Why Are You Here?
This question is for those of you who poo poo on the blog. It's pretty obvious that a lot of you commenters despise this blog, so why are you here? And not only that, but why do you choose to comment? Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog. What is your reason for that?
Sure, I know some of these questions can be asked about me, but I am asking you. Anyone care to answer?
Uh, I never poo poo'd on the blog.. I Love The Bolg :)
Just wanted to chime in..
Lately, I'm hooked on celebrity gossip sites. When I'm caught up on those, I check out other gossip sites.
Kelli Girl
I just can't look away. It's horror and amusement all at once. Women are so mean!
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
Fear. Fear of what is going to be said about me next.
I think it is hilarious! And dead-on, to boot.
I'm just here because without the blog you miss about 90% of the drama on 2peas unless you spend the whole day there.
I think this blog rocks!
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
That's all I can think of right now. I just wish all the stupid shit would stop over there. I thought women were supposed to be intelligent...apparently these women are not so much.
I agree. If you don't it here, then leave. This blogger is brilliant!
Wish I had come up with it myself!
I come to this blog first and do two peas second, if I have time. I love this blog. It is so right on. Also, it makes me laugh because it is so true. Two peas women are helpless, attention seeking, one uppers, with no real friends. Go ahead and critize me for saying that...........I am enjoying someone trying to help these women realize it! If one thing comes out of this blog, it should be that you don't have to ask 20 strangers on line if you should take your child to the ER!
You can't say cunt?
Its kinda like the relative with BO that nobody wants to be the one to have to tell them. Same with the peas, nobody wants to have to be the one to tell them how stupid they sound, so this is an outlet to tell them to look in the mirror and take a long, hard look!
You can't say cunt?
Not on 2peas infact some gals can't even find thiers.
Anonymous who said you go here first...there second..... Me too!!! I totally think this is the funnest place to go. Not sure which comments I like the bloggers or the ones here... However, my name is also on the last post, so makes me wonder what I've done to make the blogger mad...
I've said some pretty mean comments on the board lately...
Oh they cry foul about the blog when it is about them but this drama and shit is right up their alley. They BE LOVING this blog and they be loving when someone posts on 2peas about the blog so they can say "tsk tsk..I don't READ such garbage"
If they were honest, at least to themselves they could say heck ya I agree with that about "so and so"
likely laughed it up and emailed their pals. BUT when it is about THEM...shit breaks loose. Too funny. If I get mentioned on here then I would have to look at myself and and my posts and try to understand why people would have that view of me. However they won't do that cause we are "cowards and have no balls and "fill in the blank" our opinion matters not to them. RIGHT?
Wrong. It does, which is why everyone of them has the blog saved in their favorites. It pays to be up to date on 2peas, doesn't it?
Ahem, I come here first too. LOL kind of sad, but heck I need some entertainment too!
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Really, just how miserable of a person are you???? Do you really need to validate and "build" yourself up at the expense of others. Why the need to mock and ridicule others over things that for the most part are legitimate things to them?
Yes, some of the things you say are indeed true but to put someone down and make judgements in your holier than thou attitude is nothing short of rude and immature.
If these people annoy you so much WHY do you go there and read? Really?? And come on, you want exactly what you got over here.....attention!! What I find hilarious is that I be willing to bet you wouldn't have the guts to say any of this carp to someone's face.
So tit for tat......Why do you visit and blog about a website that you obviously despise?
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
Case in point....whoever posted this chicken shit must be a rocket scientist.....IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SHIT WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO GO THERE AND READ IT??????? It's not about you, it's not about your family, It is not a personal attack so why do you go over there and read the shit??? If it is that irritating STOP GOING...STOP OPENING THE THREADS....IGNORE THE PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE!!! But grow frickin up and stop with the personal attacks.
Maybe the poster wanting to know what to do about her kid with a insect bite or whatever thought that she might get the advice of someone who actually knows what they are talking about.....uh, like an ER nurse who sees the most lame and useless excuses for people to come to the EMERGENCY room because they have nothing better to do. Hopefully one day you or a family member won't ACTUALLY need the services of the ER to save their life because god forbid they had to tend to the insect bite that in all honesty could have been treated at home with some OTC stuff.
Man, your mother must proud.
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
No this blog belongs to her pal Ashley Nicole.
I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?
Interesting how everyone here says "they" when referring to the women at two peas.
How does one become a "they"? From reading threads, posting on them, spending an hour or two at ttwo peas daily? I can't think of a definition that wouldn't include the anon posters here.
How do you know how annoying paigepea is or someone didn't know if they should visit the ER unless you are one of "them"?
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
That favourite two peas cliche comes to mind: Pot meet kettle.
why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy
boredom and for laughs
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Ok I didn't put the whole thing in but I agree with you, however IMO the people that are being talked about on here are the ones posting on the fucking INTERNET with all of their problems and all of their thoughts. That makes it fair game. Call it keyboard courage or whatever. Of course I wouldn't likely say things so rude to people in real life. However I highly doubt a god damn stranger will come up to me and say "HOW DO I PUT THIS DIVA CUP IN? If they did I would likely say "are you a fucking nut or something? In real life I have a better way of seeing who they are. Besides I don't say really bad things on here or 2peas for that matter. So I am not sure why I am responding to this.
Umm I have lost my train of thought on this anyways. Gotta fly anyways.
Does Scrapbrooker's husband even have a job????????????
Wasn't she just dreaming and obsessing about her old boyfriend?
I am not part of the 2Peas crowd. I check in there once in a while, and have occasionally posted on the NSBR board asking questions about this and that. I think some of those people there are over the top, and I don't understand how in the world they have the time to post as much as they do, and to post the silly stuff they do.
However, I do think this blog is mean-spirited, and I have spent some time being goofy and having some fun in the comments section. I'm the "fairy-tale" commenter, among other things. I am not the one who typed in all caps about animals. And I am not the one who keeps posting about constipation. And I'm not Paris Hilton. But I have done some fun stuff otherwise.
I am actually quite busy in my real life right now, and don't have time to annoy you all right now much. So enjoy the peace and quiet.....for now. :)
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
Yup and it's the same thing NSBR peas love on there as well. Difference is that they have nothing PERSONAL to sling back at us and we have thousands of posts to sling if we choose.
I love it!
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
yeah but she makes sense a lot and she doesn't hide how she really feels. So she gets credit for that.
i would just like to say that i love the blog
can you tell us who you do like on 2peas?
You must like someone!
Another one here who loves this blog. The only reason some people don't like it is because it has made them have to take a good, hard look at themselves.
I have to laugh when people come on here and say that 'we' are losers. 'They' are ones to judge.
The comments that the blog haters leave are just as bad as some of the comments left on here by anybody, so I just don't get it. Oh well. I still like it here better.
I vote for Kaboose dumping the NSBR. It's a ridiculous waste of bandwidth. If you don't like my comments on Paigepea or Scrapbrooker, why don't you just skip to the next fucking comment. I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of those dumbass bitches I'm making fun of. I have every right to talk about them if I want to. Who the fuck do you think you are? Obviously you are in the minority. You should be shipped out with the illegals. Fuck off.
"I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?"
I agree with this. That has been my stance from the beginning. A little introspection can sometimes be a very eye-opening thing. Granted I have not been the target of the full-on attacks either. So I guess it is easy for me to take that stance on the issue.
Okay I have had a bunch of thoughts about this blog and 2peas so I'm just going to ramble.
I agree with quite a few of the blogger's posts. It is some of the commentators that I have a problem with. Can't people agree without being vile about it?
If people think my questions are stupid or want to make fun of my pictures, then have a ball.
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous.
Truthfully a lot of the language used here does remind me of a bunch of teenage boys. And I am by no means a prude. At times I can be mistaken for a sailor LOL. But how many times can we use the word cunt. It is old already people.
Annabella posted something on a thread "over there" about this blog and I wholeheartedly agree with her. She stated that what is said here is not much different than what is shared through emails and IMs. Sadly, quite a bit of backbiting does go on behind-the-scenes at 2peas. Some people just won't admit it. ;)
I know that several anon posters here have a problem with Lauren. I don't. I like her a great deal. She does sometimes cross the line, but she's also one of the only peas who will often take the hard line and never waiver.
The way KimberlyDobbs is treated is a perfect example. Lauren has always called people on it when they attack KD unfairly or "pile on". She is often attacked herself, but her stance that it is wrong has never wavered. I admire her for that.
She made some wonderful points in the thread about trying to kill this blog. She tried to get other peas to see the double standard that often goes on at 2peas. And face it, there is a double standard whether anyone wants to admit it or not. Some peas get away with a lot of shit while other peas get unfairly "piled on".
I am not innocent of this behavior. So please save the "oh but you can be a bitch pea too". I know I can be. And I am big girl enough to admit it. It doesn't make it right or fair. I don't hide behind some Pollyanna smile. I am what I am. There and here. I sound like fucking Popeye.
Personally, this blog has really made me take a step back. I look at 2peas quite a bit differently than I did before. I view quite a few peas differently than I did before.
Hopefully some other peas can look past the venom of some of the anon posters and really HEAR the message. Because I think a lot of peas are missing the proverbial forest for the trees.
Yes, I posted this over here and not on 2peas. But I hope that anyone who knows me will realize that I would post this there as well. I just happened to log on here and wanted to share a bunch of these feelings that have been running through my head lately. I am not ashamed of anything I have said, here or there.
So there it is. That's how I feel.
i read your commentary, simply because you put things in good perspective. i wish i could say the same about some who post comments.
and i'm one of the list you made below. i believed it to be a list of those who responded on the spamming blog post. why isn't anewday there? or is it something more sinister?
Nice post Hollee!
Well written and I must say that you have never really been a pea that stood out as a "bitch" to me.
Anyways I hope you don't take a lot of shit for that post.
If Hollee were to the post that post on 2peas do you think MOLOVE would call her an IDIOT?
I would be interested to find out. Likely not.
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself. The peas need to start finding a new place to go, because it should be dismantled in a few days to weeks. I wonder how long it will be before they get rid of the gallery????
hhenrich said
I'm not. I didn't make the list and I'm glad. I only went to the blog once (to see if I was on the list) and the language was so disgusting over there. Blah!
Oh come now?? How about some tolerance for us fucking gals who like to swear?
I swear there is no tolerance for nothing on that board.
I would also like to know whom the blogger actually likes. That would be a shocking a controversial post, wouldn't it?
Is there anyone anyone actually likes? or are even the nice peas annoying because they're too nice and full of themselves?
"Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. " Oh man. I hope you are just messing with us, because that SUCKS if it is true. :(
There is no way the nsbr is going away. Calm down. Personally though, I'd be glad if it did. No other MB for me. More time off the computer = a good thing.
I heard that it (NSBR) was going to be disappearing too. I'd be really sad if it does. I enjoy chatting on there since my husband works off shore and I'm all alone.
Man Hollee, you have always been one of my favorite peas. THAT was awesome!
Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'!
Thanks Juliab. That was nice of you :)
As far as whether or not Molove would call me an idiot. Who knows.
Honestly some of the stuff that goes down never ceases to amaze. I've seen people get flamed for some weird stuff and I've seen people get away with some outlandish things too.
Although for quite a while (long before this blog) it seems that nearly any topic or comment has the potential to become controversial and/or "offend" someone and turn into a trainwreck.
"Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'! " See this is the shit I hate about the blog. And makes me think that some anons are 14-year old boys. Seriously. Who talks like this? I hope to God it it really isn't a middle-aged housewife.
The blogger asked a thought provoking question and there were some interesting responses and then someone comes along and posts that garbage.
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
And that question is why I read this still.
That's a dumb question. It's like saying why you poo poo on Two Peas starting a blog to mock a group of people you can't stand but obviously obsessed with them. Blogger, you're no different than they are.
come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face.
I see Nikki is here.
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself.
Not true, nothing will be changing.
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
okay now.......I totally agree!!!
I enjoy parts of this blog too because it is the cold hard truth, what makes your blog a mockery is your little groupie followers who say stuff like this and think it is really hurting the people they say this crap about:
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
What a joke! Do they really think that crap is going to make someone mad??? It is so beyond ridiculous and jr high that it is taken for what it is. I imagine it is some 20-something who wants everyone to think it is a 14 yr old kid, but if the kid is even half normal he/she would not be here wasting time with middle-aged women! They do actually have or at least try to get a life with peers their own age! Hey little poster have you ever heard of border line personality disorder? I'd bet if you looked it up in the dict. you'd find everyone of the charateristics to sound eerily familiar?? Ya think?
I think, like Hollee, that this blog is pretty much right on, in many cases. There have been a couple of entries that have taken on children that I found to be out of line. I think that some of the nasty comments are non-peas. The other nasty ones are probably peas who, for whatever reason, don't feel included at 2peas. I know that I really never have felt that way...included, I mean. I just keep posting because there are an amazing amount of women on 2peas who are funny, kind, caring, and intelligent. I can go over there and read and never post and still enjoy myself.
Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life!
The key to ANY message board (and I've been on many) is to ignore what drives you crazy, post where you want, and chuckle at the crazies. Takes too much energy to obsess about it all.
That said, I would love to have all you "linkers" please read the following on how to LINK! Someone was called stupid because they didn't know you could click on a name and collapse the post, yet no one here seems to know how to do something as simple as posting a link:
Type in this, only put your link in plase of the nonsense link
Well, call ME stupid!
Here ya go.
Alternate method:
Where you normally type text, use the HTML commands, per the sample below, inserting the URL and Title you want.
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
ok, this is getting ridiculous.
type in this, substituting <> for the []s:
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
THank you!
Add me to the stupid list, I constantly type in the wrong letters in the word verification box.
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
Click the other button below and your name will be at the top of your entry
I love this blog. Actually come here to catch up on the daily going on so I don't even have to go bore myself with the crap at 2ps.
Don't let the panty wadders get to you, they live in misery.
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
Uh...whats a zealot bitch?
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous
Hollee you rock!
I wish you WOULD post this over on 2peas,it's dead-on and it would be interesting to see if you get your hands slapped or not by the regular slappers.
Bluechiwawamom said:
"Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life"
And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)
I think that some of the High and Mighty folk over there need their knees ratcheted down a few notches; I come here to see you do it! I also think it is so funny that people take themselves so seriously over a NSbr board--a little community builty in cyberspace so they can usperp some of their lost High School esteem.
I think Hollee made some great points. And I agree with them. Totally.
There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical).
I think the blogger posts a lot of truth. My problem comes in when people start being flat out cruel when hiding behind their anonymous veil. .
"And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)"
well, I didn't ask for an apology nor do I need one. The "crap about Lauren" doesn't constitute "most of the crap" on the NSBR. It was ONE example. And, there's a huge difference between a fight and what happened there. I can fight with the best of them but I would never stoop that low.
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style. Hopefully, whatever was bothering her that night, is over.
Just wanted to add...at least I am brave enough to sign my pea name. What's yours?
"There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical)."
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style.
11:51 AM
The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock.
blue said...
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
I don't care about cliques either. I'm over trying to make everyone like me, but I do think cliques CAN be exclusionary. I mean, see Grumps and Liberal Peas. People get all twitchy when they think others are being exclusionary.
I think the cliques become a particular problem when they cause ganging up/pile ons. I mean, admittedly, I get annoyed by "inside" jokes inside of threads or AS threads, but I can ignore threads I think will be such and I can put people who act that way on ignore and sometimes I do. But the fact that you've managed to amass 20 friends in your possee that are going to make things difficult for other people when you started it, sucks. Even as an adult.
That's the number one jusitification for pile ons. "Well, we're defending our friend". I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends.
"The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock."
OMG I can't remember how many times Lauren has wigged out and then come back apologizing and vowing to turn over a 'new leaf'. Tick tock, indeed.
"I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends."
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
I've heard that about Lauren. She must have some demons that bother her deeply. I've always been able to just pretty much ignore her digs but that night was bad. I guess it was my first involvement in one of her "decompressions"...the others I'd only heard about.
Cliques CAN be exclusionary. I just try to realize that they know each other really well and have a lot of inside stuff. I just let it wash over me. I was part of a "clique" on a homeschooling board years ago. Several of us were sort of founding members. As it grew, we went right along posting and then, years later, started getting accused of being the popular ones, the clique, etc. It hurt me because I truly didn't realize that we came across that way and it's something I wouldn't knowingly want to be a part of. To me, it was just that we all knew each other so well...several of us had traveled to meet each other etc. It can happen without people even realizing or believing that they are being that way.
I know that when I first came to the NSBR, I posted all friendly and nice...tried to join in and just felt totally slammed. I left and didnt' return for two years. Then, I came back. I couldn't even remember my old peaname and came back as blue. I just kept posting and reading and gradually came to know a few of the posters as personalities. That helped to be able to "recognize" a few people. Aimmer was one of the first to say she liked my posts. It sometimes takes time to settle in at an MB.
Ruth, the ever so present hand slapper for anyone who critiques anything, is finally criticizing something without actually saying it. Why else would she start this thread but to have a conversation going on how horridly oppressed these women are.
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
*nodding head*
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
"I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on. " I am in complete agreement with you here. It's funny you should post this because just today I posted a thread on the GS board about this very thing.
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
Okay,well, I don't necessarily buy the clique thing for this one because I think it would be hard to prove. A lot of people join challanges to get lots of praise, so they'll get praise even if their layout is "as ugly as fuck". It's the number one suggestion for people looking for more praise on the GS board.
