Friday, June 30, 2006

I Wouldn't Say You're A Bad Parent----BUT

I think it is a really poor choice to have your infants ear(s) pierced. Why would any loving mother choose to have a piece of metal driven through their child's ear simply for vanity purposes? Earrings on a baby are unnecessary and is a decision that should be made by the child.

Shame on you mothers who have deliberately inflicted pain on your baby for your own selfish reasons.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Here's A Thought

Why don't you go over and ask them if they could turn the music down just a little bit? It's in the middle of the afternoon and they are outside playing music and having some fun. Not everyone (especially teens) realize that it might still be disruptive in the middle of the day. Geesh!

And I am wondering what kind action the police would take anyway. Do you have a noise law in your area at 12:00 in the afternoon? The world doesn't revolve around your kids nap time ya know. You might just have to act like the adult for once and nicely ask the neighbors if they could tone it down a bit because your child is napping. You are asking for trouble with them if you sick the cops on them.

Is It Just Me, Or......

is this mothers priorities out of wack?

I said, "Yeah, because it isn't HER teen daughter who will come home pregnant!"

This mothers first (and perhaps only) concern seems to be the girl having sex and getting pregnant.

I would hope that a parents first concern would be the fact that a woman the mother doesn't even know is wanting to take her daughter out of the country. Forget that a boy is even involved. I think the more appropriate response would be, "No because I don't know the family well enough at this point."

Instead, the poor girl gets a big fat slap in the face from her mother because the response implies 1) she has a lack of trust in her daughter and 2) the daughter having sex/getting pregnant is more of a concern then the girls over all safety.

Nice job mom! Now your daughter is going to be angry at you for saying no, not because you were concerned about her safety but because you didn't trust her to keep her legs shut. Keeping going with that and you are guaranteed to become a grandmother before she graduates high school.

Good Luck With That

You can't get the kid to come back and finish mowing your lawn, you really expect him to give you part of the money back? I think the kid is stupid for cutting that much grass for only $40.00 in the first place. Get your lazy ass out there and cut it yourself or start paying better. Then maybe the job would get done.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Your Priest Is An Ass

"He spoke of our responsibility as women to not bring men to the 'near occasion of sin' by our choice of dress".

I am sure rape victims would just love him.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Obviously You Have Never Been To Florida

A 50 year old man in a small convertible sports car. Why must he be going through a mid life crisis? This sounds like typical retired folk you find around the beaches in Florida.

And why must there be 2 posts on this exact question? To answer your question, you're just a judgmental bitch. I didn't need those 2 posts to tell me that though.

Miss Priss Actually Does That?

Seriously? Scrapperwithaview actually touches a public toilet handle to flush? You do realize where peoples hands have been right before they flush, don't you? GROSS!

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I love how easy Sass makes it to point out what a nut job she is. What I don't understand is how people can continue to insist on what a great parent she is.

First of all, what bad sportsmanship to ask your daughter to leave before the game was over just because you are cold and your kids can't behave.

Second, this is your daughters thing. If she gets put in the outfield or sat on the bench because she isn't doing what she should be doing then that's on her. As long as she isn't complaining about losing her position because of something she did then I see no reason for you to get on her ass about it.

Third, I hope this isn't the daughter you have been having trouble with (that kept getting on the computer after grounding her from it). If it is the same child, then this makes things much more clear about your daughter wanting to rebel so much. Lay off a little bit.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Um, Didn't You Offer?

I agree, I think your friend should at least say thank you for picking the item up for her. That said, I think you need to step down from your throne. First of all you offered to get the gift. Yes your friend said no first and then waited a week to change her mind about it. Just because you had a bad couple of weeks and kept forgetting to get what you had offered to get, doesn't mean in the end you are something special for getting the item to her.

And wrapping it??? Again, stop acting like you became a last minute kidney donor for someone who was on the verge of dying. You offered to wrap the gift since you were delayed in getting the package to her sooner.

I think you are just as crappy of a friend as she is because of the emphasis you put on the whole ordeal. Next time don't offer her help if you are going to complain about it.

Get Some Self Control

Why do peas come to the board to ask the other peas to "talk them out of" buying something? Especially when you need the money for something more important and you are wanting to waste it ugly and/or non essential items? I think it says a lot when you have to have people tell you not to spend 100.00 on some gawd awful looking salvation army shoes instead of saving the money for a car you want. Learn some self control and how to better manage money. We would have a drop in welfare numbers if the government started paying people to teach some people how to better manage their money instead of writing government checks.

Did You Catch That?

