Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I Guess I Have Poor Taste

Apparently I am the odd ball because I think this first set is gawd awful for a little girl. I don't get the whole brown/pink theme that seems so popular these days. Blech! All that dark brown and not an appealing pattern either. Everyone else finds it "stunning". I just don't see it.


At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can her pictures be any bigger? I think the brown looks grandma like.. the second is cuter

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they are both cute. It all depends on what your personal taste is.

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, Annabell had a comment! Pleeeasseee...........I wish I could delete her! She must comment on everything! Gets old!

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The second set is definitely cuter by far. The first set is something I'd imagine my 12 year old neice picking out if it came in a twin bed version.

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annabell has 60 comments made just today starting at 9:00am with a short break and back on noon with supper break and back on now. Wow........get a hobby! We don't care what you think!

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

both of them are fucking ugly.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Anne said...

This is what you post about... boring, come on post about something good blogger!

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like either one.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Anne said...

I think the first set is very cute.

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the pink and brown one.

At 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the baby will roll over and die when she sees how ugly her baby bedding is.

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This woman acts like this nursery bedding and crib thing are for the baby. The baby doesn't care about the nursery. Why doesn't she just say, "I want this damnit?" This is one of the reason why women get on my freaking nerves.

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, I love it, and said so, but I can understand that others don't. Personally I thought the second one was much worse.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Eh....the first one was okay. The second was horrible. The brown and pink with toile is WAY too trendy for me. WAY. Did I say way?

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Hey, you turned off word verify. THANK YOU!

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the baby will roll over and die when she sees how ugly her baby bedding is.

You have no soul. What a terrible thing to even think let alone let anyone else KNOW you are thinking.

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE the first one. Everyone's different. My kids had a cutesy set and I know some people would hate that - but, it's what we liked.

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anne said...
This is what you post about... boring, come on post about something good blogger!

Are you asking blogger to post about you? Go and fuck someone.. err something up then..;)

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annabella said...
Annabell has 60 comments made just today starting at 9:00am with a short break and back on noon with supper break and back on now.

hahahahaha yep you're right! I had nothing to do today at work and took an hour lunch break. You can look forward to another 60 comments tomorrow from me if work doesn't pick up.

Oooo i'll be waiting on pins and needles..
Get A Real Job Howdy... BIOTCH!

At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it's hideous. You are not alone!!!

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I loooooove it!

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm...baby rolling over and dying...not a funny thing to say...or think.. :(

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Umm...baby rolling over and dying...not a funny thing to say...or think.. :(

Uhh pretty sure it's a reference like.. grand-ma rolling over in her grave kind of a thingy... Or I could be wrong

At 9:44 PM, Blogger 2 peas in my ass said...

Anonymous said...
I think the baby will roll over and die when she sees how ugly her baby bedding is.

You have no soul. What a terrible thing to even think let alone let anyone else KNOW you are thinking.

9:07 PM

Um, I could be wrong, but I think it was like a figure of speech. Haven't you ever said, "I would die if that happened to me"? Get a grip lady.

At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I thought the first one reminded me of a tootsie roll surrounded by pink marshmallow fluff. Gawdy.

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yeah, I thought the first one reminded me of a tootsie roll surrounded by pink marshmallow fluff. Gawdy

Thats a nice description :)

At 9:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous said...
Yeah, I thought the first one reminded me of a tootsie roll surrounded by pink marshmallow fluff. Gawdy.

9:49 PM

Now that was good... I for one just feel that there is more to stress about in life than that... however, people are different than me...

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it! It's gorgeous!!

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shes getting of her fat ass

At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets try that again, apparently 1 post isn't enough for her.
getting off her fat ass

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 2nd one is cute..the 1st is ugly as shit

At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh yeah Capris are really going to show how "professional" you are. I am sure they mentioned the shoes because they didn't want to be rude about her whole outfit.

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What a DIPSHIT! Please read my blog, noone else will. thank you

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Capris are really going to show how "professional" you are. I am sure they mentioned the shoes because they didn't want to be rude about her whole outfit.

How fuckin true :)

At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh. Not much to say about the nursery set. I like it, but it is pretty trendy for the kind of money that you have to put out for those kinds of things.

BUT HELL YES! Steph is getting a job?? I hope she isn't "too cute" for it. Gawd, that girl has some weird ass self esteem. You are not cute.

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JOE'S BLOG SUCKS. It is boring and I hate how he thinks he is so witty and funny. Moron.

At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
JOE'S BLOG SUCKS. It is boring and I hate how he thinks he is so witty and funny. Moron.