Dixie Chicks
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Holy Hell I did it....
anyway... the op is bitching about what they say about their fans.. blah blah blah what a fuckin whine ass
ok guess i didn't do it.. DAMN IT! :(
You have an extra slash at the end of the url. You ALMOST did it though. ;)
I agree about the cliques. I lifted a layout by one of the popular peas...and not one...NOT ONE person said anything about it. Personally, if the layout was that great (which I obviously thought it was)...why didn't it get any props?!?!
Ok Ladies... We need to tell this girl to run, run as fast as she can.. before she gets sucked into lurkdem with the rest of us, not trying to be bashed upon by the bitches of the board. OOo maybe we could invite her over here ;)
Im New
Is it true that the NSBR is going away? I read that earlier, but no one has really commented on it. I'm freaking out. Is our stuff safe in the gallery? Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case. Do you think it's because of them taking away the gallery or does she not want people talking smack about her stuff? I'm really confused and not sure if I should start posting my layouts. What a waste of time if I do and they get rid of it.
Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case.
She's a fucking idiot, don't listen to her! She uses the gallery as her personal photo storage space unlike the rest of us who use photobucket.
Why would they take the gallery away when people show their scrapbooking ideas there dumbbass! Gosh I wish people would stop spreading stupid rumors.
remember when she got busted lying about what I can't remember.. then the hairflip came and she went away...swearing never to come back.. guess she hangs out on GS now!
Of course there are cliques! Give me a break and coke bottle glasses! (Guffaw) Those who say they don't exist have two choices; 1) you're a complete effing moron or 2) you're in one. Plain and simple. Now, most of the time they don't bother me. I just see them as pathetic sorority-wannabe types who run over at every split second to rub each other's shoulders and kiss each other's asses. It's quite a sight. However, on the increasingly frequent times when they snipe at an unsuspecting poster then gather up in force to conqure and defeat--that's when I say "Royal Bitches from Hell". Sadly, we've all seen it too many times. Someone innocently posting. The maffioso-cuntbags come running to say something snarky or give a completely unfounded opinion on the topic or poster...THEN...like a script, they all "I so agree" and "to the OP...(slam boom bam!)" and on and on. When the red seaps in the water, more come...dunt dunt dunt...circle around their prey and attack.
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
I like Hallie's dress! I wonder if she wore those huge gaudy earrings she posted to the NSBR board a short while back about?
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
maffioso? define please
maffioso...I believe it is a derivation of "maffia". Maybe that poster was cleverly trying to suggest those women are a maffia like (a tight group of nsbr "criminals" who have hit lists). I see that! Cool and funny! LOL LOL LOL
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
I like it :)
I'm offended!
maffioso cuntbag said...
I'm offended!
Aww come on now
which part...the part where she said "maffioso" or "cuntbag"?
Sometimes I read a post and I so want to type.
"God damn you are fucking stupid. Is it physically painful to be that fucking stupid?"
Anonymous said...
which part...the part where she said "maffioso" or "cuntbag"?
4:53 PM
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
This is a great point.
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
Exactly! They're such hypocrites!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
You have to see this blog!
crazy pics
There a shit load of non english speaking or writting blogs in here
Hollee...great comments, thank you for saying what you did! I wish there was more people like you in this world.
Anonymous said...
7:35 PM
Let me repeat that!
Anonymous said...
Uh, I never poo poo'd on the blog.. I Love The Bolg :)
Just wanted to chime in..
8:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Lately, I'm hooked on celebrity gossip sites. When I'm caught up on those, I check out other gossip sites.
Kelli Girl
8:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I just can't look away. It's horror and amusement all at once. Women are so mean!
9:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
9:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fear. Fear of what is going to be said about me next.
9:09 PM
Anonymous said...
I think it is hilarious! And dead-on, to boot.
9:10 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm just here because without the blog you miss about 90% of the drama on 2peas unless you spend the whole day there.
9:12 PM
Anonymous said...
I think this blog rocks!
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
That's all I can think of right now. I just wish all the stupid shit would stop over there. I thought women were supposed to be intelligent...apparently these women are not so much.
9:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree. If you don't it here, then leave. This blogger is brilliant!
9:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Wish I had come up with it myself!
9:40 PM
Anonymous said...
I come to this blog first and do two peas second, if I have time. I love this blog. It is so right on. Also, it makes me laugh because it is so true. Two peas women are helpless, attention seeking, one uppers, with no real friends. Go ahead and critize me for saying that...........I am enjoying someone trying to help these women realize it! If one thing comes out of this blog, it should be that you don't have to ask 20 strangers on line if you should take your child to the ER!
9:42 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't say cunt?
9:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Its kinda like the relative with BO that nobody wants to be the one to have to tell them. Same with the peas, nobody wants to have to be the one to tell them how stupid they sound, so this is an outlet to tell them to look in the mirror and take a long, hard look!
9:48 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't say cunt?
Not on 2peas infact some gals can't even find thiers.
9:54 PM
Lynda said...
Anonymous who said you go here first...there second..... Me too!!! I totally think this is the funnest place to go. Not sure which comments I like the bloggers or the ones here... However, my name is also on the last post, so makes me wonder what I've done to make the blogger mad...
I've said some pretty mean comments on the board lately...
9:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh they cry foul about the blog when it is about them but this drama and shit is right up their alley. They BE LOVING this blog and they be loving when someone posts on 2peas about the blog so they can say "tsk tsk..I don't READ such garbage"
If they were honest, at least to themselves they could say heck ya I agree with that about "so and so"
likely laughed it up and emailed their pals. BUT when it is about THEM...shit breaks loose. Too funny. If I get mentioned on here then I would have to look at myself and and my posts and try to understand why people would have that view of me. However they won't do that cause we are "cowards and have no balls and "fill in the blank" our opinion matters not to them. RIGHT?
Wrong. It does, which is why everyone of them has the blog saved in their favorites. It pays to be up to date on 2peas, doesn't it?
10:04 PM
Sonya said...
Ahem, I come here first too. LOL kind of sad, but heck I need some entertainment too!
10:05 PM
Sonya said...
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
10:07 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Really, just how miserable of a person are you???? Do you really need to validate and "build" yourself up at the expense of others. Why the need to mock and ridicule others over things that for the most part are legitimate things to them?
Yes, some of the things you say are indeed true but to put someone down and make judgements in your holier than thou attitude is nothing short of rude and immature.
If these people annoy you so much WHY do you go there and read? Really?? And come on, you want exactly what you got over here.....attention!! What I find hilarious is that I be willing to bet you wouldn't have the guts to say any of this carp to someone's face.
So tit for tat......Why do you visit and blog about a website that you obviously despise?
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
Case in point....whoever posted this chicken shit must be a rocket scientist.....IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SHIT WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO GO THERE AND READ IT??????? It's not about you, it's not about your family, It is not a personal attack so why do you go over there and read the shit??? If it is that irritating STOP GOING...STOP OPENING THE THREADS....IGNORE THE PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE!!! But grow frickin up and stop with the personal attacks.
Maybe the poster wanting to know what to do about her kid with a insect bite or whatever thought that she might get the advice of someone who actually knows what they are talking about.....uh, like an ER nurse who sees the most lame and useless excuses for people to come to the EMERGENCY room because they have nothing better to do. Hopefully one day you or a family member won't ACTUALLY need the services of the ER to save their life because god forbid they had to tend to the insect bite that in all honesty could have been treated at home with some OTC stuff.
Man, your mother must proud.
10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
No this blog belongs to her pal Ashley Nicole.
10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?
10:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Interesting how everyone here says "they" when referring to the women at two peas.
How does one become a "they"? From reading threads, posting on them, spending an hour or two at ttwo peas daily? I can't think of a definition that wouldn't include the anon posters here.
How do you know how annoying paigepea is or someone didn't know if they should visit the ER unless you are one of "them"?
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
That favourite two peas cliche comes to mind: Pot meet kettle.
10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy
boredom and for laughs
10:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
10:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
10:26 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Ok I didn't put the whole thing in but I agree with you, however IMO the people that are being talked about on here are the ones posting on the fucking INTERNET with all of their problems and all of their thoughts. That makes it fair game. Call it keyboard courage or whatever. Of course I wouldn't likely say things so rude to people in real life. However I highly doubt a god damn stranger will come up to me and say "HOW DO I PUT THIS DIVA CUP IN? If they did I would likely say "are you a fucking nut or something? In real life I have a better way of seeing who they are. Besides I don't say really bad things on here or 2peas for that matter. So I am not sure why I am responding to this.
Umm I have lost my train of thought on this anyways. Gotta fly anyways.
10:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Does Scrapbrooker's husband even have a job????????????
Wasn't she just dreaming and obsessing about her old boyfriend?
10:49 PM
Anonymous said...
I am not part of the 2Peas crowd. I check in there once in a while, and have occasionally posted on the NSBR board asking questions about this and that. I think some of those people there are over the top, and I don't understand how in the world they have the time to post as much as they do, and to post the silly stuff they do.
However, I do think this blog is mean-spirited, and I have spent some time being goofy and having some fun in the comments section. I'm the "fairy-tale" commenter, among other things. I am not the one who typed in all caps about animals. And I am not the one who keeps posting about constipation. And I'm not Paris Hilton. But I have done some fun stuff otherwise.
I am actually quite busy in my real life right now, and don't have time to annoy you all right now much. So enjoy the peace and quiet.....for now. :)
10:56 PM
Scrap Mama said...
I don't mind this blog at all and I do have to be honest and say some things have been said that I agree with.
10:57 PM
stephanie480 said...
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
11:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
Anonymous said...
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
Yup and it's the same thing NSBR peas love on there as well. Difference is that they have nothing PERSONAL to sling back at us and we have thousands of posts to sling if we choose.
I love it!
11:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
yeah but she makes sense a lot and she doesn't hide how she really feels. So she gets credit for that.
11:09 PM
Anonymous said...
i would just like to say that i love the blog
11:10 PM
Anonymous said...
can you tell us who you do like on 2peas?
You must like someone!
11:17 PM
Julia B said...
Another one here who loves this blog. The only reason some people don't like it is because it has made them have to take a good, hard look at themselves.
I have to laugh when people come on here and say that 'we' are losers. 'They' are ones to judge.
The comments that the blog haters leave are just as bad as some of the comments left on here by anybody, so I just don't get it. Oh well. I still like it here better.
11:21 PM
Anonymous said...
I vote for Kaboose dumping the NSBR. It's a ridiculous waste of bandwidth. If you don't like my comments on Paigepea or Scrapbrooker, why don't you just skip to the next fucking comment. I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of those dumbass bitches I'm making fun of. I have every right to talk about them if I want to. Who the fuck do you think you are? Obviously you are in the minority. You should be shipped out with the illegals. Fuck off.
11:29 PM
Anonymous said...
"I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?"
I agree with this. That has been my stance from the beginning. A little introspection can sometimes be a very eye-opening thing. Granted I have not been the target of the full-on attacks either. So I guess it is easy for me to take that stance on the issue.
Okay I have had a bunch of thoughts about this blog and 2peas so I'm just going to ramble.
I agree with quite a few of the blogger's posts. It is some of the commentators that I have a problem with. Can't people agree without being vile about it?
If people think my questions are stupid or want to make fun of my pictures, then have a ball.
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous.
Truthfully a lot of the language used here does remind me of a bunch of teenage boys. And I am by no means a prude. At times I can be mistaken for a sailor LOL. But how many times can we use the word cunt. It is old already people.
Annabella posted something on a thread "over there" about this blog and I wholeheartedly agree with her. She stated that what is said here is not much different than what is shared through emails and IMs. Sadly, quite a bit of backbiting does go on behind-the-scenes at 2peas. Some people just won't admit it. ;)
I know that several anon posters here have a problem with Lauren. I don't. I like her a great deal. She does sometimes cross the line, but she's also one of the only peas who will often take the hard line and never waiver.
The way KimberlyDobbs is treated is a perfect example. Lauren has always called people on it when they attack KD unfairly or "pile on". She is often attacked herself, but her stance that it is wrong has never wavered. I admire her for that.
She made some wonderful points in the thread about trying to kill this blog. She tried to get other peas to see the double standard that often goes on at 2peas. And face it, there is a double standard whether anyone wants to admit it or not. Some peas get away with a lot of shit while other peas get unfairly "piled on".
I am not innocent of this behavior. So please save the "oh but you can be a bitch pea too". I know I can be. And I am big girl enough to admit it. It doesn't make it right or fair. I don't hide behind some Pollyanna smile. I am what I am. There and here. I sound like fucking Popeye.
Personally, this blog has really made me take a step back. I look at 2peas quite a bit differently than I did before. I view quite a few peas differently than I did before.
Hopefully some other peas can look past the venom of some of the anon posters and really HEAR the message. Because I think a lot of peas are missing the proverbial forest for the trees.
Yes, I posted this over here and not on 2peas. But I hope that anyone who knows me will realize that I would post this there as well. I just happened to log on here and wanted to share a bunch of these feelings that have been running through my head lately. I am not ashamed of anything I have said, here or there.
So there it is. That's how I feel.
11:42 PM
Anonymous said...
i read your commentary, simply because you put things in good perspective. i wish i could say the same about some who post comments.
and i'm one of the list you made below. i believed it to be a list of those who responded on the spamming blog post. why isn't anewday there? or is it something more sinister?
11:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Nice post Hollee!
Well written and I must say that you have never really been a pea that stood out as a "bitch" to me.
Anyways I hope you don't take a lot of shit for that post.
11:49 PM
Anonymous said...
If Hollee were to the post that post on 2peas do you think MOLOVE would call her an IDIOT?
I would be interested to find out. Likely not.
11:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself. The peas need to start finding a new place to go, because it should be dismantled in a few days to weeks. I wonder how long it will be before they get rid of the gallery????
11:57 PM
Anonymous said...
hhenrich said
I'm not. I didn't make the list and I'm glad. I only went to the blog once (to see if I was on the list) and the language was so disgusting over there. Blah!
Oh come now?? How about some tolerance for us fucking gals who like to swear?
I swear there is no tolerance for nothing on that board.
11:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I would also like to know whom the blogger actually likes. That would be a shocking a controversial post, wouldn't it?
Is there anyone anyone actually likes? or are even the nice peas annoying because they're too nice and full of themselves?
12:06 AM
Anonymous said...
"Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. " Oh man. I hope you are just messing with us, because that SUCKS if it is true. :(
12:07 AM
Anonymous said...
There is no way the nsbr is going away. Calm down. Personally though, I'd be glad if it did. No other MB for me. More time off the computer = a good thing.
12:11 AM
Anonymous said...
I heard that it (NSBR) was going to be disappearing too. I'd be really sad if it does. I enjoy chatting on there since my husband works off shore and I'm all alone.
12:16 AM
Julia B said...
Man Hollee, you have always been one of my favorite peas. THAT was awesome!
12:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'!
12:20 AM
paris666 said...
You Rang...
12:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks Juliab. That was nice of you :)
As far as whether or not Molove would call me an idiot. Who knows.
Honestly some of the stuff that goes down never ceases to amaze. I've seen people get flamed for some weird stuff and I've seen people get away with some outlandish things too.
Although for quite a while (long before this blog) it seems that nearly any topic or comment has the potential to become controversial and/or "offend" someone and turn into a trainwreck.
"Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'! " See this is the shit I hate about the blog. And makes me think that some anons are 14-year old boys. Seriously. Who talks like this? I hope to God it it really isn't a middle-aged housewife.
The blogger asked a thought provoking question and there were some interesting responses and then someone comes along and posts that garbage.
12:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
12:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
Karyn said...
And that question is why I read this still.
3:56 AM
Anonymous said...
That's a dumb question. It's like saying why you poo poo on Two Peas starting a blog to mock a group of people you can't stand but obviously obsessed with them. Blogger, you're no different than they are.
6:21 AM
Anonymous said...
come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face.
I see Nikki is here.
6:58 AM
Pea1 said...
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself.
Not true, nothing will be changing.
7:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
okay now.......I totally agree!!!
I enjoy parts of this blog too because it is the cold hard truth, what makes your blog a mockery is your little groupie followers who say stuff like this and think it is really hurting the people they say this crap about:
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
What a joke! Do they really think that crap is going to make someone mad??? It is so beyond ridiculous and jr high that it is taken for what it is. I imagine it is some 20-something who wants everyone to think it is a 14 yr old kid, but if the kid is even half normal he/she would not be here wasting time with middle-aged women! They do actually have or at least try to get a life with peers their own age! Hey little poster have you ever heard of border line personality disorder? I'd bet if you looked it up in the dict. you'd find everyone of the charateristics to sound eerily familiar?? Ya think?
7:31 AM
Anonymous said...
8:20 AM
bluechiwawamom said...
I think, like Hollee, that this blog is pretty much right on, in many cases. There have been a couple of entries that have taken on children that I found to be out of line. I think that some of the nasty comments are non-peas. The other nasty ones are probably peas who, for whatever reason, don't feel included at 2peas. I know that I really never have felt that way...included, I mean. I just keep posting because there are an amazing amount of women on 2peas who are funny, kind, caring, and intelligent. I can go over there and read and never post and still enjoy myself.
Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life!
The key to ANY message board (and I've been on many) is to ignore what drives you crazy, post where you want, and chuckle at the crazies. Takes too much energy to obsess about it all.
That said, I would love to have all you "linkers" please read the following on how to LINK! Someone was called stupid because they didn't know you could click on a name and collapse the post, yet no one here seems to know how to do something as simple as posting a link:
Type in this, only put your link in plase of the nonsense link
8:43 AM
blue said...
