Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Show Me Where I Did That

To those of you who apparently have a problem with me "making fun of" special needs children and what not. Where did I do that? Show me. Seriously. I made fun of no one. That whole thread had to do with my annoyance at the OP and the commenters calling children mean. It wasn't about the kids being 'mean'. It was about them not knowing any better about the child situation. I would say I was surprised, but I'm not. NSBR peas are notorious for taking someone's words and completely turning them around on the OP because they don't know how else to respond. Don't make situations up just to gain more ammo for your point of view. It only shows your ignorance.


At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I read that thread about the drool, I couldn't help but think what's the difference between drool and any other bodily fluid? It's no different than if the girl was peeing all over everything or sneezing and blowing snot all over. As a mother, I wouldn't want my children around her for sanitary reasons. And OF COURSE children are going to find that gross. I would be shocked if they didn't.

Understanding applies all the way around. I can see why MOM is upset at the other children, but isn't it just as easy to understand the reaction of the other children to the drooling girl? I think it is.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm....You wouldn't want your child around her for sanitary reasons? LMFAO...so, do you let your children outside EVER?? B/c when people sneeze or cough, that shit goes everywhere, and you would be afraid for some little girls drool to get on your child. Man o Man...what a dumb bitch you are. I guess you have your munchkins in a bubble.

At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Einstein, you're saying you would be ok with your kids playing around a kid that was urinating on the slide in the playground? There's no difference with drool. You're kids must be nasty infected little brats if that's the way you take care of them.

At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually there IS a difference between kid piss and kid drool.
One is made of water and bodily wastes, the other is made of water, mucus and enzymes.
Id rather be drooled on.

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you'd be OK with your child going down a slide covered in mucus. Nice visual. I'll keep your kids in my prayers.

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you are just being stubborn. You act like the litle girl is a pouring faucet of drool. And, yeah, there is probalby a good amount of mucous allllll over every slide on the playground.

O and sweetie, don't forget, you family will be in our prayers also...YOU are gonna need them.


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