Sunday, April 30, 2006

This Is What Email Is For

How many people on 2peas do you think read this and don't have a fucking clue what PDR is talking about? A perfect example of when is the right time to use the email feature.

Let me get you a bigger spoon to stir that with.

Oh That's Normal

Pumpkinpea is complaining that her whole body hurts from doing yard work. Not to worry, it's normal pumpkinpea. Your body no doubt went into a bit of a shock. When your body is so use to sitting all day in front of a computer and then you get out and actually move your tubby butt, then your body is going to react with a "WHOA! What the hell are you doing out of that chair?"

Sorry, heres a link.

No Electricity And A 2 Year Old

What is the connection? There shouldn't be a connection, but apparently to this mom there is.

"I CAN'T go another 24 hours without electric...not with a very active 2 year old who has nothing to do."

Let me translate the above for those of you who spend time with your children who are well behaved.

"I can't go another 24 hours without being able to stick my out of control 2 year old in front of the TV while I'm online peaing all day."

Why does your child have nothing to do just because there is no electricity? Do all his toys plug in or something? Do you not have books to read to him or coloring books to color in? Do you need music to sing silly songs with him?


I Don't Understand What She Is Asking

What kind of advice is this person wanting? She said she told him "not" to call her. Then she says "He wanted to update me on his current health situation." Which is followed a couple sentences later with "It bothered me a lot that he decided to get in touch with me after I told him specifically to leave me along (I think she meant alone) for awhile just let me know what's going on with his health. "

Okay, did I miss something? Didn't she say he was calling to update her on his health? Separated after 8 months of marriage. How sad. I am going to guess her selfishness is the reason why they are separated. I believe 3 clots-especially one in the lungs- is a little more serious than her messes up poop tube. I certainly hope she is not one of the people on this blog hollering about lack of compassion.

She asks "Is this normal on his part? Why can't he just leave things alone until we start the paperwork this summer?"

Of course it is normal. You are stilled married to the man, aren't you? So what if you are separated. You apparently were in love with him at one time (if not still) and you should be aware of his medical problems. Especially ones as serious as clots. Talk about a bitch.

I'll Take This Opportunity

What is this about? Is it common to have a sign up sheet to pray for someone? Now before you start shouting nasty words at me (you good Christians) let me say that my thoughts are definitely with Yvonne and this entry is so not about her. <--- That would be the sentence you jumpy people ignore.

Anyhow, I am going to use that thread as an opportunity to ask about the pea prayers. What a big fat joke some of you are. Prayers are between you and God. If you are going to pray for someone, keep it between you and the big man. There is no reason to post it on a message board. Especially NSBR. Tande, you are not Sister Mary of St. Benedict. I am amazed at the number of people who turn to you for "your words". Ha! You are like one of those dirty TV evangelist who con those who have been misinformed about the workings of the Lord. If you are going to ramble, keep it between you and Him. A simple "you are in my prayers" will do for the rest of us.

And what about the people who ask for prayers and never give an update, a thank you, kiss my butt. Nothing. Talk about R-U-D-E. I believe those are the people who only use prayer to try and get what they want (as if prayer actually works that way) and never to thank God for what they are blessed with. I don't think God looks too highly upon those who use Him.

So what is with this 24 hour prayer sign up? Do you really think that so and so is going to pray for one hour straight at the time the signed up for. Don't be so naive. This is just a waste of time and internet space. I think you would have more luck just asking people to keep Yvonne in their prayers and thoughts for the next 24 hours. Why does there have to be a sign up? Geez does that just sound lame.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Don't Ever Do This On My Blog

Do not ever say something on this blog and then turn around and apologize for saying it.

One of the biggest jokes on 2peas are the people who give their opinion (and do so in a very tactful way) only to turn around and have to apologize for it. People over there are walking on egg shells so that they don't get thrown in the shit pile..... by who? The asswipes of the board who think it is their duty to NSBR to inform everyone of what they should and should not do on the board. There needs to be a fucking manual for this place. You know how it would read? Like a damn 90 page contract stating the conditions on breaking wind in the middle of the desert. Difficult to follow, unwritten rules with terms and conditions specific to certain "types" of people for a public message board that is open to the world. (see the relation between the two? I am sure you don't).

It's just exhausting to some people. Is it okay to say this? Can I think that and actually say it? What will they call me if I don't agree? The poster asks for opinions but will she criticize me for mine if she doesn't like it? I only have 60 posts, have I been here long enough and kissed enough ass to give my differing view?

How is it possible that people you have never met are able to have so much control over you? If you are going to say something and in your heart you truly believe it, then for God's sake don't go back and apologize for it for the sake of keeping peace among people that you don't have to answer to.

Reason #32

Reason #32 why it is a waste of time to respond to hairflips.

Oh For Heaven Sakes

Today's annoyance award goes to ~*~carlasofia~*~. I realize that people learn new things by asking questions, but this is just overkill.


