I expected comments, but never did I expect so many people to agree with me about so many things. Some of the comments have been priceless. Can you just imagine the uproar at 2peas if those who agreed with me actually signed their comment? ROFL
You have given me so much to comment on that I don't even know where to start. I guess I will just go through the 11 pages of the 2peas post (yes I know it was pulled and yes I was sure to have someone save all of it before it happened) and comment in order. Of course I can not provide links due to the thread being pulled so I suppose I have to quote everything.
#1- To clairify my blog title- 2 peas in my ass is meant to be read like "you are a pain in my ass". Get it? All the comment about what is actually up my ass is just lame, but if you like
I can bend over and give you a good look of what's up there.
#2 Blackberry Lou gets the gold star for her brilliance in figuring out my secert plan.
Blackberry Lou- The funny thing is, it would
have stayed anon, but she left a comment on my blog and left her link. I think
that means she wanted to be found.
#3 So so many remarks made about me being a coward for not posting my feelings on 2peas, hiding behind a blog blah blah blah. What is the whole point of having a personal blog to begin with? So that people can share what's on their mind. So why do some of you feel I owe it to you to step on your turf and speak my mind rather than doing it in my own space? If I responded to threads on 2 peas like I did here then all I would hear about is what a trouble maker I am and why do I post on 2peas if I am just going to bitch about everyone and bitch bitch bitch. Pointless. I would much rather have my own space where I am free to say what I wish and not have to worry about my opinion getting pulled by the powers that be. I have every right to have a blog and to say what I wish.
#4 In true pea fashion here is a S/O of the above comment. Why am I considered to be so "anonymous"? None of you would know me from Adam so if I choose not to put my real name on the blog what does it matter? Despite all the speculation, none of you have a clue who I am. I am not the only blogger (or MB personality for that matter) who chooses not to use their real name on the internet. You're reaching a bit here to try and insult my character because I am nameless.
#5 Speaking of all the speculation- I am insulted over the fact that so much credit has been given to anewday for this blog. Didn't you all read the pea intro where I said
Peas love her for her upfront honesty and having the balls to say whats on her mind rather than pussy footing around the 'queens' of the board. Peas also love to hate her for the very same reasons- once that honesty is directed towards peas that are well known and liked.
And Mary Mary said:
If the IP address
traces back to somewhere other than Florida, I will very humbly offer my deepest
regret in being so misguided about your character.
I think not only should you do that, but you should commit to being anewday's board bitch for a month.
Oh, and Nurse Kitty? Wasn't she a night pea? Pay attention the blog entry times. You smart ones should have eliminated that name right away.
#6 Oooh and there is MOUNDS to say about all the "IP" comments.
NLGuy- You know, my other thought about this
was, "Doesn't this person know about IP addresses?" I mean, really, the ability
to find out who virtually anyone is exists out there on the internet if you know
where to look.
-Yep, I sure do know all about IP addresses. What the hell is your point? Am I suppose to be afraid of someone knowing my IP address?
Blackberry Lou, I was laughing my ass off at all your posts about having the email for the tech support guy of the corporation I worked for. Oh, and the ridiculous threat informing my work of time wasted on 2peas. And this was the best:
Blackberry Lou-I even have a phone number and a tech support
e-mail. It would take one e-mail to turn her in to her company. People don't
Seriously, I had tears puddling on my keyboard from the laughter. I am glad you finally realized you didn't really know shit. Thanks for the laughs though.
#7 You have to just love the number of people giving me their permission to continue the blog.
Darlin Nikki- Doesn't bother me. Let someone waste
away their life worrying about what I am doing and typing. Fine by me.
Gee, thanks. God knows I would have stopped had you told me to. #8
This, to me is a tremendous invasion of
You're fucking kidding me, right? Privacy? Just what exactly is private about a nation wide web site that everyone and their cousin can access? Idiot.
Oh wait, wait wait I have to go back to #6. I didn't catch this the first timereading through the 2peas thread.
Blackberry Lou- I am confident this person will be much,
much more careful about posting nasty comments on peas blogs now, because she
knows she can get burned by it. If she's stupid enough to do it again, well,
let's just say I gave her a big warning. A 6 page warning.
I can't comment, I am laughing too hard. Priceless.
Slower Joe
take it as well as you dish it out. I promise you that you won't win a battle of
smacktalk with me.
- just hope whoever it is doesn't go crying to mom when
he/she is given a taste of her/his own medicine
-I can take a joke. I just
hope it is just as well-received when he/she gets it back tenfold.
Is that a threat? What am I suppose to be able to take? You don't know anything about me, loser.