The home schooling mom had to make sure you all knew her 6 year old could read well. Sounds like a lot of people responding to that thread are trying to justify there feelings for wanting summer break to be over with. Interesting.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's Not An Adoption Site

Why does vix feel the need to post a picture of every animal in the shelter she works at? Looking at her post history, nearly every topic she starts has to do with her work. A perfect reason to have a blog. No one cares about post after post about little sparky found on the side of the road. If not a blog, move on over to an animal related board if that is all you are going to talk about.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Well Wouldn't You Know

Scrapperwithaview can't take one of her own famous hand slaps. A big thank you to all those who have pointed that out to her on that thread. How funny that she wants to claim she deleted her post by accident, like we are all that stupid not to realize what she was trying to do. Here is what the original post said for those who missed it and didn't see a pea repost it.

I just think it is silly to waste perfectly good land to bury people in. Cremation seems so much more "environmental" to me.
Down here there are strict burial rules due to the groundwater being so high and being so close to the water.
We have a gorgeous Veteren's Cemetary, but it is on prime waterfront real estate.
It just seems like a waste of land. I mean no offense, just look at things differently I guess. LOL!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

How Sad

I just read about scrapperwithaview losing her baby. I don't see anywhere where she says this, but it appears she miscarried while on vacation in Jamaica. How very sad. Seriously.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's A Nice Gesture, But.....

this person made a huge mistake and has no one to blame but herself. If I had to box up my scrapbooks for spell, I would make sure 1) they were in plastic sealed containers, 2) make sure I know where they are being stored and that it is a proper place and 3) tell the person who has them in their possession to guard them with their life.

Now everyone wants to use their time and money to help her out because she screwed up. I think generosity should have it's limits, but that's just me.

Whoa! Hold The Phone

Did anyone else catch this:

"He claims they have not had sex yet"

YET? He has been with her for 2 weeks and he is 17 and he is saying yet. That suggests that he plans on having sex with her at some point and I am guessing he isn't waiting until they get married for that. This is just a very sad and unfortunate household all around isn't it?

Yet, he says. Hmp!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Do You Get This Feeling Too?

When ever I read a post from Sass I feel like I am reading something by a teenager. I am sure some of you are probably saying "DUH". I know she has always been 'off' and I just always assumed reading her posts were just annoying because of her history and all, but she really is just immature isn't she? Reading this post I kept thinking, 'you sound like a big sister trying to care for your siblings.' You know when kids fight with each other and they sound real bratty? I see this same thing going on in Sass' house between her and her kids which is probably why she has so much trouble getting respect from her kids. How sad for her family.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


You were in a theater to watch a children's movie and your husband MOVED seats and sat right in front of a small child. People don't usually get up from where they have been sitting and sit somewhere else only to move a third time. My guess is she wanted to make sure he didn't settle into the seat before asking him not to sit there.

And my questions was - Is it really okay to try to dictate to other people in theaters where they should sit so that you can have the best view?

It didn't sound like she was dictating to people where to sit. She was ASKING your husband (who moved from a seat next to his family to another) if he could not sit there. He already had a seat that was working fine, but because you have a kid who can't behave and a husband who wants to act like a baby then someone else's child was going to suffer. As for the next family that came in--- what is so bad about asking the adult not to sit right there? He had a child with him and simple switch should have been fine.

Sounds like you're just kind of bitchy person to deal with.

Nice Thread

I am sure the teen that is over due and having a hard time with her OB wanting to deliever her is just going to love reading this thread.

Help With What?

He is 3 and doesn't want his birthday to be celebrated. Respect it. Buy him something and just give it to him and don't make a fuss. I see no reason to try and find a way to talk him into wanting a birthday other than the parents wanting it- and it isn't about them, is it? Leave him alone already. You are just making it worse for him. Keep pushing and he will never want to celebrate his birthday.

Again, he is 3.


I saw his pee-pee.

I should say that the thread has been really sad to read, but in all honesty I have been laughing through it. Laughing at all the ladies who apparently thought big celebrity meant big dick.

This thread has got to page 3 already, so where are all the hand slappers? Why haven't any flags been thrown for use of a judgmental comment?

Come on. You are commenting on the size of the guys penis. I'm pretty sure he wasn't "displaying" himself to say that he has a huge tool. And I am positive he has never publicly implied that he gets women because of what is in his pants. So what is with the comments?