Well, call ME stupid!
Here ya go.
Alternate method:
Where you normally type text, use the HTML commands, per the sample below, inserting the URL and Title you want.
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
8:47 AM
blue aka stupid said...
ok, this is getting ridiculous.
type in this, substituting <> for the []s:
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
8:50 AM
Anonymous said...
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
THank you!
Add me to the stupid list, I constantly type in the wrong letters in the word verification box.
9:14 AM
see like this said...
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
Click the other button below and your name will be at the top of your entry
9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
I love this blog. Actually come here to catch up on the daily going on so I don't even have to go bore myself with the crap at 2ps.
Don't let the panty wadders get to you, they live in misery.
9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
Uh...whats a zealot bitch?
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous
9:25 AM
Anonymous said...
9:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Hollee you rock!
I wish you WOULD post this over on 2peas,it's dead-on and it would be interesting to see if you get your hands slapped or not by the regular slappers.
Bluechiwawamom said:
"Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life"
And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)
9:37 AM
Anonymous said...
I think that some of the High and Mighty folk over there need their knees ratcheted down a few notches; I come here to see you do it! I also think it is so funny that people take themselves so seriously over a NSbr board--a little community builty in cyberspace so they can usperp some of their lost High School esteem.
9:39 AM
jamie said...
I think Hollee made some great points. And I agree with them. Totally.
There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical).
I think the blogger posts a lot of truth. My problem comes in when people start being flat out cruel when hiding behind their anonymous veil. .
10:27 AM
stephanie480 said...
*thread hijack*
Did anyone check out the "holier than thou" posts regarding a show on the TLC channel? It is about the Duggar family..who have 16 kids.
Imagine for a moment if 18 of the bitchiest peas had to reside under the same roof like the Duggars! Now THAT would make for must-see-tv! LOL!!
11:46 AM
blue said...
"And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)"
well, I didn't ask for an apology nor do I need one. The "crap about Lauren" doesn't constitute "most of the crap" on the NSBR. It was ONE example. And, there's a huge difference between a fight and what happened there. I can fight with the best of them but I would never stoop that low.
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style. Hopefully, whatever was bothering her that night, is over.
11:51 AM
bluechiwawamom said...
Just wanted to add...at least I am brave enough to sign my pea name. What's yours?
11:53 AM
blue said...
"There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical)."
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
Anonymous said...
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style.
11:51 AM
The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock.
11:57 AM
jamie said...
blue said...
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
I don't care about cliques either. I'm over trying to make everyone like me, but I do think cliques CAN be exclusionary. I mean, see Grumps and Liberal Peas. People get all twitchy when they think others are being exclusionary.
I think the cliques become a particular problem when they cause ganging up/pile ons. I mean, admittedly, I get annoyed by "inside" jokes inside of threads or AS threads, but I can ignore threads I think will be such and I can put people who act that way on ignore and sometimes I do. But the fact that you've managed to amass 20 friends in your possee that are going to make things difficult for other people when you started it, sucks. Even as an adult.
That's the number one jusitification for pile ons. "Well, we're defending our friend". I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends.
12:36 PM
jenman said...
"The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock."
OMG I can't remember how many times Lauren has wigged out and then come back apologizing and vowing to turn over a 'new leaf'. Tick tock, indeed.
"I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends."
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
12:48 PM
Anonymous said...
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
1:14 PM
blue said...
I've heard that about Lauren. She must have some demons that bother her deeply. I've always been able to just pretty much ignore her digs but that night was bad. I guess it was my first involvement in one of her "decompressions"...the others I'd only heard about.
Cliques CAN be exclusionary. I just try to realize that they know each other really well and have a lot of inside stuff. I just let it wash over me. I was part of a "clique" on a homeschooling board years ago. Several of us were sort of founding members. As it grew, we went right along posting and then, years later, started getting accused of being the popular ones, the clique, etc. It hurt me because I truly didn't realize that we came across that way and it's something I wouldn't knowingly want to be a part of. To me, it was just that we all knew each other so well...several of us had traveled to meet each other etc. It can happen without people even realizing or believing that they are being that way.
I know that when I first came to the NSBR, I posted all friendly and nice...tried to join in and just felt totally slammed. I left and didnt' return for two years. Then, I came back. I couldn't even remember my old peaname and came back as blue. I just kept posting and reading and gradually came to know a few of the posters as personalities. That helped to be able to "recognize" a few people. Aimmer was one of the first to say she liked my posts. It sometimes takes time to settle in at an MB.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Ruth, the ever so present hand slapper for anyone who critiques anything, is finally criticizing something without actually saying it. Why else would she start this thread but to have a conversation going on how horridly oppressed these women are.
2:01 PM
Anonymous said...
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
*nodding head*
2:05 PM
Anonymous said...
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
2:23 PM
Hollee said...
"I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on. " I am in complete agreement with you here. It's funny you should post this because just today I posted a thread on the GS board about this very thing.
2:26 PM
jamie said...
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
Okay,well, I don't necessarily buy the clique thing for this one because I think it would be hard to prove. A lot of people join challanges to get lots of praise, so they'll get praise even if their layout is "as ugly as fuck". It's the number one suggestion for people looking for more praise on the GS board.
2:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Holy Hell I did it....
anyway... the op is bitching about what they say about their fans.. blah blah blah what a fuckin whine ass
2:51 PM
Anonymous said...
ok guess i didn't do it.. DAMN IT! :(
2:52 PM
jamie said...
You have an extra slash at the end of the url. You ALMOST did it though. ;)
2:54 PM
Anonymous said...
2:58 PM
Anonymous said...
2:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree about the cliques. I lifted a layout by one of the popular peas...and not one...NOT ONE person said anything about it. Personally, if the layout was that great (which I obviously thought it was)...why didn't it get any props?!?!
3:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Ok Ladies... We need to tell this girl to run, run as fast as she can.. before she gets sucked into lurkdem with the rest of us, not trying to be bashed upon by the bitches of the board. OOo maybe we could invite her over here ;)
Im New
3:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Is it true that the NSBR is going away? I read that earlier, but no one has really commented on it. I'm freaking out. Is our stuff safe in the gallery? Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case. Do you think it's because of them taking away the gallery or does she not want people talking smack about her stuff? I'm really confused and not sure if I should start posting my layouts. What a waste of time if I do and they get rid of it.
3:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case.
She's a fucking idiot, don't listen to her! She uses the gallery as her personal photo storage space unlike the rest of us who use photobucket.
3:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Why would they take the gallery away when people show their scrapbooking ideas there dumbbass! Gosh I wish people would stop spreading stupid rumors.
3:10 PM
Anonymous said...
remember when she got busted lying about what I can't remember.. then the hairflip came and she went away...swearing never to come back.. guess she hangs out on GS now!
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Of course there are cliques! Give me a break and coke bottle glasses! (Guffaw) Those who say they don't exist have two choices; 1) you're a complete effing moron or 2) you're in one. Plain and simple. Now, most of the time they don't bother me. I just see them as pathetic sorority-wannabe types who run over at every split second to rub each other's shoulders and kiss each other's asses. It's quite a sight. However, on the increasingly frequent times when they snipe at an unsuspecting poster then gather up in force to conqure and defeat--that's when I say "Royal Bitches from Hell". Sadly, we've all seen it too many times. Someone innocently posting. The maffioso-cuntbags come running to say something snarky or give a completely unfounded opinion on the topic or poster...THEN...like a script, they all "I so agree" and "to the OP...(slam boom bam!)" and on and on. When the red seaps in the water, more come...dunt dunt dunt...circle around their prey and attack.
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
3:40 PM
Tinkerbell said...
I like Hallie's dress! I wonder if she wore those huge gaudy earrings she posted to the NSBR board a short while back about?
3:56 PM
Anonymous said...
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
maffioso? define please
3:56 PM
Anonymous said...
maffioso...I believe it is a derivation of "maffia". Maybe that poster was cleverly trying to suggest those women are a maffia like (a tight group of nsbr "criminals" who have hit lists). I see that! Cool and funny! LOL LOL LOL
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
I like it :)
4:07 PM
maffioso cuntbag said...
I'm offended!
4:15 PM
Anonymous said...
maffioso cuntbag said...
I'm offended!
Aww come on now
4:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Uh, I never poo poo'd on the blog.. I Love The Bolg :)
Just wanted to chime in..
8:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Lately, I'm hooked on celebrity gossip sites. When I'm caught up on those, I check out other gossip sites.
Kelli Girl
8:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I just can't look away. It's horror and amusement all at once. Women are so mean!
9:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
9:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fear. Fear of what is going to be said about me next.
9:09 PM
Anonymous said...
I think it is hilarious! And dead-on, to boot.
9:10 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm just here because without the blog you miss about 90% of the drama on 2peas unless you spend the whole day there.
9:12 PM
Anonymous said...
I think this blog rocks!
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
That's all I can think of right now. I just wish all the stupid shit would stop over there. I thought women were supposed to be intelligent...apparently these women are not so much.
9:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree. If you don't it here, then leave. This blogger is brilliant!
9:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Wish I had come up with it myself!
9:40 PM
Anonymous said...
I come to this blog first and do two peas second, if I have time. I love this blog. It is so right on. Also, it makes me laugh because it is so true. Two peas women are helpless, attention seeking, one uppers, with no real friends. Go ahead and critize me for saying that...........I am enjoying someone trying to help these women realize it! If one thing comes out of this blog, it should be that you don't have to ask 20 strangers on line if you should take your child to the ER!
9:42 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't say cunt?
9:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Its kinda like the relative with BO that nobody wants to be the one to have to tell them. Same with the peas, nobody wants to have to be the one to tell them how stupid they sound, so this is an outlet to tell them to look in the mirror and take a long, hard look!
9:48 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't say cunt?
Not on 2peas infact some gals can't even find thiers.
9:54 PM
Lynda said...
Anonymous who said you go here first...there second..... Me too!!! I totally think this is the funnest place to go. Not sure which comments I like the bloggers or the ones here... However, my name is also on the last post, so makes me wonder what I've done to make the blogger mad...
I've said some pretty mean comments on the board lately...
9:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh they cry foul about the blog when it is about them but this drama and shit is right up their alley. They BE LOVING this blog and they be loving when someone posts on 2peas about the blog so they can say "tsk tsk..I don't READ such garbage"
If they were honest, at least to themselves they could say heck ya I agree with that about "so and so"
likely laughed it up and emailed their pals. BUT when it is about THEM...shit breaks loose. Too funny. If I get mentioned on here then I would have to look at myself and and my posts and try to understand why people would have that view of me. However they won't do that cause we are "cowards and have no balls and "fill in the blank" our opinion matters not to them. RIGHT?
Wrong. It does, which is why everyone of them has the blog saved in their favorites. It pays to be up to date on 2peas, doesn't it?
10:04 PM
Sonya said...
Ahem, I come here first too. LOL kind of sad, but heck I need some entertainment too!
10:05 PM
Sonya said...
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
10:07 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Really, just how miserable of a person are you???? Do you really need to validate and "build" yourself up at the expense of others. Why the need to mock and ridicule others over things that for the most part are legitimate things to them?
Yes, some of the things you say are indeed true but to put someone down and make judgements in your holier than thou attitude is nothing short of rude and immature.
If these people annoy you so much WHY do you go there and read? Really?? And come on, you want exactly what you got over here.....attention!! What I find hilarious is that I be willing to bet you wouldn't have the guts to say any of this carp to someone's face.
So tit for tat......Why do you visit and blog about a website that you obviously despise?
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
Case in point....whoever posted this chicken shit must be a rocket scientist.....IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SHIT WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO GO THERE AND READ IT??????? It's not about you, it's not about your family, It is not a personal attack so why do you go over there and read the shit??? If it is that irritating STOP GOING...STOP OPENING THE THREADS....IGNORE THE PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE!!! But grow frickin up and stop with the personal attacks.
Maybe the poster wanting to know what to do about her kid with a insect bite or whatever thought that she might get the advice of someone who actually knows what they are talking about.....uh, like an ER nurse who sees the most lame and useless excuses for people to come to the EMERGENCY room because they have nothing better to do. Hopefully one day you or a family member won't ACTUALLY need the services of the ER to save their life because god forbid they had to tend to the insect bite that in all honesty could have been treated at home with some OTC stuff.
Man, your mother must proud.
10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
No this blog belongs to her pal Ashley Nicole.
10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?
10:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Interesting how everyone here says "they" when referring to the women at two peas.
How does one become a "they"? From reading threads, posting on them, spending an hour or two at ttwo peas daily? I can't think of a definition that wouldn't include the anon posters here.
How do you know how annoying paigepea is or someone didn't know if they should visit the ER unless you are one of "them"?
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
That favourite two peas cliche comes to mind: Pot meet kettle.
10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy
boredom and for laughs
10:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
10:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
10:26 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Ok I didn't put the whole thing in but I agree with you, however IMO the people that are being talked about on here are the ones posting on the fucking INTERNET with all of their problems and all of their thoughts. That makes it fair game. Call it keyboard courage or whatever. Of course I wouldn't likely say things so rude to people in real life. However I highly doubt a god damn stranger will come up to me and say "HOW DO I PUT THIS DIVA CUP IN? If they did I would likely say "are you a fucking nut or something? In real life I have a better way of seeing who they are. Besides I don't say really bad things on here or 2peas for that matter. So I am not sure why I am responding to this.
Umm I have lost my train of thought on this anyways. Gotta fly anyways.
10:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Does Scrapbrooker's husband even have a job????????????
Wasn't she just dreaming and obsessing about her old boyfriend?
10:49 PM
Anonymous said...
I am not part of the 2Peas crowd. I check in there once in a while, and have occasionally posted on the NSBR board asking questions about this and that. I think some of those people there are over the top, and I don't understand how in the world they have the time to post as much as they do, and to post the silly stuff they do.
However, I do think this blog is mean-spirited, and I have spent some time being goofy and having some fun in the comments section. I'm the "fairy-tale" commenter, among other things. I am not the one who typed in all caps about animals. And I am not the one who keeps posting about constipation. And I'm not Paris Hilton. But I have done some fun stuff otherwise.
I am actually quite busy in my real life right now, and don't have time to annoy you all right now much. So enjoy the peace and quiet.....for now. :)
10:56 PM
Scrap Mama said...
I don't mind this blog at all and I do have to be honest and say some things have been said that I agree with.
10:57 PM
stephanie480 said...
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
11:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
Anonymous said...
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
Yup and it's the same thing NSBR peas love on there as well. Difference is that they have nothing PERSONAL to sling back at us and we have thousands of posts to sling if we choose.
I love it!
11:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
yeah but she makes sense a lot and she doesn't hide how she really feels. So she gets credit for that.
11:09 PM
Anonymous said...
i would just like to say that i love the blog
11:10 PM
Anonymous said...
can you tell us who you do like on 2peas?
You must like someone!
11:17 PM
Julia B said...
Another one here who loves this blog. The only reason some people don't like it is because it has made them have to take a good, hard look at themselves.
I have to laugh when people come on here and say that 'we' are losers. 'They' are ones to judge.
The comments that the blog haters leave are just as bad as some of the comments left on here by anybody, so I just don't get it. Oh well. I still like it here better.
11:21 PM
Anonymous said...
I vote for Kaboose dumping the NSBR. It's a ridiculous waste of bandwidth. If you don't like my comments on Paigepea or Scrapbrooker, why don't you just skip to the next fucking comment. I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of those dumbass bitches I'm making fun of. I have every right to talk about them if I want to. Who the fuck do you think you are? Obviously you are in the minority. You should be shipped out with the illegals. Fuck off.
11:29 PM
Anonymous said...
"I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?"
I agree with this. That has been my stance from the beginning. A little introspection can sometimes be a very eye-opening thing. Granted I have not been the target of the full-on attacks either. So I guess it is easy for me to take that stance on the issue.
Okay I have had a bunch of thoughts about this blog and 2peas so I'm just going to ramble.
I agree with quite a few of the blogger's posts. It is some of the commentators that I have a problem with. Can't people agree without being vile about it?
If people think my questions are stupid or want to make fun of my pictures, then have a ball.
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous.
Truthfully a lot of the language used here does remind me of a bunch of teenage boys. And I am by no means a prude. At times I can be mistaken for a sailor LOL. But how many times can we use the word cunt. It is old already people.
Annabella posted something on a thread "over there" about this blog and I wholeheartedly agree with her. She stated that what is said here is not much different than what is shared through emails and IMs. Sadly, quite a bit of backbiting does go on behind-the-scenes at 2peas. Some people just won't admit it. ;)
I know that several anon posters here have a problem with Lauren. I don't. I like her a great deal. She does sometimes cross the line, but she's also one of the only peas who will often take the hard line and never waiver.
The way KimberlyDobbs is treated is a perfect example. Lauren has always called people on it when they attack KD unfairly or "pile on". She is often attacked herself, but her stance that it is wrong has never wavered. I admire her for that.
She made some wonderful points in the thread about trying to kill this blog. She tried to get other peas to see the double standard that often goes on at 2peas. And face it, there is a double standard whether anyone wants to admit it or not. Some peas get away with a lot of shit while other peas get unfairly "piled on".
I am not innocent of this behavior. So please save the "oh but you can be a bitch pea too". I know I can be. And I am big girl enough to admit it. It doesn't make it right or fair. I don't hide behind some Pollyanna smile. I am what I am. There and here. I sound like fucking Popeye.