Friday, April 28, 2006

A Post I Agree With

Good Points

I Have To Call This One

Okay, I am going to have to call the bullshit card on this one. I hope to God I am not the only one that sees what Manda is doing here. She saw someone comment about SS knowing about her lifestyle and she took it and ran like cheetah with it's ass on fire. I obviously have no proof if someone contacted her work and SS or not, but I am willing to bet my anonymity that no one did such a thing. Forget the fact that SS could probably care less what this person does sexually, no one thinks it is a miracle for someone to have been able to contact SS today, be able to speak to the person they needed to, and for that person to then get in touch with Manda. I am guessing someone did not actually call, so that leaves email which makes it even more of a miracle that this all got back to Manda with in hours of someone mentioning it on the blog? And her boss? Unless she has posted specifically where she works, if someone did call her boss it would have to be a 'friend' of hers that knew where she worked.

Get off it Manda. A classic case of playing the victim. Tired.

Oh Wait, She Is 16?

Someone commented on one of the entries about my2kidzmom22 post the other day about her daughter. When I read the this thread I had not read the one before it where she first mentioned the problem. From the thread I did read I was under the impression that her daughter was in the 8-13 age range. The mom expressed how upset she was and sick to her stomach about her daughter having to deal with this and that she had called the school counselor about it. Preparing her for possible scenario's. All of it made sense for a mother whose young, tender daughter was so upset about her little "friends" doing this to her. I had no idea until I read this post that her daughter was 16. I realize a 16 year olds social setting can be tough, and I can even understand a mother feeling bad for her daughter, but seriously now- what rock have you been hiding under? Sounds like you tend to your daughters emotions like she is an 8 year old and that is doing nothing good for her self esteem. What in the world are you going to do in 2 years when she has to become an adult and really start dealing with the harsh world?

Am just stunned that this woman was talking about a 16 year old.

This entry is not about the daughter, it is about her mother.

Meet The Peas Part II

As promised, here is part two of the Pea introductions.

Sherrie_N - The Hard Working Pea. What I mean by that is she tries hard on the board and in her personal life to appear to people as the super mom, trophy wife kind of gal. She tries just a little too hard IMO and that's a big turn off. I might be alone on this one, but if you really take a look at her posts, her layouts, even her avatar- you might see what I see.

PumpkinPea- The 2peas Dog Expert. I swear sometimes I feel like I am on the friggin pet board and pumpkinpea is the queen of the dogs. You always see thread titles with Pumpkinpeas name in it and capitol letters and/or exclamation points as though there is some big urgency and inside is a question about dog food. Annoys the crap out me. Like pumpkinpea is the only knowledgeable person about animals.

MoniqueS - The Know It All Pea. Something tells me that Monique is someone who loses a lot of friends IRL because they get tired of her. She appears to have a answer for everything whether it be politics, religion, children (does she even have any children?). Don't get me wrong, I think she can be a compassionate person. I just don't get this "I have the better answer for everything" attitude of hers.

More to come......

Thanks For Stopping By

Just wanted to give a wave to all those who said yesterday they wouldn't be back, don't plan to read, would never comment and so on and so forth. Looks like some of you changed your mind. Come on, you didn't really think you could stay away did ya?

I am Not Ashamed, But Will Defend Myself Anyway

I am so entertained by the people who are starting threads on 2peas in order to respond to something from the blog. You know, like Manda's post. People who don't read the blog are clueless to what she is talking about, and frankly I think it makes her look like a blubbering idiot. That's great that she doesn't regret anything and isn't going to be made to feel shameful or dirty- so why the post then? I didn't see anyone address the sleazy blog on 2peas so why is she over there defending it when she feels she doesn't have to defend it in the first place? I think someone had the collar too tight and damaged some of those brain cells.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Now Taking Bets

How long do you think she will stay gone?

$30,000 worth of therapy - You Got Ripped Off

I saw this post by Manda. Girl, you got screwed. Not only because you spent 30,000 on therapy (you need better insurance BTW) and it didn't help, but because you spent 30,000 and think that it did help.

And while I am talking about Manda- please find a nurse to care for your boyfriend. Beg for money, rob a bank, pimp yourself out- whatever you have to do to afford it just do it. I don't think I can take too much more of your pissing and moaning about caring for him. If you can't stop thinking about how all this is affecting you rather than being more concerned about him then not only do you need to get a nurse, but your man needs to find a new woman.

To The Anonymous Poster

(that should narrow it down)

Anonymous poster said:
Um, dude. Do you mean to tell me you think there are "groups" of women reading this blog and discussing it? I find that wildly unlikely. It's good, just not that good. I wish I could pat your cute little head and make you feel better. So you didn't have so much pent up hostility. Maybe you just need a sweet little lady in your life to make you feel better. :)

Sorry to disappoint you, but I do believe there are groups of people reading the blog. You know why I think that? Because every time I check my stats there has been anywhere from 55 to 108 people viewing the blog at the same time (right now there are 65 viewing it). Also, there have been several visitors who have gotten here via an email link. And there have also been 42 referrals to my site from 5 different blogs and 26 referrals from 3 different message boards (not including 2 peas). My stats only show details for the last 100 visitors so since the site has been averaging nearly 2,000 hits a day, I am sure there are more referrals from places I am not cathing. So yeah I think it is safe to assume that people are discussing the blog.