God Forbid

someone wants to play with your kid. Chill out lady. It's not like some 50 year old man is knocking on your door.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

What Does That Matter

What does it matter that the person you are talking about is large? No wait, let me put it like you did LARGE. I read the post 3 times and I still do not see what this woman's size has to do with anything? Do you think only "LARGE" people do that? To say that people sometimes use their size to intimidate people and assuming that is what she was doing--how ignorant. I suppose you think black people use their skin color to intimidate white people too. Nice.

Friday, June 09, 2006

So Lets Start Another Thread

How many threads are there about the million dollar baby? If you are tired of hearing about it then why are starting another thread where people are going to talk about it? If you want give that opinion, why not do it on one of the threads already started?

Thursday, June 08, 2006

What A Bitch

I am pretty sure it has been said here in the comments, but I am now taking note of what a bitch Yvonne is. I wonder if the people complaining about the language and insults that are being thrown around here are the same ones praying for a person like this. (see page 2)

oh yvonne
the Pea-rom Queen is pregnant
PeaNut 15036 - 5/6/2001
Posts: 11262 Layouts: 72
Loc: Thousand Oaks, So Cal
Posted: 6/7/2006 9:11:37 PM

no kidding, Susan. I avoided this thread because I'm sick of hearing about this blog. Samantha, you are such an f-ed up loser. You are apparently having a good time with your coward assed self on this blog thing, apparently, no wonder you promote it so much. WTF is your gd problem, woman? Still bitter that you lost the "God hates Fags, don't let them marry wars?". You make me sick. Shove it, and lay off MY friend Moni. Got something to say to me then say it here, because I won't be chasing you down anywhere else, you loser.

****************** Yvonne, lover of old garden roses, gardens crammed with flowers, Enrique and my 9 year old step-daughter Marissa

"what is yvoone class prom queen or something of pea high? Thats gotta be the big joke here under the bleechers." ~the "great" pea~pea

Or An Exotic Dancer


Good Grief

You're seriously going to hand the teachers a check? You have got to be the lamest parent of the year. I can hear the conversation with the teacher:

"You did such a wonderful job with our 1st grader. We are just so impressed in her progress this year. I have known since the start of the school year when the last day of school was, but it wasn't a high priority to get you a gift so let me write you a thoughtless check for $25.00."

I think I would rather sign a nice card than hand over a check. Wow, that just takes some nerve in my opinion.

Monday, June 05, 2006

It Must Be Monday Because

supermom_ttf is bitching about her job.......... again.


I realize it says TMI, however is it ever really necessary to go into details about how much or how often you spewed your guts? I really don't think anyone needs that much detail to understand you are not feeling well. It's really just an over share.

Sounds Backwards

Lets break this down. Then maybe it will make sense, but I doubt it.

  • You would have no problem saying yes to dinner with a young guy.
  • You are concerned about dinner with an older man.
  • You want to believe the older man can be mature about it and it just be dinner.
  • On the other hand "a man is a man, is a man".

So, young man=mature and trusting

Older man=ulterior motive

I was right, it still doesn't make sense to me.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Oh- That's Normal

Having uncommon swelling in your ankle for A WEEK with tenderness to boot is nothing to concern yourself with. Just how hard do I need to slam my head against the wall in order to think like some of these idiots? I'm just not getting it.

Just Do It!

Just go buy a damn test already. What the fuck is the point of working yourself up over what could be nothing at all? A quick trip to the bathroom to piss on a stick could very well save you hours-maybe even days or weeks of agony wondering if you are pregnant. Just get it over with already. You're 10 days late. If you are pregnant you are going to know from the test.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Oh Goody

Now we have two of them. Let's hope this one is the brain of the family.

Do You Have Any Self Confidence?

What is with you over sensitive women? My God, every day there is some kind of posting asking "am I over reacting" or "was I right to be pissed off". Christ why can't some of you just feel and respond to situations and feel confident about it? And why in the hell do you need to ask strangers about your own feelings and reactions? What is going to happen if everyone tells you that you over reacted? Two words hair flip. You'll get all pissy and try to state your case better taking a 80% chance that the thread will get ugly on you and then you'll huff and stomp your feet convincing yourself that everyone here is just a bitch.

Again, how do some of you function in the world?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Do You Want A Cookie?

So you cleaned your scrap room. Big deal. Are you trying to show off the fact that you are slob who cleaned up or are you just proud of your crappy looking scrap room?

Was This Sarcasm

Lauren sounds like a mother praising her child. Man I hope she was being sarcastic.

And to comment on the thread in general- Why am I not surprised that the OP is getting the replies that she is. I am sure if this very thread was started by pretty much anyone except KD (or Lauren) that it would have got reactions to the topic rather than reactions to the person.