Personally, this blog has really made me take a step back. I look at 2peas quite a bit differently than I did before. I view quite a few peas differently than I did before.
Hopefully some other peas can look past the venom of some of the anon posters and really HEAR the message. Because I think a lot of peas are missing the proverbial forest for the trees.
Yes, I posted this over here and not on 2peas. But I hope that anyone who knows me will realize that I would post this there as well. I just happened to log on here and wanted to share a bunch of these feelings that have been running through my head lately. I am not ashamed of anything I have said, here or there.
So there it is. That's how I feel.
11:42 PM
Anonymous said...
i read your commentary, simply because you put things in good perspective. i wish i could say the same about some who post comments.
and i'm one of the list you made below. i believed it to be a list of those who responded on the spamming blog post. why isn't anewday there? or is it something more sinister?
11:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Nice post Hollee!
Well written and I must say that you have never really been a pea that stood out as a "bitch" to me.
Anyways I hope you don't take a lot of shit for that post.
11:49 PM
Anonymous said...
If Hollee were to the post that post on 2peas do you think MOLOVE would call her an IDIOT?
I would be interested to find out. Likely not.
11:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself. The peas need to start finding a new place to go, because it should be dismantled in a few days to weeks. I wonder how long it will be before they get rid of the gallery????
11:57 PM
Anonymous said...
hhenrich said
I'm not. I didn't make the list and I'm glad. I only went to the blog once (to see if I was on the list) and the language was so disgusting over there. Blah!
Oh come now?? How about some tolerance for us fucking gals who like to swear?
I swear there is no tolerance for nothing on that board.
11:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I would also like to know whom the blogger actually likes. That would be a shocking a controversial post, wouldn't it?
Is there anyone anyone actually likes? or are even the nice peas annoying because they're too nice and full of themselves?
12:06 AM
Anonymous said...
"Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. " Oh man. I hope you are just messing with us, because that SUCKS if it is true. :(
12:07 AM
Anonymous said...
There is no way the nsbr is going away. Calm down. Personally though, I'd be glad if it did. No other MB for me. More time off the computer = a good thing.
12:11 AM
Anonymous said...
I heard that it (NSBR) was going to be disappearing too. I'd be really sad if it does. I enjoy chatting on there since my husband works off shore and I'm all alone.
12:16 AM
Julia B said...
Man Hollee, you have always been one of my favorite peas. THAT was awesome!
12:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'!
12:20 AM
paris666 said...
You Rang...
12:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks Juliab. That was nice of you :)
As far as whether or not Molove would call me an idiot. Who knows.
Honestly some of the stuff that goes down never ceases to amaze. I've seen people get flamed for some weird stuff and I've seen people get away with some outlandish things too.
Although for quite a while (long before this blog) it seems that nearly any topic or comment has the potential to become controversial and/or "offend" someone and turn into a trainwreck.
"Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'! " See this is the shit I hate about the blog. And makes me think that some anons are 14-year old boys. Seriously. Who talks like this? I hope to God it it really isn't a middle-aged housewife.
The blogger asked a thought provoking question and there were some interesting responses and then someone comes along and posts that garbage.
12:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
12:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
Karyn said...
And that question is why I read this still.
3:56 AM
Anonymous said...
That's a dumb question. It's like saying why you poo poo on Two Peas starting a blog to mock a group of people you can't stand but obviously obsessed with them. Blogger, you're no different than they are.
6:21 AM
Anonymous said...
come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face.
I see Nikki is here.
6:58 AM
Pea1 said...
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself.
Not true, nothing will be changing.
7:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
okay now.......I totally agree!!!
I enjoy parts of this blog too because it is the cold hard truth, what makes your blog a mockery is your little groupie followers who say stuff like this and think it is really hurting the people they say this crap about:
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
What a joke! Do they really think that crap is going to make someone mad??? It is so beyond ridiculous and jr high that it is taken for what it is. I imagine it is some 20-something who wants everyone to think it is a 14 yr old kid, but if the kid is even half normal he/she would not be here wasting time with middle-aged women! They do actually have or at least try to get a life with peers their own age! Hey little poster have you ever heard of border line personality disorder? I'd bet if you looked it up in the dict. you'd find everyone of the charateristics to sound eerily familiar?? Ya think?
7:31 AM
Anonymous said...
8:20 AM
bluechiwawamom said...
I think, like Hollee, that this blog is pretty much right on, in many cases. There have been a couple of entries that have taken on children that I found to be out of line. I think that some of the nasty comments are non-peas. The other nasty ones are probably peas who, for whatever reason, don't feel included at 2peas. I know that I really never have felt that way...included, I mean. I just keep posting because there are an amazing amount of women on 2peas who are funny, kind, caring, and intelligent. I can go over there and read and never post and still enjoy myself.
Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life!
The key to ANY message board (and I've been on many) is to ignore what drives you crazy, post where you want, and chuckle at the crazies. Takes too much energy to obsess about it all.
That said, I would love to have all you "linkers" please read the following on how to LINK! Someone was called stupid because they didn't know you could click on a name and collapse the post, yet no one here seems to know how to do something as simple as posting a link:
Type in this, only put your link in plase of the nonsense link
8:43 AM
blue said...
Well, call ME stupid!
Here ya go.
Alternate method:
Where you normally type text, use the HTML commands, per the sample below, inserting the URL and Title you want.
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
8:47 AM
blue aka stupid said...
ok, this is getting ridiculous.
type in this, substituting <> for the []s:
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
8:50 AM
Anonymous said...
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
THank you!
Add me to the stupid list, I constantly type in the wrong letters in the word verification box.
9:14 AM
see like this said...
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
Click the other button below and your name will be at the top of your entry
9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
I love this blog. Actually come here to catch up on the daily going on so I don't even have to go bore myself with the crap at 2ps.
Don't let the panty wadders get to you, they live in misery.
9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
Uh...whats a zealot bitch?
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous
9:25 AM
Anonymous said...
9:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Hollee you rock!
I wish you WOULD post this over on 2peas,it's dead-on and it would be interesting to see if you get your hands slapped or not by the regular slappers.
Bluechiwawamom said:
"Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life"
And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)
9:37 AM
Anonymous said...
I think that some of the High and Mighty folk over there need their knees ratcheted down a few notches; I come here to see you do it! I also think it is so funny that people take themselves so seriously over a NSbr board--a little community builty in cyberspace so they can usperp some of their lost High School esteem.
9:39 AM
jamie said...
I think Hollee made some great points. And I agree with them. Totally.
There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical).
I think the blogger posts a lot of truth. My problem comes in when people start being flat out cruel when hiding behind their anonymous veil. .
10:27 AM
stephanie480 said...
*thread hijack*
Did anyone check out the "holier than thou" posts regarding a show on the TLC channel? It is about the Duggar family..who have 16 kids.
Imagine for a moment if 18 of the bitchiest peas had to reside under the same roof like the Duggars! Now THAT would make for must-see-tv! LOL!!
11:46 AM
blue said...
"And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)"
well, I didn't ask for an apology nor do I need one. The "crap about Lauren" doesn't constitute "most of the crap" on the NSBR. It was ONE example. And, there's a huge difference between a fight and what happened there. I can fight with the best of them but I would never stoop that low.
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style. Hopefully, whatever was bothering her that night, is over.
11:51 AM
bluechiwawamom said...
Just wanted to add...at least I am brave enough to sign my pea name. What's yours?
11:53 AM
blue said...
"There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical)."
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
Anonymous said...
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style.
11:51 AM
The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock.
11:57 AM
jamie said...
blue said...
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
I don't care about cliques either. I'm over trying to make everyone like me, but I do think cliques CAN be exclusionary. I mean, see Grumps and Liberal Peas. People get all twitchy when they think others are being exclusionary.
I think the cliques become a particular problem when they cause ganging up/pile ons. I mean, admittedly, I get annoyed by "inside" jokes inside of threads or AS threads, but I can ignore threads I think will be such and I can put people who act that way on ignore and sometimes I do. But the fact that you've managed to amass 20 friends in your possee that are going to make things difficult for other people when you started it, sucks. Even as an adult.
That's the number one jusitification for pile ons. "Well, we're defending our friend". I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends.
12:36 PM
jenman said...
"The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock."
OMG I can't remember how many times Lauren has wigged out and then come back apologizing and vowing to turn over a 'new leaf'. Tick tock, indeed.
"I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends."
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
12:48 PM
Anonymous said...
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
1:14 PM
blue said...
I've heard that about Lauren. She must have some demons that bother her deeply. I've always been able to just pretty much ignore her digs but that night was bad. I guess it was my first involvement in one of her "decompressions"...the others I'd only heard about.
Cliques CAN be exclusionary. I just try to realize that they know each other really well and have a lot of inside stuff. I just let it wash over me. I was part of a "clique" on a homeschooling board years ago. Several of us were sort of founding members. As it grew, we went right along posting and then, years later, started getting accused of being the popular ones, the clique, etc. It hurt me because I truly didn't realize that we came across that way and it's something I wouldn't knowingly want to be a part of. To me, it was just that we all knew each other so well...several of us had traveled to meet each other etc. It can happen without people even realizing or believing that they are being that way.
I know that when I first came to the NSBR, I posted all friendly and nice...tried to join in and just felt totally slammed. I left and didnt' return for two years. Then, I came back. I couldn't even remember my old peaname and came back as blue. I just kept posting and reading and gradually came to know a few of the posters as personalities. That helped to be able to "recognize" a few people. Aimmer was one of the first to say she liked my posts. It sometimes takes time to settle in at an MB.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Ruth, the ever so present hand slapper for anyone who critiques anything, is finally criticizing something without actually saying it. Why else would she start this thread but to have a conversation going on how horridly oppressed these women are.
2:01 PM
Anonymous said...
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
*nodding head*
2:05 PM
Anonymous said...
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
2:23 PM
Hollee said...
"I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on. " I am in complete agreement with you here. It's funny you should post this because just today I posted a thread on the GS board about this very thing.
2:26 PM
jamie said...
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
Okay,well, I don't necessarily buy the clique thing for this one because I think it would be hard to prove. A lot of people join challanges to get lots of praise, so they'll get praise even if their layout is "as ugly as fuck". It's the number one suggestion for people looking for more praise on the GS board.
2:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Holy Hell I did it....
anyway... the op is bitching about what they say about their fans.. blah blah blah what a fuckin whine ass
2:51 PM
Anonymous said...
ok guess i didn't do it.. DAMN IT! :(
2:52 PM
jamie said...
You have an extra slash at the end of the url. You ALMOST did it though. ;)
2:54 PM
Anonymous said...
2:58 PM
Anonymous said...
2:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree about the cliques. I lifted a layout by one of the popular peas...and not one...NOT ONE person said anything about it. Personally, if the layout was that great (which I obviously thought it was)...why didn't it get any props?!?!
3:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Ok Ladies... We need to tell this girl to run, run as fast as she can.. before she gets sucked into lurkdem with the rest of us, not trying to be bashed upon by the bitches of the board. OOo maybe we could invite her over here ;)
Im New
3:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Is it true that the NSBR is going away? I read that earlier, but no one has really commented on it. I'm freaking out. Is our stuff safe in the gallery? Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case. Do you think it's because of them taking away the gallery or does she not want people talking smack about her stuff? I'm really confused and not sure if I should start posting my layouts. What a waste of time if I do and they get rid of it.
3:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case.
She's a fucking idiot, don't listen to her! She uses the gallery as her personal photo storage space unlike the rest of us who use photobucket.
3:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Why would they take the gallery away when people show their scrapbooking ideas there dumbbass! Gosh I wish people would stop spreading stupid rumors.
3:10 PM
Anonymous said...
remember when she got busted lying about what I can't remember.. then the hairflip came and she went away...swearing never to come back.. guess she hangs out on GS now!
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Of course there are cliques! Give me a break and coke bottle glasses! (Guffaw) Those who say they don't exist have two choices; 1) you're a complete effing moron or 2) you're in one. Plain and simple. Now, most of the time they don't bother me. I just see them as pathetic sorority-wannabe types who run over at every split second to rub each other's shoulders and kiss each other's asses. It's quite a sight. However, on the increasingly frequent times when they snipe at an unsuspecting poster then gather up in force to conqure and defeat--that's when I say "Royal Bitches from Hell". Sadly, we've all seen it too many times. Someone innocently posting. The maffioso-cuntbags come running to say something snarky or give a completely unfounded opinion on the topic or poster...THEN...like a script, they all "I so agree" and "to the OP...(slam boom bam!)" and on and on. When the red seaps in the water, more come...dunt dunt dunt...circle around their prey and attack.
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
3:40 PM
Tinkerbell said...
I like Hallie's dress! I wonder if she wore those huge gaudy earrings she posted to the NSBR board a short while back about?
3:56 PM
Anonymous said...
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
maffioso? define please
3:56 PM
Anonymous said...
maffioso...I believe it is a derivation of "maffia". Maybe that poster was cleverly trying to suggest those women are a maffia like (a tight group of nsbr "criminals" who have hit lists). I see that! Cool and funny! LOL LOL LOL
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
I like it :)
4:07 PM
4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
4:32 PM
Anonymous said...
which part...the part where she said "maffioso" or "cuntbag"?
4:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Sometimes I read a post and I so want to type.
"God damn you are fucking stupid. Is it physically painful to be that fucking stupid?"
5:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
which part...the part where she said "maffioso" or "cuntbag"?
4:53 PM
6:00 PM
Anonymous said...
6:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
This is a great point.
6:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
Exactly! They're such hypocrites!
6:24 PM
Nicole said...
This blog rocks. Simple as that. You have the guts to say the stuff that other people are thinking and just too shit scared to say.
6:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Today is Bob Dylan’s 65th birthday
7:08 PM
Anonymous said...
You have to see this blog!
crazy pics
7:14 PM
Anonymous said...
There a shit load of non english speaking or writting blogs in here
7:17 PM
This question is for those of you who poo poo on the blog. It's pretty obvious that a lot of you commenters despise this blog, so why are you here? And not only that, but why do you choose to comment? Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog. What is your reason for that?
Sure, I know some of these questions can be asked about me, but I am asking you. Anyone care to answer?
posted by 2 Peas In My Ass at 6:42 PM on May 22 2006
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Whoever the moron is doing all of copy and pasting crap is only proving the point that the NSBR wenches are more annoyed by this blog than they will ever admit. They all say they don't read it (uh huh yeah right) but they sure do know alot about what goes on here.
Anonymous said...
Uh, I never poo poo'd on the blog.. I Love The Bolg :)
Just wanted to chime in..
8:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Lately, I'm hooked on celebrity gossip sites. When I'm caught up on those, I check out other gossip sites.
Kelli Girl
8:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I just can't look away. It's horror and amusement all at once. Women are so mean!
9:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
9:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fear. Fear of what is going to be said about me next.
9:09 PM
Anonymous said...
I think it is hilarious! And dead-on, to boot.
9:10 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm just here because without the blog you miss about 90% of the drama on 2peas unless you spend the whole day there.
9:12 PM
Anonymous said...
I think this blog rocks!
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
That's all I can think of right now. I just wish all the stupid shit would stop over there. I thought women were supposed to be intelligent...apparently these women are not so much.
9:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree. If you don't it here, then leave. This blogger is brilliant!
9:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Wish I had come up with it myself!
9:40 PM
Anonymous said...
I come to this blog first and do two peas second, if I have time. I love this blog. It is so right on. Also, it makes me laugh because it is so true. Two peas women are helpless, attention seeking, one uppers, with no real friends. Go ahead and critize me for saying that...........I am enjoying someone trying to help these women realize it! If one thing comes out of this blog, it should be that you don't have to ask 20 strangers on line if you should take your child to the ER!
9:42 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't say cunt?
9:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Its kinda like the relative with BO that nobody wants to be the one to have to tell them. Same with the peas, nobody wants to have to be the one to tell them how stupid they sound, so this is an outlet to tell them to look in the mirror and take a long, hard look!
9:48 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't say cunt?
Not on 2peas infact some gals can't even find thiers.
9:54 PM
Lynda said...
Anonymous who said you go here first...there second..... Me too!!! I totally think this is the funnest place to go. Not sure which comments I like the bloggers or the ones here... However, my name is also on the last post, so makes me wonder what I've done to make the blogger mad...
I've said some pretty mean comments on the board lately...
9:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh they cry foul about the blog when it is about them but this drama and shit is right up their alley. They BE LOVING this blog and they be loving when someone posts on 2peas about the blog so they can say "tsk tsk..I don't READ such garbage"
If they were honest, at least to themselves they could say heck ya I agree with that about "so and so"
likely laughed it up and emailed their pals. BUT when it is about THEM...shit breaks loose. Too funny. If I get mentioned on here then I would have to look at myself and and my posts and try to understand why people would have that view of me. However they won't do that cause we are "cowards and have no balls and "fill in the blank" our opinion matters not to them. RIGHT?
Wrong. It does, which is why everyone of them has the blog saved in their favorites. It pays to be up to date on 2peas, doesn't it?
10:04 PM
Sonya said...
Ahem, I come here first too. LOL kind of sad, but heck I need some entertainment too!
10:05 PM
Sonya said...
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
10:07 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Really, just how miserable of a person are you???? Do you really need to validate and "build" yourself up at the expense of others. Why the need to mock and ridicule others over things that for the most part are legitimate things to them?
Yes, some of the things you say are indeed true but to put someone down and make judgements in your holier than thou attitude is nothing short of rude and immature.