Let's thank the Lord for the internet which keeps people like you from actually touching people like myself.

"Say It Under Your Own Name"

I laugh my ass off every time I see one of the blog haters type that. You all know why they want to know who is saying shit about them right? So that they can talk shit back to you about things you have posted. Which then would cancel out their comments complaining about people saying bad things about them. And when you point out what a hypocrite they are, they will respond in the usual 2peas manner of "you started it!" It's just eating some of them up not knowing who thinks so poorly of them and not having the same advantage to point out the commenter's flaws. I love it.

Sorry, But It Is True

I am so sorry to bust the bubbles of those who think I am leaving anonymous comments. That would be retarded. I by no means need anyone to validate my opinions or make it appear to others that I am being validated. Unlike those on 2 peas who constantly post PVM's, I know what the fuck I am talking about and I sure as hell don't need people to agree with me in order to continue posting my opinions. I think some of you should stop trying to convince yourself that only one or two people think you suck and start using this blog as a reason to step back and take a good look at yourself. Obviously there are a number of people who dislike some of you and if you don't care what they think then fine. If you are complaining about what is being said about you on the blog and/or trying to discredit the commenter's, then obviously you care.

How Did I Miss Steffie's Post

Man, I just came across this thread and can't believe I missed it! Did anyone else thinking the timing on this was more than a mere coincidence? Was poor Steffie afraid that the people she was aware she had been rude to were the ones ripping her apart here? Or was she just trying to act fast so that more people wouldn't jump on the band wagon? Your post reminded of a 4th grader being made to apologize to those he teased on the playground while standing in front of the whole school at an assembly. People don't like you Steffie. You will never be able to make it up to all the people you have pissed off.

Uh, She Is Your Mother

The OP wants to know what she should do for Mother's Day because her Mom is giving her the silent treatment. Tell me, did your mother beat you with a wooden spoon when you were a child? Did she hang you by your toes in the basement and make you listen to the Eddie Murphy album for hours on end? Did she make you eat what the rest of the family left on their dinner plates and do so out of the dog bowl? She is your MOTHER. Stop being a braty little bitch and get the woman a card. There are several that simply say "Happy Mother's Day". You don't have to get one telling her she is Mrs. Brady. The woman gave birth to you. She fed and clothed and cared for you, You're not a child anymore. Do the adult thing and send her a card. Let her choose to acknowledge it or not. This is such a lame thing to ask about.

What An Absurd Suggestion

There have been a couple comments about not letting anonymous users leave comments. That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. The comments are what makes this blog so worth the time. That is not going to happen.

Also, about updating only once a day- if I have time to update through out the day then I am going to do it. There might be some days that there are no new entries and some days there might be 5. I write when I feel like it, but thanks for telling me how to run my own blog.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Why Don't You Try READING It First

Here is a perfect example of a thread that people are just so quick to jump on that they don't take the time to actually see and read what is being said. Instead, they see one sentence that gets their goat and finish the post with tunnel vision. Then they open their big mouths and show what an ass they are. Even worse, the OP tries to correct people and go further in depth about what she is trying to say and people still don't pay attention. Get your head out of your ass people and pay attention to what you are reading.

Oh Mely Mely Mely

If I ever had a hard on for you it not only went away, but crawled up inside me once I found out you were one of "those" girls. I only had an opinion of your ugly dog in a dress until other people started filling in the info for me. It's your life that is so troubling and one you put out there for the world to see. Deal with it. And if you don't like it, take your own advice and stop reading my blog.

Am I afraid the blog might get pulled? Are you serious? Do you really think that is going to happen because one or even 5 people find it objectionable? Pah-leeese We aren't on 2peas where the crying get's you your way. And if by chance hell does freeze over (or you sleep with the owner) and the blog get's pulled, you really think it will be the last of it? You need to get off at the first floor and make a right to pick up your reality check.

Did 8 Just Really Say That?

Talk about Sybil. This post does not really seem to fit with her comments here. Perhaps I am reading things wrong?
You can view the text better by clicking on the picture.

Just For The Record

Because you never know what can happen.
You can better see the text by clicking on the pictures.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Do You Hate Blackberry Lou?

She wants to know.

Just helping you out blackberry lou. I figured you would get more honest answers here than on 2peas.

No need to thank me.

What Sense Would That Make?

Why on earth would I make a comment on my own blog and do so with out signing in? If I had more to say about an entry don't you think I would start a new topic? Or at least sign in if I did comment. How stupid that some of you think I have written one let alone numerous comments. In my opinion, the comments have been the best thing about the whole blog. I really had no idea people would come out of the wood work and give a piece of their own mind. The fact that some of you would rather think that only 1 or 2 people feel the same way as I do then the number of people commenting just goes to show you how clueless some people over there are. Trust me, I would love for people to be signing in under their own name just so that 1) I could see for myself exactly who agrees and 2) to see the ultimate train wreck when people's true feelings are revealed. That would be Oscar winning material right there.