EXACTLY!!!! Joe where are you? PUSSY!
Probably updating his gay blog again....

At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay...I was the original anon poster about the baby rolling over and dying. Hell no would I talk about a baby dying...like from SIDS because of some awful crib bedding. That just makes me sick. I just think that the baby bedding is ugly as hell. UGLY. And that the baby would hate it. But like another anon poster said...this bedding isn't for the baby...it's for the crackhead mother.

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first set is UGLY. That floral pattern is so old lady. And I like pink/brown. But not that.

#2 is much cuter.

At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 Peas In My Ass said:
"I Guess I Have Poor Taste"

Anon said: Ya Think?

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Anne said...

Are you asking blogger to post about you? Go and fuck someone.. err something up then..;)

Ill do my best... actually have some prospects but not to sure yet...

At 11:51 PM, Blogger TaniaJPS said...

LOVE the first one. The kid won't prolly remember it anyway - so it's for the parents - ya dig? :)

At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like them both. I actually kinda like the first one... I'd like it better if the brown was a shade lighter. The second one is a little too CUTESY for my taste. To each their own, I guess. I'd like to see another choice.

At 5:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the second set better. The first set is drab and boring like most uptight peas. That's why they like the first set better.

At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

{That floral pattern is so old lady.}

Most of them are old ladies trapped in young bodies. Their life is sucked out of them either through their religion or marriages.

Day in the life a Two Peas house fraus:

1. Make breakfast
2. Send off your family
3. Spend hours peaing
4. Scrap the millionth pic of your children. You have to preserve memories so when you kick the bucket, your children can have something to collect dust in an attic somewhere.
5. Search for the "perfect" new recipe thinking you'll impress your husband.
6. Clean your house if you have time left over from peaing.
7. If your husband makes a lot of money, go shopping. You have to keep up with the latest neighborhood house fraus trends. If your husband is poor, spend the extra time on Two Peas philosophizing about life trying to become one of the queen bees.
7. Cook dinner for your family.
8. Get back on the computer to Pea.

Repeat for the next 20 years of your life or until your husband leaves you and you have to get a job to support yourself.

At 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your loosing respect for this blog when you address issues with babies and children

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Missy said...

I think the two that she picked out are on different ends of the spectrum. Compared to #2? I like #2. #2 is kind of cheesy to me. I personally wouldn't buy either one.

At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your loosing respect for this blog when you address issues with babies and children

Nitwit, it's losing not loosing. What the fuck are you talking about? Criticizing colors of crib sets is attacking children? Did your momma let you eat lead paint growing up or something?

At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They both suck.


At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
your loosing respect for this blog when you address issues with babies and children

Nitwit, it's losing not loosing. What the fuck are you talking about? Criticizing colors of crib sets is attacking children? Did your momma let you eat lead paint growing up or something?

6:43 AM


At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love pink and brown. I am just not big on the whole nursery decorating thing because the baby will not know.

At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

{That floral pattern is so old lady.}

Most of them are old ladies trapped in young bodies. Their life is sucked out of them either through their religion or marriages.

Day in the life a Two Peas house fraus:

1. Make breakfast
2. Send off your family
3. Spend hours peaing
4. Scrap the millionth pic of your children. You have to preserve memories so when you kick the bucket, your children can have something to collect dust in an attic somewhere.
5. Search for the "perfect" new recipe thinking you'll impress your husband.
6. Clean your house if you have time left over from peaing.
7. If your husband makes a lot of money, go shopping. You have to keep up with the latest neighborhood house fraus trends. If your husband is poor, spend the extra time on Two Peas philosophizing about life trying to become one of the queen bees.
7. Cook dinner for your family.
8. Get back on the computer to Pea.

Repeat for the next 20 years of your life or until your husband leaves you and you have to get a job to support yourself.

5:51 AM


Oh hell, this was too good to resist....

I'm not what one would consider an "old lady". I'm prolly a 20-something butt fugly HO who has no life, no friends, and definately no man who would give me the time of day much less marry me. My no-life consist of bashing complete strangers in order to make myself feel better.

Day in the life of a butt fugly Ho who has nothing better to do because she can't get a friend or a man.

1. Make breakfast
2. No fam, just deep down resentful as hell that other people have what I couldn't get if you threw my ass in a colony of pygmies who hadn't seen a female in 10 years.
3. Spend hours pouring through a message board trying to find someone to project my inadequacies and shortcomings on.
4. Continue to spew my resentment because once again my ass was so butt fugly that my parents didn't take any pics of me as a kid and for that fact didn't care enough to take the time to document my sad pathetic life.
5. ooohhhh that anger just keeps getting the best of me.....I don't have anyone in my life who gives a rats ass about me who would give me the chance to try and impress them.
6. Still live at home with the parents because I'm a unproductive loser. My mom still cleans up my room.