If these people annoy you so much WHY do you go there and read? Really?? And come on, you want exactly what you got over here.....attention!! What I find hilarious is that I be willing to bet you wouldn't have the guts to say any of this carp to someone's face.
So tit for tat......Why do you visit and blog about a website that you obviously despise?
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
Case in point....whoever posted this chicken shit must be a rocket scientist.....IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SHIT WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO GO THERE AND READ IT??????? It's not about you, it's not about your family, It is not a personal attack so why do you go over there and read the shit??? If it is that irritating STOP GOING...STOP OPENING THE THREADS....IGNORE THE PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE!!! But grow frickin up and stop with the personal attacks.
Maybe the poster wanting to know what to do about her kid with a insect bite or whatever thought that she might get the advice of someone who actually knows what they are talking about.....uh, like an ER nurse who sees the most lame and useless excuses for people to come to the EMERGENCY room because they have nothing better to do. Hopefully one day you or a family member won't ACTUALLY need the services of the ER to save their life because god forbid they had to tend to the insect bite that in all honesty could have been treated at home with some OTC stuff.
Man, your mother must proud.
10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
No this blog belongs to her pal Ashley Nicole.
10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?
10:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Interesting how everyone here says "they" when referring to the women at two peas.
How does one become a "they"? From reading threads, posting on them, spending an hour or two at ttwo peas daily? I can't think of a definition that wouldn't include the anon posters here.
How do you know how annoying paigepea is or someone didn't know if they should visit the ER unless you are one of "them"?
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
That favourite two peas cliche comes to mind: Pot meet kettle.
10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy
boredom and for laughs
10:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
10:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
10:26 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Ok I didn't put the whole thing in but I agree with you, however IMO the people that are being talked about on here are the ones posting on the fucking INTERNET with all of their problems and all of their thoughts. That makes it fair game. Call it keyboard courage or whatever. Of course I wouldn't likely say things so rude to people in real life. However I highly doubt a god damn stranger will come up to me and say "HOW DO I PUT THIS DIVA CUP IN? If they did I would likely say "are you a fucking nut or something? In real life I have a better way of seeing who they are. Besides I don't say really bad things on here or 2peas for that matter. So I am not sure why I am responding to this.
Umm I have lost my train of thought on this anyways. Gotta fly anyways.
10:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Does Scrapbrooker's husband even have a job????????????
Wasn't she just dreaming and obsessing about her old boyfriend?
10:49 PM
Anonymous said...
I am not part of the 2Peas crowd. I check in there once in a while, and have occasionally posted on the NSBR board asking questions about this and that. I think some of those people there are over the top, and I don't understand how in the world they have the time to post as much as they do, and to post the silly stuff they do.
However, I do think this blog is mean-spirited, and I have spent some time being goofy and having some fun in the comments section. I'm the "fairy-tale" commenter, among other things. I am not the one who typed in all caps about animals. And I am not the one who keeps posting about constipation. And I'm not Paris Hilton. But I have done some fun stuff otherwise.
I am actually quite busy in my real life right now, and don't have time to annoy you all right now much. So enjoy the peace and quiet.....for now. :)
10:56 PM
Scrap Mama said...
I don't mind this blog at all and I do have to be honest and say some things have been said that I agree with.
10:57 PM
stephanie480 said...
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
11:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
Anonymous said...
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
Yup and it's the same thing NSBR peas love on there as well. Difference is that they have nothing PERSONAL to sling back at us and we have thousands of posts to sling if we choose.
I love it!
11:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
yeah but she makes sense a lot and she doesn't hide how she really feels. So she gets credit for that.
11:09 PM
Anonymous said...
i would just like to say that i love the blog
11:10 PM
Anonymous said...
can you tell us who you do like on 2peas?
You must like someone!
11:17 PM
Julia B said...
Another one here who loves this blog. The only reason some people don't like it is because it has made them have to take a good, hard look at themselves.
I have to laugh when people come on here and say that 'we' are losers. 'They' are ones to judge.
The comments that the blog haters leave are just as bad as some of the comments left on here by anybody, so I just don't get it. Oh well. I still like it here better.
11:21 PM
Anonymous said...
I vote for Kaboose dumping the NSBR. It's a ridiculous waste of bandwidth. If you don't like my comments on Paigepea or Scrapbrooker, why don't you just skip to the next fucking comment. I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of those dumbass bitches I'm making fun of. I have every right to talk about them if I want to. Who the fuck do you think you are? Obviously you are in the minority. You should be shipped out with the illegals. Fuck off.
11:29 PM
Anonymous said...
"I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?"
I agree with this. That has been my stance from the beginning. A little introspection can sometimes be a very eye-opening thing. Granted I have not been the target of the full-on attacks either. So I guess it is easy for me to take that stance on the issue.
Okay I have had a bunch of thoughts about this blog and 2peas so I'm just going to ramble.
I agree with quite a few of the blogger's posts. It is some of the commentators that I have a problem with. Can't people agree without being vile about it?
If people think my questions are stupid or want to make fun of my pictures, then have a ball.
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous.
Truthfully a lot of the language used here does remind me of a bunch of teenage boys. And I am by no means a prude. At times I can be mistaken for a sailor LOL. But how many times can we use the word cunt. It is old already people.
Annabella posted something on a thread "over there" about this blog and I wholeheartedly agree with her. She stated that what is said here is not much different than what is shared through emails and IMs. Sadly, quite a bit of backbiting does go on behind-the-scenes at 2peas. Some people just won't admit it. ;)
I know that several anon posters here have a problem with Lauren. I don't. I like her a great deal. She does sometimes cross the line, but she's also one of the only peas who will often take the hard line and never waiver.
The way KimberlyDobbs is treated is a perfect example. Lauren has always called people on it when they attack KD unfairly or "pile on". She is often attacked herself, but her stance that it is wrong has never wavered. I admire her for that.
She made some wonderful points in the thread about trying to kill this blog. She tried to get other peas to see the double standard that often goes on at 2peas. And face it, there is a double standard whether anyone wants to admit it or not. Some peas get away with a lot of shit while other peas get unfairly "piled on".
I am not innocent of this behavior. So please save the "oh but you can be a bitch pea too". I know I can be. And I am big girl enough to admit it. It doesn't make it right or fair. I don't hide behind some Pollyanna smile. I am what I am. There and here. I sound like fucking Popeye.
Personally, this blog has really made me take a step back. I look at 2peas quite a bit differently than I did before. I view quite a few peas differently than I did before.
Hopefully some other peas can look past the venom of some of the anon posters and really HEAR the message. Because I think a lot of peas are missing the proverbial forest for the trees.
Yes, I posted this over here and not on 2peas. But I hope that anyone who knows me will realize that I would post this there as well. I just happened to log on here and wanted to share a bunch of these feelings that have been running through my head lately. I am not ashamed of anything I have said, here or there.
So there it is. That's how I feel.
11:42 PM
Anonymous said...
i read your commentary, simply because you put things in good perspective. i wish i could say the same about some who post comments.
and i'm one of the list you made below. i believed it to be a list of those who responded on the spamming blog post. why isn't anewday there? or is it something more sinister?
11:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Nice post Hollee!
Well written and I must say that you have never really been a pea that stood out as a "bitch" to me.
Anyways I hope you don't take a lot of shit for that post.
11:49 PM
Anonymous said...
If Hollee were to the post that post on 2peas do you think MOLOVE would call her an IDIOT?
I would be interested to find out. Likely not.
11:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself. The peas need to start finding a new place to go, because it should be dismantled in a few days to weeks. I wonder how long it will be before they get rid of the gallery????
11:57 PM
Anonymous said...
hhenrich said
I'm not. I didn't make the list and I'm glad. I only went to the blog once (to see if I was on the list) and the language was so disgusting over there. Blah!
Oh come now?? How about some tolerance for us fucking gals who like to swear?
I swear there is no tolerance for nothing on that board.
11:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I would also like to know whom the blogger actually likes. That would be a shocking a controversial post, wouldn't it?
Is there anyone anyone actually likes? or are even the nice peas annoying because they're too nice and full of themselves?
12:06 AM
Anonymous said...
"Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. " Oh man. I hope you are just messing with us, because that SUCKS if it is true. :(
12:07 AM
Anonymous said...
There is no way the nsbr is going away. Calm down. Personally though, I'd be glad if it did. No other MB for me. More time off the computer = a good thing.
12:11 AM
Anonymous said...
I heard that it (NSBR) was going to be disappearing too. I'd be really sad if it does. I enjoy chatting on there since my husband works off shore and I'm all alone.
12:16 AM
Julia B said...
Man Hollee, you have always been one of my favorite peas. THAT was awesome!
12:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'!
12:20 AM
paris666 said...
You Rang...
12:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks Juliab. That was nice of you :)
As far as whether or not Molove would call me an idiot. Who knows.
Honestly some of the stuff that goes down never ceases to amaze. I've seen people get flamed for some weird stuff and I've seen people get away with some outlandish things too.
Although for quite a while (long before this blog) it seems that nearly any topic or comment has the potential to become controversial and/or "offend" someone and turn into a trainwreck.
"Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'! " See this is the shit I hate about the blog. And makes me think that some anons are 14-year old boys. Seriously. Who talks like this? I hope to God it it really isn't a middle-aged housewife.
The blogger asked a thought provoking question and there were some interesting responses and then someone comes along and posts that garbage.
12:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
12:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
Karyn said...
And that question is why I read this still.
3:56 AM
Anonymous said...
That's a dumb question. It's like saying why you poo poo on Two Peas starting a blog to mock a group of people you can't stand but obviously obsessed with them. Blogger, you're no different than they are.
6:21 AM
Anonymous said...
come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face.
I see Nikki is here.
6:58 AM
Pea1 said...
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself.
Not true, nothing will be changing.
7:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
okay now.......I totally agree!!!
I enjoy parts of this blog too because it is the cold hard truth, what makes your blog a mockery is your little groupie followers who say stuff like this and think it is really hurting the people they say this crap about:
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
What a joke! Do they really think that crap is going to make someone mad??? It is so beyond ridiculous and jr high that it is taken for what it is. I imagine it is some 20-something who wants everyone to think it is a 14 yr old kid, but if the kid is even half normal he/she would not be here wasting time with middle-aged women! They do actually have or at least try to get a life with peers their own age! Hey little poster have you ever heard of border line personality disorder? I'd bet if you looked it up in the dict. you'd find everyone of the charateristics to sound eerily familiar?? Ya think?
7:31 AM
Anonymous said...
8:20 AM
bluechiwawamom said...
I think, like Hollee, that this blog is pretty much right on, in many cases. There have been a couple of entries that have taken on children that I found to be out of line. I think that some of the nasty comments are non-peas. The other nasty ones are probably peas who, for whatever reason, don't feel included at 2peas. I know that I really never have felt that way...included, I mean. I just keep posting because there are an amazing amount of women on 2peas who are funny, kind, caring, and intelligent. I can go over there and read and never post and still enjoy myself.
Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life!
The key to ANY message board (and I've been on many) is to ignore what drives you crazy, post where you want, and chuckle at the crazies. Takes too much energy to obsess about it all.
That said, I would love to have all you "linkers" please read the following on how to LINK! Someone was called stupid because they didn't know you could click on a name and collapse the post, yet no one here seems to know how to do something as simple as posting a link:
Type in this, only put your link in plase of the nonsense link
8:43 AM
blue said...
Well, call ME stupid!
Here ya go.
Alternate method:
Where you normally type text, use the HTML commands, per the sample below, inserting the URL and Title you want.
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
8:47 AM
blue aka stupid said...
ok, this is getting ridiculous.
type in this, substituting <> for the []s:
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
8:50 AM
Anonymous said...
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
THank you!
Add me to the stupid list, I constantly type in the wrong letters in the word verification box.
9:14 AM
see like this said...
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
Click the other button below and your name will be at the top of your entry
9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
I love this blog. Actually come here to catch up on the daily going on so I don't even have to go bore myself with the crap at 2ps.
Don't let the panty wadders get to you, they live in misery.
9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
Uh...whats a zealot bitch?
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous
9:25 AM
Anonymous said...
9:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Hollee you rock!
I wish you WOULD post this over on 2peas,it's dead-on and it would be interesting to see if you get your hands slapped or not by the regular slappers.
Bluechiwawamom said:
"Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life"
And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)
9:37 AM
Anonymous said...
I think that some of the High and Mighty folk over there need their knees ratcheted down a few notches; I come here to see you do it! I also think it is so funny that people take themselves so seriously over a NSbr board--a little community builty in cyberspace so they can usperp some of their lost High School esteem.
9:39 AM
jamie said...
I think Hollee made some great points. And I agree with them. Totally.
There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical).
I think the blogger posts a lot of truth. My problem comes in when people start being flat out cruel when hiding behind their anonymous veil. .
10:27 AM
stephanie480 said...
*thread hijack*
Did anyone check out the "holier than thou" posts regarding a show on the TLC channel? It is about the Duggar family..who have 16 kids.
Imagine for a moment if 18 of the bitchiest peas had to reside under the same roof like the Duggars! Now THAT would make for must-see-tv! LOL!!
11:46 AM
blue said...
"And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)"
well, I didn't ask for an apology nor do I need one. The "crap about Lauren" doesn't constitute "most of the crap" on the NSBR. It was ONE example. And, there's a huge difference between a fight and what happened there. I can fight with the best of them but I would never stoop that low.
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style. Hopefully, whatever was bothering her that night, is over.
11:51 AM
bluechiwawamom said...
Just wanted to add...at least I am brave enough to sign my pea name. What's yours?
11:53 AM
blue said...
"There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical)."
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
Anonymous said...
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style.
11:51 AM
The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock.
11:57 AM
jamie said...
blue said...
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
I don't care about cliques either. I'm over trying to make everyone like me, but I do think cliques CAN be exclusionary. I mean, see Grumps and Liberal Peas. People get all twitchy when they think others are being exclusionary.
I think the cliques become a particular problem when they cause ganging up/pile ons. I mean, admittedly, I get annoyed by "inside" jokes inside of threads or AS threads, but I can ignore threads I think will be such and I can put people who act that way on ignore and sometimes I do. But the fact that you've managed to amass 20 friends in your possee that are going to make things difficult for other people when you started it, sucks. Even as an adult.
That's the number one jusitification for pile ons. "Well, we're defending our friend". I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends.
12:36 PM
jenman said...
"The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock."
OMG I can't remember how many times Lauren has wigged out and then come back apologizing and vowing to turn over a 'new leaf'. Tick tock, indeed.
"I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends."
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
12:48 PM
Anonymous said...
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
1:14 PM
blue said...
I've heard that about Lauren. She must have some demons that bother her deeply. I've always been able to just pretty much ignore her digs but that night was bad. I guess it was my first involvement in one of her "decompressions"...the others I'd only heard about.
Cliques CAN be exclusionary. I just try to realize that they know each other really well and have a lot of inside stuff. I just let it wash over me. I was part of a "clique" on a homeschooling board years ago. Several of us were sort of founding members. As it grew, we went right along posting and then, years later, started getting accused of being the popular ones, the clique, etc. It hurt me because I truly didn't realize that we came across that way and it's something I wouldn't knowingly want to be a part of. To me, it was just that we all knew each other so well...several of us had traveled to meet each other etc. It can happen without people even realizing or believing that they are being that way.
I know that when I first came to the NSBR, I posted all friendly and nice...tried to join in and just felt totally slammed. I left and didnt' return for two years. Then, I came back. I couldn't even remember my old peaname and came back as blue. I just kept posting and reading and gradually came to know a few of the posters as personalities. That helped to be able to "recognize" a few people. Aimmer was one of the first to say she liked my posts. It sometimes takes time to settle in at an MB.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Ruth, the ever so present hand slapper for anyone who critiques anything, is finally criticizing something without actually saying it. Why else would she start this thread but to have a conversation going on how horridly oppressed these women are.
2:01 PM
Anonymous said...
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
*nodding head*
2:05 PM
Anonymous said...
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
2:23 PM
Hollee said...
"I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on. " I am in complete agreement with you here. It's funny you should post this because just today I posted a thread on the GS board about this very thing.
2:26 PM
jamie said...
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
Okay,well, I don't necessarily buy the clique thing for this one because I think it would be hard to prove. A lot of people join challanges to get lots of praise, so they'll get praise even if their layout is "as ugly as fuck". It's the number one suggestion for people looking for more praise on the GS board.
2:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Holy Hell I did it....
anyway... the op is bitching about what they say about their fans.. blah blah blah what a fuckin whine ass
2:51 PM
Anonymous said...
ok guess i didn't do it.. DAMN IT! :(
2:52 PM
jamie said...
You have an extra slash at the end of the url. You ALMOST did it though. ;)
2:54 PM
Anonymous said...
2:58 PM
Anonymous said...
2:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree about the cliques. I lifted a layout by one of the popular peas...and not one...NOT ONE person said anything about it. Personally, if the layout was that great (which I obviously thought it was)...why didn't it get any props?!?!
3:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Ok Ladies... We need to tell this girl to run, run as fast as she can.. before she gets sucked into lurkdem with the rest of us, not trying to be bashed upon by the bitches of the board. OOo maybe we could invite her over here ;)
Im New
3:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Is it true that the NSBR is going away? I read that earlier, but no one has really commented on it. I'm freaking out. Is our stuff safe in the gallery? Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case. Do you think it's because of them taking away the gallery or does she not want people talking smack about her stuff? I'm really confused and not sure if I should start posting my layouts. What a waste of time if I do and they get rid of it.
3:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case.
She's a fucking idiot, don't listen to her! She uses the gallery as her personal photo storage space unlike the rest of us who use photobucket.
3:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Why would they take the gallery away when people show their scrapbooking ideas there dumbbass! Gosh I wish people would stop spreading stupid rumors.
3:10 PM
Anonymous said...
remember when she got busted lying about what I can't remember.. then the hairflip came and she went away...swearing never to come back.. guess she hangs out on GS now!
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Of course there are cliques! Give me a break and coke bottle glasses! (Guffaw) Those who say they don't exist have two choices; 1) you're a complete effing moron or 2) you're in one. Plain and simple. Now, most of the time they don't bother me. I just see them as pathetic sorority-wannabe types who run over at every split second to rub each other's shoulders and kiss each other's asses. It's quite a sight. However, on the increasingly frequent times when they snipe at an unsuspecting poster then gather up in force to conqure and defeat--that's when I say "Royal Bitches from Hell". Sadly, we've all seen it too many times. Someone innocently posting. The maffioso-cuntbags come running to say something snarky or give a completely unfounded opinion on the topic or poster...THEN...like a script, they all "I so agree" and "to the OP...(slam boom bam!)" and on and on. When the red seaps in the water, more come...dunt dunt dunt...circle around their prey and attack.
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
3:40 PM
Tinkerbell said...
I like Hallie's dress! I wonder if she wore those huge gaudy earrings she posted to the NSBR board a short while back about?
3:56 PM
Anonymous said...
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
maffioso? define please
3:56 PM
Anonymous said...
maffioso...I believe it is a derivation of "maffia". Maybe that poster was cleverly trying to suggest those women are a maffia like (a tight group of nsbr "criminals" who have hit lists). I see that! Cool and funny! LOL LOL LOL
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
I like it :)
4:07 PM
maffioso cuntbag said...
I'm offended!
4:15 PM
Anonymous said...
maffioso cuntbag said...
I'm offended!
Aww come on now
4:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Uh, I never poo poo'd on the blog.. I Love The Bolg :)
Just wanted to chime in..
8:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Lately, I'm hooked on celebrity gossip sites. When I'm caught up on those, I check out other gossip sites.
Kelli Girl
8:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I just can't look away. It's horror and amusement all at once. Women are so mean!
9:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
9:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fear. Fear of what is going to be said about me next.
9:09 PM
Anonymous said...
I think it is hilarious! And dead-on, to boot.
9:10 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm just here because without the blog you miss about 90% of the drama on 2peas unless you spend the whole day there.
9:12 PM
Anonymous said...
I think this blog rocks!
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
That's all I can think of right now. I just wish all the stupid shit would stop over there. I thought women were supposed to be intelligent...apparently these women are not so much.
9:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree. If you don't it here, then leave. This blogger is brilliant!
9:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Wish I had come up with it myself!
9:40 PM
Anonymous said...
I come to this blog first and do two peas second, if I have time. I love this blog. It is so right on. Also, it makes me laugh because it is so true. Two peas women are helpless, attention seeking, one uppers, with no real friends. Go ahead and critize me for saying that...........I am enjoying someone trying to help these women realize it! If one thing comes out of this blog, it should be that you don't have to ask 20 strangers on line if you should take your child to the ER!
9:42 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't say cunt?
9:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Its kinda like the relative with BO that nobody wants to be the one to have to tell them. Same with the peas, nobody wants to have to be the one to tell them how stupid they sound, so this is an outlet to tell them to look in the mirror and take a long, hard look!
9:48 PM
Anonymous said...
You can't say cunt?
Not on 2peas infact some gals can't even find thiers.
9:54 PM
Lynda said...
Anonymous who said you go here first...there second..... Me too!!! I totally think this is the funnest place to go. Not sure which comments I like the bloggers or the ones here... However, my name is also on the last post, so makes me wonder what I've done to make the blogger mad...
I've said some pretty mean comments on the board lately...
9:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh they cry foul about the blog when it is about them but this drama and shit is right up their alley. They BE LOVING this blog and they be loving when someone posts on 2peas about the blog so they can say "tsk tsk..I don't READ such garbage"
If they were honest, at least to themselves they could say heck ya I agree with that about "so and so"
likely laughed it up and emailed their pals. BUT when it is about THEM...shit breaks loose. Too funny. If I get mentioned on here then I would have to look at myself and and my posts and try to understand why people would have that view of me. However they won't do that cause we are "cowards and have no balls and "fill in the blank" our opinion matters not to them. RIGHT?
Wrong. It does, which is why everyone of them has the blog saved in their favorites. It pays to be up to date on 2peas, doesn't it?
10:04 PM
Sonya said...
Ahem, I come here first too. LOL kind of sad, but heck I need some entertainment too!
10:05 PM
Sonya said...
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
10:07 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Really, just how miserable of a person are you???? Do you really need to validate and "build" yourself up at the expense of others. Why the need to mock and ridicule others over things that for the most part are legitimate things to them?
Yes, some of the things you say are indeed true but to put someone down and make judgements in your holier than thou attitude is nothing short of rude and immature.
If these people annoy you so much WHY do you go there and read? Really?? And come on, you want exactly what you got over here.....attention!! What I find hilarious is that I be willing to bet you wouldn't have the guts to say any of this carp to someone's face.
So tit for tat......Why do you visit and blog about a website that you obviously despise?
I get so aggravated with all the people that are on 2peas talking about their va-j-js or their diva cups or their kid being in horrible pain but they need the advice of other peas before taking her to the hospital.
Scrapbrooker really gets on my nerves. Why God gave that girl a uterus is beyond me.
Paigepea is annoying as hell. Her kid is cute...but let us all face it...we don't want to see your kids pic every month. Nor do we want to see pics of your fat ass when you're nine months pregnant. Keep those nasty images to yourself.
Case in point....whoever posted this chicken shit must be a rocket scientist.....IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SHIT WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO GO THERE AND READ IT??????? It's not about you, it's not about your family, It is not a personal attack so why do you go over there and read the shit??? If it is that irritating STOP GOING...STOP OPENING THE THREADS....IGNORE THE PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE!!! But grow frickin up and stop with the personal attacks.
Maybe the poster wanting to know what to do about her kid with a insect bite or whatever thought that she might get the advice of someone who actually knows what they are talking about.....uh, like an ER nurse who sees the most lame and useless excuses for people to come to the EMERGENCY room because they have nothing better to do. Hopefully one day you or a family member won't ACTUALLY need the services of the ER to save their life because god forbid they had to tend to the insect bite that in all honesty could have been treated at home with some OTC stuff.
Man, your mother must proud.
10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Also if Mapchic is the blogger?? I could care less. I actually like Mapchic. She is focused and you can't fault a girl for that.
No this blog belongs to her pal Ashley Nicole.
10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?
10:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Interesting how everyone here says "they" when referring to the women at two peas.
How does one become a "they"? From reading threads, posting on them, spending an hour or two at ttwo peas daily? I can't think of a definition that wouldn't include the anon posters here.
How do you know how annoying paigepea is or someone didn't know if they should visit the ER unless you are one of "them"?
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
That favourite two peas cliche comes to mind: Pot meet kettle.
10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy
boredom and for laughs
10:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
10:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
10:26 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess it is like one poster said....fear that something you posted over on 2 peas as a honest question, regardless of how trivial it MAY sound, will turn up here by someone who doesn't even have the balls to post HER judgemental, rude, unnecessary comments under HER real name and have your little idiot followers sit here and laugh and make fun of them.
Ok I didn't put the whole thing in but I agree with you, however IMO the people that are being talked about on here are the ones posting on the fucking INTERNET with all of their problems and all of their thoughts. That makes it fair game. Call it keyboard courage or whatever. Of course I wouldn't likely say things so rude to people in real life. However I highly doubt a god damn stranger will come up to me and say "HOW DO I PUT THIS DIVA CUP IN? If they did I would likely say "are you a fucking nut or something? In real life I have a better way of seeing who they are. Besides I don't say really bad things on here or 2peas for that matter. So I am not sure why I am responding to this.
Umm I have lost my train of thought on this anyways. Gotta fly anyways.
10:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Does Scrapbrooker's husband even have a job????????????
Wasn't she just dreaming and obsessing about her old boyfriend?
10:49 PM
Anonymous said...
I am not part of the 2Peas crowd. I check in there once in a while, and have occasionally posted on the NSBR board asking questions about this and that. I think some of those people there are over the top, and I don't understand how in the world they have the time to post as much as they do, and to post the silly stuff they do.
However, I do think this blog is mean-spirited, and I have spent some time being goofy and having some fun in the comments section. I'm the "fairy-tale" commenter, among other things. I am not the one who typed in all caps about animals. And I am not the one who keeps posting about constipation. And I'm not Paris Hilton. But I have done some fun stuff otherwise.
I am actually quite busy in my real life right now, and don't have time to annoy you all right now much. So enjoy the peace and quiet.....for now. :)
10:56 PM
Scrap Mama said...
I don't mind this blog at all and I do have to be honest and say some things have been said that I agree with.
10:57 PM
stephanie480 said...
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
11:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Why do you respond so emotionally when discussing the women at two peas? If they are the idiots and fat asses you claim them to be, why are you visiting two peas and wasting time and energy on something that you claim bothers you so much? Doesn't that make the anon bashers just as pathetic as the women they are labelling in that manner?
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
Anonymous said...
I do not dump on your blog, but I do partake of the shit-slinging games because it is so much fun!
Yup and it's the same thing NSBR peas love on there as well. Difference is that they have nothing PERSONAL to sling back at us and we have thousands of posts to sling if we choose.
I love it!
11:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
yeah but she makes sense a lot and she doesn't hide how she really feels. So she gets credit for that.
11:09 PM
Anonymous said...
i would just like to say that i love the blog
11:10 PM
Anonymous said...
can you tell us who you do like on 2peas?
You must like someone!
11:17 PM
Julia B said...
Another one here who loves this blog. The only reason some people don't like it is because it has made them have to take a good, hard look at themselves.
I have to laugh when people come on here and say that 'we' are losers. 'They' are ones to judge.
The comments that the blog haters leave are just as bad as some of the comments left on here by anybody, so I just don't get it. Oh well. I still like it here better.
11:21 PM
Anonymous said...
I vote for Kaboose dumping the NSBR. It's a ridiculous waste of bandwidth. If you don't like my comments on Paigepea or Scrapbrooker, why don't you just skip to the next fucking comment. I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of those dumbass bitches I'm making fun of. I have every right to talk about them if I want to. Who the fuck do you think you are? Obviously you are in the minority. You should be shipped out with the illegals. Fuck off.
11:29 PM
Anonymous said...
"I'm glad you asked that. Maybe they should look deep into themselves to see why they're just so bothered about all of this. Who cares what a bunch of strangers think?"
I agree with this. That has been my stance from the beginning. A little introspection can sometimes be a very eye-opening thing. Granted I have not been the target of the full-on attacks either. So I guess it is easy for me to take that stance on the issue.
Okay I have had a bunch of thoughts about this blog and 2peas so I'm just going to ramble.
I agree with quite a few of the blogger's posts. It is some of the commentators that I have a problem with. Can't people agree without being vile about it?
If people think my questions are stupid or want to make fun of my pictures, then have a ball.
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous.
Truthfully a lot of the language used here does remind me of a bunch of teenage boys. And I am by no means a prude. At times I can be mistaken for a sailor LOL. But how many times can we use the word cunt. It is old already people.
Annabella posted something on a thread "over there" about this blog and I wholeheartedly agree with her. She stated that what is said here is not much different than what is shared through emails and IMs. Sadly, quite a bit of backbiting does go on behind-the-scenes at 2peas. Some people just won't admit it. ;)
I know that several anon posters here have a problem with Lauren. I don't. I like her a great deal. She does sometimes cross the line, but she's also one of the only peas who will often take the hard line and never waiver.
The way KimberlyDobbs is treated is a perfect example. Lauren has always called people on it when they attack KD unfairly or "pile on". She is often attacked herself, but her stance that it is wrong has never wavered. I admire her for that.
She made some wonderful points in the thread about trying to kill this blog. She tried to get other peas to see the double standard that often goes on at 2peas. And face it, there is a double standard whether anyone wants to admit it or not. Some peas get away with a lot of shit while other peas get unfairly "piled on".
I am not innocent of this behavior. So please save the "oh but you can be a bitch pea too". I know I can be. And I am big girl enough to admit it. It doesn't make it right or fair. I don't hide behind some Pollyanna smile. I am what I am. There and here. I sound like fucking Popeye.
Personally, this blog has really made me take a step back. I look at 2peas quite a bit differently than I did before. I view quite a few peas differently than I did before.
Hopefully some other peas can look past the venom of some of the anon posters and really HEAR the message. Because I think a lot of peas are missing the proverbial forest for the trees.
Yes, I posted this over here and not on 2peas. But I hope that anyone who knows me will realize that I would post this there as well. I just happened to log on here and wanted to share a bunch of these feelings that have been running through my head lately. I am not ashamed of anything I have said, here or there.
So there it is. That's how I feel.
11:42 PM
Anonymous said...
i read your commentary, simply because you put things in good perspective. i wish i could say the same about some who post comments.
and i'm one of the list you made below. i believed it to be a list of those who responded on the spamming blog post. why isn't anewday there? or is it something more sinister?
11:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Nice post Hollee!
Well written and I must say that you have never really been a pea that stood out as a "bitch" to me.
Anyways I hope you don't take a lot of shit for that post.
11:49 PM
Anonymous said...
If Hollee were to the post that post on 2peas do you think MOLOVE would call her an IDIOT?
I would be interested to find out. Likely not.
11:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself. The peas need to start finding a new place to go, because it should be dismantled in a few days to weeks. I wonder how long it will be before they get rid of the gallery????
11:57 PM
Anonymous said...
hhenrich said
I'm not. I didn't make the list and I'm glad. I only went to the blog once (to see if I was on the list) and the language was so disgusting over there. Blah!
Oh come now?? How about some tolerance for us fucking gals who like to swear?
I swear there is no tolerance for nothing on that board.
11:57 PM
Anonymous said...
I would also like to know whom the blogger actually likes. That would be a shocking a controversial post, wouldn't it?
Is there anyone anyone actually likes? or are even the nice peas annoying because they're too nice and full of themselves?
12:06 AM
Anonymous said...
"Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. " Oh man. I hope you are just messing with us, because that SUCKS if it is true. :(
12:07 AM
Anonymous said...
There is no way the nsbr is going away. Calm down. Personally though, I'd be glad if it did. No other MB for me. More time off the computer = a good thing.
12:11 AM
Anonymous said...
I heard that it (NSBR) was going to be disappearing too. I'd be really sad if it does. I enjoy chatting on there since my husband works off shore and I'm all alone.
12:16 AM
Julia B said...
Man Hollee, you have always been one of my favorite peas. THAT was awesome!
12:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'!
12:20 AM
paris666 said...
You Rang...
12:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks Juliab. That was nice of you :)
As far as whether or not Molove would call me an idiot. Who knows.
Honestly some of the stuff that goes down never ceases to amaze. I've seen people get flamed for some weird stuff and I've seen people get away with some outlandish things too.
Although for quite a while (long before this blog) it seems that nearly any topic or comment has the potential to become controversial and/or "offend" someone and turn into a trainwreck.
"Where the fuck is Paris? Me an' ol' Blackie are back for some more deep dickin'! " See this is the shit I hate about the blog. And makes me think that some anons are 14-year old boys. Seriously. Who talks like this? I hope to God it it really isn't a middle-aged housewife.
The blogger asked a thought provoking question and there were some interesting responses and then someone comes along and posts that garbage.
12:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
12:55 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
Karyn said...
And that question is why I read this still.
3:56 AM
Anonymous said...
That's a dumb question. It's like saying why you poo poo on Two Peas starting a blog to mock a group of people you can't stand but obviously obsessed with them. Blogger, you're no different than they are.
6:21 AM
Anonymous said...
come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face.
I see Nikki is here.
6:58 AM
Pea1 said...
Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself.
Not true, nothing will be changing.
7:01 AM
Anonymous said...
Nope, as I am not emtional when I post here or on 2peas. I don't call them fat either. I do not care what they weigh. I do comment on stupidty and I do comment on the double standards of those ladies. You see, I think that they have created this huge wall at 2peas and the normal peas can't get through. NSBR is the shame of 2peas and it will be until the new owners just get rid of it. We at GS have to post our NSBR stuff there because no one wants to play with the real NSBR because they are the problem. Not the trolls, but the posters themselves. NSBR prides themselves on having big girl panties, well maybe they ought to pull them up a bit or else they don't really have them in the first place. Of course I am sure this blog bothers them, the people it doesn't bother feel that way because they know they have posted nothing that can be mocked. I have seen Keriwest get very upset about the whole thing and I feel for her, but surely she KNEW when she linked all those pictures that there would be people who were jealous and then people who would think she was a braggart. It is called class and I think Keri just learned that lesson the hard way and you know what? It will make her a better person in the long run.
11:06 PM
okay now.......I totally agree!!!
