Monday, May 29, 2006

So I Guess You Own The Place

Okay so your roommate has lived with you for 4 years. It has been your bathroom decor for this period of time. The roommate wants to make a change and you basically tell her no and want to approve anything else she might find. Do you own this residence? Is she sub renting from you? Or are you equally paying tenants and you just happen to live there before she did? If the latter is the case then you need to chill out and stop acting as though you own the place. Sounds like she has put up with you for 4 years and no she wants a little bit of her own right to the place you BOTH rent.

You Need a MAN

Obviously your boyfriend needs to grow up a bit and be a man. His brother throws food at you, disrespects your family by throwing food on the deck, kicks you and acts like a total ass in front of your neighbors. Where the hell is the boyfriend at during all this? Did he even open his mouth at all? If my brother did that I would kick his ass. Dump the wuss and find a real man.... one whose mommy lets him drive.

This Surprises Her?

I think it is more than just weed, lady. These people have had actual contact with you and your kids and you're surprised they think that? Ha! Funny.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

An Ugly Newborn Thread?

What a loving mother you are.


The Time Has Come

Mapchic, shut the fuck up already! If I were Catholic I would be so embarrassed if people thought all Catholics were like you. You are the type of religious person who drives people away from your faith and I would have to guess you have scared several as well. Just shut up already, please.

Fleur- WTH?

I have to admit, I have done my best to just ignore fleur. I grew tired of her many moons ago and just avoid her threads all together the best I can. Curiosity got the best of me today with 2 of her recent posts and I had to take a look back. Ugh! I dunno, is this woman on crack or something? Does anyone really understand what the hell is going on with this person she keeps talking about? Has there been anything 'shown' on the board between the 2 of them or is this all something that has happened through email? Anyone know the full story? Here are some her posts. I think she is a nut job.

Nut 1
Nut 2
Nut 3
Nut 4
Nut 5
Nut 6

Friday, May 26, 2006

Another List

These are peas who are at Art Declassified. These were the names that rang a bell, I am sure I am missing several.

aka sasha
artistic chick
Cara in tx
cherry moon
love labs
Nikki Ann
Rosie Posie
sabrina m
Stinky Rose
yankee girl

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I Have To Agree

Although I may not agree with what Bartol was quoted about "no one awake upstairs", I do agree with his point about districts not being obligated to provided services to "unteachable" students. Now I know your going to slam me for "picking on children" as you say, but at least finish reading my entry before you do it.

I have a family member that works full time for the public school system and in their district there are "special ed" kids who go to school all year long (while the other kids are out for the summer). This same group of kids also have shorter breaks during the school year then the other kids like only having a week off at Christmas instead of 2. I would say these are the special ed students who Bartol would refer to as the "unteachable". Most are in wheel chairs and they require a lot of physical care. The school has become child care for them. It isn't so much about the kids being sent to school to learn, it is about free child care that the school district is required to offer and I don't see how anyone can argue that. It costs the schools a lot more money to "educate" these children then it does to educate those not in special ed. I do not think the public schools should have to offer this type of 'extra' care.

I am not saying that all children don't have a right to education. I do think that there should be better guidelines though when it comes to what the school districts are obligated to offer. I think there is a lot of information missing from this story, like WHY Bartol feels this way. Perhaps it is an issue of money. And for the parents who want to argue that their child still deserves the right to attend public school and that the school needs to better manage money, then I would assume you would have no problem paying the extra cost it takes to care for your child?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Anyone Want To Speculate?

Why has Joe been able to mention "the blog" (in his title no less) and not be pounced on like so many others who have started threads?

*This would be a question for those of you still in denial about the double standard at 2 peas.

Yes, It's About Joe.

What am I missing? What do people find so funny about his writing? He says it is an attempt at humor, but it is obvious that he thinks he is funny (as he has stated it in several posts). Talking about your alarm clock and shampooing your hair holds no humor. The only thing I found funny on his blog was when he said this:
Of course, I can't blog while I'm at the would interfere with all
the sitting around I have to do. And I work late hours a lot, so that doesn't
leave a whole lot of time in the evening to write either.

What a hilarious joke! Ha Ha. Of course it has to be a joke, right because we all know he is on 2 peas all throughout the day. He has to make a joke about it because what man in his right mind would admit he spends all his time on a women's message board. If he told the truth he is at risk for having his fake ID taken away. You know the one that says sex preference: women.