See, your not even important or interesting enough to finish. I don't know you and I'm already sick of hearing about your sad, pathetic, no friend-no-man having life.

Man it must SUCK to be YOU!!!

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't the stupid cunt pack an extra set of clothes for the interview? And who wears interview clothes all day at school or wherever the fuck she was that she got peed on?

What an imbecile. I hope she doesn't get the job.

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an imbecile. I hope she doesn't get the job.

No! she needs it. She posted one time that she was going to use her child support check to buy camera stuff because she takes care of the kids. BLAH! Ever heard of saving the $$ for your kids??

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can Lauren post on anything without being a bitch? She can't even pass up a post about cake without being a bitch. She needs to get a life, or a man. It must be pretty bad if you can't even read a post about cake without taking the time to write a bitchy reply.


At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What an imbecile. I hope she doesn't get the job.

No! she needs it. She posted one time that she was going to use her child support check to buy camera stuff because she takes care of the kids. BLAH! Ever heard of saving the $$ for your kids??

Yea right, her lot payment alone has to be 400$ and then the trailor payment has to be 250$.. maybe the peed on thingy is a sexual fantasy

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

enough said.

6:50 PM

Anonymous said...
From Lou's Blog:

Today, while I was out, Jonas climbed onto the neighbor’s roof. Yes. The ROOF.


Last night Jonas got his revenge by banging on our keyboard until it broke. I now have a new keyboard; it’s the cheapest one that Best Buy carried, and let me tell you it feels darn weird to be typing on it.


This morning I brushed Jonas’ teeth with soap. I did. And when he gagged and said, “yuk!” I counted to ten and made him sit still for the rest of the brushing, which he very obediently, very trustingly, did. Somewhere around the number eight I realized that the ‘toothpaste’ wasn’t foaming the way toothpaste usually does. It was bubbling. It was then I realized that when I grabbed the toothbrush out of the drawer I hadn’t noticed that soap had spilled on it. I had just spent the past twenty seconds lathering up the insides of poor Jonas’ mouth and he hadn’t even cussed.

Today Jonas ran in to the room flailing a spatula and announced he was Pekinese ........

LOU! It's time to get that kid of yours some HELP!

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the baby will roll over and die when she sees how ugly her baby bedding is.

I hope you are not producing into this world with this type of talk.

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
your loosing respect for this blog when you address issues with babies and children

Nitwit, it's losing not loosing. What the fuck are you talking about? Criticizing colors of crib sets is attacking children? Did your momma let you eat lead paint growing up or something?

6:43 AM


Spelling error or not from anon, I have to agree. Talk about a nitwit, you come off so full of anger. Go to some classes and put down the bottle once in a while.

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it looks reminiscent of a Korean Brothel house. If you named her "Kimmie Cum Here" it would be perfect bedding.

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think it looks reminiscent of a Korean Brothel house. If you named her "Kimmie Cum Here" it would be perfect bedding.

9:41 AM


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh...I'm producing babiese alright. But I'm not putting them in beds with ugly ass bedding like that.

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it looks reminiscent of a Korean Brothel house. If you named her "Kimmie Cum Here" it would be perfect bedding.


At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAKE UP! He's cheating on you!!!

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is plenty of good material on 2Peas that you could post about on this blog. Why did you choose this thread? It's not the slightest bit entertaining.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes your hubby is cheating on you. Kick his ass to the curb!

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been a lurker on this board for a few weeks now and find this blog extremely entertaining as well as the 2 Peas NSBR. But after reading "he's cheating" I just had to chime in and give my two cents.....

To the actual poster, you rarely post which means you probably don't know anyone on this board from adam BUT you choose to post about your husband cheating on a public board for the whole world to see? Are you crazy? You are going to be eaten alive by these women.

Okay, Blogger we need a post dedicated to this.

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG said...
I have been a lurker on this board for a few weeks now and find this blog extremely entertaining as well as the 2 Peas NSBR. But after reading "he's cheating" I just had to chime in and give my two cents.....

To the actual poster, you rarely post which means you probably don't know anyone on this board from adam BUT you choose to post about your husband cheating on a public board for the whole world to see? Are you crazy? You are going to be eaten alive by these women.

Okay, Blogger we need a post dedicated to this.

She must be busy, I figured with my first post she would of grabbed it.

