still, though.

Here is my response- Your child did wrong, the parent of the child who was hurt caught it and she addressed it. She said the things she did because she probably spent all day watching your kids misbehave (as well as other times) and was tired of you not doing what you should to keep them straight. When it came to her child being hurt, she decided to take care of it the way it should have been taken care of. Had she left it up to you, nothing you would have done or said would have made any difference with your child.... obviously since they are already out of control. There was no reason for you to try and point the finger at the other child talking about how 'sneaky' he is. This is about your child and his misbehaving that you let him get away with. I know parents like you who have children like you do and I would have done the same thing as your friend. She got fed up with your children's behavior and your lack of good parenting and decided she need to get the job done.

This is about you and your bad children. Put your energy towards making it right rather than blaming those who know how to parent.


At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you would spend so much of your time over at 2peas gathering "ammo" for your blog. You really need a life. Really.

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no more than other women who spend too much time on 2peas and know every detail about someone's life on the other side of the country. Think about how much time you spend on 2peas before you go telling someone else they need a life.

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Normally I hate blogs. They are mindless drivel from their mundane lives. But I love yours!

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you really need to get a life if you are spending so much time and energy trashing a message board.

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How funny!!

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need a life, how sad you are obsessed with a Message Board. That says VOLUMES about you rather than the women at 2peas.

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is hilarious! Exactly what I'm thinking when I read this bs!! Also, just to add, this mama with the picked on kid, jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. The ink on the divorce decree isn't even dry and she's hooking up with a "friend". Wonder if that has anything to do with her kids behavior!!

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been a lurker at 2Peas for years - only posted 2 or 3 times. You're right on the mark with this blog! I hang out on the NSBR board when I'm bored and need some laughs - those women have way to much time on their hands! I think it's funny that they think YOU have too much time on their hands, yet they have expended so much time and energy by not only dedicating an entire thread about this blog on 2Peas, but also coming here to post nasty comments!! Who's calling the kettle black here? Keep up the good work - I look forward to reading more.

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"no more than other women who spend too much time on 2peas and know every detail about someone's life on the other side of the country. Think about how much time you spend on 2peas before you go telling someone else they need a life."

I only spend about an hour on there a week.

At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I was referred to your blog - hilarious!

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is by far the best blog I have ever read. Do you take requests? Annabella and Sassafrass - 'nuf said. Keep up the good work!

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say you are right on. I will definetly be back to read more. ohh and dont listen to those ha'tin peas that are jealous they didnt come up with this blog first. :)

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't all you bitches post under you REAL name then?

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't all you bitches post under you REAL name then?

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woah - interesting blog... sort of like what my DH would say if he spent 20 minutes on 2peas.

At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my - I am usually a lurker at 2 peas(when I have nothing more pressing to do and feel like doing something a bit mindless)Sometimes I find out something mildly interesting/useful. A lot of the time I learn a lot about Americans in general ( I am not a born American) SOmetimes I am horrified at the pettiness and small mindedness, sometimes impressed by the compassionate words of the some of the posters. Sometimes I find it ridiculous that people post what they do/ask the questions that they do about the most inane stuff. All of this is just for me to say "WOW. THIS IS THE BEST BLOG I HAVE EVER READ:-) You are entertaining, satirical and you have it all spot on. I could have written some of your comments myself, though perhaps not as eloquently. Thanks for making my day.

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Joe Simmons said...

I don't care if you criticize my blog in the comments...just keep it clean, okay? I had to delete one of yours, but I left the first one.

There is some humor in your blog, but it pales in comparison to mine. It's like comparing the sun to a flashlight...with dead batteries. Maybe you should read mine more and take notes.

That said, I don't care if you make fun of me. A blog war could be fun. But hurting those womens feelings is NOT cool.

Also, posting anonymous comments giving props to your own blog is pretty pathetic, dude.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

This is all very...intersting...

