Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Steps To Getting A Life (pay attention heartcat)

1. Turn off the computer and keep it off for a week.

With out the computer being your main focus you will find that being a mother and a wife to your fullest ability will help spark that life that was sucked out of you by the 2 peas board. You will have time for things like your family, cleaning yourself up and being presentable when your husband comes home from work. You will have time now to leave the house and get together with old friends or make new friends. Scrapbook, read a good book, volunteer your time for something.

Step away from the computer for more than 10 minutes, you'll have a life. I promise.


Because It Gave Me A Good Laugh


Subject:You peas are a waste of my time. You're pathetic, judgemental & the biggest bunch of witches ...

PeaNut 260049 - 5/3/2006
Posts: 324 Layouts: 0
Loc: hotel california

on the internet. Call this whatever you want. Hairflip, hair stomp, etc. Over the last 6 months I have been on this board, I have never seen so much judgemental snotty witchy women ever in one gathering. There have been some kind and wonderful peas. But the witches on here overpower any decent ones. You peas are beyond crazy. You feed off each other and go to an extent only the most fearless psychologist would dream of taking on. Supportive? Sometimes. But you bring out the worst in so many. All you peas do is trump each other, get everyone riled up, try and act witty, and fail. Miserably fail at even being human. This board brings out the worst in me so it's not worth my time. I am worth so much more than this. You peas give the scrapbooking community a bad name. Get a life people. Go out and live IRL instead of typing your wee little lives away on a message board. Kate

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I Knew She Was Bad, But..

Wow. I just. I can't believe. Wow.

I am at a loss for words. I just read the thread about the belly button stink (thanks who ever btt, I didn't see it the first time). From there I went to Hunzers blog. Between the two I am just- again, left with no words. I'm curious if she has any friends outside the ones that live in her computer? I guess trash have a way of finding their own.

Damn, Bitter Isn't The Word

Sorry- Link

Wow, could you be any more of a bitch? How many times are you going to say that you are not involved with the situation and yet you want to tell the creepy mans wife? What purpose is that going to serve? The woman is in her late 50's and they have been married for 30 or so years? And it sounds like the whole family knows what's going on so chances are she does too. Your reasons for wanting to tell the wife are not based on good intentions. You just want someone else to hurt because (boo hoo) life isn't fair. Are you sure you're 36? This all sounds a little high schoolish, don't you think?

"i am not close with them "
"i am not socially involved with this"
"i rarely even see this pregnant cousin of mine as it is"
"this side of the family is rotten and we tend to stay away"

You really need to suck it up, and if this family disgusts you so much then just avoid it all together. There is no reason to stick your nose in this just because your mad about something that you have no control over.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

See, I can Be Nice

I just have to comment on how cute this baby is.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Nice Try

Today I have taken note of 3 posts by this person and I am wondering how she has gotten under my radar in the past. I am missing the funny part of taking the NSBR bullshit over to GS. I didn't read the GS board yesterday, which I guess is the reason why I missed the AN joke - which BTW I am still upset about it not being true. I have now read the majority of the threads and I am just not getting it. You were busting out and having a laugh at the GS expense, and now you want them to accept your half ass apology? I mean, really. You don't see your last comment as being a bit of a slap in the face?

"I hope that you will accept my apology in the manner in which it is offered. And that you can once in a while see the light of humor. It makes life more bearable. And as I said earlier today... it's good for the soul."

The above reads, "I am sorry - that you don't have a sense of humor."

And of course now the thread is going to become yet another mockery by NSBR about GS.

Design Teams

Educate me. What is the big uproar about being on a design team? I have been reading the pub (lots of "tooting" going on over there, you ladies might want to get that checked out)and there is a lot of talk about design teams. Is this like for the scrapers who aren't good enough to be published? Are they the second string in the scrapbook world? Not really good enough for the big time are ya? Really, any shmo can jump on the scrapbook bandwagon and open an online store. Figure how many online scrap stores there are, nearly all which have DT's. Do you really think you are that special to get chosen? Or maybe I have it wrong. Perhaps it is just about the free stuff??? 100 bucks says the published ladies are laughing it up hard while congratulating you for making a lousy DT.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Holy Hell!