This is the 2peas blog, not the LM blog. Get your own bashing blog for that crap.

(going to check out LM)

Too Funny

There have been six threads started today involving this blog. And you think I have too much time on my hands? The threads are boring so I am not bother to read all the comments, but you have to admit it is kind of funny to see it go on and on and on and on. They self destruct at every turn.

Just For StephStanley

Because you wanted to be talked about and 'loved' here is an entry just for you.

That last kid in your photobar. That's a boy? I am not being 'snarky' I am seriously asking. I have seen 3 or 4 photobars of your kids and I always think that one is a very tomboyish girl. I never see any talk about a girl in the family though. Weird.

A Couple FYI's

I am not posting anonymous comments to my blog.
I have never not been logged when when I leave comments on other blogs.
I don't care one bit if people leave anonymous comments on the blog.
I do have a problem with the lame excuses from the people who said they posted anonymously because they don't feel like making an account. You can type your name in when you make the comment. If your going to be anonymous that's fine, just don't make lame excuses for it.

Mely- I Had No Idea

Wow, I wasn't expecting to learn anything extra from my blog, but sure enough I have gotten a whole other insight on Mely. She is not a Pea I really paid attention to until the "dress" incident. I was aware that her daughter sits on a pedestal but I had no idea what a skank her mother is. 3 young kids with 3 different fathers? You're more fucked up than I thought. You might want to put down the dog dresses for a second and get your legs up on that sewing machine. Man. I have to start paying more attention to her threads. Obviously I have missed a lot of great writing material on her. Thanks to the peas who let me in on what I was missing.

Show Me Where I Did That

To those of you who apparently have a problem with me "making fun of" special needs children and what not. Where did I do that? Show me. Seriously. I made fun of no one. That whole thread had to do with my annoyance at the OP and the commenters calling children mean. It wasn't about the kids being 'mean'. It was about them not knowing any better about the child situation. I would say I was surprised, but I'm not. NSBR peas are notorious for taking someone's words and completely turning them around on the OP because they don't know how else to respond. Don't make situations up just to gain more ammo for your point of view. It only shows your ignorance.

Stop Wasting Your Time

Stop wasting your time racking your brain about my pecking order. There really is no rhyme or reason for the order in which I choose to write about specific people or events. When the mood strikes me, I post about what's on my mind. If you happen to be the one that is annoying me at the time then it is you I write about.

And trying to figure out who I am by who I choose to write about is also a bog waste of time. You don't know me so why is it going to matter who is on my shit list and who isn't?

This Is Hilarious

I expected comments, but never did I expect so many people to agree with me about so many things. Some of the comments have been priceless. Can you just imagine the uproar at 2peas if those who agreed with me actually signed their comment? ROFL

You have given me so much to comment on that I don't even know where to start. I guess I will just go through the 11 pages of the 2peas post (yes I know it was pulled and yes I was sure to have someone save all of it before it happened) and comment in order. Of course I can not provide links due to the thread being pulled so I suppose I have to quote everything.

#1- To clairify my blog title- 2 peas in my ass is meant to be read like "you are a pain in my ass". Get it? All the comment about what is actually up my ass is just lame, but if you like I can bend over and give you a good look of what's up there.

#2 Blackberry Lou gets the gold star for her brilliance in figuring out my secert plan.

Blackberry Lou- The funny thing is, it would
have stayed anon, but she left a comment on my blog and left her link. I think
that means she wanted to be found.

#3 So so many remarks made about me being a coward for not posting my feelings on 2peas, hiding behind a blog blah blah blah. What is the whole point of having a personal blog to begin with? So that people can share what's on their mind. So why do some of you feel I owe it to you to step on your turf and speak my mind rather than doing it in my own space? If I responded to threads on 2 peas like I did here then all I would hear about is what a trouble maker I am and why do I post on 2peas if I am just going to bitch about everyone and bitch bitch bitch. Pointless. I would much rather have my own space where I am free to say what I wish and not have to worry about my opinion getting pulled by the powers that be. I have every right to have a blog and to say what I wish.

#4 In true pea fashion here is a S/O of the above comment. Why am I considered to be so "anonymous"? None of you would know me from Adam so if I choose not to put my real name on the blog what does it matter? Despite all the speculation, none of you have a clue who I am. I am not the only blogger (or MB personality for that matter) who chooses not to use their real name on the internet. You're reaching a bit here to try and insult my character because I am nameless.

#5 Speaking of all the speculation- I am insulted over the fact that so much credit has been given to anewday for this blog. Didn't you all read the pea intro where I said
Peas love her for her upfront honesty and having the balls to say whats on her mind rather than pussy footing around the 'queens' of the board. Peas also love to hate her for the very same reasons- once that honesty is directed towards peas that are well known and liked.

And Mary Mary said:
If the IP address
traces back to somewhere other than Florida, I will very humbly offer my deepest
regret in being so misguided about your character.

I think not only should you do that, but you should commit to being anewday's board bitch for a month.
Oh, and Nurse Kitty? Wasn't she a night pea? Pay attention the blog entry times. You smart ones should have eliminated that name right away.