Again, no surprise this guy is single.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I Guess I Have Poor Taste

Apparently I am the odd ball because I think this first set is gawd awful for a little girl. I don't get the whole brown/pink theme that seems so popular these days. Blech! All that dark brown and not an appealing pattern either. Everyone else finds it "stunning". I just don't see it.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Why Are You Here?

This question is for those of you who poo poo on the blog. It's pretty obvious that a lot of you commenters despise this blog, so why are you here? And not only that, but why do you choose to comment? Several of you have been just as nasty with your comments as those who support the blog. What is your reason for that?

Sure, I know some of these questions can be asked about me, but I am asking you. Anyone care to answer?

For My Own Benefit

cara in tx
carnation girl
cherry moon
daisy mae
dastardly boo
gypsy wagon
Kelli girl
lady ren
lisa b
madame tramp
maggie mae
nurse sweets
peaing diva
peas help me
pumpkin pea
sandie g
scrappin nj
scrappy gurl
sherri n
sherri w
slower joe
steph stanly
stinky rose
the big em

What The Hell Are You Doing?

Just what exactly is it you are doing that you don't notice your kids are in the bathroom playing in God knows what that is...Shaving cream?? Your daughter climbs on a table and falls off it. You can't keep an eye on the 2 you have and you are wanting a third child? My my my.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

This Isn't Stump The Mom

Here is the key sentence "She's in a lot of pain". When you combine that with things like "swollen, oozing, warm to touch" that should equal Doctor, not google.


They Just Can't Help Themselves

The peas can't even discuss the happenings of this blog with out fighting with themselves. This is such a mean and hurtful place and yet many of them can not see that 2 peas has been mean and hurtful to many people as well. Those people who can't see that, are the peas that head the board and have their little cliques. The peas who have friends that will jump to their defense and in some cases do the dirty work of cutting others down when someone in their group has been threatened. I don't think some of them will ever see clearly.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Do I Have Her Confused With Some One?

Isn't scrapbrooker a news reporter or something like that?

Women Can Be So Stupid

There. I said it. Really, some women just don't have a clue, like this lady. You are not upset about the adult stuff, but you are upset about the sneaking around and lying? I can not imagine in my wildest dreams why your husband wouldn't tell you he was secretly viewing porn. Instead of going at your husband like a crazed scorned woman (which is the picture I get from your description of questioning him), why don't you take 2 minutes to stop and think about why he chose to keep it a secret and why he would deny it when questioned. Perhaps he was worried about how you might react if he told you he was interested in online adult material. Maybe he thought you might want to cut his nuts off for even suggesting that he enjoys looking at porn. Judging by your reaction to this situation I would have to guess that you are a pretty controlling woman and possibly a little intimidated by porn. It sounds to me like your husband wanted some gratification and he knew he was going to get shit about it so he hid it from you. The fact that he lied and denied it obviously means there is an issue in your marriage and it sounds like you are the cause of the issue. Women are way to quick to put all the blame on the man.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Lenexa Kansas

Do you know any peas in or around Lenexa Kansas?

ETA: Strike that- Kansas, not Kentucky

Yeah, Now There's A Plan!

Obviously you need something more to do. Try getting a life.


Steph, please PLEASE think about what it will be like for your son to look back in 10 years at pictures of himself. He is going to have to go on meds to control the flash backs he is going to have about all the years his mother allowed him to look like a girl. Have him get his hair cute. Please. He is such a darling little boy, but for the longest time I though he was a she who was just tomboyish. If he were wearing a dress in this very picture, it would fool everyone. Have him get his hair cut.

I Find It Hard To Believe

I am sure some of you have or currently are going through the girl scout stage in your home. Isn't there a posted list that tells the scouts what they will earn for prizes based on the number of boxes they sell? And if that is a yes, why does this mother seemed to be so shocked and appalled that a pencil is all her daughter got? I agree, a pencil does not seem like a good prize, but if you knew from the start that you had to sell 100 boxes to get a 'good' prize, then why are you complaining? I find it hard to believe she didn't know what the prizes were before hand. Did you think they were going to make an exception for your daughter?