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes me laugh that everyone is leaving anonymous comments. So, I wanted to, too. :) I think this is just like the NSBR. Snarky and mean and funny and crazy. And who isn't obsessed with 2peas. Especially the NSBR.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No do holier than thou Molove!!

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh and what about Steph and when her ex sister in law posted?? That was weird to say the least. I am surprised she came back.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's absolutely hilarious that over on 2peas they are crucifying you, saying you have too much time on your hands, yet the ones most critical are on 2peas all the time!! Absolutely hilarious and so typically hypocritical.

Also, they're all for finding out who you are. Just a few or so ago they were all over DetectivePea for doing the same thing. Can we spell hypocrites????

Great site. you've nailed it, whoever you may be.

At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely hilarious!! Please update often!

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe says, "There is some humor in your blog, but it pales in comparison to mine. It's like comparing the sun to a flashlight...with dead batteries. Maybe you should read mine more and take notes."

Joe, instead of the creator of this blog taking notes on how to write, perhaps you could read Miss Manners site and take some lessons on being gracious. You're starting to sound like the 2peas gals, and believe me, cattiness isn't any less unattractive in a male than it is in a female.

By the way, I'm a writer by profession (not a wannabe like some guys I could name), and you're not near as good as you think you are.

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog!!! Kudos to you for actually saying what most of us are thinking! Hell...kudos for creating an "in your face" blog about all drama of 2Peas...It's freaking funny...and if you don't think so, pull the stick out of your ass and get over yourself.

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the author is Joe! He is right in the thick of it here and on 2peas.

All the guessing about dates and times, mean nothing. Most of the interesting threads are pulled, yet they are always mentioned enough to get the gist of it.

~you wear PJ's all day?

I don't think it is Lauren though, like she could resist doing a post about Constance or Ruth?

At 11:03 PM, Blogger Joe Simmons said...

Joe, instead of the creator of this blog taking notes on how to write, perhaps you could read Miss Manners site and take some lessons on being gracious. You're starting to sound like the 2peas gals, and believe me, cattiness isn't any less unattractive in a male than it is in a female.

Corrine, I was totally kidding about comparing blogs. He/she takes shots, I take shots. And being "gracious"? Are you on crack? Have you READ this blog? I sure haven't seen a whole lot of grace here.

I've never claimed to be anything but a wanna-be. I even call myself that on my own blog. Believe me, no one is more critical of me than me. I hate some of the things I write by the time I post them. And I still think my writing is clumsy, but getting better. But a lot of people enjoy I write.

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Joe Simmons said...

I think the author is Joe! He is right in the thick of it here and on 2peas.

Now THAT is funny. Please tell me that you can tell the difference between the sophmoric humor here and my writing. If you can't, I must really need to take some lessons from Corinne.


At 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nurse Kitty is that you honey?

At 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone needs to get a fucking life

At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The highlight of me week! I post infrequently to most on the pea site. I want to post more and say just what you have but the woman there are so clueless that it is a waste of breath. You said what so many thought. Those who disagree with you probably have horrid children as well! You did all us strict hard working mommas proud with this one.

At 5:56 AM, Blogger Missy said...

I just wanted to say "I was here".

At 5:56 AM, Blogger Missy said...

I just wanted to say "I was here".

At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't all you bitches post under you REAL name then?

you mean like you? gimme a break

At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 peas In your ass? Wrong title for this sort of blog.

At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go! Totally hit the nail on the head with this blog. It would be nice to give you a thumbs up if I knew who you were. Too bad your no better than a tasteless troll with no name and can not posts your comments where they are due.

At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many posters seem to be having a hard time with this blog over on 2Peas, but I don't see how it's any different than so many of those postings. Is it a "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" kind of mentality? Do they not like that you are discussing this off the board? Do they not like that people on "the outside" might see how juvenile the NSBR board at 2Peas is?