At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cut the woman some slack! If the man you loved and trusted fucked around on you, your first response would probably to be in denial of it. She probably wants to believe him but knows deep down inside he's full of shit.

Sometimes when you're in emotional pain it's nice to know you're not alone in what you feel hence her post asking for advice.

At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"LOU! It's time to get that kid of yours some HELP!"

UM it's what kids do. You must not be a parent. It's impossible to have your eyes on your child 24/7. My kids did stuff like that all the time, and this was 20 years ago, we didn't have cable or internet, they were just normal kids exploring and testing the limits.

At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, just what I would want to do - post on a public message board about my husband cheating to a bunch of psycho peas!

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I don't post much here..mostly read, but I need a woman's opinion please.

My dh has had a difficult year with his job and he will be leaving at the end of the month. Of course I would never in a million years think that my husband would have an affair but.....

I printed a statement of our bank account and it shows 3 different occasions that there was a hotel charge at a hotel close to his work. I don't usually have access to the online account, but I guessed at the username & password and it was right. I was looking just to transfer some $ from one account to another.

Of course I confronted him and he said that he used the hotel's meeting room for business purposes (their media room) and that was the charge on the statement. Well I thought it was interesting that the amount was the same amount as a hotel room and i doubted they charged the same thing for a meeting room. I called the hotel and they do have a meeting room, but charge twice as much for it as they would a guest room.

So I figured I would try to get a receipt from the hotel tomorrow..because I'm sorry I don't beleive it. But I acted like I did for now.

THEN he tells me as I was going to bed that he is so ashamed, but he needs to tell me (he changes his story) Because he has SO MUCH stress at his job, he left in the middle of the day and went to the hotel and watched porn and took care of himself. Now he works an hour away from home so I guess it is possible BUT....he can do that at home anytime..really. I don't care if he watches porn in his own little private time, so why would he pay $70.00 to go to a hotel to do that.

I love my husband and I want to believe him, but I'm having a VERY hard time believing it. It sounds like he had to think about an excuse for a while and that's what he came up with. SO, if it's true..so be it. He confessed, feels ashamed and really no biggie. BUT if it's not true how will I EVER KNOW. Then he starts CRYING saying how bad his job has been and all the stress, and how he's looking for new job, and he wants me to comfort him..and I just can't bring myself to do it. He expects me just to believe him...WHAT DO I DO??

I know you don't know him or the whole situation, but would I be gullible for beleiving or should I just turn the other cheek even though I told him that if I ever found out he was cheating on me I would leave him.

I wish today never happened. I'll never be able to sleep tonight.

Thanks ladies.


At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh huh, right said...
Yeah, just what I would want to do - post on a public message board about my husband cheating to a bunch of psycho peas

She's an unknown pea so she doesn't have any of the bitches holding a grudge against her yet. They'll offer her hugs and some will even pray for her! LOL

At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"LOU! It's time to get that kid of yours some HELP!"

UM it's what kids do. You must not be a parent. It's impossible to have your eyes on your child 24/7. My kids did stuff like that all the time, and this was 20 years ago, we didn't have cable or internet, they were just normal kids exploring and testing the limits.

Umm I am a parent. And I tell you right now that my kid will never be on the roof! Or have the opportunity to break my keyboard.... And I sure in the hell WONT be brushing his teeth with FUCKIN soap. And YES I do watch my kids 24/7 thank you very much!

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She's an unknown pea so she doesn't have any of the bitches holding a grudge against her yet. They'll offer her hugs and some will even pray for her! LOL"

The key word there is YET!

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the thread with all the peas who never leave their children?? Their children have never spent the night away from mommy and daddy?

Christ, that's insane. Or neurotic.

What sort of empty life are those women going to have when their little precious angels grow up and make a life of their own?

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call those mothers that have their kids wrapped in a papoos (sp) their entire lives "Helicopter Moms". They hover over their precious progeny day and night...worry unneccesarily...dread empty nest...help with homework to the point of doing it themselves. Helicopter Moms.


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh the plight of trailer trash

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I call those mothers that have their kids wrapped in a papoos (sp) their entire lives "Helicopter Moms". They hover over their precious progeny day and night...worry unneccesarily...dread empty nest...help with homework to the point of doing it themselves. Helicopter Moms.


Uh.. I just want to clarify, my kids are 2&4.. so yea I give alot of attention to them.

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me help you out with that link :)

Trailor Trash

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOD She just irritates the piss out of me

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me.. This girl Is Dumber Than A Box Of Rocks.... Here's Her Update!

Ladies..and Gentleman..

It was so comforting to wake up and see all of your responses.....wow. Thank you so much.

