That's Crap
People only say shit about Keri because they are jealous of what she has. That is complete bullshit.
Keri has a large house with pricey items. With that comes a large mortgage payment, high utilities bills, a lot of dusting, sweeping, moping and vacuuming. She has a lot of landscaping and a pool. All of that takes a lot of maintenance that she will either have to spend her time doing or pay someone to do. And maybe Keri doesn't mind doing all that cleaning and/or spending her money to pay someone to do it and if that's the case then great for her. For others, like myself, I can think of other ways I would like to spend my time and my money.
Kate1, not everyone needs or even wants what Keri has in order to feel fortunate. I love my house, it is nice and the perfect size for my family. My S/O and I both drive vehicles that are practical and do the jobs we need them to do. In our family, the ability to have one parent stay home to raise the children and not have to struggle to live on a single income is something that is priceless to us. Not having to have strangers raise our kids is what makes us very fortunate people.
So then what exactly am I jealous of? I talk about Keri the way I do because I honestly believe that Keri thinks what she has makes her better than others. Not everyone who has the means to have what Keri has, wants to have it. For me, to have what she has would mean a lot of wasted space, wasted money and wasted time and that would make me a less fortunate person.
It might be about jealousy for some, but not for everyone.