I Second The Search Feature

If just 10 peas a day would use the search feature before posting, it would cut down on a number of posts with the same subject matter. How many friggen new posts are there each week about weight watchers? This person could have easily done a search and found numerous threads just in the past month that would answer her questions. On a board where it is hard enough to keep up with all the threads, there in no need to have 5 threads all talking about the same damn thing.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Why? I really want to know. Why? Why is going to the 2peas message board something that enters a persons mind in certain situations. For example. Yeah I know, we have all heard that the peas have a lot of advice to give, some people need a distraction, others are just trying to pass time blah blah blah. I still don't see how a woman can be at home with her kids, receive a phone call from her husband to tell her that he is going to the hospital because he has a hole in .his stomach from a chisel and her thought is to get online and ask people if she should call her husbands boss for information? WTF people??? I realize she is waiting on her mom and can't leave until she gets there, but in a situation like that, it seems one would already be on the phone with the boss and not at the computer asking strangers what she should do. I swear I don't know how some of these women function at all. They must just have very controlling husbands and when the hubbys aren't telling them what to do they are at a loss. I don't think I will ever understand it.

How Many Do You Know?

How many straight guys do you know that can look at a woman's shoes and tell you they are slingback stiletto high heels? Joe still tries to play off being a straight male. Maybe he knows because he worked in a shoe store. Not likely though.


The 2 peas poster who was apologizing for making this blog....... not me. Don't you think that if I were going to say something like that I would make an entry about it (such as I am doing now)and not post it in the comments section under a topic that doesn't apply no less. Trust me. This blog will outlast all of you. I am not going anywhere. Sorry if that disappoints anyone.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dear Anne

If the things people say about you are such a joke to you, why do you spend so much time defending yourself here? And not only here, but you take it to your blog and continue it there. Stop lying to yourself. I think you have spit so many lies out that you are really starting to believe every thing you say. That's just messing you up more and giving everyone else more material to work with here.

Shh Shh Shh. Quiet down now Anne. You are never going to get people to see it your delusional way. So just simmer down and go get drunk so you can be the best parent you can be. You know, while your husband is verbally abusing you and you're taking half naked pictures of yourself for your myspace perverts.

What's The Big Deal?

Why is everyone making a big deal out of wanting to see keriwests scrap room? Her room isn't even really a room. It's a hallway with cabinets. I don't think it is impressive in the least bit. If they want to see spectacular scrap rooms they need to look at some of the ones in the gallery.

Yeah. Uh huh. Sure.

Anyone buying this? I think this woman has some serious issues going on.

What Is "Girly Looking"?

Because an oven is pink, that makes it 'girly' looking? Your son is 5, why are you gender typing? If you had a girl who liked baseball, would you question buying her the Little Tikes t-ball set because it is blue and red? (Yes, I know they make a pink and purple one now but that is new). I suppose you don't buy him dolls either eh?

It is parents who make young kids feel shameful for liking something that the parents have labeled boy or girl. A toy is a toy and both genders should be encouraged to play with all toys. Girls should not be denied trucks and action figures and boys should not be denied dolls and kitchen sets. A 5 year old should not know that something is 'girly' unless the parents have put that in their head. Take him to the store to look at the easy bake ovens and let him decide for himself if he wants a pink oven or not. Adults are not the kind of people you should be asking this question to. Whether it is too "girly" or not should not even be a question.

Is She Unemployed?

So Lauren is a school teacher. Is she unemployed? How is she able to post during the day if she is suppose to be teaching? I must have missed a post some where.

And don't ask for a link because there isn't one. I am just asking.

Obviously You Are New To TV

Going too far? When was the last time you watched TV lady? And who is it going too far for? Considering the basic content of GA, I can't see that 'lust' scene going to far for the viewers. Think about it. That show openly deals with infidelity (McDreamy), promiscuity (Meredith), and what about the scene a couple weeks ago between Burke and Christina. Burke was all upset because he didn't "finish" because Christina fell asleep during sex. I just think that when you consider the context of a show, certain scenes should not come as a surprise and/or insult your eyes. Make up your mind. If you are going to watch 'trash' you are going to see 'trash'.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Okay, I think That's Enough Now

So I am sure we have all seen the annoying fairy tale comment more than enough times. So if I am in the mood while reading comments and I come across it-I will delete it.

Put A Warning On That Shit!

Come on now. 1) We don't need to see your nasty hives. 2) We don't need to see your pasty fat legs. You live in the south for God sakes, get your ass off the computer and outside would ya. 3) Since you feel the need to show your misery to the world, could you at least put a warning on it? Thanks.