Well here's an update...I did call the hotel and the charge was JUST for the room no movies and I asked if they had adult movies and they said no...(actually he was kind of mortified that I asked..lol). He doesn't have a laptop and they said they didn't have dvd players there so I don't know how else he could have been watching the porn.

All this time he has said that they have asked him to leave work...it hasn't been on his own accord. I'm beginning to think that one poster said it's someone at work...I went into his email this am and found that he has concocted an elaberate story to his superiors..more lies.

He says he's been diagnosed with statge T2 prostate cancer and that he has to meet with some dr's to set up a treatment and that is why he's been taking time off work where I guess he's been going to interviews..or sleeping around ...im so confused.

Anyways...im really numb right now and kind of in daze..but seeing you all here has made me feel a little better.



At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I going to be the laughing stock of the neighborhood??


At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even Brandy's story is starting to smell fishy! Something just doesn't add up.

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever said...
Even Brandy's story is starting to smell fishy! Something just doesn't add up.


Oh boy! this is what I'm talking about. someone decides "something doesn't add up", everyone in the MCB crew speculates, and swarm in to take chunks of flesh out of the poster.



At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever said...
Even Brandy's story is starting to smell fishy! Something just doesn't add up.


Oh boy! this is what I'm talking about. someone decides "something doesn't add up", everyone in the MCB crew speculates, and swarm in to take chunks of flesh out of the poster.



And the sad thing is she has NO idea she about to be eaten alive..

At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching cars drive around in a circle for several hours in the hopes that someone will crash and die a fiery death. That is high-class entertainment. If only the Romans had cars...

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever said...
Even Brandy's story is starting to smell fishy! Something just doesn't add up.

1:54 PM


Just what exactly doesn't add up Private Dick?????

Go ahead now...go on over and post your "little" conclusion so that the thread can make a 360 and turn on the OP.


At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Do a 180 on the poster.

A 360 would spin them around and right back where they started--supporting her.

A 180 makes them turn their backs on her and gang up.

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


xxxxyyyyzzzz - what was this troll's former name?

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFLPeaingIMP said...
The brown set is too dark! The second one is better but primary colors would be best. Dark colors are depressing.

2:38 PM

At first, I thought you were being cryptic..talking in code. We've been so off topic that it took me a while to realize you were talking ON THE SUBJECT. Then I laughed at myself.


At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

xxxxyyyyzzzz - what was this troll's former name

Who ever it is is pretty regular

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Just what exactly doesn't add up Private Dick?????

Go ahead now...go on over and post your "little" conclusion so that the thread can make a 360 and turn on the OP.


Thank you! I feel like I have arrived now that I have been called names by a pea!

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh boy! this is what I'm talking about. someone decides "something doesn't add up", everyone in the MCB crew speculates, and swarm in to take chunks of flesh out of the poster.


Exactly and this is the reason I no longer post on the board. They consider speculation as facts and will attack someone when one of the group has a "feeling." It is upsetting to watch and upsetting to be victim of it.

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note: there is no such word as prolly. I know you say "prolly" so that's why you type it, but the word is probably. Pronounce the letter b. It's a good thing.

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no soul. What a terrible thing to even think let alone let anyone else KNOW you are thinking.

Hummmm I was thinking my baby would biotch slap me when she got older if she knew she had that first one. And boy would I deserve it.

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Note: there is no such word as prolly. I know you say "prolly" so that's why you type it, but the word is probably. Pronounce the letter b. It's a good thing.

Uh That Was Prolly Me.. And I Like To Type It Like That ;P

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh That Was Prolly Me.. And I Like To Type It Like That ;P


And you look like a retard doing that.

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Uh That Was Prolly Me.. And I Like To Type It Like That ;P


And you look like a retard doing that.

3:35 PM

Or you could have said "people on this blog prolly think you are retarded for spelling it that way."

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's also no such word as BIOTCH but one will only call someone on it if they know (or think) they'll get support from the legion or are an uncaring troll.

At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the blog's original post about StephStanleys NASCAR thread?

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am all about chocolate and brown and chocolate and blue. There is something about them I LOVE!

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't like the first one, but whatever floats your boat. I prefer pastel colors for a baby girl's room. The second one is very cute.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Uh That Was Prolly Me.. And I Like To Type It Like That ;P


And you look like a retard doing that.

And? So Fucking what, you look like a retard telling me I look like one for spelling one friggen word that way.. God Damn... You need to get out more if spelling probably wrong irks you.

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And? So Fucking what, you look like a retard telling me I look like one for spelling one friggen word that way.. God Damn... You need to get out more if spelling probably wrong irks you.

highstrung are we?