It still baffles me that a commercial venture continues to fund the NSBR board. It would be like my employer paying for our endless rounds of after-hours drinks. Do they not realize how poorly the NSBR reflects on them? Do they not understand that the NSBR makes 2Peas a freak show that scrapbookers everywhere flock to observe?

At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have saved this to my favorites, you are freaking hysterical.

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you please cover the peas who write a message before they call the fire department, 911, and the police for a verification if that is what another pea would do. Thanks.

At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never been on this "2peas" MB but I must say, Bravo to you! It's about damn time someone around here has the balls to say what's on their mind!

At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG - wonderful! A new place to visit every day for more laughs! I vote for a thorough investigation of SuffyAnn, Supermom, Zaimaia, and Steffie - needy, needy people who are blowing hot air up everyones skirts.
Kudos and hats off to the author - don't care who it is. Priceless!

At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read 2Peas boards all the time-what a bunch of snarky, small minded, opinionated, self righteous bitches! Always telling people when they are doing something wrong and that what they feel or think is wrong-who they hell died and left you in charge. Get your own sad pathetic life in order before telling other people how to run theirs. (AKA Sasha & Monique (ya fat bloated PIG) for example). They actually inform people of a post they don't agree with so they can all 'gang up" on the person they've deemed to be in the wrong. The sad part-they think they are funny and that hurting people's feelings is a game or something. Too much time on their hands-they could start a program teaching people how to do it. If you don't have something nice to say-keep your big mouth shut. It's better to let people think you're a horse's ass than to open your mouth and prove them right! Who in their right mind, goes to a message board about scrapbooking for medical advice or posts they are having an emergency medical situation and asks what should they do-call 911 ya' dumb a$$.
And the sucking up to the so called "Garden Girls" and owners of the site-do they think if they suck up enough they'll be invited to the inner sanctum and be their "bestest" friend? Speaking of "Garden Girls"; the only reason the owner of the website is one, is just that-cause she owns the website-her stuff I've bothered to look at-SUCKS. And the website itself, when are you people going to wise up-THEY ARE IN TROUBLE! Why do you think they are always out of items and taking money for pre-orders WAY in advance-cause they need the money to keep afloat. What happened to the big announcement-NOTHING-the deal for someone to take over the store fell through or the bank wouldn't lend them the money. Broken promises just continue to happen.
If you don't belong to the inner clique and it doesn't take long to figure out who's "IN" and who's not, forget having your question acknowledged, let alone answered.
If the people on these boards spent as much time being kind as they do being nasty-the world would be a much nicer place. And I might add, yes I know I'm being nasty with this post-but this post has been waiting for a couple of years to come out and I feel so good doing it.
And here is the ultimate-

Anonymous said...
Why don't all you bitches post under you REAL name then?

8:03 PM

Why don't YOU post under your real name-a prime example of what I'm talking about!!
Phew I feel so much better. Call me sad and bitter if you must-just proves my point again. Thank you for your blog-maybe it will wake up some of those people over there.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I LOVE this blog and find it hilarious!!

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I just say: "I read 2Peas boards all the time-what a bunch of snarky, small minded, opinionated, self righteous bitches"

If we are so bad how come you read it all the time? Ha ha!

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been a lurker at 2Peas for way tooooooooooo long. I pop into the NSBR board when I need a laugh or things get slow at work. Some of those women are on 2Peas ALL day and ALL night long. I don't know how they manage to clean the house or cook dinner...But from some of their posts, I guess they don't! Keep up the good work! This blog is great! I can pop in here for a quick rundown without the messiness of the NSBR board!

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the most hilarious blog I've read in ages! Thanks for finally saying what a whole lotta folks are thinking. Can't wait to read more.

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the other posters here slamming 2Peas makes you better than the bitches over there how? You are doing what you are slamming others for doing.

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2peas has removed the thread which "outed" your blog. Took some sluthing to find you again- I hope you continue to blog! It is WONDERFUL!