Oh you know there has GOT to be an entry on this crazy shit. And I have only read the first 2 posts on this one, but it sounds like it might relate so I'll throw it in as well. Finally, something over there I can read.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Not Exactly 2 Peas Related........

But I would like to point out that you obviously don't need brains to acquire wealth and good fortune. Here is the proof. What a fuckin idiot.

Do You Ever Wonder?

I have seen quite a few posts in the past about one tragedy or another happening to a family and a request for scrapbook pages to be made. Just like this one. I was curious if anyone ever thinks (even if just for a second) that it might be some one trying to get something for nothing? Like some poor sap that wants to have scrapbooks but can't afford anything more than paper and a pack of .99 stickers. Or even someone who just sucks in the creative department and looks at this as an opportunity to suckers some ladies into doing pages for her. I am not saying this is the case with the example I linked to, and I am sure some cases of this are true, but I wouldn't put it past a woman to screw others this way. Is it just me?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Here Is Proof

NSBR peas are not the only ones with some serious issues. You can find them in GS (General Scrappin') as well. Here is a perfect example of someone who attempts to take responsibility for her problem, but doesn't quite succeed at it. I have read this post 4 times and I fail to see any reason, let alone a good one, for you to be pissed at Michaels. You will never buy from them, why? Because they didn't have something in stock that you wanted and you felt that they should hold one of everything in the SB department for you in case you decide you want it? WTH lady? I can totally picture you in your car having a little tantrum like a 2 year old. I'm sure M's wont lose any sleep over you not shopping with them. Obviously plenty of others are since they have products out of stock.

I Have Been Forced To Do It

Right now I can no longer handle the retardedness of NSBR. I have reached my breaking point. I am sure I will return there very shortly, but for now I feel I need to cleanse my mind of the ignorance that has been scaring my brain.

So now I am forced to branch out to other areas of 2 peas. Obviously the stupidity is woven all through that site, but the material is different so I am moving out of NSBR for just a bit and exploring other areas.

Friday, November 10, 2006

It's Rag On Bad Mother's Day Today.

I am so glad more people are speaking out about their feeling on the whole "special guy" thing that Cara does. It really grates on my nerves when she uses that term.

I find myself really doubting my parenting skills lately. That's good. Go with that. "Strong willed" is just a way to sugar coat " problem child". If your 8 year old is arguing (and although you didn't say, I am going to assume she is not just arguing with other children but adults as well) then that is a child who was not taught to respect adults. Or you tried to teacher her and you failed as a parent. "Strong willed", I have always gotten a kick out of parents who use that phrase.

Another thread to award Mother Of The Year ribbons to - NOT! What nerve some of you have to complain about your kids being off school for one day. Between school and bed time and figuring in an after school activity or two, you are not with your child very much during the day. Maybe you should get up off your ass and do an activity with your kids and enjoy the time you have to spend with them. Perhaps if you showed them a little bit of attention they wouldn't be fighting with each other or getting under your skin. The word is boredom.

And yet another mom who admits she can not keep control of her own kids. You should be very afraid. If they don't know better at that age, what do you think they are going to be like in 10-12 years? I assume your husband is at work doing his job while you are home with your kids and obviously not doing your job very well. And then you are going to dump them on him when he gets home and let him deal with the damage you did.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hey Meat

I just read your entry asking why I have 2 counters on my blog. To answer that, I had the stat counter on my site first just to keep track of hits. I added sitemeter because I like it better, but I added it much later and wanted to keep my hit counter going. Do you have a problem with that?

Second, I believe I have pointed out at least 3 times to the blog readers that the counters on my site don't give me diddly squat that I could use to 'out' someone. I certainly hope you weren't implying that this is what I might have been trying to do.

I didn't notice these earlier.... I'm still wondering about those two posts where you asked for info on what happened during the whole Seanna/OD thing... when you were instrumental in how it played out...

I don't recall asking about OD because I was able to follow that on 2 peas about her profile pic and all (which is why I disabled those). Seanna came a tad bit later when I was off the board for a while so I did not put those 2 together right away.

In other words, if you think I give a shit about who (like actual first name/peaname) is/was posting on my blog then you aren't as smart as you think you are.