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you bitches that keep twisting my words would drop fucking dead. I wish you were on a walk to the park and a car drove up on the curb and hit your fat, skanky ass. Do you scumbuckets have nothing else to do other than twist other people's comments around? You should be shipped back to Mexico with the illegals or be shipped back to Africa...whichever applies to you.

At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I wish you bitches that keep twisting my words would drop fucking dead. I wish you were on a walk to the park and a car drove up on the curb and hit your fat, skanky ass. Do you scumbuckets have nothing else to do other than twist other people's comments around? You should be shipped back to Mexico with the illegals or be shipped back to Africa...whichever applies to you.

4:29 PM


Why not shipped back to Switzerland?


At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

highstrung are we?

Not at all ;)

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I wish you bitches that keep twisting my words would drop fucking dead. I wish you were on a walk to the park and a car drove up on the curb and hit your fat, skanky ass. Do you scumbuckets have nothing else to do other than twist other people's comments around? You should be shipped back to Mexico with the illegals or be shipped back to Africa...whichever applies to you

I was thinking shipped back to Germany...

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I wish you bitches that keep twisting my words would drop fucking dead. I wish you were on a walk to the park and a car drove up on the curb and hit your fat, skanky ass. Do you scumbuckets have nothing else to do other than twist other people's comments around? You should be shipped back to Mexico with the illegals or be shipped back to Africa...whichever applies to you.

Why do you assume that we are all Black or Mexican?

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I wish you bitches that keep twisting my words would drop fucking dead. I wish you were on a walk to the park and a car drove up on the curb and hit your fat, skanky ass. Do you scumbuckets have nothing else to do other than twist other people's comments around? You should be shipped back to Mexico with the illegals or be shipped back to Africa...whichever applies to you.

Why do you assume that we are all Black or Mexican?

4:35 PM
well, that should be obvious! The woman that posted this HAS to be a white cloak wearing hillbilly.


At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I wish you bitches that keep twisting my words would drop fucking dead. I wish you were on a walk to the park and a car drove up on the curb and hit your fat, skanky ass. Do you scumbuckets have nothing else to do other than twist other people's comments around? You should be shipped back to Mexico with the illegals or be shipped back to Africa...whichever applies to you.

4:29 PM

Let me guess...You consider yourself a Christain?

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, that should be obvious! The woman that posted this HAS to be a white cloak wearing hillbilly

That image is priceless

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Note: there is no such word as prolly. I know you say "prolly" so that's why you type it, but the word is probably. Pronounce the letter b. It's a good thing


Anonymous said...
There's also no such word as BIOTCH but one will only call someone on it if they know (or think) they'll get support from the legion or are an uncaring troll.

3:41 PM

Say it ain't so........

Not only are we lucky enough to have our very own private dick but we also have our own effing dictionary.

Oh wait....is effing a REAL word?

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Uh.. I just want to clarify, my kids are 2&4.. so yea I give alot of attention to them."

Many/most of the mothers on that thread have kids 8, 10 years old on up. One even had grown kids and had never left them alone.

There was another thread recently about how many mothers don't let their kids go to sleepovers at friends. Poor kids are missing out.

DH & I know a couple with whom we occasionally socialize. When they are out, their kids call them almost hourly over trivial things, whining for them to come home.

DH & I decided that the parents subtly encouraged this behavior because it strokes the PARENTS EGOS that the little darling can't get along w/o them for even a couple hours.

Meanwhile, they're raising clingy, whiny, fearful kids.

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I wish you bitches that keep twisting my words would drop fucking dead. I wish you were on a walk to the park and a car drove up on the curb and hit your fat, skanky ass. Do you scumbuckets have nothing else to do other than twist other people's comments around? You should be shipped back to Mexico with the illegals or be shipped back to Africa...whichever applies to you.

4:29 PM


Your mother must be so proud! Awwwwwwwwww

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like "prolly".

I ned to start using it more.

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll assume saying that you "ned" to start using more is a joke. :)

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I wish you bitches that keep twisting my words would drop fucking dead. I wish you were on a walk to the park and a car drove up on the curb and hit your fat, skanky ass. Do you scumbuckets have nothing else to do other than twist other people's comments around? You should be shipped back to Mexico with the illegals or be shipped back to Africa...whichever applies to you.

4:29 PM


Hey what about us Indians???

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy! this is what I'm talking about. someone decides "something doesn't add up", everyone in the MCB crew speculates, and swarm in to take chunks of flesh out of the poster.


And yet everyone on that thread was nothing but supportive and understanding.