Deleted Comment

In this thread of comments, someone deleted their comment. I told you all before that I get all the comments so even if you delete them, I still see them. So here is what was deleted


Now that is one scary chick. EWW EWWW EWWWWWW


I haven't been able to read all the comments in that section yet so I am not following the whole caps lock, fairy tale, other blogger thing. Perhaps this is helpful, perhaps it is not.

Bloody Hell!

I didn't post anything for 2 days and you still manage to post over 300 comments? Of course several of those belong to the same lame asshole who apparently chewed off their caps lock key.

Anyhow, yes I see that Maddy is back. God help us all. Those of you who thought the board was going to get dull now that some peas are gone- think again. Maddy is drama with a capital D. If you entered 2peas after manic Maddy was run off, looking at her second blog entry should be enough to give you an idea of what we are going to apparently be dealing with again.

And since this is a small intro to Maddy, lets go ahead and introduce her the way I am sure she introduces herself to every guy she meets. (Thanks for the link whoever posted it).

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Who Knew?

All these years I thought Mother's Day was just on one Sunday in May. No one ever clued me in that it was a weekend thing. Now I feel like the worlds worst child for not calling my mother today. It is much too late where she is for me to call now.

Whine whine whine. Another spoiled little baby who is upset because she is having to be a mommy while her husband plays with his friends. Let me clue you in on something. Mothers Day is not about you and your husband. It is about you and your children. Yes the husband was involved in the process of you becoming a mother, but really.... any man with working pipes can make that possible. You should be spending this time with your children and thinking about how blessed you are to even be able to call yourself a Mother. Not all women are lucky enough to do that and not by their own choice. Here you are complaining because your husband is not home on the day before mother's day. And because the boxes that came in the mail are for him and not you. News Flash! Today is not Mothers Day.

And what is this business about your husband not calling you? He doesn't have a cell? You have no way of contacting him on your own? Or are you just pouting because he said he would call you and he hasn't and whine whine whine some more. Geesh.

I'm Not Following

Did anyone else get lost with this post? Let me see if I got this right. You are getting a divorce and you were in a good place in life. Then you ran into someone who is friends with a guy you dated. A guy that gave you crap about your weight and broke up with you because of XYZ. Now that guy is dating someone more over weight than you and?????? What? That was a downer for you? Look girlfriend, this is a guy that gives a hard time to the person he is suppose to be caring about. That is not a man. That's a piece of shit with legs. If he has a problem with women who have weight issues, than it should have made you happy to see him with someone you know he is giving the same kind of crap to. That is someone who needs people in his life to dig at in order to feel better about himself. You should be glad that loser is not with you.

And You Are Doing This Why?

This isn't the first type of post I have seen like this on the board. I just don't understand it. Why the hell are you getting a tattoo if you are so nervous. Oh wait. It's because everyone else is doing it right? Same reason all those people are wearing those Gawd awful shoes. Seriously. Why are going to put yourself through that anxiety if you don't have to? And do you even realize the place you are putting it is in one of the most sensitive areas on the body to get a tattoo? Tattoos aren't like getting your ears pierced. It stings for more than a minute. So many people jumping off bridges these days. Just like their friends.


*Sassy Latin Pea*

Posted: 5/13/2006 5:52:01 PM

Paige...I just pea-mailed you!!
And everyone else...who cares what some scumbag is meaninless!!
IF we are happy with our lives and loved ones....than someones opinion means nothing!!!
Btw-...I have never even seen this blog...can someone pea-mail me the link....?

Because It Needs To Be Said Again

Just click here

People Really Feel Sorry For Her

Is that it? Do people on the board just feel so bad for her that they just continue to humor her? Paige Pea has got to be one of the most ignorant adults ever. I think 14 year old single mothers have more sense than this woman. She just sounds so much like a child with her problems and reactions to things and how she depends on her husband. If you are so upset about the sex problem then I suggest getting over your spoiled self and taking the advice of the Dr.'s. Come on lady. You don't like that she told you to exercise differently because you enjoy your workout routine, and the suggestion to take a bath in the evening. What kind of advice are you looking to get that you will be happy with? I am guessing you think there is a pill for a quick fix that they are holding out on you. You sound like a very very spoiled little girl that needs your husband to wipe your ass because you can't figure out how to do it yourself. I just find the whole thing really really sad.