#6 Oooh and there is MOUNDS to say about all the "IP" comments.

NLGuy- You know, my other thought about this
was, "Doesn't this person know about IP addresses?" I mean, really, the ability
to find out who virtually anyone is exists out there on the internet if you know
where to look.

-Yep, I sure do know all about IP addresses. What the hell is your point? Am I suppose to be afraid of someone knowing my IP address?
Blackberry Lou, I was laughing my ass off at all your posts about having the email for the tech support guy of the corporation I worked for. Oh, and the ridiculous threat informing my work of time wasted on 2peas. And this was the best:

Blackberry Lou-I even have a phone number and a tech support
e-mail. It would take one e-mail to turn her in to her company. People don't

Seriously, I had tears puddling on my keyboard from the laughter. I am glad you finally realized you didn't really know shit. Thanks for the laughs though.

#7 You have to just love the number of people giving me their permission to continue the blog.

Darlin Nikki- Doesn't bother me. Let someone waste
away their life worrying about what I am doing and typing. Fine by me.

Gee, thanks. God knows I would have stopped had you told me to.


This, to me is a tremendous invasion of

You're fucking kidding me, right? Privacy? Just what exactly is private about a nation wide web site that everyone and their cousin can access? Idiot.

Oh wait, wait wait I have to go back to #6. I didn't catch this the first timereading through the 2peas thread.

Blackberry Lou- I am confident this person will be much,
much more careful about posting nasty comments on peas blogs now, because she
knows she can get burned by it. If she's stupid enough to do it again, well,
let's just say I gave her a big warning. A 6 page warning.

I can't comment, I am laughing too hard. Priceless.


Slower Joe
take it as well as you dish it out. I promise you that you won't win a battle of
smacktalk with me.
- just hope whoever it is doesn't go crying to mom when
he/she is given a taste of her/his own medicine
-I can take a joke. I just
hope it is just as well-received when he/she gets it back tenfold.

Is that a threat? What am I suppose to be able to take? You don't know anything about me, loser.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Re: "WWYD...disagreement with friend about our kids behaviors"

I am just going to copy the original post because that is all I want to comment on.

Y'all know that Im the first to admit that my kids are not angels. They are
good kids at heart, but my 6yr old has "issues" that we are working on now. We
are in counseling and addressing those. My 2yr old is a typical headstrong and
stubborn 2yr old who throws his fair share of temper tantrums. My friend has a
7yr old son who is way laid back. Never threw fits when he was 2 and 3. Is very
self sufficient now. Gets up in the morning, gets himself dressed, gets a bowl
of cereal, stays upstairs while she and her dh are getting ready downstairs. The
7yr old really is self sufficient and doesnt rely on his parents as much as my
6yr old relies on me........

7yr old (friends son) came in to use the bathroom. My 6yr old also had to
go. We only have 1 bathroom. They were going to race for the bathroom. Friend
started to tell my 6yr old that its polite to let a guest use the restroom first
and at the same time the 7yr old yelled "GO!" and took off, ran the race, and my
6yr old was mad. My ds hit the 7yr old, 7yr old began to cry, my friend got
angry at my ds. Understandably so. My ds had no right to hit his friend. Im 100%
with her on that. I heard raised voices so I came inside to see what happened.
She had my ds on the couch, he was crying. She wasnt yelling but you could tell
it was taking every ounce of self control not to. She told him that there was no
need for htat, she was very very angry with him, 7yr old isnt going to want to
be friends anymore if thats how my ds is going to act, etc, etc, etc. My ds
cried more and asked why she was being so mean. She said she wasnt but she was
angry and wasnt going to let him get away with that. My ds said something about
how if her ds hadnt done X (some nonsense thing little kids think is important)
then he never would have hit him. Friend told him that was unacceptable and he
might be able to get away wiht that nonsense wiht his mother but it wasnt
working on her and then she told him to cut the crying out because that was old
adn she was tired of that too. That is when I finally got over my shock and
stepped in. I told ds to go to his room and Id be in in a few minutes to say
good night..........