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


best freaking blog ever.

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I think a lot of people need to get laid to relieve the stress and hatefulness.

At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, really funny blog but the one about the girl who had her mother die just a week before? Not funny. That was way over the line. And the special needs kids? Lay off, I mean really. Their parents have to worry about people in public and in their school making fun of them, medical problems, therapy and so on, so cut them some slack and give them one less thing to worry about. What is your issue with them anyway, geez...

anyway make another entry already, i'm bored and need something funny to read - help a girl out here

At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you please cover the peas who write a message before they call the fire department, 911, and the police for a verification if that is what another pea would do. Thanks.

7:50 AM

or take the time to stop and start a thread about it *before* they rush out the door to go to dh who has had an accident.

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I openly said on peas I did not think Lauren did this but still it reaks with the same kind of stinch.

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They actually inform people of a post they don't agree with so they can all 'gang up" on the person they've deemed to be in the wrong."

They do???

Wow I had no idea really??? Gosh I am such a 2peas nerd!!!

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is behind this mystery blog? You possess a gift whoever you are! This is side-splitting and uproarious. I am typically not much of a voyeur but this really has me drawn in. Between telling this lady like it is about her ill mannered offspring, the carpet muncher comment and the entire Mely entry, you have brought joy and laughter to many! Please keep it up. It would be to the delight of many.

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly I don't think this blog will go on long because they are now reporting you I guess if too many people bitch about it they will pull you . I find it sad.... really..

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they can't pull it no rules are being violated

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which is worse someone posting a blog about public displays from others or people hitting the abuse button over and over because they can not take the heat.

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just curious. Are these comments coming from Adults or kids. If I had to guess I would say a kid but the sad part is they are coming from adults. And it just blows my mind that you people can be so childish and hateful. So what someone isn't like you. Does that mean they are a bitch? Just because they do things differently or have different views. So what a person has three kids by three fathers, that does give you the right to call her a slut. Who died and made you all god. I just don't get it. Maybe you should quit judging other peoples lives and start looking at your own. So what Kara posted about her house. If I came from nothing like she stated they have and was getting ready to make a purchase like that.. Than sure I would want to share it with others. Not to rub it in their face, but just to show it can happen with hard work and determination. I am sorry I seem to be going in several different directions. But I just thing it stinks that you guys come here to bash people anonymously, just because they are them. If you don't like them don't read their threads, or converse with them!!

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"they are now reporting you"

what is this, fucking kindergarden? People can blog about whatever the hell they want.

And this stuff being written is genius. If the bitches at the NSBR board can get away with all the shit they do, why can't an independent blog make fun of them? Maybe they will stop acting like idiots.

At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog cracks me up!!!

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parts of this blog are hilarious and dead on. It is really well written. Some of the sentiments I don't agree with but overall, it pokes at some very true veins that run through the NSBR.

I agree that the blogger here is a Pea that feels "lesser than". Like they are not getting their fair share. That could be attention, personal happiness, $$$, family stuff. There is something driving them to lash out. These anonymous posts are far cattier though. Man. Ouch.

I don't mind this blog. I just hope it's doesn't turn out to be completely vicious.

All this stuff we do on NSBR is open fodder and public domain. Who knows, there might be another one like this somewhere. This is just the one in the spotlight today. Many other message boards have "anti" blogs that satirize and skewer participants. Not saying that's cool, just that it exists.

At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I find this blog pretty funny and creative. You do cross a few lines with mean things, but I still think it is witty. If I had to guess I would say it is someone like Mary Mary (not saying it is her)or the Star Wars Peas. There are so many creative, witty women on the board and that is how I read this. It is sarcasm at its best. I have not taken the blog for being purposely mean. I hope you continue to update the blog. It is funny to read other perspectives of the craziness at 2 peas.