I think a lot of this "clique" and "NSBR is mean" crap is all in your head. Just because you all don't fit in, or because you imagine they are all ganging up on you. Bullshit. I joined a year ago, jumped in, and I have never been treated badly. But I have never posted crap either. I have never kissed up to anyone.

But I have never worried about being popular or fitting in. I take the board for what I want in it and go on. I post all the time and have a lot of posts, but I do not care whether I am part of the "in" group or not.

All you bitter people seeing animosity where it isn't are wierd. If you didn't put so much stock into the board and not being popular or fitting in, you wouldn't be so hateful. If you had something else going on in your life it wouldn't matter. If you are this hateful, well, I guess you will see that in others.

You get what you put out there.

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cough cough bullshit cough cough back to you!

There have been so many times I've seen innocent people post about something only to be ganged up on. They weren't seeking popularity...just commiseration. They weren't trying to fit it...just spend some spare time.

I have posts right now that I read that saddened me because they were so uncalled for.

It wasn't imagined.

Hell, it wasn't even about me, but yes, I did post in support of the masacred OP.

Good for you, that you're all "this and that"--feel superior?


At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Oh boy! this is what I'm talking about. someone decides "something doesn't add up", everyone in the MCB crew speculates, and swarm in to take chunks of flesh out of the poster.


And yet everyone on that thread was nothing but supportive and understanding.

I think a lot of this "clique" and "NSBR is mean" crap is all in your head. Just because you all don't fit in, or because you imagine they are all ganging up on you. Bullshit. I joined a year ago, jumped in, and I have never been treated badly. But I have never posted crap either. I have never kissed up to anyone.

But I have never worried about being popular or fitting in. I take the board for what I want in it and go on. I post all the time and have a lot of posts, but I do not care whether I am part of the "in" group or not.

All you bitter people seeing animosity where it isn't are wierd. If you didn't put so much stock into the board and not being popular or fitting in, you wouldn't be so hateful. If you had something else going on in your life it wouldn't matter. If you are this hateful, well, I guess you will see that in others.

You get what you put out there

And Your Name Is?

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's it...WE have to be hateful, miserable people to see that behavior in others? THAT makes so much sense! Because, it simply isn't possible that there are major cunts on that board, stalking and sniping? Right? The only way to see hate is to be hateful? Hmmm. You're a gawddamned genius.

At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. You're a gawddamned genius.

Damn it.. I wanted to be the Gawddamned Genius

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just love it when people think they're smart and spew their illogic.

Remember my slogan: Cunty is as cunty does.


At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love it when people think they're smart and spew their illogic.

Remember my slogan: Cunty is as cunty does.


5:21 PM



At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been so many times I've seen innocent people post about something only to be ganged up on. They weren't seeking popularity...just commiseration. They weren't trying to fit it...just spend some spare time.



All I saw was support on that thread. All of you were the ones saying she would be attacked, she wasn't. Except here.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
well, that should be obvious! The woman that posted this HAS to be a white cloak wearing hillbilly

So WTF? You consider all hillbillys to be members of the KKK? :P

At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are a certifiable whack job! Up the meds ASAP.

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last twenty comments or so are summarized thusly:

You suck.
[i]No,you suck. [/i]
Your friends suck.
[i]Your friends suck more.[/i]
You suck the most.
[i]You're stupid AND you suck.[/i]
You're stupidest and you suck the mostest!

lather. rinse. repeat.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
well, that should be obvious! The woman that posted this HAS to be a white cloak wearing hillbilly

So WTF? You consider all hillbillys to be members of the KKK?

Maybe she's telling us she's in the KKK... Ya know, practice what you preach!

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, should we all give a shout out to CC Princess?

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lather. rinse. repeat.


Oh, and use the <> instead of [] and your italics will work. ;)

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone care to link the post about Lauren and the cake. A real link. Because what you wrote doesn't work. thanks!

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You get what you put out there"

Ummm, yeeeeeah. About the boards? I don't think so. It is all about kissing the right asses at the right time.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julia B said...
"You get what you put out there"

Ummm, yeeeeeah. About the boards? I don't think so. It is all about kissing the right asses at the right time.

6:44 PM

pucker up and quitcherbitchin :)

At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julia B said...
"You get what you put out there"

Ummm, yeeeeeah. About the boards? I don't think so. It is all about kissing the right asses at the right time.