I wasnt saying much to my friend as I was livid with her. Again...I
understand her being upset and my ds shouldnt have hit her son. BUT, I think she
went WAY overboard and crossed a line there. I dont have a problem with someone
kinda getting after my kids if they do something, but in this case, I was there
and feel that I should have been the one to handle it. Regardless, the things
she said and hte way she said them were wrong. Anyway.....she did apologize to
me before she left that night. She said she was tired and worn out and snapped
and shouldnt have and she was very sorry. Said she should have gotten me and let
me handle it. I thanked her for hte apology and said goodnight. Now the more I
think about it the more upset I am. We were IMing earlier tonight and I flat out
asked her what she htought of my kids. I told her to be honest. And she was. She
said they are the most attention intensive kids she has ever met, thats not
necessarily a bad thing, they are exhausting, but they are good kids at heart
and she likes them a lot. What in the world does THAT mean?!?! I think (and Ive
always thought this, its not just in reaction to what she said about MY kids)
that her child can be a bit bratty as well. Its the age, you know? Every 6 or 7
yr old boy can be a raging ball of bratiness from time to time. My son is more
vocal, hers is more sneaky. I have seen her son say mean things to my ds, I have
seen her son hit my ds when he thinks we arent looking, her son told me that my
2yr old is "the devil" because hes so bad, her son has told me on more than one
occasion that Im fat, and we all went out to dinner one eve and her son and my
son were walking to the car holding hands....her ds clawed his nails into my ds'
knuckles and left scratches on the middle 3 knuckles that were there for a
couple weeks. ds is not totally innocent, either. THere have been
times when he is hte instigator too. I think that my friend fails to see that
and has blinders on when it comes to her son. Anyway......I value my friendship
with her and dont want to be hasty and end the whole friendship. However, I am
very hurt and upset at this recent turn of events. Am I over reacting? I know
the yelling incident between her adn my ds was because everyone was just plain
old tired, hot, and cranky. But it still happened. Ds shouldnt have hit her ds,
but she is an adult nd shouldnt have snapped on him the way that she did. What
do I do? We've talked about it already. shes apologized a couple times. I know
that she is deeply sorry. Im deeply hurt and confused by it still, though.

Here is my response- Your child did wrong, the parent of the child who was hurt caught it and she addressed it. She said the things she did because she probably spent all day watching your kids misbehave (as well as other times) and was tired of you not doing what you should to keep them straight. When it came to her child being hurt, she decided to take care of it the way it should have been taken care of. Had she left it up to you, nothing you would have done or said would have made any difference with your child.... obviously since they are already out of control. There was no reason for you to try and point the finger at the other child talking about how 'sneaky' he is. This is about your child and his misbehaving that you let him get away with. I know parents like you who have children like you do and I would have done the same thing as your friend. She got fed up with your children's behavior and your lack of good parenting and decided she need to get the job done.

This is about you and your bad children. Put your energy towards making it right rather than blaming those who know how to parent.

Where There is Nikki There Is Joe

This thread relates to the thread I posted below this entry. I had to slam the back of my head against the wall to get my eyeballs to drop back down. I rolled them so many time reading this thread and since the muscles were already weak from the constant eye rolling from Nikki's thread they started getting jammed. What a brilliant display of 6th grade flirting between these two people. Thank God there is no sound to accompany the board. If I had to hear the silly giggling going on during these threads I am almost sure my verps would be full on vomits.

The Taco Or The Hot Dog, Which Is It?

PSA (public service announcement) Darlin Nikki has just had her lesbo card revoked for turning on her fellow carpet munchers and taking a poke from a man. Tsk Tsk This would be her childs father so straight, gay, straight???? Obviously lesbian is not the proper classification. Bi sexual is the right term. Personally I think she is full of a shit and just wants people to believe she is a dyke because that makes her kewl. Make up your mind Nikki.

Oh and let's not over look the thread title:
Ok, I. Um. Yeah. Oh my! Did I do that?? {TMI for Joe to handle}
I really think Joe and Nikki need to hook up in real life. You have a closet homosexual and fabricated lesbian. Both need an obscene amount of attention in life and I think it's a tie between who is more narcissistic.

Feed The Beast

Joe has had a thread going for a week now and every so often he changes the title to something more retarded then the previous title. The thread started out as an apology to the board for killing threads. Like anyone cares. He claims to have tried to kill this particular thread of his and although I think Joe is such a poor excuse for man, he can't possibly be so dumb as to think anything he was going to do was going to kill the thread. The replies have filled 36 pages at this point and is about to go down as 0ne of the top 5 stupidest threads to grace the 2 peas NSBR board. Keep it up Joe, you must really feel like a worshiped God by all these overweight middle aged women who keep feeding your ego.

I Thought I have Seen It All

I admit it's really cute when Mother's dress their children in matching clothes, especially real young children dressed to match their older sibling. And yes, I even find dogs dressed in little dog clothes kind of cute in a silly way. This , however is just sick. If you have time to make a dress for your child and your dog, then you have too much time. This is the kind of thing they put people in crazy hospitals for. Not to mention the dog is just butt face ugly.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

You're Kidding, Right?

A thread was posted with the following topic:
I had a camel toe situation today *pic inside*

Of course this got everyone's attention. Apparently peas like to see a good camel toe. Well the title had nothing to do with the post. It was just to get attention so people would open the thread. It was actually a post about why a pictures was views as racist and or funny. Have a look for yourself.

So here is someone's response:

I had a camel toe situation today
What does this have to do with the
picture? I am confused?!?!?!?!

Are you pulling my wanker? Is she really not getting this? Or is she just trying to be cute? It should be her picture that is posted in the original post. Stupid ass.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oh So That's What She Does For A Living


I don't know, $250 and hour seems kind of steep for an old lady.