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quote from Anonymous pea on this comment section:

"OMG - wonderful! A new place to visit every day for more laughs! I vote for a thorough investigation of SuffyAnn, Supermom, Zaimaia, and Steffie - needy, needy people who are blowing hot air up everyones skirts.

8:11 AM "

This is Steffie... I am sorry that you think I am needy or a fraud. Do you have any idea how hurtful your comments have been? What would make you think I am a fraud?
Please give me an answer.. I don't care if you do it anonymously.. I would like to know what led you to this conclusion.. because I assure you that I am very honest on the NSBR.


At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree some things are not funny (i.e. special needs children). However, you are so dead-on about people. I LOVE reading this blog. Keep it up!!!

To the person saying this blog has been reported. WTF? You can say whatever you damn well please on blogs.

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

QUOTE: This is Steffie... I am sorry that you think I am needy or a fraud. Do you have any idea how hurtful your comments have been? What would make you think I am a fraud?
Please give me an answer.. I don't care if you do it anonymously.. I would like to know what led you to this conclusion.. because I assure you that I am very honest on the NSBR.


Did I say needy? Yup, I did.

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the spineless wench is back... still spineless:

"QUOTE: This is Steffie... I am sorry that you think I am needy or a fraud. Do you have any idea how hurtful your comments have been? What would make you think I am a fraud?
Please give me an answer.. I don't care if you do it anonymously.. I would like to know what led you to this conclusion.. because I assure you that I am very honest on the NSBR.


Did I say needy? Yup, I did. "

How is that freakin needy? I told you that your comments hurt and you equate that to needy? What a misreble person you must be.

What a nasty horrible Bitch you are... you don't even have the balls to tell me who you are... so you can go to hell!

You want to say something to me? Grow up, act like a freaking adult and say it to my face.... say it to me in an e-mail. Identify yourself you gutless bitch!

You know what, thanks for that reply, I'm no longer hurt, now I'm just pissed! You are a piece of shit!


At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a PEA, you flippin twit. Take another tablet and relax.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Tina said...

"If I had to guess I would say it is someone like Mary Mary (not saying it is her)or the Star Wars Peas. "

LOL Well, it certainly isn't this Star Wars pea!

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog rocks. Man, those bitches on 2peas ain't got a clue how to handle this. There are so many on there that are blatently fake and it is very pathetic how much time they do have on their hands - and even more pathetic that they think they have 'friends' on that MB.

I am extremely outspoken and they HATE me for that - which in turn makes me realize more and more how happy it makes me to piss them off. They make themselves targets for humiliation - and I truly enjoy dishing it out to them.

Oh, and by the way, Manda is 'irratated' or something like that - so says her thread. I got the bitch on ignore because I am sickened by her 'I am Oprah - been there done that' attitude. Someone else said something to the effect of Manda can "relate" to really want to hit her below the belt, remind her that she is CHILDLESS and her whole world collapses. Doesn't she realize that that's God's way of keeping the population in check??? NO MORE MANDA'S!!!! Damn - that was BAD!! Anyhoo, I love this blogspot - it rocks and I look forward to more ragging of the pees!!

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't rag on Manda because she's childless - that's a pain few of us understand - but I will say that she thinks she's an expert on parenting, as well as everything else.

You're right though, her attitude does remind me of Oprah.

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I know this is the NSBR blog, but I also want to say that I HATE Thena's poems. Every one of them is just horrid.

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know, that was kind of mean of me to rag on her for being childless - but she is so fucking annoying with her "parenting" advice for someone who doesn't have any kids!!!

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that you tell it how it is! Being honest never hurt anyone..maybe their pride because they KNOW what you're telling them is TRUE!

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what, if you don't like the messageboard - don't go there!
I say that to ALL of you.

I can understand that the bitchiness is irritating on the board, but writing here, and commenting here is just as bitchy as what you people are doing.

Do you have NO self awareness, or do you just have your heads stuck up your ass with the peas?

Why don't you do some positive things - use your powers for good and not evil.


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