I enjoy parts of this blog too because it is the cold hard truth, what makes your blog a mockery is your little groupie followers who say stuff like this and think it is really hurting the people they say this crap about:
Anonymous 12:42 a.m.: come lick my cunt. get my juices all over your face. they are tasty. oh so sweet. i can see it running down your neck. oh you look so hot with your head between my legs.
if annabella weren't so fat, i'd want to get some girl on girl action with her. but spreading her legs and trying to hold that fat back makes it really difficult to have a romantic moment with her pussy.
scrapbrooker looks tasty. i like my women dumb. she probably knows exactly what to do to please my hungry appetite. what i would do to have her strap on the white knight and give it to me. i've been a bad little pea and someone needs to bend me over and make me pay for it.
oh i'm so horny. going to go masterbate.
off to peas myself...
1:10 AM
What a joke! Do they really think that crap is going to make someone mad??? It is so beyond ridiculous and jr high that it is taken for what it is. I imagine it is some 20-something who wants everyone to think it is a 14 yr old kid, but if the kid is even half normal he/she would not be here wasting time with middle-aged women! They do actually have or at least try to get a life with peers their own age! Hey little poster have you ever heard of border line personality disorder? I'd bet if you looked it up in the dict. you'd find everyone of the charateristics to sound eerily familiar?? Ya think?
7:31 AM
Anonymous said...
8:20 AM
bluechiwawamom said...
I think, like Hollee, that this blog is pretty much right on, in many cases. There have been a couple of entries that have taken on children that I found to be out of line. I think that some of the nasty comments are non-peas. The other nasty ones are probably peas who, for whatever reason, don't feel included at 2peas. I know that I really never have felt that way...included, I mean. I just keep posting because there are an amazing amount of women on 2peas who are funny, kind, caring, and intelligent. I can go over there and read and never post and still enjoy myself.
Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life!
The key to ANY message board (and I've been on many) is to ignore what drives you crazy, post where you want, and chuckle at the crazies. Takes too much energy to obsess about it all.
That said, I would love to have all you "linkers" please read the following on how to LINK! Someone was called stupid because they didn't know you could click on a name and collapse the post, yet no one here seems to know how to do something as simple as posting a link:
Type in this, only put your link in plase of the nonsense link
8:43 AM
blue said...
Well, call ME stupid!
Here ya go.
Alternate method:
Where you normally type text, use the HTML commands, per the sample below, inserting the URL and Title you want.
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
8:47 AM
blue aka stupid said...
ok, this is getting ridiculous.
type in this, substituting <> for the []s:
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
With this method you may include as many links in a post as you want.
8:50 AM
Anonymous said...
[a href="http:/www.yourlink.com/"]nameyourlink[/a]
THank you!
Add me to the stupid list, I constantly type in the wrong letters in the word verification box.
9:14 AM
see like this said...
Oops. Forgot to sign that post^^
Click the other button below and your name will be at the top of your entry
9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
I love this blog. Actually come here to catch up on the daily going on so I don't even have to go bore myself with the crap at 2ps.
Don't let the panty wadders get to you, they live in misery.
9:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Fuck map chick. She's a crazy zealot bitch.
Uh...whats a zealot bitch?
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
I do, however, have a serious problem with the anon posters who get off on being vile and down-right rude. The person posting in all caps about keriwest went way over the line. Wayyyy over. It was just crass and ridiculous
9:25 AM
Anonymous said...
9:30 AM
Anonymous said...
Hollee you rock!
I wish you WOULD post this over on 2peas,it's dead-on and it would be interesting to see if you get your hands slapped or not by the regular slappers.
Bluechiwawamom said:
"Yes, there are pile-ons, stupid questions, rudeness, and general idiocy from some peas but, heck, I find that to be true in the real world as well. I just kind of chuckle at some of it and go on. I've engaged in some of the "pile-ons" when I've felt it to be important...as when Lauren attacked a special needs child (doesn't matter if she was provoked, she still did it) and then attacked a very sweet pea by calling her a "fat fuck". I make no apologies for that night. However, I've passed on most all the crap like that because I have enough drama in my real life"
And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)
9:37 AM
Anonymous said...
I think that some of the High and Mighty folk over there need their knees ratcheted down a few notches; I come here to see you do it! I also think it is so funny that people take themselves so seriously over a NSbr board--a little community builty in cyberspace so they can usperp some of their lost High School esteem.
9:39 AM
jamie said...
I think Hollee made some great points. And I agree with them. Totally.
There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical).
I think the blogger posts a lot of truth. My problem comes in when people start being flat out cruel when hiding behind their anonymous veil. .
10:27 AM
stephanie480 said...
*thread hijack*
Did anyone check out the "holier than thou" posts regarding a show on the TLC channel? It is about the Duggar family..who have 16 kids.
Imagine for a moment if 18 of the bitchiest peas had to reside under the same roof like the Duggars! Now THAT would make for must-see-tv! LOL!!
11:46 AM
blue said...
"And I make no apologies for telling you to, GIVE IT UP! You haven't passed on most of the crap, because you keep re-hashing that same crap about Lauren. Take your flippin' blinders off and see that both sides were asking for it. (a fight that is)"
well, I didn't ask for an apology nor do I need one. The "crap about Lauren" doesn't constitute "most of the crap" on the NSBR. It was ONE example. And, there's a huge difference between a fight and what happened there. I can fight with the best of them but I would never stoop that low.
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style. Hopefully, whatever was bothering her that night, is over.
11:51 AM
bluechiwawamom said...
Just wanted to add...at least I am brave enough to sign my pea name. What's yours?
11:53 AM
blue said...
"There are problems with the NSBR boards and the cliques there (an of course, with the people in the cliques denying the existence of them, which is typical)."
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
Anonymous said...
I WILL say, however, that Lauren has come back, this time, with a nicer posting style.
11:51 AM
The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock.
11:57 AM
jamie said...
blue said...
The cliques on NSBR are, I think, more just people who have posted there together for a long, long time. Several of them know each other IRL and/or IM together etc. I guess, in a way, that does make them a clique. But I left that stuff back in high school...I can remember knowing the hierarchy back then. I don't let stuff like that bother me as an adult. There are peas that like me, there are peas who don't, there are peas who have absolutely no idea I exist...so what? I enjoy the few who interact with me and I also enjoy reading stuff from peas who don't like or know me.
11:57 AM
I don't care about cliques either. I'm over trying to make everyone like me, but I do think cliques CAN be exclusionary. I mean, see Grumps and Liberal Peas. People get all twitchy when they think others are being exclusionary.
I think the cliques become a particular problem when they cause ganging up/pile ons. I mean, admittedly, I get annoyed by "inside" jokes inside of threads or AS threads, but I can ignore threads I think will be such and I can put people who act that way on ignore and sometimes I do. But the fact that you've managed to amass 20 friends in your possee that are going to make things difficult for other people when you started it, sucks. Even as an adult.
That's the number one jusitification for pile ons. "Well, we're defending our friend". I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends.
12:36 PM
jenman said...
"The last time Lauren flipped out and came back, she did the same thing. The old Lauren will emerge soon. Tick tock."
OMG I can't remember how many times Lauren has wigged out and then come back apologizing and vowing to turn over a 'new leaf'. Tick tock, indeed.
"I swear there are a few peas who NEVER post, save to participate in pile ons started by their friends."
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
12:48 PM
Anonymous said...
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
1:14 PM
blue said...
I've heard that about Lauren. She must have some demons that bother her deeply. I've always been able to just pretty much ignore her digs but that night was bad. I guess it was my first involvement in one of her "decompressions"...the others I'd only heard about.
Cliques CAN be exclusionary. I just try to realize that they know each other really well and have a lot of inside stuff. I just let it wash over me. I was part of a "clique" on a homeschooling board years ago. Several of us were sort of founding members. As it grew, we went right along posting and then, years later, started getting accused of being the popular ones, the clique, etc. It hurt me because I truly didn't realize that we came across that way and it's something I wouldn't knowingly want to be a part of. To me, it was just that we all knew each other so well...several of us had traveled to meet each other etc. It can happen without people even realizing or believing that they are being that way.
I know that when I first came to the NSBR, I posted all friendly and nice...tried to join in and just felt totally slammed. I left and didnt' return for two years. Then, I came back. I couldn't even remember my old peaname and came back as blue. I just kept posting and reading and gradually came to know a few of the posters as personalities. That helped to be able to "recognize" a few people. Aimmer was one of the first to say she liked my posts. It sometimes takes time to settle in at an MB.
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Ruth, the ever so present hand slapper for anyone who critiques anything, is finally criticizing something without actually saying it. Why else would she start this thread but to have a conversation going on how horridly oppressed these women are.
2:01 PM
Anonymous said...
I also agree with this 100%. They come out of nowhere to defend their friends or to argue with somebody. And you can always tell which threads that will happen on because of their subject matter.
Yep this is true about Kelli and Seanna.
*nodding head*
2:05 PM
Anonymous said...
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
2:23 PM
Hollee said...
"I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on. " I am in complete agreement with you here. It's funny you should post this because just today I posted a thread on the GS board about this very thing.
2:26 PM
jamie said...
The cliques don't bug me so much in the NSBR...it's in the gallery. I swear there are so many great layouts posted that get one or no comments on them. I think it's crap to praise threads of just your friends...especially when your friend's layout is ugly as fuck. I'm not saying that you should praise every freaking layout, but come on.
Okay,well, I don't necessarily buy the clique thing for this one because I think it would be hard to prove. A lot of people join challanges to get lots of praise, so they'll get praise even if their layout is "as ugly as fuck". It's the number one suggestion for people looking for more praise on the GS board.
2:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Dixie Chicks
2:50 PM
Holy Hell I did it....
anyway... the op is bitching about what they say about their fans.. blah blah blah what a fuckin whine ass
2:51 PM
Anonymous said...
ok guess i didn't do it.. DAMN IT! :(
2:52 PM
jamie said...
You have an extra slash at the end of the url. You ALMOST did it though. ;)
2:54 PM
Anonymous said...
2:58 PM
Anonymous said...
2:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree about the cliques. I lifted a layout by one of the popular peas...and not one...NOT ONE person said anything about it. Personally, if the layout was that great (which I obviously thought it was)...why didn't it get any props?!?!
3:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Ok Ladies... We need to tell this girl to run, run as fast as she can.. before she gets sucked into lurkdem with the rest of us, not trying to be bashed upon by the bitches of the board. OOo maybe we could invite her over here ;)
Im New
3:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Is it true that the NSBR is going away? I read that earlier, but no one has really commented on it. I'm freaking out. Is our stuff safe in the gallery? Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case. Do you think it's because of them taking away the gallery or does she not want people talking smack about her stuff? I'm really confused and not sure if I should start posting my layouts. What a waste of time if I do and they get rid of it.
3:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Paigepea said she removed her stuff from the gallery just in case.
She's a fucking idiot, don't listen to her! She uses the gallery as her personal photo storage space unlike the rest of us who use photobucket.
3:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Why would they take the gallery away when people show their scrapbooking ideas there dumbbass! Gosh I wish people would stop spreading stupid rumors.
3:10 PM
Anonymous said...
remember when she got busted lying about what I can't remember.. then the hairflip came and she went away...swearing never to come back.. guess she hangs out on GS now!
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Of course there are cliques! Give me a break and coke bottle glasses! (Guffaw) Those who say they don't exist have two choices; 1) you're a complete effing moron or 2) you're in one. Plain and simple. Now, most of the time they don't bother me. I just see them as pathetic sorority-wannabe types who run over at every split second to rub each other's shoulders and kiss each other's asses. It's quite a sight. However, on the increasingly frequent times when they snipe at an unsuspecting poster then gather up in force to conqure and defeat--that's when I say "Royal Bitches from Hell". Sadly, we've all seen it too many times. Someone innocently posting. The maffioso-cuntbags come running to say something snarky or give a completely unfounded opinion on the topic or poster...THEN...like a script, they all "I so agree" and "to the OP...(slam boom bam!)" and on and on. When the red seaps in the water, more come...dunt dunt dunt...circle around their prey and attack.
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
3:40 PM
Tinkerbell said...
I like Hallie's dress! I wonder if she wore those huge gaudy earrings she posted to the NSBR board a short while back about?
3:56 PM
Anonymous said...
It would be funny except most idiots on the board actually take themselves too seriously....because of that, people get hurt for no NO (I mean NO) reason other than maffioso-cuntbags thrill of the fight.
maffioso? define please
3:56 PM
Anonymous said...
maffioso...I believe it is a derivation of "maffia". Maybe that poster was cleverly trying to suggest those women are a maffia like (a tight group of nsbr "criminals" who have hit lists). I see that! Cool and funny! LOL LOL LOL
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Maffioso-cuntbag. Catchy
I like it :)
4:07 PM
4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
4:32 PM
Anonymous said...
which part...the part where she said "maffioso" or "cuntbag"?
4:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Sometimes I read a post and I so want to type.
"God damn you are fucking stupid. Is it physically painful to be that fucking stupid?"
5:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
which part...the part where she said "maffioso" or "cuntbag"?
4:53 PM
6:00 PM
Anonymous said...
6:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
This is a great point.
6:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog.
Exactly! They're such hypocrites!
6:24 PM
Nicole said...
This blog rocks. Simple as that. You have the guts to say the stuff that other people are thinking and just too shit scared to say.
6:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Today is Bob Dylan’s 65th birthday
7:08 PM
Anonymous said...
You have to see this blog!
crazy pics
7:14 PM
Anonymous said...
There a shit load of non english speaking or writting blogs in here
7:17 PM
This question is for those of you who poo poo on the blog. It's pretty obvious that a lot of you commenters despise this blog, so why are you here? And not only that, but why do you choose to comment? Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog. What is your reason for that?
Sure, I know some of these questions can be asked about me, but I am asking you. Anyone care to answer?
posted by 2 Peas In My Ass at 6:42 PM on May 22 2006
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Ruth is making fun of the way some religious people dress for the beach. That's classic. What happen to tolerance Ruthie? Fucking hypocrite.
Anonymous said...
Ruth is making fun of the way some religious people dress for the beach. That's classic. What happen to tolerance Ruthie? Fucking hypocrite.
5:29 AM
She is tolerant as long as someone's views match her own.
For the same reason people poo-poo on TwoPeas especially anonymously. This is a major case of "don't dish it out, if you can't take it."
You really, honestly think that people are not going to come over here and diss on this very mean-spirited blog? It had some humorous attributes in the beginning, but now it is full of mean and bitter people taking out their TwoPea's anger anonymously. All very sad and pathetic.
What could have been a humorous blog about life on a message board, has turned into an anonymous bashfest.
I'm here because the blog is like the Reader's Digest version of the NSBR. I come here first for the chuckle, then 2P's second.
I truly love 2P's for real SB info (like when will a certain line of paper be released, etc.) and sometimes scroll through a couple of the other boards for fun. The blog is better for me because I barely go to NSBR anymore. No more getting sucked in to reading threads like "So I have an appointment scheduled to get my hair cut and colored at Ulta. Am I going to regret it?" (What makes me look? I don't know her so I wouldn't offer an opinion. Unless... And then I'd HAVE to look JUST IN CASE I'd need to post a response like, "Oh my god, DON'T cut off your beautiful hair!")
Anyway, that's how I save time. If it's woth a chuckle, it ends up here. If not, I didn't miss a thing. :)
This is a major case of "don't dish it out, if you can't take it."
And what about the people who have never "dished it out" but are still being attacked here? Maybe 1 or 2 people don't agree with their lifestyle or their opinions, but they have been nothing but nice and polite on the board. Do they deserve to be smashed here? That is where I have a problem with all this.
Anonymous said...
This is a major case of "don't dish it out, if you can't take it."
And what about the people who have never "dished it out" but are still being attacked here? Maybe 1 or 2 people don't agree with their lifestyle or their opinions, but they have been nothing but nice and polite on the board. Do they deserve to be smashed here? That is where I have a problem with all this.
8:43 AM
I have to completely agree with this comment. Take Paigepea for example. She has never been anything but nice to everyone on two peas. She has been ripped to shreds here. This mentality that this blogs is getting back at the bullies is a load of crap. Lots of very sweet and kind peas have had very nasty things said about them here. Of course some of the most vile comments have come from chickenshit anon posters. You have to wonder about the mentality of some of them. I hope they are medicated.
maffioso-cuntags= MSP; Annabella; Nichole (or however the hell she spells her name); Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; Lauren; PDR; who am I missing?...
My "don't dish it out if you can't take it" comment refers to the blogger. The blogger wants to know why people poo-poo the blog.
I poo-poo the blog because it is a nasty, anonymous place where people can safely be nasty and anonymous.
The sad fact is that they think they are somehow witty or clever or something.
Yep, being mean anonymously. That takes all sorts of courage. At least at TwoPeas the "so-called" mean peas do it under their user name and take the backlash.
Over here, a bunch of sad and pathetic, bitter, angry people joining together to be mean. But they are oh so much better than all the peas they cruelly bash.
maffioso-cuntags= MSP; Annabella; Nichole (or however the hell she spells her name); Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; Lauren; PDR; who am I missing?...
Seanna and Mary Mary
Take Paigepea for example. She has never been anything but nice to everyone on two peas. She has been ripped to shreds here. This mentality that this blogs is getting back at the bullies is a load of crap. Lots of very sweet and kind peas have had very nasty things said about them here.
How about self-absorbed for Paigepea. All of us have kids. Why do we need to see constant pics about her baby and listen to stories about her sex life?
No more getting sucked in to reading threads like "So I have an appointment scheduled to get my hair cut and colored at Ulta. Am I going to regret it?" (What makes me look? I don't know her so I wouldn't offer an opinion. Unless... And then I'd HAVE to look JUST IN CASE I'd need to post a response like, "Oh my god, DON'T cut off your beautiful hair!")