Judging Those For Judging You

There was a post today from a mom who has a "special needs" child (which BTW I think is a term that gets waaay over used these days) who was labeling kids at the playground as 'mean'. Apparently her "special needs" child drools and she got drool all over one of the play tunnels and some kids came upon it and made a comment about there being spit everywhere - yeah, someone's spit where you are playing is gross no matter who is comes from. The saw there was drool all over this womans little girl and the kids shouted that they need to get away. All the while the little girl carries on unaware of the issue. Her post title asks why kids are so mean. She receives several response from people commenting about kids being mean.

Okay so explain this to me like I am an 8 year old. Don't you think it is going a bit overboard to not only call these particular children mean, but to make such a wide generalization about kids? As an adult, if you see someone spit on the ground, what is your reaction? I realize there is a difference between spitting on purpose and not having control over drooling but it's all someone's spit and it's gross to other people no matter how you look at it. What are the odds that these 'mean' children knew and or understood that your daughter couldn't help her drool? All they know is the area they are trying to play in has some kids spit all over it. Let's not be so quick to judge them and label them as mean child.

Here is the thread.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Here we have a message board with not only owners, but employees. There are no member moderators on the board which is to say there is no student hall monitor to give out demerits and write peas up for doing something they shouldn't be doing. Not to worry though, 2 peas has tattletales.

2 peas has a feature on the message board that allows members to report threads that might be violating the TOU (terms of use). I don't really see anything wrong with being the one who reports a thread. But then there are peas who not only report a post, but they make sure they let the offender publicly know they have been reported. And some take it even a step further. They report the post, reply to the author to say they have reported it and then go to another category of the message board and start their own thread about what they did. That is what you call a tattletale. "Ha ha, Sally was eating the classroom paste again and I went and told on her."

Here is a perfect example of a tattletale from today.

2 Days Ago Today.....

I was sitting on the pot wondering if my constipation would cure itself or if I needed to take something for it.

Yet another trend of posting that makes me want to stick sporks in my eyes. The most common seem to be announcing the birthday of a child.
A year
Four years
Nineteen years
Uhh, 6 months? What is 6 months compared to ones posting of 21 years?

Some are sad events
What a pathetic thing to admit to a message board.
Sad story, but geesh- it had only been a week.

More interesting one.

That choice of thread title is just annoying. Why can't you just say that today is so and so's birthday? That way people like myself who don't care that it is your rugrats birthday can skip the post. Or just say that it has been X years since whoever passed away. Why is there this need to make people curious as to what your thread is about? Why can't it be put in the title? And why oh why do you need to start it with "X years ago today". Come on people. Get a little original would ya.

Keep Them Guessing

I absolutely hate it when a pea starts a thread that has everyone wondering and guessing what the hell they are talking about. Some of the posts are very obvious such as this one. The author is blatantly telling you that she knows something and you don't and she is going to make everyone wait 4 days to find out what that something is. Some thread titles are a little less obvious such as this one. And some are just so pointless I can't even imagine wasting my time typing it.

Someone tell me why these type of posts have to exist? If you are going to title a post about being sad or depressed or whatever, then why not follow through with a post about why you are feeling that way? What is your reasoning for posting if you are not going to explain what is going on? Just so strangers can comfort you? Well you could be sad that gay couples are allowed to adopt children in which case I would not comfort you. Is it just for attention? Do you want to see how many people will respond asking you what is wrong and giving you lame cyber hugs?

You are wasting people's time by baiting them with a title only to string them along when they open the thread. And don't give me that bullshit about having the power to skip by posts. When someone says they are upset I open it to see if I can offer some advice. So when I open a thread and there is just some lame face then you have wasted my time. By titling your thread
I am just sad...that's all....okay?
doesn't really make your post less intriguing. Quite the opposite in fact. And if that is simply all you are going to say then again, why bother? I wish people like that would start a blog or the like where they can put that kind of crap in there and put a link to their blog in their siggy. That way if I want to waste my time going to your blog to see how you are feeling then it's my loss if there is nothing worth while to read when I get there.

Oh, and as for posts like the first example I gave- guessing games are for children. Here again is a perfect reason to have a blog. What kind of reaction are you wanting from the peas with a post like that? No one has a fricken clue what you are talking about so to say they were excited for you or congratulating you would be stupid. Why not just wait until the day you can tell us before opening your pie hole? What kind of adult are you to get pleasure from watching people guess what you are talking about. And what kind of adult are you to play the guessing game with the author?

Grow up.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Anonymous Posters

One of the biggest conspiracies of NSBR is people with more than one identity. There are a couple reasons for this. Some peas will create a second user name so that they can be mean and snooty on the board and no one will know who they are. With the 2 ID's they are able to play 'good girl-bad girl'. Another popular reason for creating a second identity sort of goes along with the first reason. There are peas who like to bunch the panties of other peas and will post a thread under an assumed ID just to get some drama going. I guess these would be the people who have nothing else to do but sit infront of the computer all day. When the board seems to be running a little slow they log into another ID and see who they can light a fire under. And lastly would be for the sole purpose of posting some very personal story and not wanting anyone to know who they are for fear of embarrassment? safety? loosing respect? Could be any number of things. This reason for creating another ID is what I find most interesting.

