Tuesday, October 24, 2006

That's Crap

People only say shit about Keri because they are jealous of what she has. That is complete bullshit.

Keri has a large house with pricey items. With that comes a large mortgage payment, high utilities bills, a lot of dusting, sweeping, moping and vacuuming. She has a lot of landscaping and a pool. All of that takes a lot of maintenance that she will either have to spend her time doing or pay someone to do. And maybe Keri doesn't mind doing all that cleaning and/or spending her money to pay someone to do it and if that's the case then great for her. For others, like myself, I can think of other ways I would like to spend my time and my money.

Kate1, not everyone needs or even wants what Keri has in order to feel fortunate. I love my house, it is nice and the perfect size for my family. My S/O and I both drive vehicles that are practical and do the jobs we need them to do. In our family, the ability to have one parent stay home to raise the children and not have to struggle to live on a single income is something that is priceless to us. Not having to have strangers raise our kids is what makes us very fortunate people.

So then what exactly am I jealous of? I talk about Keri the way I do because I honestly believe that Keri thinks what she has makes her better than others. Not everyone who has the means to have what Keri has, wants to have it. For me, to have what she has would mean a lot of wasted space, wasted money and wasted time and that would make me a less fortunate person.

It might be about jealousy for some, but not for everyone.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pregnancy, Miscarriage And Lies - You Have Been Warned

There is nothing else of interest to me to write about on 2 peas so I am going back to an oldie. Every time I see scrapperwithaview post I get that vomit taste in my mouth. Over the past several months I have formed the strong opinion that Ruth does nothing but spew lies in order for people to take an interest in her life. The whole pregnancy/miscarriage thing is what did it for me. I felt bad at first, but then I started thinking about the time line and how she kind of announced her miscarriage in passing.

Ruth has posted about every sad event in her life, and then with the blog, people started questioning her pregnancy. She makes a post to say she is leaving on 5/26 for a wedding and vacation in Jamaica.

Her next post is on 6/9 stating she lost the baby just over a week ago. That would mean she had a miscarriage with in the first couple of days of being in Jamaica. In this same post, she points out that people have accused her of making stuff up and that she just can't take the jabs right now.

I never found any posts that mention her trip to Jamaica, the wedding, nothing. It is not like Ruth not to share her misery with everyone else. She bathes in that kind of attention. I think she caught on that people were seriously doubting her and she took it as an opportunity to quietly bow out of her lie of being pregnant. Even if she didn't want to post the whole story for fear of jabs, it's still odd that she would say when she lost the baby and not make mention of the fact that it was during her trip. Ruths posting history just doesn't support her actions about losing the baby.

Anyhow, true or not, I just can't bring myself to have even the tiniest bit of respect for Ruth. Some of you are ready to pounce on me about this topic and tell me what a horrible person I am- but I equally feel the same about Ruth. I think she is a sick person (mentally and emotionally) and I would really find it surprising if someone else didn't feel the same.

The Betting Pool Is Now Open

Will we see a picture of mapchic?

Considering she has replied to some people while side stepping others who have asked to see a picture of her, my guess would be no.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

So You're Saying Your Kid Isn't Worth It?

I can't believe what little value some people put on their kids care. Are you seriously going to complain about paying 7.00 an hour for someone to come to your home and care for your 2 children while you are out? A babysitter is someone who is suppose to be a watchful protector for children when parents can't. And you're going to bitch about 7.00 an hour for someone to come in to your home and do that? What a shame that you find such little importance in the role of a babysitter. Do you not see that babysitters are used in most situations where parents want to go out and have time for themselves. You are in a sense brushing your kids and your parental responsibilities off on someone else, and that is only worth a few dollars an hour to you?

I certainly hope that people who complain about sitter rates are not people who pay to have their yards landscaped because they are to lazy to do it themselves, or someone who spends a lot of money on clothes so they can be in style. And lets not forget the women who take time out for themselves for mani's and pedi's. God forbid you have to use some of that money to pay someone who is caring for your children.

Since 2 Peas Appears To Be Down.....

Lets discuss Meatpopsicle. I was only able to look at his blog once and then after reading comments on the last post, I see it is gone. Accusations that he is Brandi's husband?? Is there a thread on this somewhere??