Nobody Loves Me

These kind of posts start to get irratating. I have to wonder if these are the type of people who got picked last in gym class and sat at the loner table in the cafeteria. Now they are being left out on a message board and because no one knows who they are, they have the gull to ask why they are being ignored. These people tend to really sound hurt by the lack of responses they get. Yeah, I am sure it happened to them in school too and now that they don't have to worry about kids dumping their food tray in their lap they are going to draw attention to the problem.

Friday, May 12, 2006

She Is Not A Parent, Right?

Please Lord, don't tell me Sammel has children. Why on earth is this a question in your mind? A child under 7, with a cell phone, porn and showing other children. Hmm let's take a day or two to ponder this. Oh and I will ask the peas their advice about it since I just don't have a friggen clue myself. Did you suffer a head injury? (Oh gee, watch for the comments about how insensitive I am for talking about people with a head injury). What part of your brain is damaged or missing that you don't automatically know what is right to do in this situation?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

It's NOT Just A Message Board

This is proof that 2peas is not just a message board to some. Sad, sad, sad.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Needing More Attention

What the hell is she crying about now? If you look back on my entries you will see my problem with Manda started with her bitching and moaning about caring for her man. The commenters brought to light a lot of other things about her that I just thought was funny as hell. Now the child is starting to make my skin itch. Manda I know you are reading this. Get some more therapy. And if you are currently in therapy, seek a new therapist because the one you have is obviously not the right one for you. You are 'off' in a bit of a scary way for someone your age. Apparently your momma didn't give you enough hugs as a child. Perhaps you should add a female (mommy) figure to your silly sex games and that can help fill the void you so obviously have. I think that would be more beneficial to you then seeking the 'hugs' from a message board.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just Tell Me Why

Why? Why does someone need medical advice about if they should go to a Dr. or not about a toe? That is so stupid and yet there seems to be daily posts about "what should I do?" in terms of medical issues. Some things I can understand asking about, but seeing a Dr. for your toe? Why do you need advice for that? I just don't get it.

What's With The Retarded Exchange?

What is going on with LadyRed, Dastradly Boo and Stefordwife? A kinky 3 way? The board gets crapped up enough with stupid threads like this. Could you leave this kind of 4 play to emails.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4

This Is What You Begged For?

Not that it's a dump or anything, but seriously I was expecting it to be something much more the way you carried on about it.


What A Spaz

You really need to quit your job. You are posting just about every day bitching about your job, your boss, his house blah blah blah. Get over it already. Now you are snooping around on your bosses computer, posting about stuff before you even know what the hell you are talking about. Could you possibly take 5 minutes to calm the fuck down and think about something before running off to the board and showing your ass?

Go home and lock yourself in a room for the rest of your life or shut the hell up.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

God Help Us

There have been 5 topics started in the last 24 hours about the stupid dog that Sass is getting.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5

The damn dog is not even in her home yet! There will be 50 more posts tomorrow about the dog. Move over paigepea, you have a competitor.

Another One I Don't Get

There are just way too many people on 2peas that I don't get.

You're young with 2 kids, find out your husband is cheating on you and freely admits it- both being a huge shock to you and yet the next day you are on 2 peas wanting peas to entertain you because you are bored. You are in the bedroom by yourself, yet you should be sleeping but dread sleeping on the couch again. You are already in the bedroom and alone. So um, why are going to sleep on the couch? Did your husband take the bed somewhere? Did I miss that post? And to top it off, today you are trying to figure out what to do with yourself?

You must be one incredibly strong woman. I don't know too many young women with no job, 2 kids and a cheating husband who worry about what they are going to do on a Sunday afternoon. Most would be very emotional and would probably be spending the day figuring out what they hell they are going to do about the situation. Not you apparently. What an amazing woman.

Was That A Serious Request?

Does Keriwest really want someone to call her stalker and see if they can put an end to the matter? She was kidding with that, right? I can't imagine a grown woman asking strangers to get involved in this manner. That is like so 8th grade.

Keriwest: Oh my God, this creepy guy keeps calling my cell. I don't think he speaks English and I am getting creeped out. Why don't you call him Susie and tell him to stop bothering me. I am SO not interested. I mean, it's not like I am going to be flattered by a Mexican. We hire those people to do work around here, not so they can talk to me. As if!

Yeah. Must have been a joke. She would never really ask someone to do that. Although.... wealth doesn't equal intelligence so maybe she wasn't joking.

Think Again

You are happily married, love your husband dearly, are religious and don't believe in adultry and yet you're blowing a man that is not your husband. Obviously you are not being honest with yourself.