6:44 PM


Again, bullshit. Like I said, I post all the time and I have never had to kiss anyone's ass. I have never had the so-called "popular peas" pile on me. Because I don't put crap out there. I state my opinion without slamming other people, and I am respected for it. I am not trying to "get into the group", because I don't want to be there. I have too much going on in my real life and I only have time to post what I want. I don't email or IM anyone regularly. You would recognize my name immediately, but I am not stupid enough to put it out here to you hateful people.

I say whatever I want on the board and sometimes it doesn't agree with what you people call the popular ones. But I state my opinions with respect and intelligence, without belittling anyone, and they listen to me. Obviously, you people can't do that.

I still haven't seen an example of an unneccessary pile-on, one for no reason. Every time I have ever seen a bad one is because the poster caused it. Don't spew crap and you don't get called on it. Disagreeing is not "piling on".

If these comments are an example of what you are putting out there, then no wonder you don't fit in.

Think about it, look at your actions, and you will know it is true. Damn, just look at your actions right here on this blog.

Like I said, you get back what you put out there, either on the board or in real life. You feel left out because you are. And you are left out because of your actions. Put out crap, get crap back.

It is the way of the world. Obviously you haven't learned that lesson yet.

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the links that "don't work"? If you were smart enough, then you would realize all you have to do is open up a post, erase the last numbers and paste the last numbers here in place of the old ones and then hit go.

It is simple for someone above moron intelligence.

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the links that "don't work"? If you were smart enough, then you would realize all you have to do is open up a post, erase the last numbers and paste the last numbers here in place of the old ones and then hit go.

It is simple for someone above moron intelligence.

At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that you somehow posted that post twice is just way too ironic....totally lmao!

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The fact that you somehow posted that post twice is just way too ironic....totally lmao!

8:09 PM

That is totally funny! :)

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that you somehow posted that post twice is just way too ironic....totally lmao!

8:09 PM


Yea, ironic that I pushed the button once and it posted twice. That NEVER happens. Ironic! Good one.

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a whackjob because I think there is a group of maffioso-cuntbags on two peas? So be it. I wonder what THEIR victims are then? pfft.

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So WTF? You consider all hillbillys to be members of the KKK?

Maybe she's telling us she's in the KKK... Ya know, practice what you preach!


Oy vey! Stupid is as stupid does! That's logic right there, it is! LOL I call someone a simple (er was it Hillbilly) cloak wearer for spouting out racist comments and now...erm, I'm in the KKK. That totally makes sense. I mean, because, you're a fucking moron.

I called her out for making a racist comment. I didn't agree with her, dumb dumb.

And that makes me KKK.

GOt it.


At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dead babies = hilarious

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You are a certifiable whack job! Up the meds ASAP.

5:33 PM

Now that I've got your attention cunt, may I ask you a few questions?

1) Where did ya get your license? That is, to certify someone? heh heh

2) Whack job? Um, last time I checekd a whack job was the act of beating off someone. Or, let me spell this out...placing one's hand on a man's penis and rubbing it hard or slow, depending on preference, up and down the shaft until the man cummeth. Who did I whack off? Just curious. If I'm getting some side action, I'd like to know.

3) Up my meds? Please! Please! Please! Yummie! Me likes meds.

4) Here's the most important one cummie, so listen (er...read) carefully: How long did it take you to think up your come back? Because, it was lacking a bit...and I hope (for your sake) it didn't take long. Although, that would make you a hastey cunt instead of a well thought out cunt...but, in any case

cunty is as cunty does

MCB muahs to you

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Doesn't take much intelligence to post an actual link, either. Try it.

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do cunts stink?

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the pink and brown one too. It's not for everyone though. That's why there are so many choices out there!!

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

keriwest said...
Stephanie480, I'd like to know what the hell I did to you that makes you spew such hatred toward me. What is it that makes you type such vulgar things? There must be something realistic.

11:44 AM

She is obviously the wife of one of the fat dick mexican's you fucked. ;)

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

keriwest has the ugliest fucking scrapbooking layouts. she should spend her money buying layouts off of ebay instead of wasting her time on the crap she makes. who's up for strangling keriwest with that ugly brown bumper pad?

At 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm, I usually agree with you. This is one of the few times we disagree. I still like you.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Kerry said...

I kind of like it. I have always liked pink and brown together. It depends on what the nursery furniture looks like too.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

keriwest has the ugliest fucking scrapbooking layouts. she should spend her money buying layouts off of ebay instead of wasting her time on the crap she makes. who's up for strangling keriwest with that ugly brown bumper pad?


There is no motivation for this post other than the poster being jealous of Keri's wealth, family, beautiful home, style, taste etc..., and finding the one thing she can to knock her down and thus, make herself feel jus' a wee bit bettah'. Sad. Tisk Tisk.


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