Here are Peas who are probably only known in cyber space by other peas, telling a personal story about themselves and not wanting anyone to know who they are for whatever reason. How retarded is that? First of all, why do you feel the need to tell the people at 2 peas that your husband is cheating on you? For advice on what you should do perhaps? What kind of advice do you assume you are going to get that you don't already know? Hopefully it isn't so people can validate you. If you need that then you are an idiot and deserve to be cheated on. And it's not just people who experience infidelity that post anonymously.

Here is today's anonymous poster Abused What a sad story. Here is the problem though. This person doesn't just make up a fake ID and post her troubles. She makes sure to tell the Peas "Please, PLEASE don't try to guess who I am or to out me in any way". Okay, so maybe that is fine to say that, but she is an idiot to think that people on 2 peas are going to listen. But if you don't want people to know who you are, or try to find out who you are then why the hell did you give leading details about yourself? Such as revealing you have 3 very young children and that you are a SAHM? Not to mention that you let everyone know you will be moving soon and you gave the initial A at the end of your post. Why tell everyone that you are all over the board, that you seemed well liked, and that most people know you. I think people should out your dumb ass just for giving details like that. It's like you are asking to be found out and you are helping by giving some details. If I find out who you are, trust me I will be sure to post it here.

The bottom line here is that if you are going to post your sop story on 2 peas then do it under your regular name. You know sooner or later you will be found out. Why hide? If you are coming to 'friends' then the 'friends' should know who you are. If you feel the need to hide then you probably shouldn't be posting your crap.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Lets See Who Can One Up You

After Cara in Tx posted all her threads about houses, someone asked to see other pea houses. What a great thread to feed the nosy peas. There definitely was a lot of one upping going on in that thread and not in just one direction. Not only were some peas trying to show how grand their house was, it appears that people were actually trying to show they had the most shitty looking house. I mean, why else would people post some of the slums they did if they weren't trying to get the title of most nasty house? An no, I am not an idiot. I am not talking about the silly pictures that people were posting. I am talking about the real pea house pictures.

Take a look

Open Letters

I don't know who started this annoying trend, but you will find an open letter to someone at least once a week on the board. These are so stupid, pointless and in some cases, attempts for attention. If you are going to post about an incident that happens off the message board, why not just post it. Why does it have to be an 'open letter' addressed to someone. Unless you printed it out and sent it to the intended person, what the hell is the point? For the love of God, please stop following this pathetic trend.

Here are some examples:

Scrapbook Employer
Bathroom Scale

Now here are some that actually make a little sense to write:

To the board to stir the pot
To the board - an apology
To the board- sorry I am crazy woman (wish this had been a hairflip)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Annoying Signature Lines

Most peas have signatures which can consist of many different things. Photo's, quotes, blinkies, graphics, their name etc. A few of the peas get a little carried away with this feature. Sure you have the option of shutting off the signatures so you can't see them, but that means you have to turn them all off.

Here are a few signatures that get under my skin:
cammi-pea -She has 3 graphics in her siggy and the 3 look so ugly together. That pink graphic makes me want to hurl every time I see it.

pumpkinpea - this siggy is just waaay too busy. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to focus on her post from being so distracted by all that is going on with the dog crap.

mnbonnie - Here's a tip: if your post is 10 lines long and it combined with your signature takes up the whole length of the screen---then your siggy is too big!

MissMissy - I don't have a problem with the tickers, but do you really need more than 1? No one cares how many years and months your child is. Can't you do one at a time and count down to the next birthday or something? Please?

Kahluakoala - FYI: you can put more than one pic on a line.

supermom_ttf - lovely graphics, but again with the size and all the different things going on. Can't you tone some of them down a bit? Or switch them up from time to time.

anewday - This dude is so ugly the whole thing just offends my eyes.

melissa - What in the hell? A song lyric? What?

I Need Opinions From Strangers

I am always amazed at the kind of advice peas ask for from fellow peas. Sure I can see asking for other people's opinions, but some of the advice seekers go a little too far. Before I show you the current prize winner for the most ridiculous opinion post, let me share some past examples.

When should I go to the grocery store?
Cereal or a bath - At least she admits it's a dumb poll.
Wedding Photographer - This was not the only thread posted by this author about the subject matter. I wanted to shove a camera up her ass by the time it was over. I could not believe how serious this person was about getting help with choosing a photographer.
Which child's bed - Why is this something you need strangers to help you decide? This should have been a decision made by the parents and child.

So here is the winner for the month of March
Which house - Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4 - I saw no point to these threads what so ever. This was not about the author wanting peoples opinion on which house she should buy. Seriously now. This was nothing more than a way to show off and a poor attempt to hide it buy asking for opinions. Do you plan for any of the peas to take up residentcy in the home you choose? Are the peas helping you pay the mortgage? Why the hell are you wanting their opinion? This just got way too carried away in my opinion. If you find a house you plan to put an offer on, then fine go ahead and share it. Don't show picture after picture of inside and outside of houses. And really, is it necessary to tell everyone the price? The was nothing but plain old gloating at what one could afford. It was a sickening display and it dropped my opinion of the author.