Sorry. Link

I Guess He Can Be Good For Something

I guess this is why it is good to have a closet homosexual on the board. Who better to answer this question then someone who I am sure has personal experience.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Have I Arrived?

Hey, I have a troll!!! Does that me I'm one of the cool people now?

Hmm a bit annoying isn't is? Being cool is not what it use to be.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Oops. Wrong Stop

Okay apparently some of you got off the little bus at the wrong stop. Take your helmets off for just a second and let me tell you where you are.

This is a blog. Here is how blog is defined:

Main Entry: blog
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log
Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
Etymology: shortened form of Weblog
Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n

Main Entry: weblog
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a personal Web site that provides updated headlines and news articles of other sites that are of interest to the user, also may include journal entries, commentaries and recommendations compiled by the user; also written web log, Weblog; also called blog
Usage: computing

If you notice under the title of this blog it gives a description which says Daily Summaries And Opinions On One Of The Wackiest Communities On The Net

For some reason there seems to be peas here who have mistaken my blog for the 2peas NSBR board. I realize there is a group of you over there who think you run the show, but that is not the case here. Some of you act like you put out a job description for someone to write this blog and that I am trying to get the position by showing you my work. Seriously, do you not see how controlling you women are? You really don't understand why people think the women on NSBR think you are bunch of self righteous twits? You have your helmet on way too tight if you think I pick subject matters based on what any of you want to see. I read NSBR and the comments I make here about a particular topic are my thoughts when I read a thread. It's my opinion, my feeling, my thought. And I am choosing to express those in my blog. Sorry if I am not living up to your standards or expectations. So you can stop trying to stick your hand up my ass, strap your helmets back on and ride the little bus right back over to the puppets on 2 peas.


Your daughter was stabbed by a boy with a pen and you want to punish her because she told the boy that he couldn't see a particular girl liking him? That is fucked up! Detention for hurtful words? That whole school should probably be in detention. There has got to be something the OP is leaving out. Something isn't adding up.

Okay. Yeah, That's Freaky

You win Foxy Mom. Your siggy is more scary than Lou's. It's not a glare though. Yours is more of a freakish stare.

How Sad

Did you notice the last sentence in this post. How sad for something to think they have to inform others that she has already considered ADD? Are you saying that because you know several peas will suggest that as a problem and you just don't want to go there, or because you really truly considered that she might have ADD?

In either case, it's just sad that ADD/AIDED and autism comes up so quickly and so often these days. Why does it never seem to occur to people that the child could just be a bad kid? It seems like these days people find it to be such a hard concept to grasp that some kids just aren't parented the way they should. There has to be some medical reasoning behind it. Get a clue people. Kids these days are bad because you don't know how to be a good parent.

Here's My Opinion

This is by far one of the ugliest outfits I have ever seen. Do you realize there is a huge ugly beetle on it? Surely you do since it says beetle right on it in letters that are just as unappealing as the nasty bug itself. It's in great condition though- for something that's circa 1972.

What's The Difference?

I'm not in the mood to read all of the responses to this thread. I certainly hope none of the peas who are commenting about how inappropriate the woman is are any of the peas who where here calling us all jealous of Manda and her exciting sex life. The woman was being a little playful on the phone with her S/O and someone over heard. Big deal. You weren't all crying foul on Manda for posting a play by play commentary of her sex life to the whole world. So now, let's use all the words and phrases that are going to come up.

Pot meet kettle
Jealous much?
obsess much?
You have no life
Say it under your own name

Did I miss any?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Oh You Have GOT To Share!

Whoever wrote this has got to spill it! That is too good to keep to yourself. It will just give you diarrhea. Patti?

"Who knows if they're real or not? I know at least one pea who has fake family
pictures and a fake real name on her profile. She doesn't know it, but I know
who she is irl because of some stuff she said. I know where she works and goes
to church, and I have seen her with her kids, and they are NOT the kids in her
siggy pictures! Am I sure of this? Yes! I know she didn't lie about where she
works because I've been in the place very often and have heard her talking about
something she said on the board. That confirmed for sure what I was already
pretty confident of. "

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Pumpkin Head

OMG I have never laughed so hard in my life. Okay that's a lie, but I was cracking up at the after picture. A pumpkin flashed before me when I looked at that. I know it's the round face, but I am not sure if it is the goofy look on her face or what, but that is hilarious.