Anyone have anything to say on the subject of Mr. Meaty? I'd be curious to hear it if you do.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Second Verse, Same As The First"

Looks as though I didn't miss much around 2 peas. It appears to be the same lame shit going on.

Cara in Tx acting as though her "special guy" works at a 2 year olds level. Cara, your son seems to be a pretty smart kid. Why do you dumb him down to people so much? Is it so that people think his accomplishments are much greater than they really are? He did a great job on that cake. I wouldn't expect a non autistic child his age to do any better. So are we suppose to believe that this is just an amazing cake done by an autistic child whose mother acts as though he can't do anything above a first grade level? Stop presenting your kid to people like everything he does is just an amazing miracle because he is autistic.

The drama curse is still following supermom_ttf I see. Put your family in a freaking bubble out in the middle of no where and don't tell anyone where you are. That should clear up the black cloud that seems to follow not only you, but every member of your damn family.

Slower Joe still thinks he is the shit (see avatar). I have stated my feelings about Joe many times on the blog. My opinion of him just keeps getting worse and worse as he continues on at 2 peas.

Mothers wanting to put their kids in a position of defiance against school rules. Yeah, yeah - there is no rule that they can't dress as the mother wants her to dress, but the mother is doing this with a "We'll show you" attitude. Great thing to be teaching your kids.

Oh Yvonne seems to be giving Paige Pea a run for her money. Move over baby Paige Pea, it's time for us to know about every burp and bowel movement Dahlia has.

Parents punishing their kids when their best isn't good enough. Lady you said yourself that the kid is a good student. You know she is studying because you are doing it with her. You see that she knows the work. She gets a bad grade and you punish her for it? What a wicked mother you are. If you are going to punish a kid for bad grades, do it because they were being lazy or just not wanting to study. You don't punish a kid that you know is trying hard.

Monday, October 02, 2006

What's With All The Damn Freaks?

YOUR FRIEND IS MARRIED TO A CHILD MOLESTER! Jesus Christ! Why is this an opinion seeking post? Your FRIEND has a young DAUGHTER. Your FRIEND is married to a CHILD MOLESTER. If you don't know what to do in this situation and it's something you have to think about, and consider and ask strangers about - then fuck you! You are no better than the man playing with the kiddies. And the blog haters want to bitch about someone over here calling their kid retarded? But this kind of shit is okay?

Yeah. Ok. Whatever.

Parents Should Be Tested Before Having Kids

You scolded and grounded your 9 year old daughter for a choice she made, and you are worried about confronting your sister? What a dumbass. Your daughter told the cousin she didn't want to go in someone else's house. She was on the right path. The cousin told her she would get in trouble if she went back to the Aunt's house. So as a 9 year old, Mommy Dearest - what would you have done? You had no trouble treating your daughter like shit for what she did, why the hell are you worried about telling your sister how wrong she was?

I Love You Mommy Dearest

This Is A Joke, Right?

Please tell me this is a joke playing off of all the anonymous threads lately? A man attacked her and her husband has forgiven her? What the fuck? He is forgiving you for what? Not kicking the man in the balls and gouging out his eyeballs to stop him?

And what does mental illness, molestation and medication have to do with the fact that a man assaulted you? How much of the responsibility is yours? Christ almighty woman.
Is there something to the story you are not telling us?

And You Wonder Why Kids Are So Fucked Up......

It can't possibly be because they have fucked up parent's, can it? Crayolamama has joined my list of "Future parents of kids who are on death row". She is right under StephStanley.

Me Me Me - It's All About Me

Can we say selfish? You say this is about your child and protecting her, but the situation is really all about you. You stated your choices - Let him in your home so that the rest of the inlaws stay in touch or be a stubborn bitch and not invite your BIL over therefore leaving you to explain to your child why they don't know their grandparents. Wow, yeah. That's a hard one.

You have personal issue against your BIL that go way beyond not wanting him to 'influence' your child. It's just easier for you to justify your feeling by bringing up all the issues he has in his life. See? It's really more about you and your grudge. Not about what kind of horrible person your child might become if God forbid she comes in contact with him a couple times a year. How about this? Raise your child to be a good person and help guide her to make good choices in life. Teach her that not everyone makes the right choices all the time, but that she should accept people for who they are and reach out to them if they can. You don't want him to have a negative affect on her? Then be a good parent and guide her in the right direction. Stop making this a pissing contest with your BIL.