Ruth is making fun of the way some religious people dress for the beach. That's classic. What happen to tolerance Ruthie? Fucking hypocrite.
Who cares if someone posts 1000 pictures of their kid? Just don't open the thread. Because someone posts things that you don't like makes them open for all sorts of nasty commentary? I just don't get that.
maffioso-cuntags= MSP; Annabella; Nichole (or however the hell she spells her name); Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; Lauren; PDR; who am I missing?...
Seanna and Mary Mary
Don't forget Mapchic and Annabonanna
Who cares if someone posts 1000 pictures of their kid? Just don't open the thread. Because someone posts things that you don't like makes them open for all sorts of nasty commentary? I just don't get that.
Paigepea doesn't stop whining, that is annoying.
it would be (fun) interesting to read a play-by-play or in this case, blow-by-blow of the maffioso-cb's HITs. List he Maffisoso-CBags by name, then give a blow-by-blow. Show the hitwomen in action! :D
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL or should I say "bwuahahaha"?
Don't read it. You have total control over what you choose to read. It is rather inane to complain about someone yet you continue to read their posts.
Is your life that boring that you must continue to read the posts of people who annoy you? What does that say about you?
Is your life that boring that you must continue to read the posts of people who annoy you? What does that say about you?
You're still reading this blog and responding to it, what does that say about you?
MSP; Annabella; Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; Lauren; PDR; Seanna; Mary Mary; Mapchic; Annabonanna; Baybuny; Ruth, missveggie; CCprincess; Kimberdobbs; iscrap4ds; Yvonne
Maffioso Cuntbag Crew said...
MSP; Annabella; Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; Lauren; PDR; Seanna; Mary Mary; Mapchic; Annabonanna; Baybuny; Ruth, missveggie; CCprincess; Kimberdobbs; iscrap4ds; Yvonne
YOU FORGOT: Nicole! She gangs up on the disabled!
YOU FORGOT: Nicole! She gangs up on the disabled!
Who is Nicole?
I'm not complaining about being bored. I am not complaining about how the same people say the same things over and over again. I am not taking mean potshots at people because I can. You nasty posters are way more amusing that the blogger because your behavior is as bad or worse than all the peas you are complaining about.
I'm the anon poster who coined the term "maffioso-cuntbag". Thanks to the poster who explained what I meant by the term. You were dead on. Yes, they are hitmen who come and snipe on the unsuspecting or gang up on the skinny, overly pretty, whatever...whomever, they decide not to like (or not to agree with) at the moment.
When I thought of the term "maffioso-cuntbag", my mind circled around the following:
*MSP; *Annabella; *Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; *Lauren; PDR; Seanna; Mary Mary; Ashley-Nicole; Mapchic; Annabonanna; Baybuny; Ruth, missveggie; CCprincess; iscrap4ds; Yvonne; IpeeFreely;
"Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself. The peas need to start finding a new place to go, because it should be dismantled in a few days to weeks. I wonder how long it will be before they get rid of the gallery????"
Yeah right I bet you are a closer personal friend of Kristina and Jeff!
Anonymous said...
I'm not complaining about being bored. I am not complaining about how the same people say the same things over and over again. I am not taking mean potshots at people because I can. You nasty posters are way more amusing that the blogger because your behavior is as bad or worse than all the peas you are complaining about.
I highly doubt that.. The mean peas are nasty cunts and thy know it
Maffioso-Cuntbag Originator
ps. I'm also the same anon poster who said that bedding looks like a Korean Brothel House...
I'll call myself MSB from now on. ;) AS IF anyone will care. LOL
that should be M C B right?
right...MCB, my c made a mistake. lol
Anonymous said...
"Kaboose is planning on getting rid of the NSBR. Heard it from the old owners myself. The peas need to start finding a new place to go, because it should be dismantled in a few days to weeks. I wonder how long it will be before they get rid of the gallery????"
Yeah right I bet you are a closer personal friend of Kristina and Jeff!
How do you knwo she's not?
knwo =know
What a freedom you have being able to use the word "cunt" here! You must be so proud.
Anonymous said...
What a freedom you have being able to use the word "cunt" here! You must be so proud.
I for one am :) cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cun t cunt cunt
I for one, love the word CUNT. It has such a deep, vacuous, smelly, juicy connotation. CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT...Quite aprapos when referring to our MCB crew.
What is ironic, I think, is that the MCB crew think they actually are "popular" there. That is to say, they have a lot of friends and are well liked. The freedom of anonymity has shed light to the contrary.
What is ironic, I think, is that the MCB crew think they actually are "popular" there. That is to say, they have a lot of friends and are well liked. The freedom of anonymity has shed light to the contrary.
No not true. Some members of the MCB crew do have a lot of friends and are well likes just as much as they are hated.
3. cunt definied
One of the best parts of a girl's body.
The one thing most guys want to get to.
A reciever for the male penis.
That girl's cunt is tighter than a vice grip.
Susie has got one fine cunt.
When I thought of the term "maffioso-cuntbag", my mind circled around the following:
*MSP; *Annabella; *Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; *Lauren; PDR; Seanna; Mary Mary; Ashley-Nicole; Mapchic; Annabonanna; Baybuny; Ruth, missveggie; CCprincess; iscrap4ds; Yvonne;
Seanna is the head cunt!
I just hate it when the insane asylum gets internet connection. All you crazies need to tell your Drs to up your meds pronto.
When I thought of the term "maffioso-cuntbag", my mind circled around the following:
*MSP; *Annabella; *Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; *Lauren; PDR; Seanna; Mary Mary; Ashley-Nicole; Mapchic; Annabonanna; Baybuny; Ruth, missveggie; CCprincess; iscrap4ds; Yvonne; IpeeFreely;
you took out the name kimberlydobbs! busted KD!
I just hate it when the insane asylum gets internet connection. All you crazies need to tell your Drs to up your meds pronto.
So why are you interacting with us?
Yes, I took out Kimberly's name. In my opinion, she's less a cunt than a jesus freak whackadoo. Keep reading my posts. She's neither as articulate, funny, sarcastic nor clever than I.
you took out the name kimberlydobbs! busted KD!
She probably took it about because KD belongs under the separate category of psycho who no one likes.
Retard said...
I just hate it when the insane asylum gets internet connection. All you crazies need to tell your Drs to up your meds pronto.
So why are you interacting with us?
11:27 AM
Someone has to keep the men in the little white coats posted as to your whereabouts. lol
cunt, pussy, twat, snatch, slit, box, hole, vagina.
Wow! I feel better now!
Anonymous said...
cunt, pussy, twat, snatch, slit, box, hole, vagina.
Wow! I feel better now!
11:38 AM
Hee hee hee. You said TWAT!
I've heard the tightest cunt in a republican pussy. LOL Oh my! That was a joke. But if the chastity belt fits, wear it.
Face it, without TwoPeas and the wide variety of posters, this blog would not exist. If half the people on the MCB list stopped posting, what then.
Then you get "What's for dinner?"
"When does American Idol start again"?
"Which outfit should I wear?"
"Which purse should I buy?"
"What should I name my baby?"
It is the variety that makes TwoPeas spicy. Otherwise it could be called "Boring Housewives."
maffioso-cuntags= MSP; Annabella; Nichole (or however the hell she spells her name); Molove; Manda; Punkin hick pea; Lauren; PDR; who am I missing?...
Monique is the biggest cunt on that board.
i knew nurse kitty was one of the anons!
"I highly doubt that.. The mean peas are nasty cunts and thy know it"
I don't see the "mean peas" getting blasted here. I saw Paigepea get torn apart. Some people find her annoying but I enjoy the posts about her baby. I saw David's Princess get the four star treatment here. I am still confused on what she ever did to hurt anyone. Manda got torn to bits. I must have missed Manda being mean.
The posters here try to pass themselves off as being better than the peas that they skewer but it's just the same thing here, except you are hiding behind the veil of anonymity.
You can say what you want about the mean peas but at least they don't hide. Lauren may be a raging bitch but at least she is bitchy under her name.
Once again the blogger posts a PVM post. Poor blogger. Not all the posters like you or agree with you. You are now as whiney as those NSRB bitches who act all surprised to know that there are people here who don't like them.
So the question of the day is if you people hate what is said and posted at NSBR so much, why do you go there?
You can say what you want about the mean peas but at least they don't hide. Lauren may be a raging bitch but at least she is bitchy under her name.
Of course you would go anon on me.. HELLO! where's your name under your post BITCH!
Pot meet kettle! sound familiar
The posters here try to pass themselves off as being better than the peas that they skewer but it's just the same thing here, except you are hiding behind the veil of anonymity.
Not nearly the same!!! The maffioso-cuntbags PREY on people to attack. We've all seen it. SOmone will post and then one of the peripheral MCB wannabe's will post, "uh, train wreck" and then the MCBs smell blood. The circle in, like sharks, and bite ONE by ONE...taking chunks out of the poster who is either 1) unliked 2) mildly controversial 3) unsuspecting 4) undeserving or 5) ambushed by something she didn't expect.
Here, the anonymity we have, allows us to spew the truth about this group of NSBR villains.
While they attack the innocent, we stand united to say..."you're a cunt".
Anonymous said...
The posters here try to pass themselves off as being better than the peas that they skewer but it's just the same thing here, except you are hiding behind the veil of anonymity.
Not nearly the same!!! The maffioso-cuntbags PREY on people to attack. We've all seen it. SOmone will post and then one of the peripheral MCB wannabe's will post, "uh, train wreck" and then the MCBs smell blood. The circle in, like sharks, and bite ONE by ONE...taking chunks out of the poster who is either 1) unliked 2) mildly controversial 3) unsuspecting 4) undeserving or 5) ambushed by something she didn't expect.
Here, the anonymity we have, allows us to spew the truth about this group of NSBR villains.
While they attack the innocent, we stand united to say..."you're a cunt".
I saw David's Princess get the four star treatment here. I am still confused on what she ever did to hurt anyone.
She's a stupid twit and annoying as fuck!
--I saw David's Princess get the four star treatment here. I am still confused on what she ever did to hurt anyone--
People did her a favor. She needs to wake up and smell the anal lube. She married a homo. Everyone with eyeballs can see he's Liberace gay.
She's wasting her life on a guy she's going to catch one day down on his knees sucking cock. Then she's going to be like OMG I didn't see that coming! Then she's going to be older and even more fatter than she is now and no straight man will want her.
Anonymous said...
I saw David's Princess get the four star treatment here. I am still confused on what she ever did to hurt anyone.
She's a stupid twit and annoying as fuck!
1:08 PM
Anonymous said...
--I saw David's Princess get the four star treatment here. I am still confused on what she ever did to hurt anyone--
People did her a favor. She needs to wake up and smell the anal lube. She married a homo. Everyone with eyeballs can see he's Liberace gay.
She's wasting her life on a guy she's going to catch one day down on his knees sucking cock. Then she's going to be like OMG I didn't see that coming! Then she's going to be older and even more fatter than she is now and no straight man will want her
Can a sista get a link?
What does it fucking matter?
I read there and I read here. This blog is hilarious but so is 2 Peas. It's amzaing that some people get so involved in this shit and boo hoo about it being real people. Sure there are real people but there's more bullshit than real. It's crazy to get that invested in this shit.
The thing that has always bothered me about the board is when of them decides with no proof that someone is lying. Then a dogpile starts like facts were posted. Ruining a person's reputation all because someone "suspects" something. It's very hurtful if you are the person accused of being the liar.
The pack also twists facts or things that people have said in the past to make them look bad. I've seen that happen at least 10 times in the past couple of years. It's why I no longer post on that board.
dialidol.com has guess who winning by a mile SPOILER
check it out!
This has been very accurate all along.
This is great news for TAYLOR fans (that's me!!)
The thing that has always bothered me about the board is when of them decides with no proof that someone is lying. Then a dogpile starts like facts were posted. Ruining a person's reputation all because someone "suspects" something. It's very hurtful if you are the person accused of being the liar.
ITA Mary Mary is queen bee of doing this.
People did her a favor. She needs to wake up and smell the anal lube. She married a homo. Everyone with eyeballs can see he's Liberace gay.
She's wasting her life on a guy she's going to catch one day down on his knees sucking cock. Then she's going to be like OMG I didn't see that coming! Then she's going to be older and even more fatter than she is now and no straight man will want her
To whomever asked, she hairflipped, then came back with a new name thenewmrsc, I'm sure the relevant threads are deleted. Molove was on the forefront of telling her her husband is gay.
After discovering something odd just offshore, Jack and Sayid come up with a plan to confront "The Others" and hopefully get Walt back. At the same time there will be an answer to the question of where Michael has been and resolution of him and Walt. Meanwhile, Eko and Locke come to blows as Locke makes a potentially cataclysmic decision regarding the "button" and the hatch. Lastly, Desmond returns and he sheds some more light on his experience on the island in the three years prior to when Locke came down into that hatch
Jack Bender
Maffioso-cuntbag FACT twisters::
Mary Mary (for sure!)
MSP..queen speculation artist
MOLOVE...spineless instigator
and Ashley Nicole--self righteous "it doesn't add up" ganger upper
Maffioso-cuntbag FACT twisters::
Mary Mary (for sure!)
MSP..queen speculation artist
MOLOVE...spineless instigator
and Ashley Nicole--self righteous "it doesn't add up" ganger upper
right on!
To whomever asked, she hairflipped, then came back with a new name thenewmrsc, I'm sure the relevant threads are deleted. Molove was on the forefront of telling her her husband is gay.
that was me, Thanks :)
You might as well start labeling yourselves and anonymous 1, anonymous 2, etc. as you are beginning to morph into NSBR jr.
Anonymous said...
You might as well start labeling yourselves and anonymous 1, anonymous 2, etc. as you are beginning to morph into NSBR jr.
So why don't you have a name?
I'm not a regular poster to the blog who is pretending to be witty and funny and better than the gals at TwoPeas. I don't need a name.
Anonymous said...
I'm not a regular poster to the blog who is pretending to be witty and funny and better than the gals at TwoPeas. I don't need a name.
2:54 PM
You don't need a name because you have nothing original or interesting to add to this conversation.
How's this for adding to the conversation. If you don't get it I understand.
To Roman's surprise, Bill and Joey attend the UEB priesthood council meeting. Barb shines in the public spotlight when she receives the Mother of the Year award. Rhonda is anxious to leave the compound behind to try her skills in acting but she discovers that her family isn't willing to let her go. Wanda finds herself in trouble when she gets a visit from Alby.
After a fourth women goes missing in as many months, the team is brought in to track down the guy before he kidnaps again. Hotch is asked to secretly evaluate Gideon to see if he is ready to work full time again
You don't need a name because you have nothing original or interesting to add to this conversation.
It wouldn't take much to add anything interesting or intelligent to this blog and the commentary.
Most of it is a bunch of uneducated, foul-mouthed hooey! But hey, if that is what you call entertainment, more power to you!
Most of it is a bunch of uneducated, foul-mouthed hooey! But hey, if that is what you call entertainment, more power to you!
and yet you're still here.
what does PIMP mean?
and yet you're still here
And this is the only comment that comes up when people complain about this blog. Here you complain and complain about TwoPeas, yet you read it anyway. Silly, silly, silly.
Pot-kettle or whatever else is fashionable these days.
I am desperately seeking humor. Seems I still need to search.
And this is the only comment that comes up when people complain about this blog. Here you complain and complain about TwoPeas, yet you read it anyway. Silly, silly, silly.
Pot-kettle or whatever else is fashionable these days.
Pot-kettle or whatever else is fashionable these days.
I believe the expression you are looking for is "pot meet kettle." Maybe I'll throw in a Wow. Just Wow just for the heck of it.
I believe the expression you are looking for is "pot meet kettle." Maybe I'll throw in a Wow. Just Wow just for the heck of it.
Anonymous said...
I believe the expression you are looking for is "pot meet kettle." Maybe I'll throw in a Wow. Just Wow just for the heck of it.
3:59 PM
Ooooh another original one! Gotta remember to use that one over on 2Peas.
that's all well and good, but what the fuck does PIMP mean!?
Anonymous said...
that's all well and good, but what the fuck does PIMP mean!?
4:02 PM
Peed in my pants.
The maffioso-cuntbags PREY on people to attack. We've all seen it. SOmone will post and then one of the peripheral MCB wannabe's will post, "uh, train wreck" and then the MCBs smell blood. The circle in, like sharks, and bite ONE by ONE...taking chunks out of the poster who is either 1) unliked 2) mildly controversial 3) unsuspecting 4) undeserving or 5) ambushed by something she didn't expect.
Just like this fucking blog
The maffioso-cuntbags PREY on people to attack. We've all seen it. SOmone will post and then one of the peripheral MCB wannabe's will post, "uh, train wreck" and then the MCBs smell blood. The circle in, like sharks, and bite ONE by ONE...taking chunks out of the poster who is either 1) unliked 2) mildly controversial 3) unsuspecting 4) undeserving or 5) ambushed by something she didn't expect.
Just like this fucking blog
The maffioso-cuntbags PREY on people to attack. We've all seen it. SOmone will post and then one of the peripheral MCB wannabe's will post, "uh, train wreck" and then the MCBs smell blood. The circle in, like sharks, and bite ONE by ONE...taking chunks out of the poster who is either 1) unliked 2) mildly controversial 3) unsuspecting 4) undeserving or 5) ambushed by something she didn't expect.
Just like this fucking blog
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