No Amount Of Books WIll Help

Scrapbrooker is looking for pregnancy books. 9 months is not long enough for her to read and understand all the things she needs to know.

It Doesn't Take Much Does It?

You are going to the pea board about a signature comment?? Now THAT'S funny.

Disturbing Siggys

I already talked about annoying siggys. This entry is about the siggys that real disturb me for various reasons.

hollee76- That poor baby. I certainly hope you didn't leave the cap over his face like that while you went to get your camera. I can't imagine not being able to have the coordination to remove something from over my eyes, let alone having people take pictures while I suffer.

blackberry lou- Several of you have already mention her freaky picture, but it's worth repeating. If you cover up the camera she is holding it makes her glare 10 times spookier. At least she looks a little older in the siggy. She looks 13 in her avatar picture.

oceans4- Am I the only one highly disturbed to see a photo of a 2 year old choke holding a 1 year old? Someone else had a picture like that in their siggy that always bothered me.

Sara B- The dog looks to be stoned and foaming at the mouth.

StephaniePlum- There is no reason in hell your siggy pic needs the be that friggen big. It's a pool. So what?

ScrappinNJ- Does that dog look happy to you? He looks miserable to me.

Janice_in_TX- Your white bunny's freaky looking eye scares me. Can you shrink that down a bit?

Chopped Liver - Who is that guy? My stomach turns every time I see it. Gross!

Anewday- Ugly scary man and so many pictures of him in one spot. *Shiver*

ScrappinRandy- Every time I see the pic of the little boy I worry about him pulling on that cart one day and all those cases on top of it tumbling down on his head. Disturbing.

DastardlyBoo- Was the idea of the pic to show how much she looks like her avatar? Freaky.

libis- We don't all need to see that. Hurl.

It's A Tray

I am really not getting the excitement to this. It's a food tray for crying out loud. What is so "cute" and exciting about it? Trays like that give me flash backs of crappy elementary school food that smelled like shoe rubber. Must be a slow day.

Actually I Can

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Although I don't believe it would make sense to believe in evolution and creationism, I don't feel Christianity and karma are as black and white. I certainly can be a Christian and believe in karma. You are under the delusion that in order to be a Christian it is all or nothing and that simply is not true. And much like the bible, Christianity has many different interpretations.

Monday, May 01, 2006

It Wasn't The Snake.......

Don't click the link unless you want to see snakes and snakes with chopped off heads.

It was the snake with it's head chopped off that you should have warned about. Saying you thought you could get a better picture to identify them after they were dead means nothing. The snakes are dead (thanks to you) so there was no urgency to identify them. All that time you spend online, maybe you should be spending it learning how to crop pictures or photoshop out the gore.

And in the end you killed 2 harmless snakes.

Oh Let's Not Forget Vice President Of The Class

I believe it even more now that you have a story to relate to it. What would be do with out the class leaders?

Yes, We Can All Answer That Question Because....

we are the child's teacher. Another useless question. How in the hell are any of us suppose to know if the child is setting herself up (or her mother is, whatever) for a bad grade? Do we know the conditions of the book report? No. Do we know what the rule is on reading books related to religion? No. Do we know how the teach feels about religion in the classroom? No. Do we know..... you get the point.

Thank You Class President

I know it will all be fine now that you have said it.

Yes that is sarcasm

You Can't Be Serious

Pea1 is on the board boo hooing. I thought I had seen it all on that board. I never would have thought I would see Pea1 with a PVM. Yikes.

Anyone Keeping Track?

Just wondering if anyone was keeping track of how many posts are being pulled that relate to the latest news about the site. I have been in the middle of 2 threads now that have been pulled before I can finish. I see some other threads started about the topic and I bet it is just a matter of time before they go bye bye too.

It's not rocket science for those people not understanding why they are getting pulled. You think bad mouthing Kaboose and posting address for other message boards for people to go to are going to be welcomed by the bosses? Stop being a spoiled little brat, throwing your fits because there is something that is going to happen that you don't like. IT'S NOT YOUR SITE. Oh wow, I bet that was a shock to some of you NSBR peas. The change is not your decision. It is not in your power. You can't organize your groupies and run Kaboose off. YOU'RE NOT IMPORTANT.

Just An FYI On The Comments

I do not delete comments. Those comments that have been deleted have been done so by the person who made the comments. I wish their was a way to prevent people from being able to do that.

All the comments are emailed to me so they will get seen by me even if you do delete it.